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Oxford Maturita Excellence Priprava k maturité zakladni urovné Oxford Maturita Excellence Priprava k maturité zakladni urovné Contributors and consultants Eva Paulerové Danica Gondova Hana Musilkova Jana Pernicova Schvalilo MSMT &. 4651/2010-23 cine 2. €ervna 2010 kzafazeni do seznamu uéebnic pro stiedni vzdélavani pro vzdélavaci obor dal3i cial jazyk a obsahovy okruh vedélavani a komunikace v cizim jazyce s dobou platnost 6 let.” Recenzentkami sou Mgr aroslava Ivanové [M.A.a Bohumila Merglova. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ee AP Ils Family Life Slovnl zisoba 9 | kazdodenni zinnosti Rec) Gent 70 raw xnepravda =76 [988 Postech 11 | se strugnau odpovéai —/0 |@68 Jazykové kompetence 12 | swjbérem odpovédi —/6 eee a Bratman yess taesedm |__| See 13 | interakce = pomoc pli domécich pracich eee vest 4a | pons poronsn’ bczk, eee Samastatny prsev = vay vroding 68e ‘Sloenizisobs 75 | rodina, Zinnosti, oslavy 88 Gent 16 | priazovact— vty dott —4 |8ee 4 Poslech 17 | pifazovact — vfroky k mluvéim —/s |8@@ & | Jazykova kompetence 17 | s vjbirem odpovédt — predlozky —/n [SOS Bee 17 font dota ko aa interakee ~pfiprava oslavy OS _samostatny projev — diilezité okami oot an 5 ori 19 | pons soby @@ Ffazovact — vEta kodstavel —/8 |GO8 ial Perens —/ |8E8 7 se stunou odpovi —10 |SS@ TazykovdKompetence| 22 s wfbem odpovda = [See aan 3 | Blnek neon fivt 050 slo) O22. 23 | samostany projev- popis a charakterstica 2@ Morea 24| popis «port abresk~ pop es0b OO semostatnj projev ~ popis osoby GO ‘Slovnf zasoba 25 | popis osoby, viastnosti Ic Gent 26 | pffzovct - sou kode =? [888 1 | Postech 77 | prada xneprevda —/s [928 E [lazyhovdkompetonce | 27 | s vibérem odpovédl-spolovecl irazy =/6 |8O@ Psani_ 27 | neformaint dopis ~ 0 sobé (220-150 slov) OO8 aay 2 | selscbrsh- sue ve let egg Shops ané || slovniasobe 29 | rekupovint 288 serdees | [ont 30] s bem odpoveat —h [@08 Poslech 32 prada xneorovda —/s |©28 Jazykova kompetence 32 | s wiblrem adpovédi —/s |@88 Prank 33 | apriva/reportt 2 udilost (20-5000) See interac -nabigka pomoc 28 uve 34 | samocaty proj ~ nakupovin pfs Intemet oo porovndni obrazki ~ moznosti nakupovéni Coo Slomivisobe 35 | nakipovnt peice 628 Cen 36s ibérem ocpovéa = |8288) Peslech 37 | se stutnou odpovtl —/ [688 3 Jazykova kompetence 37 | s wjbérem odpovédt - piedlotky —/s |@@@ Pea 38 | navodinsvuke — ppava osawy 60-70 so) 62a inert = kup obur Ba rae 3a ast woe abr OS boron beak ~ yy choad @2@ 2. STUDY DIARY nite Home Nature ‘School Ea fe 39 | zavent by 808 20 | sjptrem odpoveet _h [@S@ 7 | se stutzou odpoveat —7 [eee 42 | s vybérem odpovedi —/8 [SOS 22] emall- poos mista 0-70 30) e0@ Psani ‘43 | nefarmalni dopis ~ rady pro navstévu GOO (120-150 slov) ‘43 | interakce - wbér nového bydleni 89a was samastatny projev desi damav S58 146 | pops» porovndnobrekd ~ vat ve mBst a 888 navvenkove Stovnizisoba 5 | py domi azn S28 tent 46 | prtezovact— ads Kodstave —7 |88o Pesach 17 | race nepravde —/s |899. E | ney tompeance| 07 [svten oomtel-ameamnainim | —77 [OS® ‘erm’ dnis-odpovra inet — oni _pronajem bytu (120-150 slov) 888 samostaty