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● What did your results indicate about your “OCEAN” traits

● I have a highly creative and imaginative way of thinking and often see connections that
others do not. It said I'm uninterested in the dull facts of a situation, preferring instead to
interpret its meaning and implications. I have unusual ideas and sometimes perceive
things that other people are not aware of.
● Do you agree with your results? Why or why not?
● Yes because this was very accurate
● How do you demonstrate these behaviors at school or at home?
● I'm trying to be an animator, so I make lot of people, and create funny backstories
● How do you demonstrate leadership skills and function effectively as a team member?
● I'm always helping those around me
● How will you apply your traits and skills to your future college or career path?
● These skills will help with me also trying to be a photographer, by coming up with
unusual or new ideas

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