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Projet de rcnforccment du Reseau National Interconnectc (PR-RNI) SONABEL

DAO pour la construction de pastes 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

28. As far as practicable (except in the case of an exception granted by the Supervisor), the Contractor
shall avoid carrying out the Work during hours of rest, Sundays and public holidays.

1.2.5 Protection of construction site personnel

29.The Contractor must provide site personnel with proper work clothing in accordance with the
regulations and in good condition, as well as all protective and safety accessories specific to their
activities (helmets, boots, belts, masks, gloves, goggles, etc.).
30.The Contractor must ensure that protective equipment is scrupulously worn on the site.
Continuous monitoring must be carried out to this effect and, in the event of non-compliance, coercive
measures (warning, dismissal, dismissal) must be applied to the staff concerned.

1.2.6 Health, Safety and Environment Manager

31.The Contractor shall appoint a Health/Safety/Environment Officer who shall ensure that the
health, safety and protection regulations of the Environment are strictly followed by all and at all levels of execution,
both for workers and for the public and other persons in contact with the site.
32.The Contractor must comply with the health, safety and environmental regulations defined by the
national regulations in force. It must set up a routine and emergency medical service at the base camp,
adapted to the number of its personnel.

33.The Contractor shall provide and maintain all lighting, protection, fencing, alarm and security
devices at the times and places necessary or required by the Contractor and by the regulations in
force, for the protection of the works and for the safety and convenience of the public.

34.The Contractor must prohibit access to the site to the public, protect it by markers and signs,
indicate the various accesses and take appropriate order and safety measures to avoid accidents.

1.2.7 Designation of on-call staff

35.The Contractor shall provide custody, supervision and supervision ite de son chantier ; tputevi'a of
the duree des travaux,
including outside the hours of presence on the site, the Contractor is
required to have staff on call, outside working hours, every day without exception (Saturday, Sunday,
public holidays), day or night, to alleviate any incident and/or accident that may occur in connection with
the work. jj
36.The contact details of the on-call staff will be communicated to the Supervisor at least two weeks
in advance. On-call staff must have a means of communication that allows them to be reached at any
time. The on-call staff must be able to urgently intervene and lead a company intervention team that
will have the necessary equipment for all types of repairs, or to request the intervention of specialized
companies (network concessionaires, etc.).

1.2.8 Measures against traffic obstructions

37.The Contractor shall avoid obstructing public access. It must maintain traffic and access for local
residents at all times during the works. The local residents are those whose

octobre 2023
Pro jet de renl'orceinent du Reseau National Interconnecte (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de posies 90 kV SECTION IX: FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

The habitat existed prior to the notification of the contract. The maintenance of the sites in operation
during the night will be subject to the authorization of the Project Manager.

38. If the Contractor has requested authorization or an order to carry out work during the night, it must
carry it out in such a way as not to cause disturbance to the inhabitants and establishments adjacent to
the site. The lighting method must be subject to the approval of the project manager. The Contractor
shall ensure that no excavation or trench remains open at night, without adequate signage accepted by
the General Contractor.

39. The Contractor shall ensure that temporary detours allow for safe traffic. The signage, adopted at each
deviation, must comply with the provisions set out in the texts in force on temporary signage and
remains at the expense and risk of the Contractor.

1.3 Withdrawal of construction site and redevelopment

1.3.1 Regies generates

40. At the time of any site vacancy, the Contractor shall leave the premises fit for their immediate use. He
cannot be released from his commitments and from his responsibility for their use without having
formally established this good condition. The Contractor will carry out all the necessary
improvements to restore the premises. He is^ obliged to fold up all his equipment and materials and
cannot abandon them on the site or in the vicinity.

41. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall (i) remove temporary buildings, equipment, solid
and liquid waste, surplus materials, fencing, etc.; (ii) rectify drainage defects and replenish all
excavated areas; (iii) reforest the initially deforested areas with suitable species, in conjunction with
local forest services; (iv) protect structures that remain hazardous (shafts, open trenches, elevations,
projections, etc.); (vi) make roadways, sidewalks, gutters, ramps and other works rendered to the
public service functional; (vi) decontaminate soiled soils (contaminated parts must be removed and
backfilled with sand); (vii) clean and destroy drain pits.

42. If it is in the interest of the Contracting Authority or the local authorities to recover the fixed
installations for future use, the Contractor must dispose of them without compensation upon

43. The Contractor shall, under the supervision of the Contractor, clean up and eliminate at its own
expense any form of pollution due to its activities, and compensate those who have suffered the
effects of such pollution.

44. Permanent installations that have been damaged must be repaired by the Contractor and restored to a
condition equivalent to what they were before the work began. The access roads will have to be
restored to their original condition.

45. Wherever the soil has been compacted (work areas, traffic routes, etc.), the Contractor must scarify
the soil to a depth of at least 15 cm to facilitate vegetation regeneration. Concrete coverings, pavers
and slabs must be removed and the sites converted from earth and sent to the authorized discharge

octobre 2023
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

46. In the event of default by the Contractor in carrying out the repair work, the work shall be carried out
by a company of the Employer's choice, in relation to the services concerned and at the expense of
the defaulter.

47. After all the equipment has been withdrawn, a report stating that the site has been restored must be
drawn up and attached to the report of acceptance of the Lravaux. Failure to restore the premises must
result in the refusal of acceptance of the work. In this case, the percentage not yet released from the
amount of the item 'site installation' will be retained to be used to ensure the withdrawal of the site.

1.3.2 Site redevelopment

48. The Contractor must draw up a redevelopment plan which will specify the measures to be taken to
ensure the recovery of vegetation, in conjunction with the forestry services.

1.3.3 Protection of
unstable areas

49. When dismantling the

following precautions for : possible le couvert heavy
and overloading in the area of instability; (ii) plant conse or ucas de risques
replenish it using local erosion species.

1.3.4 Use of Temporary Lanes

50. If no use of the temporary traffic lanes has been agreed with the
local communities, the Contractor shall close them to prevent
the public from using them, in agreement with the Contractor.

1.3.5 Development of quarries and temporary borrow sites

51. The Contractor shall redevelop the quarries and borrow sites according to the options to be defined in
conjunction with the Contractor and the local populations: (i) landscaping and restoration of
vegetation cover (trees, shrubs, lawns or crops); (ii) filling (earth, or stones) and restoration of the
vegetation cover; (iii) development of water bodies (ponds, ponds) for local communities or animals:
(iv) recreational area; ecotourism, among others.

52. If the option of restoring the vegetation cover is chosen, the Contractor must cover the soil with
topsoil, enrich it with amendments and take all measures to ensure that during the warranty period of
the work, the planted vegetation continues to grow.

1.3.6 Management of petroleum products and other contaminants

53. The Contractor shall clean the work or storage area where there has been handling and/or use of
petroleum products and other contaminants.

1.3.7 Sanitary landfills and trench deposits "in situ"

54. In the event of on-site burial of household waste authorized by the Project Manager (pit, trench, etc.),
the Contractor must cover the waste with a layer of soil, clean and

octobre 2023
Projel de renforceinent du Reseau National Inlerconnecte (PR-RN1) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV Section IX : formulaire du marche

Level the land and restore it to a regular shape while draining runoff to the outside (no waste should
be visible).

55. For "in situ" disposal of other solid wastes (cuttings, etc.), the contractor must build stable slopes that
harmonize with the surrounding landscape and then cover the waste with soil or granular material.
When the spoil has been accumulated on a slope or when it forms a mound, the Contractor must
properly compact the spoil, smooth the slopes, apply an additional layer of cover material, cover with
topsoil and seed.

1.4 Control, notification, sanction and receipt

1.4.1 Monitoring of the enforcement of environmental and social clauses

56. The control of compliance and effectiveness of the implementation of environmental and social
clauses by the Contractor is carried out by the project manager, whose team must include an
environmental expert who is an integral part of the mission of monitoring the works.

1.4.2 Notification

57. The Supervisor shall notify the Contractor in writing of all cases of failure or non-execution of
environmental and social measures. The Contractor shall remedy any failure to comply with the
requirements duly notified to it by the Contractor. The resumption of the work or the additional work
resulting from non-compliance with the clauses shall be the responsibility of PEntrepreneur.

1.4.3 Sanction

58. In application of the contractual provisions, non-compliance with environmental and social clauses,
duly noted by the Project Manager, may be grounds for termination of the contract. The Contractor
who has been terminated for non-application of the environmental and social clauses is liable to
sanctions up to and including the suspension of the right to bid for a period determined by the Client,
with a reduction in the price and a freeze on the retention of the guarantee.

1.4.4 Acceptance of the works

59. Failure to comply with these clauses will result in the refusal or provisoire
definitive refusal of the works by the Acceptance Committee. ue mesure
Environmental and social enforcement may be the subject of es services
approval by the competent parties.

1.4.5 Guarantee obligations

60. The Contractor's obligations run until the final acceptance of the works, which will only be acquired
after the completion of the environmental improvement works provided for in the contract, and the
resumption of vegetation and/or planting. The Contractor is required, for the duration of the project
warranty period, to maintain the works carried out and to remedy any negative impacts that may be
observed, such as erosion or landslides caused by the rainy season. The restoration of vegetation is
also covered by this warranty period.

octobre 2023
Projct de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnect!; (PR-RN1) SONABEL
DAO pout la construction dc postes 90 kV Section IX : formulaire do marche

2. Specific Environmental and Social Clauses

2.1 Enforcement measures for road works

2.1.1 Signage of work

' .................................... *

61. The Contractor must place, prior to the opening of the worksites and whenever necessary, a pre-
signage and signage of long-distance worksites (exit from quarries or remote sites, circuit used by
machinery, etc.) which complies with the laws and regulations in force, to the exclusion of any
advertising purpose. These signs and pre-signs are also shown on the plan of the installations of
which they are an integral part, and submitted to the project manager for approval. It is imperative
that the signage be maintained and maintained in perfect condition throughout the duration of the

62. The Contractor must carry out the signage in accordance with the drawings and indications provided
and set up the signage for the works in progress (flag bearers; signs; reflective strips on obstacles,
materials and machinery placed along the road; etc.).

63. Before commencing work, the Contractor must delimit the work area by signs, barriers and cones, in
the following order: (i) "CAUTION WORKS" signs placed 200 m before the start of the work and
remind them 100 and 50 m from the worksite; (ii) "SPEED LIMIT" signs placed at the beginning of
the worksite, at least 50m away; (iii) "SHRINKAGE" signs placed 100 m before the start of a
workshop; (iv) cones placed at a bevel when approaching a shop with intervals of not more than 10 m
along the centre line of the road abutting the shop; (v) "END OF SPEED LIMIT" signs placed 50 IU
after the end of the work. The signalling device must comply with the National Highway Code. In
addition, the contractor must install construction site signs at the work sites and the main local \
authorities covered by the project.

64. When work is carried out across the entire width of the roadway, traffic must be controlled by
controllers who operate reversible "STOP/CIRCULATE" signs or red "STOP" and green "FLOW"
signs. Traffic must be stopped in both directions when entering, exiting or manoeuvring construction
machinery and vehicles.

2.1.2 Measures for earthworks J

65. The Contractor shall keep stripping, clearing, backfilling and grading work areas to an absolute
minimum in order to respect the natural topography and prevent erosion. Earthworks near a lake or y
watercourse should be avoided (or at least within 20 m of these sensitive areas) unless the structure to
be built is located at that location. After the work, the disturbed land should be levelled to a regular
shape and adequate drainage. Land that is susceptible to erosion must be stabilized.
66. If earthworks near a lake or watercourse are unavoidable, the contractor must reduce the introduction
of muddy water and eroded material into the water by constructing ditches, retention basins, etc., if j
necessary. Areas affected by the work must be stabilized and levelled <to restore their regular shape.
In addition, the vegetation on the banks must be restored.

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Projel de renforcemenl du Reseau National Interconnecte (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV Section IX: formulaire dij marche

67. Once the topsoil has been stripped, the Contractor must retain the topsoil and use it for the redevelopment of
road embankments and other disturbed surfaces (temporary access roads, remote sites, borrow sites, material
storage areas, etc.).

The Contractor shall dispose of the unreused material in storage areas if it is intended to be used in the future;
otherwise, it shall be transported to previously authorized fill areas. Storage and spoil disposal areas must be located
in a location approved by the Owner. If no site has been set aside for the final disposal of the cuttings, the Contractor
must acquire the necessary land or obtain permission from the owners. At the end of the work, the site must be

2.1.3 Material transport and storage measures

68. In carrying out the work, the Contractor shall (i) limit the speed of vehicles on the site by installing traffic signs
and flag bearers; (ii) regularly water traffic lanes in inhabited areas (if dirt roads); (iii) provide for diversions via
existing tracks and roads where possible.

69. In residential areas, the Contractor shall establish the schedule and route of heavy vehicles that must circulate
outside the construction sites in order to reduce nuisance (noise, dust and traffic congestion) and bring it to the
approval of the General Contractor.

70. To ensure order in traffic and safety on the roads, sand, cement and other fine materials must be contained
hermetically during transport to prevent dust from flying off and spilling during transport. Materials containing
fine particles must be covered with a tarpaulin that is securely attached. The Contractor must take special
protection (nets, tarpaulins) against the risk of splashes, fumes and falling objects.

71. The Contractor's facility plan shall identify the areas reserved for the storage of materials and products. The
location of these areas is subject to the approval of the project manager. Excavated material, rubble and
materials refused by the project manager for on-site reuse are immediately evacuated, without even short-term
storage on site.

72. The Contractor may set up secondary areas for the parking of machinery that is not authorized to park on the
public highway outside of working hours and the right-of-way of the construction sites. These areas can also
include a space for welding, assembly, small machining, and minor maintenance of machines. These areas will
not be able to stack hydrocarbons.

73. Tout stockage de quelque nature que ce soit, est formellement interdit dans l’environnement immediat,
en dehors des: emprises '-de chantiers et des zones predefinies. Pour les zones a recharger, le
depot^d&^atenatax doit^commencer a l'extremite la plus eloignee de la zone

octobre 2023
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (PR-RN1) SONA BEL
DAO pour la construction dc posies 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

2.1.4 Reprofiling and asphalting work

74. Packages of reprofiling work with compaction of materials, the Contractor shall: provide for an installation
according to the extent of the work; organize the distribution of piles on one side of the road over limited
distances; Trim as you go; set up adequate mobile signage; regulate through traffic by flag bearers; avoid
the accumulation of lateral bulges on the shoulders and ditches; Restore the drainage system and faeces to
riverside dwellings; Perform grader passes without creating cords. remove loose stones; Remove excess
soil from ditches, deposit and regale it off the right-of-way in areas that do not impede the normal flow of

75. During the application of asphalt/coated materials, the Contractor shall make the following
arrangements: determine the locations of material deposits; maintain drainage to prevent the aggregates from
being washed away by water; ensure the safety of asphalt installations (bitumen heating, bitumen storage);
have absorbent products on site in the event of toxic spills; set up a V-' "° Hi Adequate signage.

