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Management Development Institute, Gurgaon

Name of Programme:- OPGDM-III

End term Examination, Module-II
Name of the Course: Managerial Communication-I
Name of the Course Faculty: Dr.Vidhu Gaur

Name :-Yash Mathur Roll Number:- 23OP137

Ans 1 –

There are several reasons why John, Paul, George, and Ringo cohered the energy to become the

1. The four of them had created a strong bond by performing hours together in various
clubs, which allowed them to build trust and this face-time forged the individual Beatles
into a cohesive and tightly knit team.
2. They constantly evolved their music, exploring new themes, musical styles,
arrangements, instruments, and recording techniques. Their willingness to experiment
and push boundaries kept their audience engaged and contributed to their success.
3. The Beatles accommodated the individual talents and personalities of each member.
They wrote songs for each other to sing, giving everyone a chance to shine and be
recognized. They created a culture of brands within the brand by accepting every player's
4. They had a had a blend of specialist and generalist abilities. - John and Paul were deep
generalists with broad musical and artistic talents, while George and Ringo were branded
experts in their respective instruments.
5. Memorable live performances and media appearances, such as on "The Ed Sullivan
Show," amplified their appeal.
6. Brian Epstein's management played a crucial role in crafting their image and marketing
their music globally.
7. Finally their love for American Rock-n- Roll and powerful musical ambitions.

The Beatles' ability to outshine their Liverpool rivals, like Gerry and the Pacemakers, can be
attributed to a combination of factors that set them apart and propelled them to unprecedented

Their success was not a magic but the pursuit of innovation, their commitment to pushing
boundaries, and their unwavering dedication to evolving their music. Their ability to leverage
each other's strengths created a synergy that propelled their rise to stardom. The Beatles were
never contended and they constantly sought to disrupt the status-quo and explore new genres,
styles, and techniques.

Ans 2 –

Important communication takeaways from the Beatles' success story are –

 Invest in face time to build trust and familiarity among team members.
 Continuously evolve and bring new ideas to stay ahead.
 Recognize and embrace individual strengths to help team members shine.
 Blend specialists and generalists for diverse perspectives and better outcomes.
 Foster a sense of belonging while maintaining individual identities.
 Emphasize open communication and collaboration for effective teamwork.
 Create a culture that encourages active listening, constructive feedback, and open
By incorporating these additional takeaways into the professional practice, one can further
enhance communication, collaboration, and overall success in your organization.

If we talk on what we studied through the course, I could list them as –

 Active Listening
 Adapt Communication Styles
 Feedback Mechanisms
 Emotional Intelligence
 Nonverbal Cues
 Usage of Digital Media
 Conflict Resolution
 Story Telling
 Cultural Sensitivity

Ans 3 –

The public speaking is when one is delivering a speech on a subject before live audience. It’s
likely to be a formal event and the orator is expected to be well aware with the fact and speech
that he / she has to deliver.
The purpose is to – Inform, Persuade, Entertain & Inspire. The 3E’s of public speaking
comprises of –

1. Engagement 2. Energy 3. Essence.

The Do’s of public speaking -

 Know your Audience

 Prepare and prepare
 Have a grabber to force audience to listen to you, may be Shocking stats/ Quote /
Thought provoking question/ Gripping photo/ Captivating Story.
 Engage your audience with a positive body language
 Have a flexible in approach
 Connect back to key points, summarize content.

Don’ts in a public speaking –

 Don’t overload with content.

 Don’t be rigid, connect with the audience.
 Ignoring feedback / questions.
 Ignoring cues, may be audience feel uninterested
 Don’t lie
 Lastly don’t be afraid.

The speech can be made more engaging by –

Discussing stats or asking thought provoking question, then basis on the response we could drive
the speech. This will help the orator to have a bond with the listeners. The connect must always
be there. They orator must limit the content and keep the talk around the context. This requires a
thorough understanding of your audience.

URL to Shri Narendra Modi’s speech on Janta Curfew during the pandemic.

Key highlights were –

 Modi's Janta Curfew speech appealed to emotions and praised citizens' efforts.
 Logical reasoning was used to justify the need for a curfew and potential lockdown.
 The speech received positive reactions and had a significant impact.

 He effectively persuaded the everybody to comply with the Janta Curfew.

Ans 4 –

The bad listening habits that lead to chaotic conversations:

 Pseudo Listening – Fake listening or hearing; listener is not engaged and goes on mental
vacation. Inherent human nature but if it happens too often or too frequently then a
psychological condition
 Selective Listening – Disruption in engagement due to change in acoustics of
 Critical listening – When listener is distracted by peripheral or physical appearance of a
speaker rather than content or delivery. It becomes an impediment for listening.

Example –

In my org, we had a large customer - Bank, reporting a problem that led to a the production
down scenario. They contact us, and highlighted the problem.

An engineer(Naveen) hypothetical was aligned with them, he was working with the customer to
bring them back online. The engineer found to be a grave an alarming situation.

After a much hue and cry they couldn’t find the root cause and in the building pressure,the
engineer gave away stating that this is a product bug. He did this to reduce some tension that was
growing; but as he said it was a product bug, the situation became worse and led to an MD

After much digging, we found the problem was caused by the changes done by customer’s IT

Here the engineer Naveen, didn’t listen to what details the customers description, otherwise he
could have sensed the cause and resolved in few minutes. Due to his bad listening and missing of
key aspects, the customer had to suffer a lot.

Feedback shared & steps taken –

1. Do not just hear, but listen.

2. Jot down the points
3. Review them with the other person and validate the understanding.
4. Check if there’s something missing.
5. Keep the audience informed
6. Share a MoM

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