DC Module 5

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MODULE - 5 = Principles of Spread Spectrum Modulation Syllabus Spread, ps ims, Effect of De-tpreading on a narrowband Interference, Probability of error (statement only), Some applications ‘Spread Spectrum Signals, Generation of PN Sequences, Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum, CDMA based on 1595 Contents 5. Introduction. ...... Concept of Spread Spectrum ........+- Generation of Pseudo-Notse (PN) Sequences . o 5.4 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum... S 5.5 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum with Coherent PSK. ........ 5.6 Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum (FH-SS) Sign 5.7 Synchronization in Spread Spectrum Systems . 5.8 Comparison of Spread Spectrum Methods... 5.9. Applications of Spread Spectrum Modulation «+++ +++» _— 5.40. Gold and Kasami Sequences... s+ +vrrreeesr07 5.11 CDMA based an IS-95 + Efficient utilization of * Transmitted power, bandwidth and Teceive the message being of communication is called Secure communication such that noise interference and unwanted receivers should not detect the message, transmitted. This type *Such communication is very very important in military applications where techniques called. Spread Spectrum Modulation is used. Even the ‘spread Spectrum modulation is used for non-military * The interference in the transmission channel may be unintentional interference caused because the other user may be. transmitting through that. same channel. Sometimes the interference is created intentionally by a hostile transmitter to ‘jam the transmission. ‘Those problems can be solved using spread spectrum modulation, Definition of Spread Spectrum Modulation ‘The Spread Spectrum Modulation can be defined in two parts as follows. 2. The Spectrum bandwidth) a the Poncpis of Spr Spectrass Modan, | 3 ‘modulation, PCM etc. But they do not satisty secong | Par. That is they do not use ffequency spectrin | spreading and deopreading. The bandwiaay | requirement of spread spectrum modulation, techniques is thus very high. Applications of Spread Specturm Modulation | 1) Antijam capability - particularly for narrowbang | jamzmaing 2) Interference rejection 3) Multiple access capability 4) Multipath protection 5) Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) 6) Secure communications 7) Improved spectral efficiency - in special circumstances. ‘These applications are discussed in detail at the end of this chapter. 5.1.3 | Classification of Spread Spectrum: Systems Spread spectrum: ie depending. upon their The spread. “operating: concept, spectrum systems may be averaging type or avoidance type. petal Communication = vbe In this chapter we will stud Iv the se ene® A frequency hopping techniques in 1. Im direct sequence modidation, two stages of are used. In the first stage, the ‘Sequence modulates the wideband code. This transforms the narrow band incom xing, data sequence into wide band signal. That is the spectrum of the signal is spreaded. This nncTpes of Spend pecan Mestolaten, Fig. 62:4. Model of the spread apectrum digital communication system | [G2] concept ot spree Spectrum | [52.4] Operation of Tranamitser Fig, 5.2.1 shows the model of spread spectrum digital | communication system. |) 2a bday haermstimscespeenensie:dnguessersie | __ chanel encnder on transmitter side 2. The channel encoder encodes this input sequence according to some error control coding technique . The coded sequence is then given tw the randomly over the wide frequency band. The signal at the output of modulator is the spread spectrum modulated signal This signal ts: then ‘transmitted over some-channel. [5222] operation of Receiver 1. At the the demodulator gets. coded ‘signal back from the spread spectrum signal. Digital Communication ‘Types of Modulation + The pseudo-noise sequence at the modulator is used with the PSK modulation to shift the phase of the PSK signal pseudo-randomly. Such technique is = Direct Sequence (DS) spread spectrum modulation. Tt is also called Pseudo-Noise (PN) spread spectrum modulation, + When the pseudo-noise sequence in the modulator is used in conjunction with M-ary FSK to shift the frequency of FSK signal pseudo randomly, the technique is called Frequency Hopped (FH) spread spectrum method. Generation of Psoudo-Noise (PN) ‘Sequences Definition ‘The pseudo-noise (or pseudo random) sequence is a ‘noise like high frequency signal. This signal is binary in nature. Thus it looks like pulses. The sequence is not completely random but it is generated by a well defined logic. The same logic is used at transmitter ‘and receiver. Since the sequence is generated by a well defined logic, it is rather ‘pseudo’ random. Hence it is called pseudo-random (or pseudo-noise) sequence, Generation The pseudo-noise sequence can be generated by a feedback shift register and the combinational logic. The generalized block diagram of this scheme is shown in Fig. 5.3.1. Input Togs oH Fig. 63.1 Feedback shift register to generate the i. The shift register consists of ‘m’ flip-flops. The data of one flip-flop is given to the next flip-flop whenever clock pulse is applied. Clock. Papp of Speed Spectra Medien 2. The output of the flip-flop are given to the logic Gircuit. Depending upon the outputs of the flip-flops, the output of the logic creat 4, decided. This logic circuit output is given ag an input to the first fip-flop of shift register. 