prjev~slavnébudove 288 Mees 48) iterakce bydleni na dovolent @ea interakce — domact povinnosti OOo Sow zisoba 49 | cemipisné vray rote obdobh 208 Geni 50] pazovact— tke kontavedm — [88S Peslech 51 | prada xneprves —/6 (GOD Tazyhovd vompetence | 52] s vfbtrem odpovdel —/ |@0@ ietak~ iden ocpada (60-70 slow) Oe Psani 53 | dopis do cesopisu - ochrana Zivotntho Oe _prostiedi (120-150 slow) Interakce ~ vata kEvaninu poset eo ‘Mluveat 54 | popis a porovnani obrézkt zvifatav zajeti a @6e ta abod Sion zivoba 55 pt pried vot na rem 688 Gent 36s wrem ecpovEdh = [eee Posted 37s wpkrem odpovta —/ [Geo 1g | ezykovdtompetence | 57s wbtiem odpovél—eny =/0|8@@ 2 | Pant 58 | inzerdt-konverzan exigent (60-70 sow) o@ -samostatny projev ~ znevistnd pla ess ‘ieat 59 | Popls porovnant obrézk~ pomoc odin posta _samostatny projev ~ rlepSeni prostfedi @e@ Stor’ ziroba 59 | Shon peda, skaderieké uly @98 Gent 2] prvde xneprevda —f [Oe®. Posted 41 se stutnou odpovdet =/s [88 Taaykovd rompetence | 6 | swhtrem odpovi —/ [888 povinks ne vetiek (0-70 alo0 BOB Psani {63 | neformalnt dopis ~ pokragovani ve studiu @@8 (420-150 slov) ‘samosaiyprojer~ aks net angiinu S85 Muvest 66 poromnér obrzki~situace ve ce Soe masta roe iden vata G88 Soni ieobe | wpyial fot coche a} tent 66 | pravdaxnepravda —/s |OS@ Poslech 67 preva xnepravda —/s [828 4 Jazykové kompetence 67 | swibérem odpovédi - vhodnd slovesa —/8 |O@@ Psani 87 | popis — idedin’ skola (120-150 slov) Oo ois obo -wuka ve slain BOB ; cx Stn peste stint a) = srs Sarostata roiev~ co nfm va vant e2@ STUDY DIARY 3 ‘it, fe fo fn fae ‘Work ‘Slovni zésoba 69 | zaméstnént oO Geni 70 | piitazovact ~ éryvky do textu_ —/7 |8e@ Poslech 71 | s wjbérem odpovédi —/4 |©OS Tazykovd kompetence 72 | s wibérem odpovédi —/3 |(O6@ Psani 73 | formaini dop’s - odpovéd'na inzerat (120-150 slov) Seo 74 | interakce ~ wibér brigdy Cee nsaat 75 | porovndni obrdzkd - rznd zaméstndnt O89 ‘samostatny projev ~ vysnéné zaméstnani Soe Poe ‘Slovni zasoba 75 | situace v zaméstnént, popis Seo tent 76 | pfitazovact - shrauti k odstavel —/6 |@OO Poslech 77 | se strutnou odpovédi —/ |@@@ : Tazykové kompetence 78 | s vibérem adpovédi ~ pfedloFky —/5 |@S@ Psant 78 | foéint dopis - Zédost ozaméstnéri (120-150 Siow) OS interakce - rozhovor s manaerem GOS ‘Mluvent 78 | popis obrézku — vstupal rozhovor GOS _samostatng projev — idesin’ kandidat G8 Health ‘Slovni zasoba 79 | zdravotn’ problémy Soe toni 80 | s vibérem odpovédi —/6s |@@@ Posiech 81 s vjbérem odpovédi —/7 [80S Jarykova kompetence 82 | s vjbérem odpovédi —/s [8O@ sani ‘83 | Glanek — popis nérodni kuchyné (320-350 slov) 9e8 83 | interakce ~ tema kampané GOO ‘Mluvent 84 | popis a porovnéni obrézkti - rind jidta 909 samostatny projev - oblibené jidlo See ‘Slovai zasoba '85 | zdravotni problémy 9O8 Geni 86 | pravda xnepravda —/t |O@@ Poslech '87 | s vibérem odpovédt —4 |@@@ : Jazykovi kompetence | 87 | s vybérem odpovéai —/ |@O@ aaa Psani ae 908 aa ai em ‘Mluveni 88 | camostatny projev - moBnosti postizenych IS@ interakce — Zivotnf styl JOB ‘Sport ‘Stovni zasoba 89 druhy sport 988 Gent 90 | prifazovact - otézky k odstavelim —/s [©88 Poslech 91 | svibérem