Measures for the circulation of construction machinery

v 76. Souls - ateriels strictement indispensables sont toleres sur le chantier. En dehors des acces, de
desltodesignes et des aires de travail, il est interdit de circuler avec des engins de ehantier, a moins
d'une autorisation du responsa.ble du chantier. Les voies de circulation . uhltsees doivent etre maintenues
en bon etat.

77. The Contractor must ensure that the speed limit is maintained for all its vehicles travelling on public
roads, with a maximum of 60 km/h in open countryside and 40 km/h in built-up areas and when crossing
villages. Drivers who exceed these limits are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
The installation of speed bumps at the entrances to built-up areas will be recommended.

78. The Contractor's vehicles must comply with the requirements of the Highway Code in force at all times, in
particular with regard to the weight of the vehicles being loaded.

79. The Contractor must avoid driving machinery within 30 m of lakes and watercourses. When work near
watercourses is required, precautions must be taken to minimize disturbance of shorelines and protect the
aquatic environment.

80. The Contractor shall avoid the movement of construction machinery in sensitive areas and on soils
vulnerable to erosion, unless authorized by the General Contractor.
81. The Contractor shall repair construction machinery as soon as possible so that it does not produce
excessive exhaust emissions. The Contractor is required to take all necessary measures to prevent the
roadways, shoulders and sidewalks from being contaminated by dust, sludge, spoil or materials from the
work in the vicinity of the worksites. In the event of demolition of existing structures, the Contractor
shall take appropriate measures to minimize the lifting and spread of dust. j
octobre 2023
Projel de renforcemenl du Reseau National Interconnecte (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV Section IX: formulaire dij marche

82. The Contractor must, during dry periods and depending on water availability, regularly water the tracks
used by its transport vehicles to avoid dust, more particularly in inhabited areas.

octobre 2023
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnect!; (PR-RN1) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de posies 90 kV SECTION IX: FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

2.1.6 Transport and storage measures for petroleum products and contaminants

83. The Contractor shall safely transport petroleum products, lubricants and other hazardous materials in sealed
containers with the name of the product clearly marked. Deliveries must be made by trucks that comply with
current regulations and drivers must be made aware of the damage in the event of an accident.

84. Transshipment operations to storage tanks must be carried out by knowledgeable personnel. Storage tanks must
be sealed and placed on protected surfaces with a protection system against unintentional spillage of product.

85. The Contractor shall install its storages of fuel, lubricants and petroleum products at a distance of at least 200 m
from bodies of water. Storage areas must be located outside of any flood and residential areas. Storage locations
must be well identified to avoid collisions between construction vehicles and petroleum product tanks.

86. The Contractor shall protect petroleum product tanks and filling equipment by a trough for the retention of
contents in the event of an accidental spill. All tanks must be turned off when not in use. The contents of the
tanks must be safely removed in the event of a prolonged closure of the site or at the end of the work.

87. The Contractor must inform and sensitize its staff (i) to the specific instructions to be followed in order to avoid
any risk of accidental spill during the handling and use of petroleum products and (ii) to the response measures
to be put in place in the event of a disaster in order to avoid any accidental spill.

88. The Contractor shall take the following measures in the vicinity of waterways: (i) handle with care any
potentially toxic substances and the various petroleum products in order to avoid accidental spillage of
contaminants; (ii) store contaminants more than 200 m away from watercourses and sensitive ecological areas
in a safe and clearly identified location to prevent damage to tanks during heavy vehicle travel; (iii) refuelling
construction equipment with fuel/lubricant more than 200 m from a watercourse. Vehicle and machinery
refuelling areas must be located on impermeable ground to prevent contamination of the subsoil.

2.1.7 Measures in the event of an accidental spill of petroleum products

89. The Contractor shall prepare an emergency plan in the event of an accidental spill of contaminants and submit it
to the General Contractor prior to commencing the work. The control and control measures of contaminants on
the site must be clearly identified^es, and workers must be aware of them and be able to apply them in the event of an accident. \ ' *

Rtf . .
i - on each construction site. This plan
90. L’Entrepr Sharing responsibilities on the construction site

octobre 2023
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnecte (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX: FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

and the names of contact persons and their contact information so that they can be contacted quickly in case of

91. The Contractor shall designate the Health/Safety/Environment Officer to direct all interventions related to an
accidental spill of contaminants in accordance with the regulations in force. This person in charge takes all
necessary measures to stop the spill and quickly contain the spilled product; it then precedes the recovery of the
product and the disposal of the waste as well as the restoration of the site; They must also present the work plan
to employees and all other stakeholders on the site, including subcontractors, and post it in a place that is visible
to all.

92. The Contractor shall install on the site: (i) spill control equipment (absorbents such as peat, shovels, pumps,
machinery, containers, gloves, insulation, etc.); (ii) communications equipment (radio transmitter, telephone,
etc.); (iii) safety equipment (signage, etc.).

93. In the event of an accidental spill to the ground, the Contractor shall: (i) dig wells or trenches: (ii) erect dams
around the contaminant; (iii) use products

absorbants. accidental in a stream/body of water: (i) erect floating barriers of absorbent

materials; (ii) block access to certain culverts.

Management of sewerage works

must ensure that the works carried out under the contract6 do not affect the
proper functioning of existing sewerage works, in particular storm drainage

96. The Contractor must avoid silting up the structures or stagnating water
upstream of the latter, which must not be wedged either too low or too high.
The lower part of the structure should follow the water line of the structure as closely as possible.

97. The Contractor shall intervene preventively before the rainy season and remove all plant products and solids
clogging the ditches/drainage structures and restore their original size. He must build, according to the
instructions of the project manager, divergent ditches if the section of the ditch is insufficient and provide
access to the crossing of built-up areas, schools and health centres. Cleaning residues must be deposited at the
sites indicated by the project manager.

98. The Contractor shall (i) make the connection between the curbs and downspouts; (ii) repair downspouts, gutters,
receptacles; (iii) install riprap or gabions at the base of the embankment and connect downspouts.

2.1.9 Protection of agricultural areas and structures

99. The work schedule must be established to limit disruption to agricultural activities. In particular, the main
periods of agricultural activity (seeding, harvesting, drying, etc.) will need to be known in order to adapt
the timetable to these periods. Consultation with key local stakeholders (local authorities, farmers'
associations, etc.) will also need to be carried out. The timetable for the work must be programmed in such
a way as to minimise agricultural losses and nuisance to farmers. In the event that nuisance is unavoidable,

octobre 2023
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (PR-RN1) SON A BEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMULAJRE DU MARCHE

Compensation will have to be granted to farmers according to the national standards in force in the

100. Throughout the work, drainage and irrigation facilities must remain in good working
order and free of obstructions. Before starting work in an agricultural zone, the surface drainage
and irrigation elements must be inventoried. The work must be carried out in such a way as not to
interfere with the operation of the drainage elements.

101. If no existing access is identified to reach the work site, temporary accesses will need to be identified
in consultation with the owners afm to minimize negative impacts on agricultural activities. When a
country road is used as an access to the worksite, it must be restored to passable condition.

102. Topsoil from excavation will need to be moved and stored separately from other excavated materials.
This land will then have to be reused for agricultural or gardening purposes.

103. Excavations, which may pose a danger to the public or domestic animals, will need to be covered or
fenced until the filling is complete.

104. Construction materials and debris will need to be picked up daily to prevent damage to farm equipment
or ingestion of these materials by pets. No burning or burying of waste is permitted in agricultural

105. A new road can divide farmland and disrupt agricultural use patterns and field connections. It is
advisable to know the layout of the plots of land of the affected people on either side of the road during
consultation with the population in order to avoid creating relatively large impacts on farmers (separate
plots involving long detours and thus loss of income).

106. The Contractor shall identify the places where passages for animals, livestock and people are required.
Here again, the involvement of the population is essential. These people will have to live with the road
and if crossings are poorly planned, it will result in daily difficulties for some people.

2.1.10 Soil erosion control

107. As soon as Terosion is visible, the Contractor must improve the strength of the soil and stabilize the
ditches, embankments and shoulders according to the instructions of the General Contractor, either by
weirs, planting (revegetation/vetiver), or by using masonry perres or retaining walls.
108. The Contractor shall carry out the following measures to control Terosion: (i) excavated material
from earthworks is to be disposed of in areas that do not impede flow

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Projet de rcntbregment du Roseau National Interconnecte (PR-RN1) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

2.1.11 Protection of wetlands, fauna and flora

109. During the work, the Contractor must ensure that it does not adversely affect the soil conditions (moisture, composition and
structure of the soil). It must also maintain soil and drainage conditions so that natural vegetation can re-establish itself

110. The Contractor is prohibited from making temporary arrangements (storage and parking areas, bypass or work roads, etc.) in
wetlands. In the event that it is impossible to do otherwise, the Contractor must propose to the Project Manager a development
plan duly studied by environmental specialists specifying the location, the working method for the development of these sites,
their dismantling and their redevelopment. The development plan must provide for the reclamation of disturbed areas.

111. The Contractor shall implement the following recommendations to ensure better protection of the flora and fauna existing in the
wetlands during the work: (i) to the extent possible, choose the time of the work in a manner that does not disturb the migration and
reproduction of animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, etc.); (ii) use techniques and devices that do not prevent animals from
migrating normally and do not pose any unnecessary risk to their life or health; (iii) prohibit access to the narecages, except for a valid
reason, so as not to disturb such areas; (iv) disturb forested areas ~ as little as possible and avoid unnecessary cutting of trees; (v)
consult the
agencies and authorities responsible for the protection of wildlife before the commencement of work so that wildlife is effectively
protected; (vi) prohibiting site employees from hunting in work zones.
O fy y, I
112. In the case of plantations, the Contractor must adapt to the local vegetation and take care not to introduce new species
without the advice of the forestry services. Species requiring ^^poor maintenance should be prioritized. Plantings must respect the
category of the road and its function and must not obstruct natural views.

113. For all deforested areas located outside the right-of-way, on forest land and required by the Contractor for the
purposes of its work, the extracted topsoil must be set aside. If usable materials are lost through the fault of the Contractor,
the Contractor shall replace them, at the Contractor's expense, with an equivalent volume. The circulation of vehicles on the depots is
prohibited. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to ensure the regeneration of the site with suitable species within 2 years
after the end of the use of the site.

2.1.12 Protection of sacred and archaeological sites

114. The Contractor must take all necessary measures to respect the religious and cultural sites (cemeteries, sacred sites/woods, fetish
trees, etc.) in the vicinity of the work and not to harm them. To do this, it will have to ensure beforehand their typology and their
location before the start of the work.

115. If, in the course of the work, remains of religious, historical or archaeological interest are
discovered, the Contractor shall follow the following procedure: (i) stop the work in the designated
area; (ii) immediately notify the Supervisor who must take steps to protect the site from destruction; a
protection perimeter must be identified and materialized on the site and no activities must take place
there; (iii) refrain from removing and moving objects and remains. Work must be suspended within the

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Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Imerconnecte (PR-RN1) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV Section IX : formulaire du marche

until the national body responsible for historic and archaeological sites has given permission to continue them. The Employer shall
ensure that the period of suspension of the works is added to the duration of the works so as not to penalise the Contractor. .

2.1.13 Tree felling and deforestation measures

116. When the work passes through a forest reserve where deforestation is planned, the deforestation must be started only after an
adversarial visit to the site with representatives of the forest service and the local authority designated for the marking of protected

117. The trees to be felled are identified and marked by the Supervisor after he has ascertained that no action can be taken to
preserve them. The Contractor must receive permission from the Supervisor before proceeding with the felling. Felling must be done in
conjunction with the forestry services so as not to damage adjacent facilities and properties as well as the trees and shrubs to be
conserved. If necessary, the tree should be felled by section of the crown before cutting the trunk at ground level.

118. Felled trees must be cut down and stored in places approved by the Contractor. The local populations must be informed of
the possibility of being able to dispose of this wood at their convenience. Felled trees should not be abandoned, uncut or run under
earthmoving materials.

119. The Contractor may not burn, bury or destroy any market-value timber cut in the right-of-way without the permission of the
Contractor. Timber cut outside the right-of-way belongs to the owner of the land and the Contractor shall cut it into pieces of
conunercial length and pile it at the edge of the cleared sections, so that ^on the owner can recover it. The timber cut in the right-of-way
belongs to the Contracting Authority, who will have to manage it in accordance with the regulations in force.

120. On public forest lands, such as classified forests, the timber cut, both within and outside the right-of-way, remains the
property of the forests and must be recovered by the Contractor and made available to him^w^x

121. All branches overhanging the platform are to be cut vertically along the edge of the clearing area. All trees surplpmbing
the^^l^ and diminishing visibility or threatening to fall on the road and b.stop lq- pirculatioiL'dpIqs a tomade, must be felled.

2.1.14 Bushfire Prevention

122. The Contractor is responsible for the prevention

of bush damage throughout the scope of its work, including
borrow areas and accesses. He must strictly comply with the instructions, laws and regulations issued by the competent authorities. The
costs of the presence of forestry officers and the required equipment shall, if necessary, be borne by the Contractor.

123. In addition to the foregoing recommendations, the Contractor must comply with the following regulations: (i) notify the
forest protection agency of the territory to obtain authorization and protection advice to make a fire in or near the forest; (ii) provide and
maintain a firewall between the forest and the burning materials; (iii) equip any motorized or mechanized equipment used in the forest
with a working fire extinguisher

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DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SUCTION IX : FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

operating and conforming to recognized standards; (iv) equip the exhaust system of every engine with a spark-resistant exhaust pipe; (v)
clear the vicinity of a building or other facility of dry vegetation and dead wood for a distance of at least 10 m; (vi) provide every
building or other facility with extinguishing means or tools to fight a fire; (vii) place all combustible and similar flammable products in
hermetically sealed containers outside inhabited buildings.

2.1.15 Measurements for drilling and sounding

124. In the case of dry or even drilling, the Contractor shall manually clear, if necessary, the drilling and sounding areas and
accesses in such a way as to disturb the environment as little as possible. The work area should be kept to a minimum. The trees shall be
felled in accordance with the regulations referred to in point 2.1.13 above. Topsoil at the drilling or sounding point must be set aside and
put back in place during the final backfilling.

125. In the case of drilling/sounding in the water, the Contractor must avoid as much as possible periods of high vulnerability of
aquatic fauna (spawning, migration, hatchery) and pay particular attention to the handling of fuels, oils and fats. When working on a
floating platform, fuels, lubricants or other contaminants must be stored outside the water or in the wetland or kept under constant

2.1.16 On-site water supply

126. The search for and operation of water points is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure that the water
requirements of the site do not adversely affect the water sources used by local communities. It is recommended that the Contractor use
drinking water utilities as much as possible, if available. Water withdrawals from adjoining rivers must be taken downstream of the
population's points of use, without discharging polluting products, without increasing the turbidity of the watercourse.

127. The Contractor shall submit to the General Contractor for approval its supply plan (supply, exploitation of existing
boreholes, citemes, drawing from a river, a lake, etc.). When, in the opinion of the Contractor, water withdrawals lead to a significant
reduction in the flow available to downstream users, at the risk of penalizing the populations for their water resources, the Contractor
must create at its own expense a water supplement of equivalent quantity and quality or drill boreholes for the water needs of the
affected population.

