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Pictures and Colors

December 10, 2021

What will we learn in this chapter :

* To draw pictures.
* To include graphics in your document.
ˆ To produce colors.

To draw pictures :
The picture environment is used to draw picture composed of :

1. text
2. straight lines
3. arrows

4. circles and simple curves.

This environment and associated commands are implemented in standard

TEX. For enhanced version of these command, you need to use pict2e package :
1. lines and arrow of any slopes.
2. circle of any size.
3. lines and curves of any thickness.

picture envionment :
• You position your objects in a picture by specifying their x and y coordinates.
• Given an origin and unit length,a pair of coordinate specify the position.
• All lengths in picture environment are specified in terms of unit length. De-
fault value is 1 unit.

gang of armadillos


gnu gnu

1. How to draw lines : PP


2. How to draw circle :



3. How to draw arrow


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