cdpovdi —/s |83@ Jazykova kompetence | __92| s wybarem odpovsai —f [888 ‘e-mail — sport ve va8i zemi (60-70 slov) eee ama ss] tacmarheos pono ag et os | Srmnnisottc sete 808 ‘Slovni zasoba 95 | sportovni vybaven’, udalosti_ SOO tteni 96 | pravda xneprevda: —/6 |9O@ Poslech ‘97 | s vibérem odpovédt —/ |@8@ B | sazytovd kompetence =n 883 sant 97 | pohlednice ~ ze sport. soustiedént (60-70 slov) @6@ Ive 8 ee 833 4 sTupy DIARY fe fmotine |] | Slomizisobe fim 982 ang en sjbirom dpa = [988 = Poste ravda xnepravéa —/¢ [988 Jazykové kompetence ‘svibérem odpovédi —/ [98S ct Zlinek— blbené do (0-70 so) em ‘sani _zpriva ~ kulturni piedstavent (120-150 slov) oS 104 | ‘samostatny projev ~ nabidka klubu OO ‘nave 105 | popis a poravnani abrazkil - volnogasové 998 a aktvity Samostatn prev vol fas ee9 Slori vio 105 | fim, ver umn trate @@8 tent 107 | pravdaxnepravde 3 [rate 108 | s vib odpovedr TanytovdKompetence| 108] svbdrem odpovil = slovesnd tary =f [889 Peat 108 | ozndmeni/plaks ~ soutl 60-70 so) 208 love 108 | neat — program naveter O08 Teavel Slot sob 109 mista aaktity 288 Gent 120] pravdexneprade fe [OS® Pesach 141 | s vibeem odpovtat —/6 [88 Jazyhovd tonpetence | 192s wotrem odpav8dl— phd iménaapiatone | —/n [OOD Pant 183 | syn sherosts cetnino-90 sn ©88 114 | interakce ~ vjbér dovolené Seo 15 | popis a proved’ obit — dopant i) Moves! prostedky Samosa pow ~ (hod anh eee :pls0bi ceo Swi risoba 735 | eestor, pops ces ea Gent 726 [prada xnenravcn —h [ese 3g [rote 717 [se srutnou odpovkat —/s |@88 nykovd Kompetence| 198s wpberem odpovéar —/s [OS® Pani 118 | fomn dopis~sfaastGi20-290 ao) 688 Bledmaty a eich ult Eos Gent 720 | stem dow xh 1808. Posech £23 | se strutnouodpovtr —/ [OSS Jazykové kompetence | _ 122 s wybirem odpovédi —/8 [O88 ani 723 | ednek- Cvtkatechita G20-g0 6) @&O 123 | ‘samostatny projev - dloha védy a techniky_ COS Mluvent 124 | popis obrézkii ~ typy komunikace semostatny GOB Proje = komuniacevbudoucns O80 Sova isoba 725 | pot, ves @8O Tie 125 | swpbrem odpovtal —/ [©eo 3 | posiecs 127 | prawiasneprarie —/5 [088 ieford toupee | 227 | soften cdpoekl sivas Wa —/6 [O28 Peat 327 | fo ol dpa et 20-50 O88 ois Obra - vce pre ee aves 128 | Samrstatn projey=wyenam vedy 828 Samostatypolv slave vee O88 STUDY DIARY 5. Introduction Co je Oxford Maturita Excellence? Oxford Maturita Excellence je intenzivni vjukovy kurz uréeny pro pfipravu stiedoSkolskych student na maturitné zkousku zakladn’ Grovné. Obsahuje dvandct kapitol, v nich2 se procvicuji jazykové dovednosti v oblastech Reading (éten), Listening (poslech), Use of English (jazykova kompetence), Writing (psan?) a Speaking (mluvent). VSechny uvedené dovednosti se procvituji na drovni Bi stanovené Spoletnym evropskjm referentnim ramcem pro jazyky. Kazdé z kapitol je zalozena na uréitém tématu, které je rozpracovano 2 mnoha riiznjch chid pohledu. Kniha obsahule také prflohy Writing Bank a Speaking Bank a pfehled slovni zésoby Word Bank. CChytry klfé ke cvigenfm na konci knihy obsahuje navic vysvétlent, prog je urdita moznost odpovédi spravné a jina nikoliv. Sougésti kurzu Oxford Maturita Excellence je chytré CD s nahravkami k