128. In the case of water supply from groundwater and surface water,
The Contractor must submit a request for authorization to the responsible Ministry and comply with the regulations in force.
/A' •

129. Surface water intended for human® consumption ( site personnel) must be disinfected by chlorination or other approved
Ipifocede/paf., environmental and health services designed. In the case of cldpref assay, the residual ^eoncentrations must comply with WHO
standards. xt/yAZ

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Projel de reinforcement du Reseau National Interconnect^ (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV Section IX: formulaire du marciie

130. If the water does not fully comply with the drinking water quality criteria, the
Contractor must take alternative measures such as the provision of water
bottling or the installation of water tanks in sufficient quantity and quality. This water must comply
with the Potable Water Regulation. Non-potable water can be used for toilets, showers and
washbasins. In these cases, the Contractor must notify employees and post signs in a conspicuous
place with the words "NON-POTABLE WATER".

2.1.17 Liquid Waste Management

131. Offices and living quarters must be provided with sufficient sanitary facilities (latrines, septic tanks, sinks
and showers). The Contractor must comply with the health regulations in force. The sanitary facilities are
established in agreement with the project manager.

132. It is forbidden for the company to discharge liquid effluents that may cause stagnation and inconvenience
to the neighbourhood, or pollution of surface, groundwater or marine water. Where it is possible to do so
at reasonable costs, the contractor should opt for the disposal of waste water by connection to a sewerage

133. If it is not possible to connect to the sewer, the Contractor must set up an appropriate autonomous
sewerage system (watertight tank, septic tank, etc.).

134. The Contractor shall avoid any discharge or discharge of wastewater, pit drainage, sludge, hydrocarbons,
and pollutants of any kind, into surface or groundwater, into sewers, drainage pits or into the sea. The
discharge and emptying points shall be indicated to the Contractor by the General Contractor.

2.1.18 Solid Waste Management

135. The Contractor must deposit household waste in sealed garbage cans that must be emptied periodically. In
the event of evacuation by trucks from the construction site, the skips must be sealed so as not to let any
waste escape. For hygienic reasons, and to avoid attracting vectors, daily collection is recommended,
especially during periods of heat.

136. The Contractor must sort the waste at the source, with a view to its recovery, recycling or eventual
recovery, but also to reduce the volumes of waste to be landfilled.

137. The Contractor shall dispose of or recycle waste in an environmentally sound manner. The disposal of
waste in inland and maritime waters by any means is prohibited. The Contractor shall direct the waste, if
possible, to the existing disposal sites.
138. DansJesdi^^et^vne disposant pas d’un service d’ enlevement des ordi situes a plus household waste and
de 30:k^.dHine decharge autorisee, l’Entrepreneur peut elimii dispose of waste by
landfill (fossesia
dbchets) or by a more elaborate method (incineration, composting, etc.), after consultation with the project
manager, environmental services and local authorities. In the case of disposal
by a waste pit, it must be located more than 100 m from a lake or watercourse. At
the ? >>// end of each shift, the Contractor shall:

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DAO pour la construction do postes 90 kV SECTION IX: formueaire du MARCHE

Cover waste with soil. When the waste reaches ground level, as well as when the site is
decommissioned, the Contractor must close the pit with at least 30 cm of soil and replenish the

139. The Contractor shall not burn waste in the open air, other than branches, trees or dead leaves. In
these specific cases, the Contractor must take the necessary measures to prevent the fire from spreading or
the smoke emissions from affecting health, safety and well-being, or from damaging the soil, flora, fauna
or property. The Contractor is required to identify, as soon as the construction sites start, the buyers of the
said waste among the local residents (fodder for livestock, for construction, firewood, etc.). The
Contractor shall take all measures to avoid the risk of the spread of bushfires.

2.1.19 Protection against noise pollution to local residents, either by an excessively

long duration or by extending them outside normal working hours. Noise nuisance must be kept
Wt i to a minimum. National noise standards, if they exist, must be complied with. In general, the

ME eur esl tenu de limiter les bruits de chantier susceptibles d’importuner

thresholds that should not be exceeded are: 55 to 60 decibels per day; 40 decibels at night.

141. The Contractor shall use machinery and equipment in good working order and avoid
unnecessarily running the engines in order to reduce noise nuisance. All noise-generating operations
must, before being started, be approved by the project manager, in order to minimize the
inconvenience to local residents. Noise sources should be located in the least sensitive areas of noise
and as far away as possible from remote sites and dwellings.

142. In the vicinity of certain sensitive places or establishments (health facilities, schools, etc.), it may
be requested that noisy activities be interrupted at certain times, without this compromising
compliance with the schedule.

143. The Contractor shall make workers aware of the corrective actions that can be quickly
implemented on the site, including: (i) shutting down any motorized equipment that is not in use; (ii)
use noise attenuation devices (e.g., properly connected mufflers, enclosed compressor side panels,

144. The Contractor shall ensure that the work necessarily to be performed in the evening or at night is
limited to the least noisy tasks. In urban or suburban areas, blasting, pneumatic hammer work, the use
of compressors, pile driving and all other heavy work should be carried out during the day as far as
possible. If it is necessary to carry out this work at night, the contractor must inform the local
populations in Tavance.

145. The Contractor shall, to the extent practicable, install a noise abatement device to reduce noise
levels near nearby residences.

146. The Contractor shall use light signals (strobes) to the extent practicable to replace whistles, bells
and other horns to signal crew changes, concrete pours, lifting operations and other site activities.
Audible alarms should be used primarily as an emergency signal or to announce explosions.

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RNI) Section IX : formulaire dei marche
DAO pour la construction de postcs 90 kV

2.1.20 Prevention of STIs/V1H/AIDS and roadwork-related diseases

147. The Contractor must inform and sensitize its staff about the risks related to STI/HIV/AIDS. 11
must make available to staff condoms against STIs/HIV/AIDS.

148. The Contractor must inform and sensitize its staff on occupational safety and hygiene. It must
ensure that the health of workers and local populations is protected by taking appropriate measures
against other diseases linked to road works and the environment in which they take place: respiratory
diseases due in particular to the large volume of dust and gases emitted during the works ; malaria,
gastroenteritis and other diarrhoeal diseases due to the high proliferation of mosquitoes, climate
changes in the movement of workers and the quality of water and food consumed; diseases endemic to
the localities crossed by road works (cholera, guinea worm, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, etc.)

149. The Contractor must provide the following preventive measures against the risks of disease: (i)
introduce the wearing of masks, uniforms and other suitable footwear; (ii) promoting antimalarial
products (impregnated mosquito nets, insecticides, antimalarial drugs); (iii) systematically set up
infirmaries and provide site personnel with basic medicines necessary for emergency care free of

2.1.21 Bypass roads and temporary access roads

150. The Contractor shall, as far as possible, locate temporary roads within the right-of-way of the
future permanent road and comply with technical and environmental guidelines and requirements.
Environmentally sensitive areas (residential areas, historical, cultural or religious sites, wildlife
habitats, agricultural land, protected forests, etc.) should be avoided.
2.1.22 Utilities & Rescue
151. L’utilisation de routes locales doit faire Eobjet d’une entente prealable avec les autorites locales. Pour
eviter leur degradation prematuree, P Entrepreneur doit maintenir les routes locales en bon etat durant
la construction et les remettre a leur etat original a la fm des travaux. L’Entrepreneur doit prendre des
mesures de protection de l’environnement pour reduire les impacts resultant de l’utilisation des routes
locales (poussiere, bruit, securite des usagers, degradation de la route, etc.). II est tenu de reparer sans
delai tout dommage cause sur ces voies et imputables au projet.

153. It is2.1.21 Passerelles

imperative pietonsmaintain
that the Contractor et accesaccess
to public and emergency services in all locations.
M.4.& L A7 $
152. L’Entrepreneur doit constamment assurer Eacc^sfaux proprietes riverai ies et assurer la
jouissance des entrees charretieres et pietonnes, de yd trines par des ponts
provisoires ou passerelles munis de garde-corps, pli d’exposifio) .ces au- ichees ou autres
obstacles crees par les travaux. dessus
V- tfg

When a street is blocked, the Contractor must study with the Project Manager the arrangements for
maintaining access for fire and ambulance vehicles. Particular attention is drawn to the precautions to be
taken on the service roads of certain

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Projet de renforcemenl du Reseau National Interconnecte (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de posies 90 kV Section IX: formulaire du marche

Strategic buildings such as fire stations, hospitals and clinics, garages for emergency response vehicles of grid
operators, etc. Any disruptions to household waste collection routes , water and sewerage networks are
discussed in advance with the project manager

2.1.23 Site Log

154. If the Contractor shall maintain an up-to-date site log, in which the
claims, breaches or incidents that have a significant impact on the environment or an incident with the
population. The site diary is unique to the site and notes must be written in ink. The Contractor must
inform the public in general, and the local populations in particular, of the existence of this newspaper,
indicating the place where it can be consulted.

2.2 Maintenance of construction machinery and equipment

155. The Contractor must comply with the maintenance standards for construction equipment and
vehicles and refuel and lubricate at a designated location. On site, a supply of absorbent materials and
insulation (cushions, leaves, socks and peat fibre,...) as well as clearly marked watertight containers for
oil residues and waste must be present.

156. The Contractor shall carry out, under constant supervision, all handling of fuel, oil or other
contaminants, including decanting, in order to prevent spillage.

157. The Contractor shall maintain the work machinery and equipment in perfect working order,
which must be checked regularly to ensure that there are no leaks of contaminants. If necessary, they
should be repaired immediately.

158. The Contractor shall collect, treat or recycle all petroleum residues, used oils and wastes
generated during machinery maintenance or repair activities. It is prohibited from releasing them into the
environment. The Contractor shall not use the site to dispose of oils, fuel containers, etc.

159. The Contractor must empty the oil into watertight barrels and keep the used oil to give it to the
burner (recycling) or to the local population for other uses (protection of the wood of the house frames
against termites, etc.). Used spare parts should be sent to the landfill.
• • O -■
Washing and maintenance areas for machinery must be concreted and used to recover oils and greases,

with a slope oriented towards the unpaved floors. The cement mixers and the; transport and installation of
concrete must be washed in designated areas.

2.3 Quarries & Borrowing Sites

2.3.1 Cadre legal L!

161. The Contractor is required to have the necessary
160. authorisations for the opening and operation of quarries and
borrow sites (temporary and permanent) in accordance with the
relevant national legislation.
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DAO pour la conslruction de postcs 90 kV SECTION IX:IX:CFORMULAIRE

2.3.2 Site Selection

162. The Contractor shall, as far as possible, preferably use an existing site. All sites must be
approved by the construction supervisor and meet current environmental standards. Sites must be
located at distances prescribed by national regulations, or failing that, more than: 30 m from a road;
100 m from a watercourse or body of water (relative to the limit of the major bed); 100 m from houses.
Preference is given to areas that are not cultivated, unforested and have a low slope. To the extent
possible, only one access per operating area should be provided.

163. The Contractor should, preferably, (i) select the locations where the mining will have the
least impact on the environment and (ii) reduce the number of operations by choosing quarries or sites
capable of producing the highest volume of material. Sites should, if possible, be located in such a way
as not to degrade the landscape once exploitation and restoration have been completed.

164. The Contractor shall avoid the following sites for the extraction of granular materials to the
extent possible: tourist sites; floodplains; swamps; sites characterized by unstable soils; cultural,
archaeological or religious sites; sites visible from a residential or transportation infrastructure area;
protected areas.

2.3.3 Use of a permanent quarry and/or borrowing site

165. At the end of the operation of a permanent site, the Contractor shall (i) restore previous
natural flows by gallifying unused discovery materials; (ii) remove the dilapidated appearance of the
site by distributing and concealing large boulders. At the end of the operation, a report of the inventory
of fixtures is drawn up in conjunction with the project manager and the competent departments.

2.3.4 Use of a temporary quarry and/or borrowing site

166. Prior to the commencement of operations, the Contractor must bear in mind that the
temporary borrow site and/or quarry will be rehabilitated at the end of the work. To this end, it must
carry out an environmental impact study of the site to be exploited and submit a restoration plan to the
project manager and the national bodies in charge of mining and the environment. During operation,
the Contractor shall: (i) store separately the topsoil to be used to rehabilitate the site and preserve the
plantations delimiting the quarry or borrow site; (ii) replenish discovery materials and topsoil to
facilitate water percolation, grass cover and planting; (iii) restore past natural flows; (iv) remove the
dilapidated appearance of the site by distributing and concealing large boulders; (v) construct guard
ditches to prevent erosion of the regulated lands; (vi) construct stormwater collection pits.

167. At the end of the operation, the Contractor

must take all necessary measures to ensure that new vegetation grows after the cessation of operation
of a quarry or temporary borrow site. To this end, the Contractor shall: (i) prepare the ground; (ii) fill
the excavation and cover it with terreA^^fe; i{}ii); >e.boiser or seed the site; (iv) maintain the ramp, if
the for livestock or local residents, or if the
quarry can serve as a work^gey of protection^ against erosion; (v) rehabilitate the environment around
the SIRA, including plantations if prescribed. At the end of the restoration, a report is drawn up^ in
connection with the Supervisor.

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DAO pour la construction dc posies 90 kV

168. If the local population expresses a wish to preserve the depressions for use as a water point, the
Contractor may, in agreement with the competent authorities, develop the former exploited area as

2.3.5 Dust control

169. The Contractor shall select the location of crushers and similar equipment based on the noise and dust
they produce.

170. To prevent dust emissions from the use of machinery from harming the health, safety and well-being
of site personnel and local populations, as well as plant production, the Contractor and the operator of
quarries and borrow sites must take measures to prevent such emissions: application of dust
suppressants such as water; installation of filters; removal of certain equipment; adaptation of a water
injection device to the McCanique perforation equipment; humidification of spoil and runways during
material handling and transport; or any other suitable device or means.

171. The Contractor shall provide effective ventilation whenever possible during material conditioning and
handling operations, including compressors, crushing, screening, storage, retrieval, loading and
transporting stations. Wearing goggles and dust masks is mandatory in the event that the above-
mentioned measures are not applied effectively enough. Equipment used to reduce or prevent the
emission of contaminants must always be in good condition and function optimally.

2.4 Blasting

2.4.1 Regies generates

172. Prior to the commencement of the work, the Contractor shall

obtain the required permits for the retention, shall:
Explosives brought into blasting sites must be submitted to the
Master prior to any use of explosives. A< has highly qualified staff
who hold the ECs; qu it a obtenu tous les permis et ort
et l’emploi de substances explosives,
2.4.2 Blasting in the aquatic clement controles. Les methodes de vre en
environment vue de leur approbation, ige doivent etre
confiees ses.
173. When tiavaux are carried out within the aquatic
environment, the Contractor must ensure that the blasting
takes place outside the period of high vulnerability of the
aquatic and avian fauna (spawning, egg-laying, migration, rearing, etc.). Blasting activities should be
carried out during low water periods and, as far as possible, a cofferdam should be installed or the
water should be temporarily diverted to carry out dry work.

