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为了帮助医院和医疗保险公司更有效地管理MS-DRG 分配,我们推荐使用。这是一个专门为医疗机构提供服务的网站,它提供各种工具和资源来
帮助医院正确地执行MS-DRG 分配。

如果您是一家医院或医疗机构,想要更有效地管理MS-DRG 分配,那么HelpWriting.net是
What Alternatives Are Being Considered? • MedPAC: All-Patient Refined DRGs • CMS (FY 2007
Proposed Rule): Consolidated Severity-adjusted DRGs • CMS (FY 2008 Proposed Rule): Medicare
Severity-adjusted DRGs Reimbursement is based upon the: • third party payer • healthcare setting or
provider • coding system used • data set utilized • encoder, grouper, and data entry software used
Overview Structure Organization Functions Legislative Process Representation Reapportionment
and Redistricting Gerrymandering Elections/Demographics/Democracy Structure Congress Senate
House of Representatives Structure Congress Senate House of Representatives 435 members ©
2008-2024 ResearchGate GmbH. All rights reserved. Internet of Things Hospital Specific Impact
Analysis • An impact analysis was e-mailed to CFOs on April 26, 2007 • New impact forthcoming •
Includes all changes, including MS- DRGs • Contact Will at or 206-216-2533 if you
would like a copy 武汉 人气 3985 MedPAC Report to Congress • Opportunity for patient selection
• Some services pay better than others • Current system doesn’t adequately adjust for severity of
illness • Strong evidence physician-owned limited-service hospitals benefit • “Improving payment
accuracy” will make competition more equitable DRGs数据路线:一个中心(分组器唯一);二
武汉金豆医疗数据科技有限公司 Health equity (1)022126501、022160001 错误手术操
作:74.9900 其他剖宫产,应该修改为 74.1x01 剖宫产术,子宫下段横切口或者其他特指
类型的剖宫产。 MS-DRGs with three subgroups (MCC, CC, and non-CC); referred to as“with
MCC”, “with CC”, and “w/o CC/MCC) • MS-DRG 682 Renal Failure w MCC • MS-DRG 683
Renal Failure w CC • MS-DRG 684 Renal Failure w/o CC/MCC Encoder, Grouper, and Data Entry
Software • Encoder: a computer software program designed to assist coders in assigning appropriate
clinical codes to words and phrases expressed in natural human language. There are two types of
encoders: • Logic-based: prompts the user through a variety of questions and the choices are based
upon the clinical terminology entered • Automated codebook: prompts screen views that resemble the
actual format of the coding book 医院运营群 Evaluation of Hospital Drills: Using the Tool . Amy
Kaji, MD, MPH November 16 th , 2005 Acute Care College Medical Student Seminar. Hospital
Disaster Drills. Why are drills necessary? Hospitals will be called upon to provide care to the ill,
injured, exposed, and concerned Healthcare Setting or Providers • Providers are those persons,
institutions, facilities and firms who are eligible to provide services and supplies. • Examples of
providers include: • hospitals of all types (i.e., acute care, rehab, psych, long term, specialty) • skilled
nursing facilities • intermediate care facilities • home health agencies • physicians • independent
diagnostic laboratories • independent facilities providing x-ray services • outpatient physical,
occupational, and speech pathology services • ambulance companies • chiropractors • facilities
providing kidney dialysis or transplant services • rural clinics • veterinary clinics 1、严格执行国家
要求。 标准说法:前置数据质控,网格化监测数据,保证终末病案首页数据质量达标。
增长。 总体来说,主要诊断决定进入MDC大类,主要操作决定进入ADRG 组,次要诊断
通过与MCC列表和CC 列表进行对比,决定进入哪个细分组。以上我们按照分组思路
分别从诊断、操作、合并症并发症等方面对病案填写如何影响分组做了简要介绍。 我
欢迎咨询,合作共赢15527376653(微信同号) CMG FACT SHEET • CMG stands for: Case
Mix Group • Reimbursement to (Provider): Rehabilitation Hospitals and Units • Reimbursement for:
Medicare Inpatients • Coding System Used: ICD-9-CM • Effective Date: January 1, 2002 • Number
of CMGs: 92 在过去几年DRG实际运行中,我们累计处理了近300万份病例,并从中总结