poslechovym cvigenim. Co najdete vjednotlivych kapitolach? Kaidé kapitola se zabyva urditym Siroce pojatyim tématem, nap. rodinny Zivot’. Kazda sekce dané kapitoly pak téma rozebiré z ponékud jiného Ghlu. vVSechny sekce obsahuji prakticka cvigeni koncipované tak, aby pfipravila studenty, aby spéSné zvlédlirdizna zadant v maturitnt zkougce. Najdete zde také uditetné tipy, jak se na zkousku pripravovat, jak vypracovavat konkrétnt typy testovych Gloh, a také tipy tykajici se dilezitych jazykowfch struktur. Okruhy jazykovych dovednostt jsou vétSinou fazeny vtomto pofadi: Reading (étend) Listening (poslech) Use of English (jazykova kompetence) ‘Writing (psant) Speaking (mluveni) Jak nejlépe pouzivat uéebnici Oxford Maturita Excellence? im vice budete knihu pouzivat, tim lépe budete na zkousku pripraveni. Pokud najdete dostatek casu k prostudovant celého kurzu, ziskate dikladnou priipravu pro véechny typické testové dlohy, sezndmite se se vemi tématy, kterd se mohou u zkousky objevit, a ziskate potfebnou slovni zasobu. 1u nemusite studovat od zaéatku do konce, miZete ji prochazet po jednotlivych Eastech, a to v libovolném potad’. 6 INTRODUCTION Pokud chcete vyutit vSech vyhod kurzu Oxford Maturita Excellence, doporucujeme vam nasledujfet studijni postup: 1 Rozhodnéte se, nai se chcete zaméfit V kurzu Oxford Maturita Excellence na strané 2 najdete Study Diary (Stuaijnt dig?) a ten pfedstavuje néco vice nez jen prehled obsahu knihy. Je to také vynikajfet nastroj pro rozvrzent vaieho studia. * Pokud si chcete dikladné procvicit néjaky tematicky okruh (napf. véda a technika’), zjistéte, ve které kapitole se toto téma probird, a prostudujte v3echny sekce piisluné kapitol © Cheeterli si procvitit nékterou jazykovou dovednost (napf. poslech), vyhledejte v diafi vSechny poslechové tésti a vyberte ty 2 nich, jez se zaméruji na typ cviteni, ktery potfebujete procvitit. © Jestlize si chcete procvitit urtity typ testové Glohy (nap¥. dopliiovaci cviteni s vybérem spravné odpovédi z nabizengch moznost?), v diati najdete, kde takova cvitent jsou. Snazte se vybirat cvigeni, ktera se tykaji riznych témat a procvituft rlizné jazykové dovednost. 2 Procvicujte Nejprve se zaméite na cvigent v sekefch urenych pro p¥ipravu ke zkousce. Z4dna cvigent nevynechavejte, v3echna vam pomohou s tim, abyste potom snadno zvladli Gkoly v prabehu zkousky. Vnékterych sekcich naleznete ke testovym Gkoliim také rozBifujfct cvigent. V knize najdete mnoho tipi jak studovat’. Vyulivejte je co nef Redent praktickych V chytrém klii (v dolni éasti kaidé stranky najdete odkaz na klI@). . Do studijntho diate si zaznamenejte vSechny chyby, kterych jste se dopustili, abyste se [ich piiSt8 vyvarovali. 3 Vypracujte si zkouskovy Gkol Vidy si pedlivé prottéte zadént, at vite, co mate delat. Ned zatnete cviteni vypracovavat, prettéte si ke zkouce. AZ se budete pfipravovat na éést psani nebo mluveni, pomiize vam prostudovani pfiklada vsekcich Writing Bank nebo Speaking Bank. Vypracujte cvigent. Je8t8 nez se podivate do chytrého kif€e, sam své odpovédi zkontrolujte - zdokonalite se tim a zabrdnite ztrété boda kvili drobnyjm chybam. Piette si odpovédi v chytrém kligi a oznacte si sprévna feSent. Do sloupce pro sebehodnocent ve studijnim diafi si zaznamenejte, jak jste si vedli. Pridejte také své vlastni poznémky 0 tom, na co se bude potfeba zametit pfi dalsim procvitovant. 