2.4.3 Blasting in a terrestrial environment

174. In a terrestrial environment, explosions must not throw materials such as rocks, stumps and other
debris beyond the boundaries of the construction site. If necessary, splinter guards will be used or the
load reduced. Rock or other debris thrown up by the explosion and interfering with the use of the land,
such as pastures, must be removed as soon as possible. After blasting, E Contractor must proceed with
the clearing of the rock before

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DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

to perform the next blast. As the blasted rock spoil is removed, the Contractor precedes the
spalling of the final wall in order to remove or stabilize any loose pieces of rock.

2.4.4 Protection of the population and local homes

175. For the safety of local residents and users of the area where blasting activities are planned, the
Contractor must notify them and control all access routes to the blasting site by establishing a
protective radius beyond which no material can be projected. Access roads will have to be controlled
by flaggers who will be responsible for stopping traffic outside the protective radius during explosions.
In addition, an audible signal, audible over a distance of at least 500 m, must be emitted before each

176. In the event of the presence of populations within the protection perimeter, if no other possibility
exists, the Contractor must ensure their temporary relocation. The Contractor shall install noise barriers
to limit noise pollution as required.

177. All blasting must be carried out in such a way as to

protect homes, businesses and other places of activity
from damage caused by

2.5 Watercourse Crossings

2.5.1 Regies generates de construction

178. During the construction of crossing structures, the Contractor shall comply with the following rules:
(i) carry out the work as soon as practicable; (ii) reduce the use of construction machinery in the
Iransversale section of a watercourse to what is strictly necessary; (iii) under no circumstances shall the
granular material be taken from the bed and ^befges of a watercourse for use as backfill; (iv) for jetties,
abutments and bridge foundations and culverts, carry out all excavation work without cofferdams that
isolate the work area. When conditions permit, install metal cofferdams instead of earth or rock fills;
(v) where the pumping of water is required inside a cofferdam, it must be discharged into vegetated
areas in order to retain sediment, before it is returned to the watercourse; (vi) If there is a risk of
damage to the shoreline, install protection (trees, planks, metal grating,...) before the work begins. If it
is necessary to remove vegetation for the work, stabilize the banks and restore the vegetation after the
work; (vii) along the banks of watercourses crossed, preserve the ground cover outside the running
surface for a minimum distance of 30 m on each side of the watercourse and avoid the use of
machinery within that right-of-way; (viii) isolate, where possible, the construction area in the
watercourse from the rest of the watercourse in order to work dry and avoid the suspension of sediment
in the watercourse; (ix) in no case reduce the flow section by more than one-third; (x) ensure that the
materials used for the construction of temporary earthen structures do not contain more than 5% fine
matter passing through the 80 micron sieve (using a cofferdam, filter cloth or granular natural filter);
(xi) during pouring, handle products (cements and others) with care to avoid polluting the watercourse;
(xii) Store, to the extent possible, organic waste and topsoil removed during watercourse operations for
use during site restoration; (xiii) deposit all shoreline cleaning, pier and abutment excavation products
out of the water corn; (xiv) At the end of the work, proceed with the complete removal of the works so
as to restore the corn to its original cross-section and longitudinal profile.

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DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV Section IX: formiilajre du marche

2.5.2 Underwater blasting (use of explosives)

179. The Contractor must take the necessary precautions to protect the aquatic environment, in particular: (i) notify the
Contractor, prior to any blasting operation in the watercourse; (ii) take steps to limit the pressure of the shock
wave in the skin; (iii) blasting outside of critical periods for fish survival; (iv) remove fish that may
be found there by mechanical or electronic processes from the blasting site ; (v) blast as soon as
possible after the installation of an explosive so that the fish do not have time to return to the blasting
site; (vi) make arrangements for the safety of neighbouring populations and site workers.

2.5.3 Setting up caissons

180. When constructing bridges, the Contractor shall ensure that the caissons supporting the deck do
not encroach more than one-third of the original width of a watercourse. Wooden boxes should be
constructed as tightly as possible and filled with coarse aggregates to prevent erosion between the

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Projet de renforcement du Resean National Interconnects (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

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DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV Section IX: formiilajre du marche

3.1 Activities and Sources of Negative Impacts
Activities Sources Negative impacts
Liberation Tree felling * Reduction du convert vegetal
* Reduction of shading
from * Soil erosion
The right of way Land Acquisition • Displacement of populations
• Loss of business and revenue sources
Marking of the construction • Access difficult the
site Sites

H Installation Deforestation

Disruption of customs and customs
Disruption of the activities of local
Reduction du convert vegetal
• Water and soil contamination

and Waste Oil Spill
Commissioning of Solid Waste Disposal
the remote site • Contamination of surface and groundwater
Demolition • Disruption of customs and customs

d ’ infrastructures • Conflicts between foreign and local staff
Poor protection of personnel • Annoyances/nuisances due to noise, dust
/ \ and gases
/ Has

— • Work-related accident
Vr*- I I
1 \V
Poor signage of the
I construction site • Collusion of vehicles with other users
* Loss of crops/crop production
Occupation of cropland
Downturn from the
construction site • Social conflicts with the population (restoration of
premises, transfer of facilities, etc.)
Machinery • Pollution sonore
Movement Emission of noise from • Pollution atmospherique
machinery engines Emission of • Disruption of the peace of the population
smoke and dust particles from • Soil erosion
Recruitment of staff Presence with one hand • Conflicts with indigenous peoples
of foreign work • Poaching
from • Protected Area Occupancy
building site • Failure to comply with customs and customs
• Spread of STIs/AIDS
Installation some Destruction du convert vegetal • Destruction du convert vegetal
Central • Reduction of arable land
• Risk of Wildlife Habitat Suppression

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DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

Activities Sources Negative impacts

bitumen and Emission of gas and dust • Pollution atmospherique
crushing particles • Proliferation of respiratory diseases
Liquid Waste Dumping
* Surface and groundwater contamination
• Soil contamination
Solid Waste Disposal
• Contamination of surface and groundwater
Proximity to inhabited sites and
bodies of water • Collusion of vehicles with other users
♦ Disruption of the peace of the population
• Noise and gas disturbance
Poor protection of personnel • Dust Respiratory Diseases
Opening, Deboisemcnt • Reduction of vegetation cover
management and • Reduction of arable land
operation of • Erosion from soil exposures
borrowing areas • Weakening of surrounding soils
• Landslide
• Loss/Reduction of Wildlife Habitat
hydrocarbons • Surface and groundwater contamination
• Soil contamination

Poor site signage • Collusion of vehicles with other users

& A >* /l F '- • Dust respiratory diseases
HAS Dust particle emissions
Proximity to inhabited sites and • Social conflicts with the indigenous
l-e %T>\
bodies of water population
i\# t> A - // Occupation some Aires ■ Reduction of agricultural activities
v ' Arable
Opening, Destruction of vegetation cover • Landslide
management and • Reduction of arable land
operation of quarries • Loss/Reduction of Wildlife Habitat
• Surface and groundwater contamination
• Soil contamination
occupation some Aires • Reduction of agricultural activities
Proximity to inhabited sites and • Risks of social conflicts with the indigenous
bodies of water population

Poor quarry signage • Risk of vehicles colluding with other users

Construction of Destruction Habitat • Suppression de frayeres
engineering and Wildlife • Disruption of normal water drainage
hydraulic structures • Water Contamination
• Wetland draining
• Disruption of species migration

octobre 2023
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Inlerconnecte (PR-RNl) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV Section IX: formiilajre du marche

Activities Sources Negative impacts
hydrocarbon • Suppression some Sources
water supply to the population
Poor signage of the * Traffic disruption
construction site • Social conflicts
Creation and • Reduction of arable land
Exploitation of Destruction of vegetation cover
deviations • Pollution atmospherique
Emission of dust and exhaust
particulate matter
• Conflicts with indigenous peoples
Easy access to protected areas
• Social conflicts
Passage on arable land • Reduction de la productivity agricole
Road repairs * Risk of air pollution
Emission of dust particles
from • Reduction of arable land
Excavation and Destruction of vegetation cover
shaping of the Tagging of works * Disruption of the activities of local
platform populations
• Traffic disruption
Transport some Dust emission • Risk of air pollution
Materials • Risk of accidents
Poor driver behaviour
Earthworks and Job marking • Disruption of traffic to people living along the
installation of the road
layer coating


octobre 2023
Projet de reinforcement du Reseau National Interconnect^ (PR-RN1) SONA BEL
DAO pour la construction de posies 90 kV Section IX: formulaire du marche

3.2 Activites et Sources d’impacts positifs

Reunions de
Sources Impacts Positifs
• Sauvegarde des aires ecologiquement
concertation et de
negociation avant le
• Respect des procedures administratives et
demarrage des juridiques
travaux • Adhesion des populations
• Harmonisation des divergences sur les
sollicitations sociales
Liberation de Abattage d’arbres • Production de bois pour les populations
L emprise locales
• Embellissement du paysage
• Amelioration de l’etat des infrastructures
• Indemnisation des personnes affectees
Installation et • Creation de petits marches temporaires
mise en service de la Deboisement • Production de bois pour les populations
base vie locales
Entretien des engins • Reutilisation des huiles usagees par les
Serialisation des travaux • Reduction des accidents
Repli de chantier • Reconstitution du convert vegetal
• Cession des installations aux collectivites
Recrutement de Priorite pour la main d’oeuvre • Moins de conflits avec les populations
personnel de locale autochtones
chantier • Creation d’emplois temporaires dans les
• Creation de mains d’oeuvre qualifiees
• Creation de petits marches temporaires
autour du chantier
• Amelioration temporaire du revenu de
certains menages
• Respect des us et coutumes
Ouverture, gestion et Amenagement des sites • Abreuvement du betail
exploitation des • Activites de maraichage
zones d’emprunt • Zones de loisirs
• Amelioration du revenu des proprietaires
terriens indemnises
• Reconstitution du convert vegetal
Construction des ^^rin*«rrJ'7?5s. • Meilleur drainage des eaux de surface
ouvrages d’art et c, „r

[[sir'Ah )>
Terrassement • Embellissement de l’esthetique paysagere

■ i i i- k
•£‘J. *>T octobre 2023
Projcl de renforcement du Roseau National Inlerconnecte (PR-RN1) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de posies 90 kV Section IX : formulaire dii marche

3.3 Details of environmental measures

The Contractor shall include the following elements in the evaluation of the costs of the contract:
N° Environmental and social requirements
1 Preparation and release of the right-of-way
• Information and awareness-raising for the populations concerned
2 Scouting of the networks of the beneficiaries
3 Construction site facilities
• Preparation
• Sanitation and drinking water facilities \
• Security Facilities \J
4 Protective equipment for construction site personnel
• Clothing, boots, gloves, helmets, masks, etc.
• First aid first aid box -
• Suivi medical
5 Provision of access and detour routes ^
• Temporary Tow Lanes and Paths
• Pedestrian bridges and waterfront accesses
6 Signage of the construction site and works
This item covers the work and services related to the installation of the panels
7 Erosion prevention and shoreline stabilization of lakes and rivers
8 Protective measures during the transport of equipment and materials
• Watering of dirt runways
• Truck coverage (tarps, nets, etc.)
Measures for the transport and storage of petroleum products
• Sealed storage units on protected surfaces with a protection system and retention basin
• Spill control equipment (absorbents, peat, socks, shovels, pumps, machinery, containers,
• Communication equipment (radio transmitter, walkie-talkie, mobile phone)
• Safety equipment (signage, etc.)
10 Existing sewerage works
"Clear all plant products and solids obstructing the structures
• Manual or mechanical maintenance of ditches
* Stabilization of pits and shoulders
Maintenance of curbs, gutters and downspouts
• Perform the connection between the curbs and downspouts
• Repair downspouts, gutters, receptacles
• Install riprap or gabions at the foot of embankments and connect downspouts
12 Erosion Control - Slope Stabilization
• Laying riprap or gabions in areas with strong currents
® reinforcement of banks and embankment soils by riprap, gabions, maijonne perres or by plant
• Reinforcement of downstream and upstream para-excavations (riprap or gabions)
13 Protection of agricultural areas and structures • Compensation for agricultural impenses and land
14 Tree planting and protection of sensitive environments

octobre 2023
Pro jet de renforcemcnt du Resea u National Interconnects (PR-RN1) SON A BEL
DAO pour la construction dc postcs 90 kV SECTION IX ; FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

Ce poste concerne la fourniture et la plantation d'arbres d'especes adaptees au milieu naturel pour
constituer des ecrans en bordure de la route et dans les zones d’emprunt lateritique. 11 comprend
notamment :
• Reamenagement des sites temporaires
• Restauration du couvert forestier sur les terres forestieres
• Fourniture des plants, de hauteur minimale un metre ;
• Plantation, protection, arrosage et entretien jusqu'a la reception definitive ;
• Remplacement en cas d'echec.
Sensibilisation des ouvriers
Ce poste recouvre les travaux et prestations suivants :
• Sensibilisation a l'importance de la protection de l'environnement;
• Sensibilisation au respect des us et coutumes des populations de la region ou sont effectues les
travaux ;
• Sensibilisation sur la securite et 1?hygiene au travail;
• Sensibilisation aux risques des 1ST et du VIH-SIDA ;
• Mise a disposition de preservatifs contre les IST/VIH-SIDA ;
• Distribution des materiels de protection pour la securite (bottes, Rants, casques, etc.).
Ouverture et exploitation de zones d'emprunt Iateritique:
Ce poste recouvre les travaux et prestations suivants : //[■■’
• Concertations avec les proprietaires terriens
• Dedommagement des proprietaires terriens ;
17 UF -'.'a ■ 7" , - '.- //
Ouverture et exploitation de carrieres de concassage
Ce poste recouvre les travaux et prestations suivants : v■ NA
• Obtention dupermis d’exploitation . ,y
• Mise en oeuvre du plan de securite -
• Concertations avec les proprietaires terriens / \Ty
• Utilisation d'abat poussiere tel que Teau ou installation de filtres ^ j
• Dedonunagement des proprietaires terriens
Remise en etat des zones d’emprunt lateritique et des sites d’installations
Ce poste recouvre les travaux et prestations suivants :
• Regalage de la terre vegetale sur une epaisseur reduite ;
• Plantation d’especes ligneuses dans les zones ou sites exploites
• Amenagement de mares et bassins de retenues d’eau
19 Approvisionnement en eau du chantier
(Citeme d’approvisionnement, forage, etc.)
Gestion des eaux usees et des dechets solides Ce poste recouvre les travaux et prestations
suivants :
• Couverture et impermeabilisation des aires de stockage
• Evacuation des surplus de materiaux
• Achat de receptacles de dechets
• Construction de fosses pour enfouissement des dechets biodegradables
• Recuperation et evacuation des dechets de vidange
• Constructions d’infrastructures sanitaires (toilettes, latrines, etc.)
• Amenagement d’aires de lavage et d'entretien d'engins
• Acquisition de futs de stockage des huiles de vidange
octobre 2023
Projet de renl'orcement du Reseau National interconnecte (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX: FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE
Withdrawal of construction site and redevelopment
® carry out all the necessary improvements to restore the site
• remove temporary buildings, equipment, wood, garbage, surplus materials, fencing and other
related items;
® Rectify drainage defects
• Treat all excavated areas
• clean up and eliminate all forms of pollution compensate those affected by the effects of

octobre 2023
Projel de reinforcement dn Rescan National Interconnects (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