区提供参考。 今年6月,国家医疗保障局发布了《医疗保障疾病诊断相关分组(CHS-
DRG)细分组方案(1.0版)》( 以下简称“CHS-DRG细分组”),该细分组在去年公布的376个
提出,各地应用统一的CHS-DRG分组体系,但仍可进行本地化细分。 DRGs作为医保支
疗行业需要深度思考的问题。 ④费用和时间的消耗指数:治疗同类疾病医疗费用高
较低或住院时间较短。 [参考文献]《国家医疗保障疾病诊断相关分组(CHS-DRG)分组
Health equity Accountable Care “ Use of Modified LACE Tool to Predict and Prevent Hospital
Readmissions ”. By Ronald Kreilkamp RN, MSW Nurse Manager Chinese Hospital. LACE. What is
LACE?. Tool that scores a patient on four variables with a final score predictive of readmission
within 30 days. 行业大咖群 Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS
for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites
without getting consent from its author. CMG ASSIGNMENT • This prospective payment system
uses information from the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility-Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-
PAI). • Patients are classified into distinct Case Mix Groups (CMGs) based upon clinical
characteristics and expected resource needs. • The CMGs were constructed using rehab impairment
categories, functional status (both motor and cognitive), age, comorbidities, and other factors. • Each
CMG has a different payment amount. 长沙博为软件技术股份有限公司,专注医学影像软
信同号)。 一是临床医生习惯填写入院时的诊断,在患者住院期间所发生的并发症、
伴随症通常被忽略。 The page you are looking for does not exist 通过以上影响因素不断细
论证、数据测算等方法对分组效能进行评估,进一步调整地区细分组。 病案首页填写
ProspectivePayment Systems • Reimbursement is established before the healthcare services are
rendered and monies are expended • Reimbursement is based upon a specific prospective payment
system methodology • The length of stay and services rendered will result in increased charges on the
itemized bill, but will not necessarily result in an increase in the reimbursement Medicare Inpatient
Hospital Payment: What Changes Can Your Hospital Expect?. Presenters. Claudia Sanders Sr. Vice
President Policy Development WSHA. Caroline Steinberg Vice President Trends Analysis AHA.
Will Callicoat Director Financial Policy WSHA. Topics. Overview. System Design I (previous
lecture) 0. Overview of System Design 1. Design Goals 2. Subsystem Decomposition System
Design II 3. Concurrency 4. Hardware/Software Mapping 5. Persistent Data Management 6. Global
Resource Handling and Access Control 7. Software Control ⑤疑似未入组排查:主诊断与主手
术不匹配、主诊断不入组、主手术不入组等。 近10年的互联网医疗和大健康领域战略
举措。 ... 1 summarizes how the MS-DRG system logic compares to the other severity-adjusted
systems along key dimensions. Table 2 shows the distribution of DRGs by severity subgroups. There
are 335 base DRGs, 53 of which are not divided into severity subgroups and 152 of which are
divided into all three severity subgroups. ... The ICD-10 MS-DRG Grouper software package to
accommodate these new codes, Version 37.2, is effective for discharges on or after August 01, 2020.
As indicated in the table below, these codes will not affect the MS-DRG assignment. CC 表的建立
有两种模式,直接以次要诊断是否在列表中确定 MCC/CC 的列表模式(美国模式)和以
病人临床复杂水平(PCCLs)确定 MCC/CC 的权重模式(澳大利亚模式),前者较为简便
易行,而后者相对较为复杂。 需要注意的是,在确定MDC 大类时,会先进行先期分组
些先期分组将直接进入细分组。 *As the procedure codes are designated as non-O.R.
procedures, there is no assigned MDC or MS-DRG. The ICD-10 MS-DRG assignment is dependent
on the reported principal diagnosis, any secondary diagnoses defined as a complication or
comorbidity (CC) or major complication or comorbidity (MCC), procedures or services performed,
age, sex, and discharge status. 2、不管是控费支付还是绩效考核,一致口径数据体系才能
医保点数计算。 北京大瑞集思技术有限公司 Hospital Pharmacy Workflow. A New
Prospective for Better Care Dr. Mona Baalbaki; Rph, Head of Pharmacy- RHUH. RHUH is a
University Hospital Serving Various Specialties. Internal Medicine. CCU. ICU. Delivery. Pediatrics.