3, ‘The pseudo-noise sequence is generated at the ‘output of last flip-flop im the shift register. 4, each pulse of the clock, the state of the flip-flop is shifted to the next flip-flop and logic cireuje output is shifted in the first flip-flop. Period of Output Sequence «+ The pseudo-noise sequence generated at the outpyy of the flip-flop repeated after 2" digits. This ig because the shift register will have 2” states. Those states. start repeating after 2", hence outpur sequence will also repeat after 2 bits. 27" ip also clini pee nie ee + Normally the logic circuit is mod-2 adders. If shift register enters in zero state, it will not come out of it and output sequence will be of zeros andy. To prevent this problem, the zero state of the shift register is not allowed. ‘Therefore total number of states of m-state feed back register will be 2"=1. Therefore the output pseudo-noise sequence will also have a period of 2”=1 bits, 5.3.1 | Maximum (Mi - Sequences) ‘When the pseudo-noise sequence generated by linear feed back shift register has the length of 2"-1, itis called: maximum length sequence. igital Communication, f Binary sequence | ett) f ineiples of Spread Spectrum Modulation Fig. 8.3.2. PN sequanco of longth W = 7 In each petiod of maximum length Sequence, there are one half runs of 1's and s have length one, There can be one fourth rms of 1a and 0) length two; or there can be Jength three ahd so on, 3. Correlation property sof one eighth runs. of + The autocorrelation function of maximum length. sequence is periodic ‘Sketch of PN Sequence Fig. 532 below shows the PN sequence and its ‘sketch, length sequence. It is given as, N=2"-1- | | is the length of the feedback shift register, ; $32 shows the pseudo random sequence for m= 3. The PN sequence waveform is by c(t). It has the amplitudes of +1 and -1. | Chip rate ‘Let the bits of the maximum length sequence (PN sequence) occur at the rate R.. This is also called chip ‘ralé in chips per second. Then the duration of every bitis, (533) Here‘ note that 7, is the period of maximum length sequence in seconds, whereas: N is the length of the sequence in binary digits Autocorrelation of PN sequence ‘The autocorrelation function of the PN sequence can be given: as, Reth= tt) ft—n)de For the PN-sequence c(t), above equation becomes, 1 N+ oy tl forltleT, Raft) = elsewhere ~ 63a) Fig: 533 shows the plot~of the autocorrelation function given by above equation. Here: observe that the autocorrelation function is periodic. (Refer Fig. 533 on next page.) psd of PN Sequence ‘The-fourier transform. of the autocorrelation function gives power spectral density, ‘Hence taking fourier transform of equation (534) gives power spectral density of PN-sequence. ie, SAA) = FEI) 635) Fig. 5.3.4 shows the plot of psd for m= 3 and N = 7. ‘Since autocorrelation function is periodic in nature, its Psd is discrete, The impulse functions in the-psd are’ ‘spaced at x77-- The psd of the truly random sequence is continuous; since it is not periodic, how to generate these sequences ? In Fig. 53.4 we hhave shown that, a pseudo-noise sequence can be Senerated with the help of shift 1 Hd acl logic. Our point of discussion ts, how to select the feedback logic for a particular " theory of error control coding, some of the feedback logics are developed: ‘These logics areavailable as, ‘Principles of Spread Spectrum Modulation In the above table observe that for length m=5 there ae three combinations of feedback taps. 6,2), ©, 4, 3, 2) and (6, 4, 2, 1) |) Scheme for (6, 2) Fig. 53.5 shows the scheme for (5, 2). Here (5, 2) ‘means, outputs of flip-flops 5 and 2 are added. as pet mod-2 and given to input to first ip flop. ii) Scheme for (5, 4, 3, 2) Fig, 53.6 shows the scheme for (5, 4, 3, 2) to get 2 maximum length sequence. As shown in the figure, the outputs of flip-flop 5, 4, 3 and 2 are mod-2 added and given as input to first flip-flop. ‘Advantages of selection of feedback taps 1. Because of selection of feedback taps as per Table 5.3.1, the pseudo-noise sequence satisfy all the properties of maximum length sequences. 