3.4 Contraintes environnementales selon les zones ecologiques

Zones ecologiques Contraintes environnementales a considerer en Pays concernes
priorite lors des travaux routiers
Zones coheres Senegal, Cote
d’Ivoire, Guinee
Erosion cohere (prelevement du sable marin lors des Bissau, Togo, Benin
Presence de mangroves sur les berges des fleuves et
dans les estuaires ; depressions (pollution)
Pollution des eaux (plan d’eau/nappes superficielles)
Zone soudano- Presence forestieres (deboisement de forets claires ; Senegal, Cote
guineenne forets denses ; forets galeries) ; d’Ivoire, Guinee
Presence de cours d’eau (pollution) Bissau, Togo, Benin,
Faune relativement importante (braconnage et perte Burkina Faso, Mali
d’habitat faunique)
Forte pluviometrie (perturbation des travaux
routiers ; erosion hydrique, etc.)
Zone soudano- Presence de zones de steppes arbustives et arborees, Senegal, Cote
sahelienne de savanes arbustives et arborees (defrichement, d’Ivoire, Togo,
desertification) Benin, Burkina Faso,
Faune relativement importante (braconnage et perte Niger, Mali
d’habitat faunique)
Presence de cours d’eau (pollution)
Zone sahelienne Senegal, Burkina
Longue saison scchc
Faible pluviometrie, moins de 100mm au Nord (faire Faso, Niger, Mali
attention aux mesures de
reboisement/revegetalisation; creation de mares
artificielles pour le betail)
Vents forts (erosion sols, envoi de la
poussiere/pollution atmospherique lors des
travaux, etc.)
Vegetation, de types secs, marquee par des
predominances herbeuses, arbustives,
arborees et boisees (fetjx—de^brousse,
desertification, erosion deshsojs


octobre 2023
Section IX. Contract Forms
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnect^ (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pnnr la construction de posies 90 kV SECTION IX: FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

List of Forms

Contract Letter Template................................................................................................... %..................121

Sample Deed of Commitment...............................................................,..................................................122

Performance bond model (guarantee issued by a financial institution)....................................................123

Prepayment guarantee model (guarantee issued by a financial institution) ..............................................125



y octobre 2023
Projet de renforcemenl du Reseau National Interconnects (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX : FORMUEAIRE DU MARCHE

Contract Letter Template

[Letterhead of the Contracting Authority or Employer]

Date : [date]

To: [name and address of Successful Bidder]

Plural of Monsieur.

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that your tender dated [date] for the execution of the Works of
[name of project and specific works as presented in the Instructions to Bidders] for the amount of the Contract of [amount in
figures and letters] FCFA, corrected and amended in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders, is accepted
by us.

You are required to provide the performance bond within 14 days, in accordance with the CCAG, using
the performance bond form in Section IX, Contract Forms.

Please accept, gentlemen, the expression of our distinguished consideration.

[Signature, name and title of the Person in Charge of the Contract authorized to sign on behalf of the Employer]

octobre 2023
Projel de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV SECTION IX: FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE

Sample Deed of Commitment

Le present Marche a ete conclu le _______________day of 20

between fnomj, domiciled at [address] (hereinafter referred to as "Contracting Authority" on the one
hand, and [name of the Contractor or of the undertaking group followed by ", jointly (or severally), and represented by [name] as
joint representative"], domiciled at [address] (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor") on the other hand.

Whereas the Contracting Party wishes certain Works to be carried out by the Contractor, namely [insert a
brief description of the Work and insert the Lot if applicable], and has accepted the Tender submitted by the Contractor
for the Execution and Completion of the said Work, and for the repair of all malfa^ons relating thereto.

It was agreed as follows:

In this Contract, terms and expressions shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Contract
Administrative Clauses, which are listed below.

In addition to the commitment agreement, the constituent parts of the Contract are as follows:

a) The Award Notification Letter;

b) The submission and its appendices;
c) The Special Administrative Clauses;
d) The Specification of Special Technical Clauses;
e) Plans and drawings;
f) The Price Schedule and the Quantity and Estimate Detail;
g) The General Administrative Clauses;
h) The General Technical Clauses;
i) The other documents mentioned in Article 4 of the Special Administrative Clauses.

In the event of a discrepancy between the constituent parts of the Contract, these documents shall prevail
in the order in which they are listed above.

In return for the payments to be made by the Contracting Party to PEntrepreneur, as mentioned below,
PEntrepreneur undertakes to carry out the Works and to take back all related defects in absolute
compliance with the provisions of the Contract.

The Contracting Authority undertakes to pay to the Contractor, as remuneration for the performance and
completion of the Works and the recovery of any related defects, the sums provided for in the Contract or
such other sums as may be payable under the provisions of the Contract, and in the manner stipulated in
the Contract.

Signature of Contracting Agreement

[Insert surname, first name and position of the Person in Charge of the Contract]

Contractor's Signature
[Insert the name, surname and position of the signatory]

octobre 2023
Projet de renforcement du Roseau National Interconnect^ (PR-RN1)
DAO pour la construction dc postes 90 kV SECTION [X: FORIMULAR OF THE CONTRACT

Performance bond model (guarantee issued by a financial


Date: _______________________________

Call for Tenders No.:______________

________________________________[Name of Bank and Address of Issuing Bank\

Beneficiaire :_____________________[name and address of Contracting Authority]


Performance bond number : _______________________________

We have been informed that ________________________________ [name of VEntrepreneur] (hereinafter

referred to as the "Contractor") has entered into Contract No._______________________________to date
of the______________for 1' execution of ■ ________________________[Description of the work] (hereinafter
hereafter referred to as "the Market").

In addition, we understand that performance security is required under the terms of the Contract.

At the request of the Contractor, we__________________________[Name of Bank] We are committed to

hereby, unreservedly and irrevocably, to pay you on first demand, without the need for a formal notice or
legal proceedings whatsoever, all sums of money
that you could claim up to the limit of___________________________[insert sum in numbers~\
_______________[insert amount in letters]2, representing %........................................of the amount of the
Your request for payment must be accompanied by a statement that the Bidder is not complying with the
terms of the Contract, without you having to prove or give the reasons or reason for your request or the
amount indicated in your request.

This warranty expires on or before _____________________day of_______________2_____,3 and any

Payment request must be submitted by this date at the latest.

Name: [full name of signatoryj Title [legal capacity of signatory]

This guarantee4 is issued on the basis of Approval No...........................of the ................Ministers and
Finance Charge, which expires on.................................................

2 The Guarantor must insert an amount representing the advance as a percentage of the amount of the Contract
mentioned in the Contract.
3 Insert the date that is twenty-eight days after the estimated date of completion of the work. The Employer must take
into account the fact that, in the case of an extension of the duration of the Contract, He will have to ask the Guarantor
extend the life of the This Warranty. Such a request must be Made in writing before the Expiry date mentioned in the
warranty. When preparing for the warranty, the Owner may consider adding what follows in the End of AV
penultimate paragraph: "On request Written of the Employer, formulated prior to the expiration of this Agreement
Warranty, the Guarantor extend to the term of this warranty for a period not exceeding [six months] [one Such an
extension will be granted only once. »
4 The Present Guarantees Submission must be established in Confonmite with the Uniform Act OHADA
on the organization of the Security Interests (Chapter 2) of 15 d^December 2010 (OJ OHADA n° 03 of the
octobre 2023
December 15 2010)
Projet de renforcement du Roseau National Interconnects (PR-RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de postes 90 kV Section IX: formulaire du marche

Name: [full name of signatory] Title [legal capacity of signatory]

Signed [signature of the person whose name and title appear above]
As of________________________day of_________________________,________. [Incer's Date]

Note: The italicized text should be removed from the final document; It is provided
for information purposes only to facilitate the preparation of the document

octobre 2023
Proj e c t for t he re i nforc e m e nt of t he Na t i ona l Gri d (PR-RN1) DAO for t he c onst ruc t i on of 90 kV pose s SONABEL
Section IX : formulaire du marche
Prepayment guarantee model (guarantee issued by a
financial institution)

Call for Tenders No .:

__________________________________ [name of bank and address of issuing bank]

Beneficiaire :_____________________[name and address of Contracting Authority]

Date: ____________________

Advance Refund Guarantee Number: ___________________________

We have been informed that__________________________[name of Contractor] (hereinafter

referred to as the "Contractor") has entered into Contract No._____________________________to date
of the________________ for f execution ________________________[Market Name and Description
of the works] (hereinafter referred to as "the Market").
In addition, we understand that, under the terms of the Contract, an advance in the amount of
_______________ [insert sum in numbers]_________________________[insert amount in letters] east
paid against a guarantee of repayment in advance.

At the request of the Contractor, we_________________________[name of bank] We are committed

hereby, unreservedly and irrevocably, to pay you on first demand, without the need for a formal notice or
legal proceedings whatsoever, all sums of money
that you could claim up to the limit of_______________________[insert sum in numbers]

octobre 2023

Projet de renforcement du[insert
_______________ Reseau amount
National in letters]5 6(PR-RNI)
Interconnects representing the amount of the advance
DAO pour la construction de posies 90 kV SECTION IX: FORMULAIRE DU MARCHE
Your demand for payment must be accompanied by a statement that the Contractor is not
complying with the terms and conditions of the Contract.

Any claim and payment under this warranty shall be conditional upon receipt by the Contractor of the
above-mentioned advance in its account number has [name and address of bank].
This warranty expires on or before the earliest of the following dates: upon receipt of a
Copy of _____________} or__________________day of_______________2______.6 Any request for
Payment must be requested by this date at the latest.

Name: [full name of signatoryj Title [legal capacity of signatory]

5 The Guarantor must insert an amount representing the advance as a percentage of the amount of the Contract
mentioned in the Contract.
6 Insert the expected date of provisional acceptance. The Employer shall take into account that, in the event of an
extension of the duration of the Contract, it shall request the Guarantor to extend the term of this Guarantee. Such
request must be made in writing before the expiry date specified in the warranty. In preparing the warranty, the
octobre 2023
Employer may consider adding the following at the end of the penultimate paragraph: "Upon the described request of
the Employer made prior to the expiration of this warranty, the Guarantor shall extend the term of this warranty for a
period not exceeding [six months] [one year]. Such an extension will only be granted once. »
Section IX : formulaire du marche

This guarantee7 is issued on the basis of Authorisation No..............................of Ministere

in charge of Finance, which expires on..............................................

Name: [full name of signatoryj Title [legal capacity of signatory]

Signed [signature of the person whose name and title appear above]
As of________________________day of_________________________,________. [Incer's Date]

Note: The italicized text should be removed from the final document and is provided for
information purposes only to facilitate preparation

.................................. ..............................................................u
This tender guarantee must be drawn up in accordance with the OHADA Uniform Act on the Organization of
Securities^s (Chapter 2) of 15 December 2G1G (OHADA OJ No. 03 of 15 December 2010) -

' r.\ ■ r r; .r ;
'' ^
octobre 2023
Silhouette pylone tubulaire


CFA Siege social : 55, Avenue de la Nation 01 BP 54 Ouagadougou
01 Telephone : (226) 25 30 61 00, Fax : (226) 25 31 03 40, Telex :
5208 BF
N ° 01/2023/PR-RNI


Source of funding: BOAD Loan Agreement n°2016091/EDF BF 2017 35 00

Volume 1 - Specifications

Autorite contractante : SONABEL

from 06/11/2017
Sommer General

PART ONE - Tendering Procedures

Section 0. Notice of Invitation to Tender
Section I. Instructions to Bidders
Section II. Specific data of the call for tenders
Section III. Submission Forms
Section IV. Pays eligibles

PART ONE - Workload Master Requirements / Vol 1

Section V. Technical Specifications and Plans

PART TWO - Owner's Requirements / Vol 2


PART THREE - Walking

Section VI. Cahier des Clauses administratif generates Section VII. Special
Administrative Clauses, Section VIII. Environmental Clauses Section IX. Contract


Section V. Specification of Technical Clauses
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV SPECIFICATION L0010 - DISPOSITIONS GENERALES

Table des matieres Page


1.1 Generalites 6
1.1.1 Limites de fournitures et de prestations
1.1.2 Caracteristiques generales de la ligne 6
1.1.3 Description des traces 7
1.1.4 Conditions climatiques
1.1.5 Conditions geologiques et geotechniques 7
1.1.6 Criteres de conception 13
1.1.7 Tenue mecanique des ouvrages 15
1.1.8 Pylones 15
1.1.9 Mise a la terre des pylones 15
1.2 Documentation 19
1.2.1 Generalites 25
1.2.2 Plans et documents a remettre par le Constructeur 25
1.2.3 Procedure de soumission des plans et documents 25
1.2.4 Procedure d'approbation des plans et documents 25
1.2.5 Dossier de fin de travaux 25
1.3 Formations du personnel du Maitre de 1’Ouvrage et participation aux essais en usine 26
1.3.1 Formations sur site 27
1.3.2 Essais a l’usine 27
2.1 Generality 26
2. 2.1.1 Etendue de la specification 29
2.1.2 Travaux associes 29
2.1.3 Normes 29
2.1.4 Plans et documents a foumir par le Constructeur 29
2.2 Specifications techniques des cables 29
2.2.1 Matdriaux 29
2.2.2 Graissage 29
2.2.3 Caracteristiques techniques Erreur defini.
! Signetdefini.
non 31i 33 33
2.3 Conditions de livraison Erreur ! Signet non i 33
2.3.1 Emballage
de u
2.4.1 Essais de type Essais de reception en usine 2.5 Erreur ! Signet non i 46
Pieces de rechange et outillages speciaux SPECIFICATION Erreur ! Signet non i 46

L0030 - SPECIFICATIONS DES CGFO 3.1 Generality
Deuxieme partie — Specifications des
Table des matieres Page
3.1.1 Etendue de la specification 46
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
3.1.2de lignes
DAO pour la construction Travaux
3.1.3 Normes 46

3.1.4 Plans et documents a fournir par le Constructed 47

3.2 Specifications techniques du CGFO 47
3.2.1 Construction 47

3.2.2 Graissage 47
3.2.3 Caracteristiques techniques du CGFO 47
3.3 Conditions de livraison 50

3.3.1 Emballage 50
3.3.2 Marquage 51
3.4 Essais 53
3.4.1 Essais de type 53
3.4.2 Essais individuels 53

3.5 Transpor 55
3.6 Installation du c&ble de garde h fibre optique 55
3.7 Preparation pour l’installation 56
3.7.1 Positionnement du touret 56
3.7.2 Tireuse et tendeur 56
3.7.3 Poulies 56
3.7.4 Dispositifs anti-torsion 57
3.8 Pieces de rechange et outillages speciaux 57
4.1 Gendralites 58