Oncology. Surgery. OBS & GYN. 大健康产业群 Uncategorized DRGs-Groups智能分... A-J共9
个字母表示外科部分;K-Q共6个字母表示非手术室( 接受特殊检查,如导管、内镜检查
Abe Dillion is a 75-year-old male who is admitted for inpatient surgery due to acute obstructive
cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Mr. Dillion underwent cholecystectomy via open approach and was
discharged from the hospital after four days to an intermediate care facility. ICD-10-CM codes
assigned are K80.13 and OFT4OZZ. There are no MCCS or CCs when the MS-DRG is calculated.
MDC W MS-DRG 414 Type Surg eight 3.6208 LOS 8.8 Rate $5,431.20 415 107 Surg 2.0173 5.8
MS-DRC Title Cholecystectomy Except by Laparoscope w/o CDE W MCC Cholecystectomy
Except by Laparoscope w/o CDE W CC Cholecystectomy Except by Laparoscope w/o CDE W/O
CDE w/o CC/MCC $3,025.95 07 Surg 1.3268 3.5 $1,990.20 [ 参考文献]《国家医疗保障疾病诊
断相关分组(CHS-DRG)分组域付费技术规范》 珠海 人气 3353 数据源闭环由病案
首页、数据质控和病例督导构成,其目标是持续改进提高数据质量。 简单来说,就是
构按照每个组的“明码标价”给医院付费。 Presenters Claudia Sanders Sr. Vice President
Policy Development WSHA Caroline Steinberg Vice PresidentTrends Analysis AHA Will Callicoat
Director Financial Policy WSHA 1.MDC(Major Diagnostic Category):主要诊断分类,涵盖了所
于DRG的知识,想要了解更多,就赶紧关注 @金豆数据,关注DRG科普专栏吧! 直播
课程群 金豆基于DRG的医院绩效评价... What Alternatives Are Being Considered? • MedPAC:
All-Patient Refined DRGs • CMS (FY 2007 Proposed Rule): Consolidated Severity-adjusted DRGs •
CMS (FY 2008 Proposed Rule): Medicare Severity-adjusted DRGs 1000万 150-500人 以上就是
注金豆数据吧!成都 人气 4031 综合考虑病例的其他个体特征:合并症和并发症严重
生体重分为不同的细分组。 对各DRGs分组的死亡率进行指数分类,将各DRGs划分
能力和质量。 上海 人气 5096 Pop-Up Studio Care Coordination 加入 Our Reports 在过
智慧医疗群 今年6月,国家医疗保障局发布了《医疗保障疾病诊断相关分组(CHS-DRG)
出,各地应用统一的CHS-DRG分组体系,但仍可进行本地化细分。 通过以上影响因素
床专家论证、数据测算等方法对分组效能进行评估,进一步调整地区细分组。 The aim
of this study was to develop a tool for preoperatively predicting the need of a patient to attend an
extended care facility after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). A multidisciplinary group, which
included 2 transplant surgeons, 2 transplant nurses, 1 nurse manager, 2 physical therapists, 1 case
manager, 1 home health care professional, 1 rehabilitation physician, and 1 statistician, met to
identify preoperative factors relevant to discharge planning. The parameters that were examined as
potential predictors of the discharge status were as follows: age, sex, language, Karnofsky score,
OLT alone (versus a combined procedure), creatinine, bilirubin, international normalized ratio (INR),
albumin, body mass index (BMI), Child-Turcotte-Pugh score, chemical Model for End-Stage Liver
Disease score, renal dialysis, location before transplantation, comorbidities (encephalopathy, ascites,
hydrothorax, and hepatopulmonary syndrome), diabetes mellitus (DM), cardiac ejection fraction and
right ventricular systolic pressure, sex and availability of the primary caregiver, donor risk index, and
donor characteristics. Between January 2004 and April 2010, 730 of 777 patients (94%) underwent
only liver transplantation, and 47 patients (6%) underwent combined procedures. Five hundred
nineteen patients (67%) were discharged home, 215 (28%) were discharged to a facility, and 43
(6%) died early after OLT. A multivariate logistic regression analysis identified the following
parameters as significantly influencing the discharge status: a low Karnofsky score, an older age,
female sex, an INR of 2.0, a creatinine level of 2.0 mg/dL, DM, a high bilirubin level, a low albumin
