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Between Ness Centrality

Another way of finding node importance

So the question we are looking at Between ness centrality is what are nodes that are present in shortest path
between two nodes.
Node V has very high Betweenness centrality if it present in shortest between
S and T. S and T can be all possible pairs in Graph
• The question is whether we can include node v as one of the nodes as
s or t.
• Case-1: When V is not included as s or t.
Case2: when v is included as one of the s or t

We have both consideration in network that include v or exclude v

Disconnected nodes:
• Here we have another constraint that some pair of nodes not
connected with each other.
• This happens in directed Graphs.
• What happens with computations?
• For example….
For Node c:
• Same question for node c
• Graph with large number of nodes have high Between-ness centrality
for v since we have more number of s and t that have shortest path
pass through v. To control this, we use normalization.
• Between-ness centrality is higher for friendship graph than 34
member karate club.

• To control this, we use normalization.

For undirected graph possible pairs are (n-1)(n-2)/2 if exclude v.
But in undirected we can have potentially different paths for suppose A-C and C-A.
How to do it in networkX

Top 5
Problem with Between ness centrality:
• Instead of looking all nodes we will look into some sample of nodes
• In networkX it can be done by taking k value as some samples node:

• On using 10 nodes we have almost similar top 5 nodes for between

ness centrality. Only node 33 is replaced with node 2.
Between ness centrality on two subgroups of
• Some times we need the Between ness centrality between two subgroups of networks. Bcos, we are
interested between communication between two groups termed as source and target groups.
• In this case we select s from source group and t from target group rather than selecting all possible pairs.

• Now we can see that node 9 and 3 are also important when communication with left group and right group.
Between ness centrality for an edge
• We define this in a similar fashion as for node.

• So This is exact same definition. But between all pairs of shortest paths
between node s and t we will try to find the edge e.
In network: Betweenness for edge
• So if we are seeing top 5 edges then they are connected to node 1.
Which is main instructor of karate club.(If you remember)
Set of source and targets:
• In the same way you can do the same thing if you want to get edge
between ness centrality between two groups of node rather than node

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