4.1.1 Scope of Specification 58

4.1.2 Assoeids 58
4.1.3 Standards 58
4.2 Technical specifications of the insulators 58
4.2.1 Constitution 58
4.2.2 Matdriaux and constraction
4.2.3 Eiectromecanic Characteristics
4.2.4 Terms of delivery
4.2.5 Designation of insulators
4.2.6 Etnpacking
4.2.7 Marking
4.2.8 Handling, transport and delivery
4.3 Quality Control Tests
4.3.1 Qualification Testing
4.3.2 Factory Acceptance Testing

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 3

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV SPECIFICATION L0010- DISPOSITIONS GENERALES
Table of Contents 62
4.4 Pieces de rechange 62
The Manufacturer will provide the following spare parts :
5.1 63
5.1.1 Scope of Specification 63
5.1.2 Related Work Standards 63
5.1.3 Types of Channels 63
5.1.4 Plans and documents to be provided by the Manufacturer Technical Specifications 65
5.1.5 General Chames Accessories Phase Cable Accessories 65

5.2 Fiber Optic Docking Cable (GFGC) Accessories Miscellaneous Materials Terms 6
of delivery 6
5.2.2 Tooling & Consumables Part Marking Sorting & Packaging Transport & Delivery 6
5.2.3 6
Type Tests Factory Acceptance Tests Procedures for Performing Tests
5.2.4 6
5.2.5 8
5.3 7
6.1.1 Scope of Specifications
5.3.3 73
6.1.2 Related works
5.3.4 73
6.1.3 Standards
5.3.3 7
6.1.4 Plans and documents to be filled in by the Construct
ssais 4
6.2 Specifications techniques des pylones
5.4.1 7
6.2.1 Main features of tubi pylons
5.4.2 4
6.2.2 Materials
5.4.3 7
6.2.3 Manufacture
6. 4
6.2.4 Construction details

6.2.5 Inspection and acceptance of pylons
6.2.6 Terms of delivery
6.3 Spare parts and special tools
I f e -
7. 7
Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 4
78 I
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL

Table of Contents Page

7.1 Generalites 92
7.1.1 Etendue de la specification 92
7.1.2 Travaux associes 92
7.1.3 Plans et documents a fournir par le Constructeur 92

7.2 Specifications techniques 93

7.2.1 Fil de mise a la terre 93
7.2.2 Blocs de mise a la terre 93
7.3 Conditions de livraison 93
7.3.1 Marquage des pieces 93
7.3.2 Outillage et matieres consommables 93
7.3.3 Emballage et transport 94
7.3.4 Livraison 94

7.4 Essais 94
7.4.1 Essais individuels 94

7.4.2 Essais de type 95

7.4.3 Essais de reception en usine 95

8.1 Travaux de realisation 103

8.1.1 Plans et documents k foumir par le Constructeur 103
8.1.2 Travaux topographiques 104
8.1.3 Repartition des pylones 106
8.1.4 Carnet de piquetage 110
8.1.5 Travaux prealables 110
8.1.6 Fondations 112
8.1.7 Mise a la terre des pylones 122
8.1.8 Montage des pylones 123
8.1.9 Montage des isolateurs et accessoires de ligne 125

8.1.10 Specifications particulieres au CGFO 130

8.1.11 Travaux annexes 132
8.1.12 Essais
8.1.13 Inspection finale de la ligne
8.1.14 Mise en service de la ligne
8.1.15 Reception provisoire
8.1.16 Pdriode de garantie
8.1.17 Reception definitive

DeUxieme partie — Specifications des

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV


1.1 Generalites

The National Interconnected Grid Evacuation System Reinforcement Project includes the following works:

90 kV double temes Ouaga Est - Kossodo line;

90 kV double dull line Ouaga Est - Patte d'Oie;
Conversion of the Zagtouli - Koudougou line to 90 kV;
Extension of the Kossodo, Zagtouli and Patte d'Oie substations ;
Creation of the Koudougou post;
Remote control system.
These structures are the subject of three International Calls for Tenders "HV Lines" and "HV Substations".
This specification covers all the construction work and construction of the 90 kV double dull HVB lines
between Ouaga East and Kossodo, approximately 17 km long, which will link the 90/33 kV substation at
Kossodo to the future 90/33 kV substation at Ouaga East and between Ouaga East-Patte d'Oie,
approximately 25 km long, which will link the 90/33/15 kV substation at Patte d'Oie to the future
330/225/90/33 kV substation at Ouaga East.
The city of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, is located in the province of Kadiogo. The Kossodo
substation is located in the industrial zone, north of the city of Ouagadougou.
The Patte d'Oie post is located southeast of the city of Ouagadougou, behind the Bogodogo district hospital.
The Ouaga-Est substation is located in the rural commune of Saaba. It can be reached from the national road
The works covered by this specification will have to be coordinated with the construction of the extensions
of the Kossodo and Patte d'Oie substations and the
construction of the new Ouaga-Est substation.
Les presentes specifications couvrent:

• Conductor cables and the guard cable;

• Insulators;
• Accessories for insulator chains and cabls
• Pylons;
• Grounding of pylons; L
• The construction work.
1.1.1 Supply and Benefit Limits

The Builder shall be responsible for:

• Connection of the phase cables to the anchor gantries. The anchor elements will be screwed up and
installed by the T-Substation Builder
• the connection of the fibre optic ground cable (CGFO) to the substation anchor gantries. The
connection devices will be installed and installed by the Substation Manufacturer.

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010 - Dispositions generales
1.1.2 General characteristics of the line
The 90 kV lines have the following general characteristics :
Nominal Voltage 90 kV
Highest voltage in the network 123 kV
Number of dulls 2
Cable de phase
•type ACCC (Copenhagen)
• denomination 222,8
• Number per phase 1
Wire Guard
•type -
• denomination -

Fiber Optic Docking Cable (CGFO)

Number of Guard Cables 1
Insulating the Guard Crope(s) Not
Insulators Composite Insulators
• designation CEI
* type Tubular pylon
' *** V I \
Double Flagsarme
Beton /beton I I/
' r L " l ~i//
Foundations ----------------------------------------------L

1.1.3 Description des traces

The Kossodo-Ouaga East route, about 17 km long, starts from the 90/33/15 kV substation in Kossodo in a
northerly direction. It follows the same corridor as the 90 kV Kossodo-Ziniare line to the KOE08 corner
point. It heads east, crossing the RN 3 to the corner point KOE09. From the KOE10 corner point, it heads
south, crosses the RN 4 and ends at the site of the 330/225/90/33 kV substation east of Ouagadougou.

As for the second tronyon, i.e. the Ouaga Est-Patte d'Oie line, it is about 25 km long. The line starts at the
future 330/225/90/33 kV substation in Ouaga East, and heads south to the OEPD06 corner point. It runs
alongside line 132 kY Zano-Patte d'Oie, leaving it on the left from point OEPD11 to the Patte d'Oie station.

From point OEPD08. it crosses the 132 kV line via an underground link to the OEPD09 corner point.
It follows the same corridor as the 90 kV Patte d'Oie-Zagtouli line and the 132 kV line to the
132/90/33/15 kV substation of the Patte d'Oie. It should be noted that it is between the two existing
lines 132 kV and 90 kV.

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 7

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI)
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010-Dispositions generales


NB : Cette image est a titre
indicatif. Statistique des
Les tableaux suivants donnent les coordonnees geo valeurs des angles
du trace et les distances entres les points d’angles.
traces, les
Deuxieme partie - Spiciflcations des travaux S
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification LOO 10 - Dispositions generales
Table of the route of the Kossodo-Ouaga East line.
POINTS [m] M lgr|

KOEOl 664713 1375137 Porch

300,66 300,66 connection
KOE02 664528 1375374 -1.47 Aero-
263,00 563,66
KOE03 664371 1375585 59.17
597881,84 598445,50
KOE04 66490 1376587 0,18
598717,37 1197162,87
KOE05 665207 1377256 61.28
1626,68 1198789,55

KOE06 666135 1378592 -6,54

748,84 1199538,39
KOE07 666623 1379160 4.85
60,80 1199599,20

KOE08 666659 1379209 -98,73

4067,01 1203666,2]
KOE09 669984 1376867 -42.38
135,72 1203801,93
YOU10 670023 1376737 22.87
579,42 1204381,35
YOU11 670374 1376276 4,08
591,91 1204973,25
YOU12 670762 1375829 -19.88
645,64 1205618,89
YOU13 671015 1375235 67,04 __— — _ __
vV C o £V
1690,17 1207309,06 -

YOU14 672694 1375041 -0,79 *• Ct -'/> <*>N\

889,21 1208198,27
YOU15 673576 1374928 -78J4
1335,12 1209533,39
YOU16 673858 1373623 j

168,67 1209702,06 fl(

YOU17 674011 1373552 -48.65 /*
220,06 1209922,12
YOU18 674091 1373347 6,92
391,37 1210313,49
YOU19 674272 1373000 67.55
242,10 1210555,59
KOE20 674514 1372993 -19.42
619,22 1211174,81
YOU21 675099 1372790 -38,90

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 9

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification LOO 10 - Dispositions generales

1005,56 1212180,37
YOU22 67568S 1371975 -17.25
477.77 1212658.13

YOU23 675854 1371527 Entrance to the

Ouaga-Est post


POl MTS M M l°rI

KOEOl 664713 1375137 Portiquc

300,6559496 300,6559496 souR"- r
KOE02 664528 1375374 -1.47 Remontee aero- l
263,0019011 563,6578507

KOE03 664371 1375585 59.17

597881,8396 598445,4975
KOE04 66490 1376587 0,18
598717,3738 1197162,871
KOE05 665207 1377256 61.28
1626,677596 1198789,549
KOE06 666135 1378592 -6,54
748,844443 1 1199538,393

KOE07 666623 1379160 4,85
60,80296045 1 199599,196
KOE08 666659 1379209 -98,73
4067,012294 1203666,209
KOE09 669984 1376867 -42,38 ■
QV . iiah ,
135,7239846 1203801,933 ’ t

YOU10 670023 1376737

22.87 ^

579,4152224 1204381,348
r* i

YOU11 670374 1376276

-OO 1

"i —

591,9062426 1204973,254 V, * ' -.

\\ 1 *1

YOU12 670762 1375829 -19.88
' V
645,635346 1205618,889
YOU13 671015 1375235 67,04
1690,170701 1207309,06 4—

YOU14 672694 1375041 -0.79

889,2091992 1208198,269 ■
YOU15 673576 1374928 -78,34 i—

1335,121343 1209533,391
YOU16 673858 1373623 58,79
168,6712779 1209702,062
YOU17 674011 1373552 -48,65
220,0568108 1209922,119 ■'~

YOU18 674091 1373347 6,92

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 10

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification LOO 10 - Dispositions generales
391,3693907 1210313,488

YOU19 674272 1373000 67.55

242,1012185 1210555,589
KOE20 674514 1372993 -19.42
619,2204777 1211174,81
YOU21 675099 1372790 -38.90
1005,557557 1212180,367
YOU22 675688 1371975 -17,25
477,7656329 1212658,133
YOU23 675854 1371527 Entr6e poste Oue

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 11

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010-Dispositions generales

Table showing the route of the Ouaga Est-Patte d'Oie



POINTS |m| |m| |gr|

OEPOl 675817 1371590 Sortie poste

78,10 78,10
0EP02 675741 1371572 -99.12
365,02 443,12
0EP03 675830 1371218 17.48
281,31 724,43
0EP04 675970 1370974 -19,57
2307,41 3031,84
0EP05 676459 1368719 -4,21
987,70 4019,54
0EP06 676604 1367742 -33.32
2654,54 6674,08
0EP07 675629 1365273 44.37
358,29 7032,37
0EP08 675742 1364933 -25.61
2177,21 9209,58
0EP09 675565 1362763 -19.74

4194,18 13403,75
OEPOIO 673965 1358886 -23.31

50,93 13454,69
OEPOll 673930 1358849 -87,20
3670,04 17124,72 s.
0EP012 670814 1360788 -19.51
1421,37 18546,10 //-v '** ~~ 1 ■ V . & ^

OEPOl3 669890 1361868,058

1313,16 19859,26
TV p?__■

OEPOl4 670707 1360840 1,33 \\

'1 V
2734,87 22594,13 \
OEPOl5 668961 1362945 23.46
3518,40 26112,53
OEPOl6 665890 1364662 32.26
1603,01 27715,54
OEPOl7 664287 1364667 24,13
204,27 27919,81
EntrSe poste
OEPOl8 664097 1364592
Patte d’Oie

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 12

Prdjet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction d'e ligneS 90'kV Specification L0010-Dispositions generales

Deuxieme partie—Specifications des travaux 13

Projet de reinforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010 - Dispositions generales Construction of the underground cable gallery

4 60

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 14

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010-Dispositions generales
1.1.4 Climatic conditions

Burkina Faso lies between the hot and humid zone of the African sub-equatorial littoral countries and the
Sudanese climate to the north. The climate is directly influenced by the winds that blow alternately from
the north-east during dry periods (Harmattan) and from the south-west during wet periods (Monsoon).

The definition of the characteristics of the equipment and structures associated with the construction of
the line must take into account the climatic and geographical conditions encountered in the Ouagadougou

The following paragraphs specify the values used for the design of the structures. Temperatures

Maximum temperatures are found in March/April while minimum temperatures are found in

Temperatures to be used for the design of structures

• Temperature maximale de Fair + 50 °C

• Minimum Fair Temperature + 12 °C
• Average annual temperature of Fair + 28 °C Wind Directions and Speeds

The region is characterized by prevailing northeasterly winds

North-North-Easter) southwesterly (South-South-West) during the
dry season (Armattan) and reversing during the rainy season.
The following table shows the selected wind speeds.
Wind speed
(m/s) (km/h)
•minimum 0,5 1,8
•Medium 9,0 33,0
•maximum 36,0 130,0

With regard to the simultaneity of maximum winds and temperatures, maximum winds occur at the beginning
of the rainy season, resulting from thermal phenomena. Precipitation and Relative Humidity of Pair

The maximum annual rainfall is around 1190 mm in Ouagadougou. Elies are mainly distributed between
June and September with monthly rainfall that varies from 100 to 400 mm.

The region is characterized by a relative humidity level that can reach values close to 100 %, especially
during the months of July, August and September. A relative humidity of 100% should be used.

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 15
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI)
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010 - Dispositions cenerales Pollution

As far as the local environment is concerned, it is characterized by virtually zero industrial pollution. On
the other hand, in the dry season, the region is subject to a harmattan wind from the north-east laden with
sand dust (silica) and laterite. In addition, possible bushfires can charge Pair with soot. The area can
therefore be considered slightly polluted.

An average pollution level with a minimum creepage of 20 mm/kV as prescribed in IEC

Recommendation 60815 will be used. Solar radiation

The duration of daylight varies between 6 and 8 hours depending on the season.