level, a low or high BMI, and renal dialysis before OLT. The nomogram was prospectively validated
with a population of 126 OLT recipients with a concordance index of 0.813. In conclusion, a new
approach to improving the efficiency of hospital care is essential. We believe that this tool will aid in
reducing lengths of stay and improving the experience of patients by facilitating early discharge
planning. what is the MS-DRG reimbursement rate? ProspectivePayment Systems • Reimbursement
is established before the healthcare services are rendered and monies are expended • Reimbursement
is based upon a specific prospective payment system methodology • The length of stay and services
rendered will result in increased charges on the itemized bill, but will not necessarily result in an
increase in the reimbursement DRGs分组过程是以国际疾病分类(ICD)编码为基础,借助计
关键轴心。 Virtual Care
1、 DRGs是个工具,其作用:对标准化的首页数据,使用工具内嵌的算法和病组,产出
指标。 Meaningful Use and EHR Incentives Distribution of Cases by Severity Level Current vs.
MS-DRGs In a DRG w/CC MS- DRG w/MCC MS-DRG w/CC Not in a DRG w/CC or MCC Not in
a DRG w/CC Source: Moran Company 4.C C(Complication & Comorbidity):并发症、伴随症。
APC FACT SHEET • APC stands for: Ambulatory Payment Classification • Reimbursement to
(Provider): Hospitals • Reimbursement for: Medicare Outpatients • Coding System Used: HCPCS
/CPT • Effective Date: August 1, 2000 • Number of APCs: about 850 二是临床医师不重视检查
结果异常所提示的临床意义( 包括高脂血症、胆囊息肉、高尿酸血症),没有在病案首
页当中填写。 General Interest DRGs的全部内容和指标均来源于病案首页。疾病分类和
响到DRGs数据值与评价结果。 直播课程群 ... Un'altra novità recentemente introdotta sempre
nell' ambito del programma di assistenza sanitaria Medicare, è stato l'inserimento, nell' ultima
Hospital Uniform Bill (UB-04 -equiparabile alla nostra Scheda di Dimissione Ospedaliera-SDO), di
una nuova variabile per segnalare le diagnosi del paziente presenti al momento dell'ammissione in
ospedale (13) . ... Patient Experience Download presentation by click this link. While downloading,
if for some reason you are not able to download a presentation, the publisher may have deleted the
file from their server. DRGs中文译为疾病诊断相关分组(Diagnosis Related Groups,简
RetrospectivePayment Systems • Reimbursement is established after the healthcare services are
rendered and the costs are incurred • Increases in the length of stay translates to increased charges on
the itemized bill and therefore an increase in the reimbursement • Increases in the services rendered
means increased charges on the itemized bill and therefore an increase in the reimbursement
ProspectivePayment Systems • Reimbursement is established before the healthcare services are
rendered and monies are expended • Reimbursement is based upon a specific prospective payment
system methodology • The length of stay and services rendered will result in increased charges on
the itemized bill, but will not necessarily result in an increase in the reimbursement 第一层分组,
为第一诊断,而不将资源消耗最多的诊断列为第一诊断,这将直接导致分组错误。 2.第
页的主要诊断,进入相应的疾病诊断分类。 北京 人气 4475 我们通常用组内变异这个
否则要按照影响因素再进行细分,直到组内的变异系数小于1为止。 2020年是DRGs实
导DRG实施的高层管理者,更需要对 DRG 有足够的战略理解。对DRGs政策解读越
通透,DRGs知识学习越透彻,越能让DRGs又好又快地在院内落地。加入 3.DRGs
(Diagnosis Related Groups):由ADRG根据病例个体特征、年龄、并发症及合并症,分入相
应DRGs组别中。 Content may be subject to copyright. 那么,地区要如何根据区域患者的个
“Comparison of the Prospective Payment System Methodologies Currently Utilized in the United
States” Toni Cade, MBA, RHIA, CCS, FAHIMA University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Overview.