2. The feedback logic becomes very easy for i State of shin register S, 8&8 8, ‘Table 5.3.3 Generation of PN-sequence for m = 4 ‘Thus the generated PN sequence is, 900111101011001.. Principle of Spread Spectrum Modulation pee t see = 0.1 ysec Re 107 z {il) To obtain tenath of PN sequence ‘The length of the PN sequence N+2" 4 = 26 -1= 15 digits iv) To obtain period of output sequence Hence period of the outpuit sequence is T= NT = 15x0-ipsee 5 sec (-8°8.8.3 For a linear feel shift register with free stages (m=3) eunluate the maximum dengtit PN sequence for feedback tops ~ (3, 1) Draw the schematic ‘arrangement end verify all the properties of PN seeence in generated ontput, Sketch the sequence, its ‘utocarreuition func: 1 and) PSD) function if chip rate happens to-b- 10 Nii Test all three prog of ML sequence after generating PN sequence jor 0°3 stage feedback shin register. (Ass 1000 as initial stated Sol. : ) Schematic arrangement : ‘There will be 3. stages: in the» shift register. ‘The feedback taps will be taken. from/outputs:of first and third stage. Fig. 5.39 shows the scheme to” generate PN sequence. il) To obtain PN sequence = OSs ‘Output “Fes 530 A atag etc strate wi v ences register ares = 1 fy ~ and 5) =O Table 24 Shows Dieta Consmteaton wes! reposts ‘Table 5.3.6 Generation of PN sequence (Fig. 53.8) oi Thus the generated pseudo random sequence is, oortt0s Length ofthis sequence is 2" — Fig. 53.10 shows shetch of the sequence in NRZ form. fil) To verity the properties of maximum length sequence : The generated PN sequence is, G = (0011101) 1. Balance property : In each period number of 1's {s always one more than number of 0's. In the above sequence, observe that there are three 0's and four 1's. This satisfies balance property. 2. Run property : When there ate 'm' stages in the shift register, then generated. sequence contains 21 runs, Here Hence there will be runs. These are given below Ge (90 144 id Rae Tad ak ‘Thus there are total 4 runs, Runt = (0 0} “14 Rin 2 Run3=( 0} Run¢= {1} i) Here two runs (Le. half of total 4 rums) are of length 1. These runs are:run-3 and mun-s, ii) One run (ie. one fourth of total 4 mung) is of Jength 2. This run is run-1, Thus run property is satisfied. 3. Correlation property = An autocorrelation’ of the tice bial shown next. pe Modation Ua Piso pra Specs Mos 1 Nel : Rey WE | fr Ihe ‘ W elsewhere j Here length, N=7 “Zand chip rate R, = 10 Miz. Hence 7, = =! 11107 Re 10x10 2 a ee Se In] for Io] 0. | 45 an essentially synchronous system. The : 5 an exact knowledge of Principles of Spread Spectrum Modulation pseudo-noise sequence for proper detection of the data signal b(t). Therefore the receivers operates in perfect synchronism with the transmitter. If the receivers does not know the pseudo-noise sequence, then it will not be able to detect the data signal b(t. «Thus because of spread spectrum modulation, unwanted receivers cannot detect the data signal. Buc the drawback of the system is that more transmission bandwidth is required, 7 Review Question | 1. Explain’ direct sequence spread spectrum transmitter and receiver. 35 | Direct Sequence Spread Spactrum with Coherent BPSK In the previous section we studied the: baseband transmission, of direct sequence spread “spectrum ‘modulated signal. For long: distance transmission oF transmission over # satellite channel, BPSK can be used 5.5.1 | DS-SS BPSK Transmitter Fig; 55.1 shows the transmitter of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum with BPSK. Operation : 4, As shown inthe FigeS:5Ay ther binary data sequence is: given to NRZ' level encoder. This encoder converts by into bipolar NRZ waveform. 2, The pseudo-noise sequence generator generates and encodes this sequence in bipolar NRZ signal pigital Communication, [es3] Signal Space Pimensionatity tn this subsection we wil obtaj obtain the result 1: Re step Deis: ©f orthonormal. basis Step 2: Representation of one PSK signal for ane Step 3: Representatio, i P 5 aaa % of noise jammer)| step 4: To obtain ave 2 mage power of Step 5: To obtain output of detector Step 6: To obtain signal power To obtain noise component To obtain noise power | To obtain signal to noise power ratio. | Representation of orthonormal basis. functions, ‘basis functions are given as, cos(2afet) kT; anit the comparison between 2. The flee signals may: mislead the receiver cs - resulting in incorrect acqulsition Tale 583 swe ee sea a] fequence and ted [8] comparison of spree: Spectrum eo wate Pe ‘The advantages and disadvantages of direct sequence Se Parmeter and Gequency hopping spread spectrum techniques = axe given below 1 Defnii [538.4 ] Advantages and Disadvantages of 05-88 System: Advantages of direct sequence symbols 1. This gystem has best noise and antjam pesformance. 2, Unrecognized receivers find it most difficult to detect direct sequence signals Te has best ciserimination against multipath signals Disadvantages of direct sequence systems 1. It requires wideband channel with small. phase distortion 1 has Jong acquisition time. The pseudo-noise generator should generate sequence at high rates, ‘This system is distance relative. Advantages and Disadvantages of FH-SS- System Advantages of frequency hopping system 1. These systems bandwidth (spreads) are very. large. They can be programmed to avoid some portions of the spectrum, ‘They have relatively short acquisition time. ‘The distance effect is less. Disadvantages of frequency hopping systems 1, Those systems need ‘ complex frequency z Ty af mot useful for range and rangesrate 3, They need eror correction, r

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