Given the latitude of the region between 13 and 14 degrees north latitude and the relatively low altitude of the
region (between 300 and 400 m above sea level), a solar radiation of 100 W/m2 is used. Keraunique Level

The keraunic level corresponds to the number of stormy days per year at an observation location

can be heard at a given observation location.

The average keraunique level value for the region is 130. Altitude
The average elevation of the line is slightly above 300 m. Less than 1000 no problem
for equipment that remains under the conditions defined by the

1.1.5 Geological and geotechnical conditions Seismic activity

The Burkina Faso zone is classified as "0" zone, i.e. not presenting a significant seismic risk. General characteristics of soils

The soils along the line have not been subjected to soil tests or resistivity measurements. Studies and tests
(geological, geotechnical, etc.) and resistivity measurements necessary for the final design of the structures
shall be carried out by the Builder in accordance with these specifications.

1.1.6 Design Criteria Voltage and Insulation Levels

The corresponding external insulation levels in accordance with IEC 60071-1 are shown in the following

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 16

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI)
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010 - Dispositions generales

• Tension nominale de la ligne kVefl' 90

• Tension assignee kVcfr 123
• Tension nominale de courte duree a frequence industrielle kVeff 185
• Tension nominale de tenue aux chocs de foudre 1,2/50 ps kV crete 450

The operating voltage levels are, as permitted by IEC 60071, neglected at these operating voltages. Short-circuit levels

The minimum short-circuit level for 90 kV equipment in the grid is 40s|cA.

vWCbei t> Thermal Resistance of Conductors and Accessories

Phase Conductors

For the DC operating current, the temperature is limited to a maximum of 70 °C. -

For the short-circuit current, the temperature is limited to 170 °C maxiirium for^a flow
temperature of 60 °C and a duration of 1 second.

Wire Guard

For the short-circuit current, the temperature is limited to a maximum of 300 °C for a flow temperature
corresponding to the most demanding climatic conditions.

1.1.7 Mechanical strength of structures Basic Weather Assumptions

The loads to be considered for the calculation of the mechanical strength of the structures will be those
resulting from the most unfavourable of the following assumptions:

Hypotheses Definition Temperature du cable (°C) Wind (m/s)

Has Everyday Condition Annual average Nobody
B Maximum Wind Condition Annual average Maximum
C Condition de temperature minimale Minimum 0.6 times the
maximum wind
D Condition de temperature maximale Maximum Conductor Vent minimum
Temperature Cable Holding Phase Cable

For Hypothesis A, the voltage in the conductors must be between 15 and 20% of the guaranteed breaking
load (EDS voltage).

For hypothesis B, regardless of the length of the span, the voltage in the conductors must not exceed 40 % of
the guaranteed breaking load (safety factor of 2.5).

For hypothesis C, regardless of the length of the span, the voltage in the conductors must not exceed 40 % of
the guaranteed breaking load (factor of safety of 2.5).

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 17
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV Specification LOOlO - Dispositions
Guard Cables generales

For hypothesis A, the tension in the cables must be between 15 and 20% of the guaranteed breaking load
(EDS voltage).

For hypothesis B, regardless of the length of the span, the tension in the cables must not exceed 40% of the
guaranteed breaking load (factor of safety of 2.5).

For hypothesis C, regardless of the length of the span, the tension in the cables must not exceed 40% of the
guaranteed breaking load (factor of safety of 2.5).


• in hypothesis A, regardless of the length of the span, the deflection of the guard cable shall be between
80% and 85% of the deflection of the phase conductor;

• in assumptions B, C and D, regardless of the span length, the deflection of the ground wire will be
between 85% and 95% of the boom of the phase conductor.

In the case of a line equipped with 2 ground wires, one of which is a fibre optic ground cable (GFG), both
ground cables must have the same fleece in hypothesis A.

For the calculation of the rope tensions, the aerodynamic drag coefficients of the cables shall be taken in
accordance with the German standard EN 50341-3-4: 2001 Table 4.3.2/DE.l.

Regardless of the span length, the span factor (EN 50341-1:2001) will be taken to be equal to 1 . Insulator chain maintenance

For the four hypotheses (A, B, C, D), the elements of the suspension and anchor insulator chains must not be
subjected to a force greater than 1/3 of their guaranteed electromechanical breaking load (safety factor of 3.3).

In addition, in the event of conductor failure (with 50% relaxation), suspension insulator chains must not be
subjected to a force exceeding 60% of their guaranteed electromechanical fracture load.

These safety factors apply to all components of the chains.

For the calculation of the wind force on the insulator chains, the aerodynamic drag coefficients shall be taken
in accordance with the German standard EN 50341-3-4: 2001 Table 4.3.2 IDEA. Pylon

Each type of pylon is composed of a main body and several extensions to create a variable pylon height in
order to adapt more easily to variations in the height of the ground. Mechanical strength calculations will be
carried out on the basis of the loads corresponding to the maximum height. \ \ ■' "//

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 18

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010 - Dispositions generales
The forces on the pylons are the result of the forces generated by the cables and the forces generated by the
wind on the chords, cables and insulator beams as well as the assembly and maintenance conditions. The
corresponding assumptions are classified into normal and exceptional load cases. Safety factors with respect
to ruin (yield limit)
To be respected for the pylons and all the chords are:

• Normal load cases: safety factor of 1.8;

• Exceptional load cases: safety factor of 1.1.

For foundations, the safety factors to be applied for the break-out forces and the overturning moments are
those of the pylons multiplied by an increase coefficient of 1.10 to take account of the greater dispersion of
the mechanical characteristics of the materials used.

Cases of normal loads

The loads that the bracket must hold include:

The forces on the different components of the line created longitudinally according to
the direction of the wind);
vent (efforts transversaux et
• The mechanical tension of the cables (transverse and longitudinal forces);

• The weight of cables, insulators and accessories (vertical forces). i

The forces generated by the wind on the various components of the line are calculated according to the EN
50341-1 standard (February 2002 edition) - Chapter 4 "Action on the lines". The range factor to be considered
for drivers is equal to 1 regardless of the length of the range.

For the calculation of the wind force on the pylon chords, the aerodynamic drag coefficients shall be taken in
accordance with the German standard EN 50341-3-4: 2001 Table 4.3.2/DE. 1.

Exceptional Charges

Exceptional load cases are considered under the assumption of maximum cable tension for spans between 200
and 500 m. A distinction is made between the following exceptional load cases:

• Hypothesis de rupture de cable :

- Alignment Pylon: 1 phase conductor where a guard cable is rornpu, the other cables being
installed and intact. In the case of the failure of a phase conductor in a span on one side of a
pylon, a cable expansion (due to the insulator chain) equal to 70% of the maximum horizontal

tension of the conductor 222.8 mm2 shall be taken into account in the opposite span. This break-
up assumption applies to meteorological assumptions A, B, and C.

- Alignment Anchor Tower (Anti-Cascade): All cables (phase and guard) are broken within a span
in weather assumptions A, B and C.
- Corner anchor tower: Two phase conductors or a phase conductor and a guard wire are broken in
weather assumptions A, B, and C. j

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 19

Projet de reinforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV Specification L0010- Dispositions cenerales
- End-of-line shutdown tower: Two phase conductors or a phase conductor and a guard wire
are broken in weather assumption A. B and C.

The most restrictive case is to be taken into account for the sizing.

• Hypothesis the assembly

- A vertical mounting load of 150 daN (weight of a fitter and his equipment) applied to the
centre of the bar shall be applied to the centre of the bar in the middle of all bars other than
the main chords and having an inclination of less than 30° from the horizontal, but no other

- For low alignment and corner tower crossbeams, the mounting load is 100 daN, applied to the
end of the bracket. For the anchor tower sleepers, the mounting load is 300 daN, applied to
the end of the bracket.

• Hypothesis d'haubanage

It is assumed that on any pylon, one or more cables are held to the support at their adjustment
tension by 1/3 slope guy wires anchored to the ground on
flat ground. The most restrictive case is to be taken into

1.1.8 Pylons Main features of tubular pylons

In order to reduce the footprint of the line, the pylons will be of the round-conical type, made of
galvanized steel.

The attached planes give the general shape and dimensions of the standard pylons with the swing spares.

The poles should have the most pleasing appearance possible while meeting the requirements of strength
and practical use. The posts should be round, conical, with a gradual and constant taper.

Only one longitudinal weld will be tolerated (no transverse welds will be accepted). It will be of the high-
frequency welding type.

The computational design will use elastic analysis according to the principles described in the ASCE
manuals and the Engineering Practice Report N°72.

Drums must be made of a single piece of the greatest possible length within the limits of shipping or
manufacturing possibilities. Barrels exceeding these limits are divided into several sections. Adjacent
sections will need to be joined in interlocks. However, there must be a minimum of nesting.

The interlocking shall be designed so that their length is one and a half (1.5) times the inner diameter of
the interlocking female element, according to ASCE, " Report N°72, Design of Steel Transmission Pole

A removable plastic head plug suitable for the pole head will need to be fitted.

NB: In order to reduce the footprint of the line, the tenderer will offer composite armaments as an

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 20

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010 - Dispositions generales Pylon family

The different types of pylons selected for the construction of the line are:

• the range tower;

• the corner pylon;
• the anchor pylon.

Type A - Alignment Tower

It is only used to support the line and is only used in straight sections or for line deflection angles less
than or equal to 2 grades subject to reduced wind range.
«•,■". ■ /
Type B - Low angle (0° - 30°) and anti-waterfall pylon

Equipped with anchor isolator chains, it will be used as:

- angle bracket up to 30 degrees (normal load case ); it will be able to withstand a longitudinal
tension difference of 15 % in case of different parameters in adjacent blocks;

- Anti-cascade support that limits the length of the blocks to 10 km.

Type C - Sharp Angle Anchor Tower (30° - 90°) and Anchor Tower

It is used to create a point of fixation of the line and to additionally support the deflection tangle of the

Equipped with anchor isolator chains, it will be used as:

- high-angle support, between 30 and 90 degrees maximum (normal load case); it will be able to
withstand a longitudinal tension difference of 10 to 15% in case of different parameters in adjacent

- complete line stop anchor bracket (terminal supports) (conductor and guard cable), on one side
only in the absence of all cables on the opposite side in weather hypothesis A, defmie in
specification L0010; The existence of the reduced voltage range of connection to the substation
will not be taken into account.

The height of the cable from the ground, the anchor point of the conductors or the attachment point on
the suspension chains shall be 12 m. In order to adapt to the conditions of the terrain, each type of pylon
will include:

> A main body that can be reduced or extended in height by extensions. For the alignment pylon
(type A) the extensions will make it possible to achieve the -6 m, 0 and +6 m heights and for the
corner and anchor pylons (types B and C), the -6 m height and the standard height;

The following table summarizes the different types of towers covered by this contract.

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 21

Designation des Utilisation Angle de deflexion de Nombre de conducteurs
supports ligne [degres] rompus
Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI)
DAO pour la Aconstruction de lignes 90 kV Suspension SOh'ABEL
0 1
Specification LOO] 0 - Dispositions
A Suspension 0-2
generales 1
B ancrage Angle faible 0-30 2
B ancrage Anti-cascade 0 4
C ancrage Angle fort 30-60 2
C ancrage Angle fort 30-90 2
C fin de ligne Arret 2
C '} Characteristic Scopes

The different types of towers will be calculated for the following spans; /,: f, 'j

Types de Characteristic Ports (m)

supports Usage Wind Weight Max geometry
Has Suspension 300 400 400
Has Suspension <300 400 400
B Anchor Low Angle 300 500 500
B Anti-Cascade Anchoring 300 500 500
C Anchor Sharp Angle 300 500 500
C End of line 300 800 700 Pylon geometry

Distances to Ground

The distances of all energized parts from the grounded metal masses (pylon elements) are a function of
the probability of a simultaneous occurrence of a surge and the unfavorable position of the energized
conductor. The following three probabilities can be distinguished:
• High probability (windless): the distance to ground is slightly greater than the distance in fair
recommended by IEC 60071 so as to promote a primer between insulator chain protection devices
rather than a direct ignition between a conductor and the pylon structure;

• Medium probability (reduced wind): the distances to the ground are such that there is no
breakdown at manoeuvring surges;

• Low probability (maximum wind): the distances to ground are such that there is no breakdown at
the short-term withstand voltage at industrial frequency.

The corresponding distances for the phase conductors are given in the following table.

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 22

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV Specification L0010-Dispositions generales

* Tension assignee (kV) 90

• Distance sans vent (m) 0,90
• Distance avec vent reduit (m) 0,52
• Distance avec vent maximum (m) 0,35

Distances between conductors and between conductors and ground ropes

The distance between phases and between conductors and the ground wire in the middle of the span, without
wind, must be at least equal to or greater than the minimum value calculated by the following relationship
(DIN EN 50341-3-4):

dip-k-f + h + sim

In this relationship, the different parameters have the following meanings:

• f: conductor deflection at maximum temperature (m);

• Ik: length of a chain of suspension insulators (m);

• k: a term which depends on the angle of balance of the suspension chains
under the action of the wind and on the relative position of one conductor in
relation to the other (cf. DIN EN 50341-3-4 Table No . 5.4.3/DE.2). The dek value depends on the
type of pylon armament and its geometry.

• Sam - term that depends on the voltage of the line by the intermediate of the minimum distance
between phases Dpp defined in Standard EN50341-1 Table No . 5.5. In the empirical method, this
table gives the distance Dpp and the distance Dei, which represents the minimum distance between
phase and grounded element, as a function of the highest voltage of the line.

- For the calculation of the distance between phases: Sam = 0.75.Dpp (cf. DIN EN 50341-3-4);

- For the calculation of the phase-to-guard cable distance: Sam = 0.75.Dei (cf. DIN EN 503413-4);

Angle of protection of the wire fence J

In order to protect the line against direct lightning strikes on the conductors, the ground wire shall be
positioned at the pylon in such <a way that the line joining the guard cable to the suspension clamp of a LI
phase conductor makes an angle with the vertical passing through the ground wire at an angle of 30° or less.

Guard Distances (Lower Bracket Heights) J

Normal pylon heights (without shaft extension) shall be calculated to ensure a minimum ground clearance of
6.5 m (overhang of ordinary terrain) h the maximum conductor temperature. II Foundations

The foundations of the pylons will be made of concrete blocks.

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 23

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SON/IBEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV Specification L0010-Dispositions generales
Concrete reinforcement can be provided if necessary, to ensure a good distribution of loads.

The beds will be of the chimney and slab type and will include:

• An anchor sealed in the concrete consisting of:

- a base of the same sample and quality of steel as the chord of the
lower section of the pylon;

- the actual anchoring of the base in the lower slab of the massif;

• a pyramidal or prismatic or cylindrical chimney;

• a lower slab or footing.

The foundations will be made of concrete or reinforced concrete according to the forces to which they are

subjected. Calcul des fondations 1«*. W# 3H

W-.o V v r ---------
'A S!5t94' AV>7

The calculation of the foundations will be carried out taking into account the external
forces acting on the massifs as well as their own weight.