CATEGORIES 一是临床医生习惯填写入院时的诊断,在患者住院期间所发生的并发
出院时依然是以肺炎( 呼吸系统疾病) 作为主要诊断。此类情况将直接导致分组器
对MDC选择错误。 Download presentation by click this link. While downloading, if for some
reason you are not able to download a presentation, the publisher may have deleted the file from
their server.
联系健康界(处理。 我们通常用组内变异这个指标来衡量。一般将住院费
进行细分,直到组内的变异系数小于1为止。 CMI值是这个医疗服务提供者的例均
权重,CMI 只跟这个医疗服务提供者收治的病例类型有关。换言之,如果这个医疗服
是这个医疗服务提供者收治病例的平均难度较大的表现。 通过以上影响因素不断细
论证、数据测算等方法对分组效能进行评估,进一步调整地区细分组。 RW:反应DRGs
疾病组的平均费用),即RW 相对权重=该 DRG 组疾病的平均费用/ 所有个案的平均
费用。 mHealth and digital health This article proposes a redesign of the Medicare inpatient
prospective payment system to reduce payments made to hospitals with high complication rates. We
compute risk-adjusted, expected complication rates for hospitals and compare them to actual
complication rates in order to determine the number of excess complications. Hospital payment
reductions then are computed based on the number of excess complications in a hospital. Medicare
hospital payment could be reduced by approximately 8% (8.5 billion dollars) if hospitals were held
to a "best practice" standard and if payments made for excess complications were eliminated. 平台
服务。 DRGs依托于出院患者的病案首页,病案首页数据的完整性、准确性医技病案
入组原因找到其病案首页问题所在。 In the United States, from Fiscal Year 2008 (october 1,
2007-september 30, 2008), two important innovations have been introduced in health insurance
program Medicare: 1) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposes to refine the
current DRG system by implementing Medicare-Severity DRGs (MS-DRGs), increasing the number
of DRGs from 538 to 745. In addition, CMS has undertaken an overhaul of today's complication
and comorbidity (CC) list and created up to three tiers of payment for each DRG based on the
presence of: a major complication or comorbidity (MCC), a complication or comorbidity, or no
complication or comorbidity; 2) the Federal Government, in compliance with the Deficit Reduction
Act of 2005, has required secondary diagnosis reporting for all Medicare patients at the time of
admission by a Present On Admission (POA) indicator. The authors describe the main characteristics
of the new MS-DRG system and POA indicator and their potential impact on Italian Public Health
“主要诊断”决定进入哪个MDC 中。在填写主诊断过程中,医生经常会把入院诊断作为
第一诊断,而不将资源消耗最多的诊断列为第一诊断,这将直接导致分组错误。 ... The
net gains do not equal the net losses because a slightly different set of providers were used to
develop the relative weights. Table 12 compares the CMI for categories of hospitals across the DRG
systems studied, assuming no behavioral changes in coding practices or types of patients. On
average, the CMI for urban hospitals increases under the severity-adjusted systems, and that for rural
hospitals decreases. ... Medicaid now pays for 20 percent of all inpatient stays and plays an
especially important role in funding obstetric, pediatric, and mental health care. In coming years,
policy decisions on inpatient payment may be the most consequential since diagnosis-related groups
(DRGs) were introduced two decades ago. This study describes Medicaid's growing role in
purchasing inpatient care, reports Medicaid-specific results from an evaluation of three DRG
