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TZylbob the alien crashed his spaceship into a field of garbleplants on the planet Fizzbuzz.

As he stumbled out, dazed, a tribe of flurblemonkeys surrounded him, chattering angrily.

Their queen, Snarlatina, glared at Zylbob and demanded he pay for devastating their sacred
garbleplant crop.Zylbob pleaded he had no money, only zinboulions, the currency of his
home planet Bloop. Snarlatina contemplated banishing him to the Pit of Snurflevores when
suddenly a wizzly wizard named Barmybeard appeared in a puff of smoke."I'll pay for the
damages!" cried Barmybeard. "But first, Zylbob must help me retrieve my wizzly staff from
the Cave of a Thousand Spankleclaws." Zylbob gulped but agreed, having no choice.After
braving dustlizards, venomous snurtlesnakes, and a chasm of liquid gurglerock, they found
the staff trapped under the colossal Queen Spankleclaw. Using his zinboulions as bait,
Zylbob distracted her while Barmybeard zapped her to sleep with his wand. They grabbed
the staff and scrambled out just as she awoke, roaring.Barmybeard repaid Snarlatina for
the garbleplants. Zylbob boarded his repaired ship, leaving the bizarre planet forever...or so
he thought! For the Queen Spankleclaw had stubbornly snuck aboard, hungry for more

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