Calculation of the pull-out force

Generally speaking, the calculation will use the so-called Tangle method of uplift. It consists in
determining the uprooting strength of a block by considering that the weight of the concrete and the weight
of the earth raised by the slab resist the pull-out force transmitted by the chord of the pylon. The earth
raised by the slab will be considered to constitute an inverted pyramid trunk whose lateral faces make an
angle B with the vertical depending on the quality of the ground that will be interested in the uplift after the
foundation has been built. These values depend on the way in which the foundation is made.

If the foundation is built in a terrain that allows excavation with practically vertical walls and concrete
impoundment at full excavation of the footing, it will be considered that the sliding surfaces will form in
unreworked soil. A fortiori, if the foundation footing has a redan executed in underpinning, just before the
concreting operations.

On the other hand, if the foundation is made with wide-open excavations, with a laterally boxed slab, the
sliding surfaces will be formed in an embankment, a reworked fact whose geophysical characteristics are
different from the original terrain. This backfill soil, regardless of the quality of the compaction, will never
regain its previous characteristics.

It is the responsibility of the Builder to take these considerations into account when designing the foundations
and conducting soil tests with samples of undisturbed and reworked soils.

During the construction of the line, a soil test will be carried out at each pylon location to determine the tip
strength and lateral friction up to a minimum depth of 2.5 times the width of the foundation below the level
of the foundation bed.

For the purposes of the Offer, the following three types of land will be used to determine the series of massifs.

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 24

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI)
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010 - Dispositions generales

oa Angle de frottement interne suivant les Angle de soulevement des

Type de terrain y(kN/m3) essais de sols non remanies et terres a prendre en
remanies(°) compte(°)
Terrain normal 18 150 Superieur a 20° 15
Terrain faible 17 50 Compris entre 15° et 20° 10
Terrain 17 Inferieur ou egal a 15°
10 0

En presence d'une nappe phreatique, la portance du terrain sera reduite en tenant compte dans le calcul du
niveau le plus defavorable de la nappe. La poussee d'Archimede sera prise en consideration en reduisant de
10,0 kN/m3 le poids du beton sur la hauteur de la nappe et en ramenant a 11,0 kN/m3 le poids apparent de
m3 de terrain immerge.

La stabilite a 1'arrachement des fondations en beton sera affectee d'un coefficient de securite minimum egal
a 1,5. Pour les pylones d’arret et les pylones d'ancrage d'angle supportant des angles de deflexion de ligne
egaux ou superieurs a 30°, le coefficient de securite minimum sera multiplie par 1,3. Cette securite
supplementaire resulte du fait que pour ces pylones, les contraintes de traction qui agissent sur les
fondations en service normal peuvent representer une charge permanente elevee par rapport a la contrainte

Calcul de l'effort a la compression

L'effort de compression applique a fond de fouille sera la somme des efforts suivarit
• Effort transmis par l'embase dans l'hypothese consideree ;
• Poids du beton de la fondation ;
• Poids du terrain situe au-dessus de la dalle.
Cet effort de compression ne devra pas conduire sous la dalle a une pression superieure iLJa
n..... < >... 11 ... ... .. 1 .. n /Ivu.. nmX.1 n <~1 ■ . 4/1•—....

pression maximale admissible du terrain. Juj

Calcul de la cheminee
On admettra qu'en terrain courant, 1'effort tranchant applique au massif est absorbe par la reaction du sol
qui l'entoure. Lapartie hors sol des cheminees sera consideree comme une console encastree dans le terrain
et soumise a un effort de flexion. Pour des hauteurs hors sol superieures a 0,7 m, le bdton de cheminee
devra etre arme.
J Dimensions caracteristiques des massifs

Les massifs presenteront des dimensions caracteristiques qui respectent les criteres suivants :
• la profondeur minimale de chaque massif est egale a 1,5 m de maniere a verifier les caracteristiques
de terrain considerees ;

• la partie hors sol du fut de chaque massif presente une hauteur de 0,3 m et est termine par une pointe
diamant d'une hauteur de 0,1 m pour faciliter l’ecoulement des eaux ;

• la profondeur de chaque massif est calculee sans tenir compte de la couche de beton de proprete a
fond de fouille. Celle-ci a une epaisseur comprise entre 0,05 et 0,1 m.

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 25

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV Specification LOO JO-Dispositions
1.1.9 Grounding of towers Grounding
The earthing of a clump is made up of two wire loops that encircle the concrete block of a foundation, one at
mid-depth, the other at the bottom of the excavation. These loops are placed in horizontal grooves dug into the
walls of the excavation and filled with carefully packed topsoil, before concreting.

The four foundation blocks of a pylon will be equipped with an earth socket as specified above. Land Improvement

The earth improvements consist of straight conductors buried in trenches 0.8 m deep. In a generated way, the
length of a counterweight will not exceed 25 m.

The schematic diagram for tower grounding and improvements are given in the appendices to these

1.2 Documentation

1.2.1 Generalites
All documentation will be written in French. 1 .es eXtfaits. Catalogues, data sheets and other documents written
in another language will be accepted provided that they are accompanied by a translation into French. In the
event of any contradiction between the French language version and the original version, the French version
shall prevail. The schematics will be developed on the basis of standard and application schematics of the
hardware manufacturers. All documents will be filled in five (5) copies.

1.2.2 Plans and documents to be submitted by the Builder

In due course, the Builder shall prepare and submit to the Employer and the Engineer the following plans and

Map of the line and site plan;

Longitudinal profiles;
Soil and foundation studies;
Technical characteristics of the conductors and ground cable;
In-line splice design drawings for fiber optic guard cable with in-line splice box plan;
Plans of terminal junction boxes;
Plans of the building intended to house the in-line repeaters specifying the layout of the equipment and
the power supply of the repeaters;
Drawings of suspension and anchor insulator chains;
Drawings of the suspension and anchor assemblies of the wire fence;
Calculation notes for pylons and foundations;
Plans for pylons and foundations;

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 26'

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010 - Dispositions cenerales

Grounding plans;
Dressed profile plans;
Provisional picket book;
Tension charts and cable laying arrows; Control forms;
Test report;
Mapping plan of the sleeves carried out;
Final picket book.

1.2.3Procedure for the submission of plans and

The plans and documents shall be submitted to the Employer and the Engineer for approval. All plans and
documents relating to the same type of pylon shall be submitted simultaneously to the Employer and the
Engineer. ' .

Plans and documents submitted by formal vote shall bear a certificate signed by an authorized representative of
the Builder stating that such plans and documents have been verified by the Builder and are plans and execution
documents usable for the work.

1.2.4 Procedure for the approval of plans and documents

Two (2) prints of each plan or two copies of each document will be submitted to the Employer for approval and
three (3) to the Engineer. To these documents will be attached an electronic medium containing the electronic
files in pdf. A copy marked "Approved", "Approved with the following qualifications" or "Corrected for
corrections" will be returned to the Manufacturer.
The Employer and the Engineer shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of a document to approve or
not approve it and provide a copy to the Builder.
Copies marked "Approved" and "Approved with the following qualifications" authorize the Builder to continue
the construction or manufacture of the equipment covered by such drawings or documents with or without
corrections provided that such corrections are indicated. The overhaul will not relieve the Manufacturer of the
responsibility to comply with the detail and fit requirements during installation.
Upon receipt of each copy marked "Approved", the Builder will promptly issue a copy in the digital format of
dwg extension and 5 prints for the services provided. If minor changes were made after a plan was revised, the
Builder would make an electronic file of the plan in dwg with each revision. No major changes to the design
may be made after a plan has been reviewed without resubmitting the plan for approval.
After requesting the drawings marked "Approved with the following qualifications" or "Submitted for
corrections", the Builder will make the necessary corrections and resubmit five (5) for approval. Each revision
will be entered in the revision book and will be defined by a number, the revision date and the corresponding
subject. In addition, each revised plan will have its final revisions clearly described.
All requirements set out above, with reference to drawings, shall also apply to illustrations, written
specifications or any other data submitted for approval.
The Builder will or will not modify the manufacturing designs of the equipment in accordance with the
forecasts and intent contained in the contract documents at no additional cost to the Employer.

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 27

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI)
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010-Dispositions generales
If, during the assembly and erection of the equipment, an error is discovered in the Manufacturer's drawings, the
necessary correction including any immediate changes found necessary will be noted on the appropriate drawing
which will be resubmitted for review and registration.

1.2.5 Completion of work file

At the end of the work, the Builder must submit to the Employer for approval, all the plans and execution
drawings corresponding to the work actually carried out as well as the complete and detailed list of the
equipment bearing the brand, type, functional characteristics, the reference of the manufacturer and possibly the
distributor. These "AS BUILT" documents and other technical documents as well as an electronic medium will
be provided in five (5) copies to the Employer. A copy of these documents will also be sent to the engineer.

1.3 Training of the Owner's staff and participation in factory tests

To facilitate the use of this HVB line equipped with a new conductor technology, the Manufacturer will train the
Employer's operating staff in the mastery of this technology.

To do this, the manufacturer will organize two (02) types of training:

- training with the manufacturer;

- On-site training.

1.3.1 On-site training

During the entire duration of the assembly and installation


■ The manufacture of the junction sleeves;

■ The manufacture of anchor sleeves;
■ The unwinding and r^tuning of ACC conductors
■ The installation of the OPGW cable (making the junction boxes, making the ends and connecting to the
■ The implementation of the ACCC 222.8 mm2 Copenhagen conductor (assembly of junction boxes, adjustment,
■ Operation and maintenance of the ACCC 222.8 mm2 conductor Copenhagen

Operating personnel will be composted from:

- Eight (08) line maintenance managers;

- Four (04) fiber optic maintenance managers.

1.3.2 Training at the manufacturer

The contractor will organize four (04) training sessions of two weeks each related to the design and sizing calculations for
the construction of high voltage lines. This training, organized for four (4) people from the project owner, will include a
theoretical component (principles, standards to be respected) and a practical component (sizing of lines under PLS CADD,

The contractor will propose the training program to the Project Owner for validation.

In the case of training and/or tests of types and thematic workshops carried out outside Burkina Faso, the costs
related to air tickets, accommodation, meals, local transport, visa fees for participants will be borne by the
Contractor and will then be included in the total amount of the works contract. Perdiems, at the expense of

Deuxieme partie — Specifications des travaux 28

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI)
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0010-Dispositions generales

1'Contractor, will be allocated to participants to cover their other applicable expenses, at the daily rates of 2206.

1.3.3 Factory Testing

The support for the factory tests of three (03) representatives of the Employer will include :

• travel expenses;
• travel costs from the hotel to the training venue;
• hotel expenses in a 3-star establishment with a minimum of 3 stars;
• a daily mission allowance (€220) including travel days.

The tests to be carried out at the factory will be carried out under the sole responsibility of the Contractor and
are specified in the following Specifications.

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0020 - Specification des cables


2.1 Generalities
2.1.1 Scope of Specification
These technical clauses specify:
• standards;
• the documents to be submitted by the Builder for approval;
• materials;
• characteristics;
• the conditions of delivery to the site and storage;
• routine inspections and factory acceptance tests;
• phase cables intended to equip the lines covered by this contract.
The phase conductors used will be 222.8 mm2 Copenhagen cable for the overhead part of the 90 kV line and
1000 mm2 type for the underground section.
2.1.2 Related work
The work converted by this Specification shall be coordinated with the work described in the following
• Specification L0050: Specification of Chain and Cable Accessories;
• Specification L0080: Specification of assembly work.
2.1.3 Standards
Cables will be manufactured in accordance with the following standards:
• IEC 61089 Recommendations;
• Normes franqaises NFC 34-125 ;
• Normes ASTM B987-2020, ASTM B193, ASTM B1008, EN 61395, ASTM B609 / ASTM B557,
ASTM B263 ;
• IEC Recommendations 60104, 60889, 61395.
2.1.4 Plans and documents to be provided by the Builder
The Builder must submit, within the deadlines indicated, the following documents;
• Cable characteristics: 2 months;
• Characteristics of the grease used (if provided for in the
specification): 2
• Plan of the drums with guards, unladen weight and load: 2 months;
• Diagram of the marking plate with the indications: 2 months.
The time limits are to be counted from the date of entry into force of the
2.2 Specifications techniques des cables
2.2.1 MATERIALS Fully annealed aluminum wires

The properties of aluminum wires before stranding must meet the minimum tensile strength requirements of
ASTM B609, but also have a minimum value of 63% IACS (63% IACS) with a maximum resistivity of
aluminum wires that must not exceed 0.027367 fimm2/m at 20 °C.

The wires must be stretched into a trapezoidal shape and conquered to allow them to fit together during
stranding in concentric layers.

Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 29

Projet de renforcement du Reseau National Interconnects (RNI) SONABEL
DAO pour la construction de lignes 90 kV
Specification L0020 - Specification des cables

Before and after stranding, the aluminium wires must be able to achieve a minimum elongation of 20%.

The surface of aluminum wires must be smooth, free of foreign particles, copper dust, or any other material
that can cause aluminum corrosion. The threads must not have any cosmetic defects, uneven surface
(chipping), breaks, or any other defects visible to the bare eye.

In order to reduce the propensity of the conductor surface to collect dust or other surface contaminants that
accumulate on the conductor surface, the conductor manufacturer must minimize the amount of stranding
lubricant used in the manufacture of the conductor. Composite core

The glass/carbon fiber composite used in the construction of the Conductive Composite Core must be of
ASTM B987-2020-2020 High Strength or Extra High Strength grade, with a combination of glass and
carbon fibers arranged in such a way that the glass fibers are concentrated in a ring on the outside of the
carbon and bonded together by a polymer matrix. The glass fibers make up the galvanic protection layer
and the thickness of this glass layer must meet the requirements of the ASTM B987-2020 galvanic
protection barrier.

The carbon fiber composite (CFC) core shall be formed by a pultrusion (unidirectional) precedence
whereby all fibers (carbon and fiberglass) shall operate in parallel so as to provide the required tensile
strength suitable for overhead conductors used for long distances on highways, rivers, and between
mountain peaks.

The CFC manufacturer must have successfully completed design validation testing prior to submission in
accordance with ASTM B987-2020 Offered Core Strength Standard.

The overall conductor construction must be manufactured in accordance with ASTM B857, but the core must be
a carbon fiber composite (CFC) core, meeting all the requirements of ASTM B987-2020, wrapped in
trapezoidal shaped aluminum strands.
The composite core is the main element of strength, with the fully
annealed aluminum strands carrying all the electrical current from the conductor.

The conductor must be stranded in the form of concentric layers with pitch according to B857.
The direction of the drawing of the next layer must be opposite to the previous one provided
that the direction of the outer layer is in a straight spiral (Z), unless otherwise specified by the
The design and installation of the conductive strands shall be such as to produce a conductor which is
essentially free from the tendency to unwind or detach during cutting or tensioning operations.
The wires in each layer should touch each other. Crossing of threads in a layer is unacceptable. The
stranding of two-layer conductors with aluminum wires must be carried out in a single technological
process; This means that both layers must be blocked simultaneously. For stranding conductors with three
or more layers, a two-pass process is acceptable. J
Deuxieme partie - Specifications des travaux 30

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