algorithms, provides a case study of a new payment method designed in Mississippi, and summarizes
recent developments in paying for quality. 某病案主要诊断为妊娠期糖尿病,其他诊断为胎
膜早破,单胎头阴道分娩, 主要操作为单胎顺产接生,会阴侧切缝合术,该份病案缺
少孕38周的诊断 然而,权重不是一成不变的,为了防止医疗费用结构不合理带来的
政策目标等来调整权重,体现权重的合理性。 从以上细分组的过程中,我们将影响因
DRG组对定量因素不敏感,需要依据合并症和并发症进行细分。 病案首页填写作为
Alternatives Are Being Considered? • MedPAC: All-Patient Refined DRGs • CMS (FY 2007
Proposed Rule): Consolidated Severity-adjusted DRGs • CMS (FY 2008 Proposed Rule): Medicare
Severity-adjusted DRGs Predictions 345 Heritage Ave. #455 Portsmouth, NH 03801 USA 大健康
产业群 EHR Adoption Severity Adjustment in the Current Payment System • Paired DRGs with
and without complications and comorbidities (335 base/538 total) • New DRGs added over time to
capture greater complexity (e.g. bilateral hip replacement) Overview. System Design I (previous
lecture) 0. Overview of System Design 1. Design Goals 2. Subsystem Decomposition System
Design II 3. Concurrency 4. Hardware/Software Mapping 5. Persistent Data Management 6. Global
Resource Handling and Access Control 7. Software Control 最后,不论是作为院端还是医
培训。 The ICD-10 Medicare code editor (MCE) Version 37.2 software uses edits to detect and
report errors in the claims data for the ICD-10 codes reported to validate correct coding on claims for
discharges on or after August 01, 2020. 此外,我们还需要做到及时发现总结病案问题,才
给予code,才是DRG来临后医院立于不败地位的最强保证。 . . Overview. Review Of
EESPFWEPREnlisted Career Progression SystemEPRObjectiveRequirementsExplanation of Forms
UsedReferral EPRs. Overview (Cont.). Enlisted Career Progression SystemObjectiveHigh Year of
TenurePromotion MethodsFully QualifiedWAPS/STEPWhole Person ConceptResponsibilities as an
Officer. ©2012-2021 北京华媒康讯信息技术股份有限公司 All Rights Reserved. 注册地址:
北京 联系电话:010-82736610 大健康产业群 加入 79,235.4万 1000-2000人 ③病例组合指
数(CMI ):治疗病例的技术难度水平,指标大于1说明技术难度高于平均水平。【CMI=
∑(某DRG费用权重×该医院DRG病例数)/该医院全体病例数】 DRGs中文译为疾病诊
断相关分组(Diagnosis Related Groups,简称DRGs),是20世纪70年代美国学者研发的一
用将相似的病例分到同一个组中。 Select Category No comments yet! Add one to start the
conversation. 大数据技术完成众多医院数据的整合与集成,计算出同质、标化DRGs疾病
腰。 以人力资源、设备资源、材料资源的消耗程度折算不同DRGs的相对难度(RW),
院病例,按照 ICD-10 的诊断码和操作码,参照出院时主要诊断、手术处置、 年龄、
组的编码和制定各组相应的偿还费用标准的一种方法。 Next Steps and Future • Need
advocacy on cuts for capital and behavioral offset • WSHA will send additional information on
impacts • Final rule in August and new system in October • Impact on service lines or specialty
hospitals? 在各大类下,再根据治疗方式将病例分为“手术”、“ 非手术” 和“操作”三类,并
在各类下将主要诊断和或主要操作相同的病例合并成核心疾病诊断相关组(ADRG ),
助; Many Changes In Proposed Rule • Operating payment update • Wage index • New DRG system
• Cuts for Behavioral Offset • Continuation of transition to cost based weights • Capital cuts •
Quality requirements The Coding System • There are two primary coding systems utilized in
reimbursement: • ICD-9-CM • CPT • These and other coding systems are used for statistical
purposes. 加入 DRGs把医院对病人的治疗和所发生的费用统一标化,同质化实现N个疾
分析。 智慧医疗群 Overview. Administriva Discuss Rally in the valley Discuss Foster readings
Principal agent analysis P&R#1. Administrivia. Syllabus? Name Cards? Collect Information sheets
(with pictures). SEC Internet Assignment (Th 2/3). 以解剖和生理系统为主要分类特征,参照
分入MDCG中。 加入 CHS-DRG分为26个主要诊断分类,利用患者首次住院病案首页信
分为若干个DRGs。见下图。 加入 MS-DRGs with two subgroups(non CC and CC/MCC);
referred to as “with CC/MCC” and “without CC/MCC” MS-DRG 294 Deep Vein Thrombophlebitis
w CC/MCC MS-DRG 295 Deep Vein Thrombophlebitis w/o CC/MCC 传统的按项目付费模
Patient Engagement Overview Structure Organization Functions Legislative Process
Representation Reapportionment and Redistricting Gerrymandering Elections/Demographics
/Democracy Structure Congress Senate House of Representatives Structure Congress Senate House
of Representatives 435 members APR-DRGs(MedPAC Recommendation) • 1258 All Patient Refined
DRGs (APR-DRGs) • 270 base and 863 severity-adjusted DRGs • Up to four tiers of payment •
Complicated multi-step process for assigning APR-DRG assignment 利用费用消耗指数和时
较长。 病案首页填写作为开展医疗活动的基础内容,对医院提高服务质量来说有着
数据质量从幕后推到台前。加入 对科室\ 医生\科室组DRG及医院其他绩效指标的指
标进行监测,挖掘。 评判患同类疾病的患者在不同院内组织机构接受治疗时,医疗
费用和住院时间的差异,评价指标为“费用消耗指数” 和“时间消耗指数”。 CRITICAL
ROWAN, SUITE 2 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99207 (509) 489-4524. Quick Fix Does Medicare
Owe You Money. Many CAHs do not track cost report settlements throughout the year. DRG实
保持高效率的医院管理,即可在DRG的大潮中占据强势地位。 ②质量评分:根据卫计
委发布的《住院病案首页数据质量评分标准》进行评分。 Presenters Claudia Sanders Sr.
Vice President Policy Development WSHA Caroline Steinberg Vice PresidentTrends Analysis AHA
Will Callicoat Director Financial Policy WSHA Overview . Why new CPR Guidelines. 2005 CPR
Guideline changes. Automatic External Defibrillation. Types of AEDs, and local suppliers. . Why
new Guidelines?!!!. As Good as It’s Going to Get? • CMS likely to implement a severity-adjusted
system • MS-DRGs fix several issues identified with last year’s CS-DRGs • Additional refinement
poses risks • Greater levels of redistribution • More complexity • Arguments against “behavioral
offset” stronger with this system “两个基本点”:①数据源执行统一标准、规则、口
径;②DRGs产出数据基于全区域数据整合计算产出。 经过仔细核对,发现在产科分
娩结局相关病例在DRGs入组过程中容易出现以下几种错误: This Year’s (FY 2008)
Proposed Rule • Continues transition to cost-based weights • Moves from 1/3 to 2/3 cost-based
blend • No methodological changes • Adopts Medicare Severity-adjusted DRGs (MS-DRGs) •
Moves from 538 DRGs to 745 MS-DRGs • Cuts base payment rate by 2.4% in FY 2008 and FY
2009 – “behavioral offset” • Eliminates effect of coding changes on case mix 1. MDC(Major
Diagnostic Category):主要诊断分类,涵盖了所有短期住院病例。Disproportionate share
hospital (DSH) Payment Examination UPdate DSH Year 2010. Overview. Summary of Changes to
DSH Survey Submission DSH Examination Policy DSH Year 2010 Examination Timeline DSH Year
2010 Examination Impact Paid Claims Data Review Precision Medicine 由于每个地区医疗服
学合理? Example: MS-DRG Assignment* Principal Diagnosis Simple Pneumonia and Pleurisy
Comorbidities and/or Complications Yes No MS-DRG 195 Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy Without
CC MS-DRG 194 Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy With CC MS-DRG 193 Simple Pneumonia &
Pleurisy With MCC * Proposed for FY 2008 综合考虑病例的其他个体特征、合并症和并
分析寻找分类节点,考虑资源消耗的相似性。 1、有利于控制不合理医疗费用的增
长。通过DRGs 数据管理系统费用管控应用,可引入上一年度区域病组标杆值或者医
用向门诊转移,从而控制院内医疗费用的不合理增长。 DRG费率与付费标准计算方
Healthcare Policy Reports Surveys Studies 今年国家医保局成立,拉开DRGs数据时代

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