4 Sledujte své pokroky Do studijntho dite si zaznamenévejte ndsled © Poznamky 0 chybach, kterjch jste se v praktickych cvigenich dopustili. Zaznamenejte si je po dokonéeni pfisluSného cviten’. * Zhodnotte své studijni pokroky a zaSrtnéte si sekce, které jste uz prostudovali, Co najdete ve vykladové Asti? Writing Bani © veorové texty ~ véechny typy texti Které mohou byt u zkousky zadany (od e-maildi pres formalnt a neformalni dopisy po vypravés opis) © ulltetné tipy v tedtin’ * rAsobu frdzi, které miete v pfisluSném typu textu pouzit Speaking Bank: © ufitecné fréze s Zeskymi pieklady - pro vSechny typy komunikace, které budete potfebovat zviddnout v éasti mluveni Dvojjazyénd Cast Word Bank: © kligova slovnt zasoba kaZdé kapitoly ‘© nezbytné rozSitujfct stovnt zasoba pro kazdy tematicky okruh zkousky + foneticka transkripce pro lep3/ vyslovnost K emu slouzi chytry kl? Chytry kifé vam nejen prozradi sprévnou odpovéd, ale také srozumitelné cesky wysvatli, prot je dané YeSeni spravné a ostatni nabizené moznosti nikoliv. Vkitéi najdete také upozoménf na to, teho byste se mali vyvarovat (napf. typické chyby) Najdete zde FeSeni vech praktickych cvigent a zkouSkovych Gkoli. Pro otevFené komunikaéni Uikoly, na n€é neexistuje jedina ,sprévné* odpovéd, pfina8t klfé uzitetné poznamky o tom, co se u zkouSky o&ekava, nebo nabiaf nejlep&i pfistupy k FeSeni daného Gkolu. V klfzi najdete také prepis vSech nahravek nahravek urgenjch k postechu. K emu sloudi chytré CD? Chytré CD obsahuje vSechny nahrdvky ke cvitenim a zkouSkovjm Gkollim. UslySite Sirokou Skélu riznjch anglickych mluvéich a rdznd nafeti. Promluvy jsou prondSeny pfirozenym tempem. VCD pfehravati bude chytré CD fungovat jako b&éng zvukovg disk. Vlozite-li chytré CD do potitate, najdete na ném také prepisy nahravek ve formétu Microsoft Word. Prepisy si méZete upravit na viastnt poslechova cvitent, napf. takto: + vka¥dé vété nahradte jedno slovo prézdnou linkou a wytvoite si tak dopliiovaci cvigent; © vdel8im textu zméfite sled odstavedi a vytvorte si takto usporadact cvigent; * mite n&kterd slova v textu, tim vytvorite korektnt cvigent. Takto vytvofend rozSitujfet cvitent pouZijte s urtitym Zasovjm odstupem, ne hned, jinak by bylo pris snadné si vzpomenout, jaké bylo spravné feSent. Mazete si sv cvigeni také vyménit s kamarédem a vypracovat evigeni, které Co jeSté nabizi Oxford Maturita Excellence? vil ten druhy. Oxford Maturita Excellence vam dava zdarma pfistup k Zasti testu Maturita Z na intemnetovych strankach Oxford English Testing. To je novinka, kterou Oxford nabizt pro zdokonalent va8ich zkouSkovych dovednostt. Svoj pristupovy kéd najdete na strand 198 této knihy, Abyste si mohli tuto ast testu vyzkouset, jdéte na, zaregistrujte se a vlozte svi piistupovy kéd. Cast testu Maturita Z vam umoZni vyzkouset si skutezné testové Glohy ve tfech oblastech: éten’, poslech a jazykova kompetence. Své odpovédi mAdete odeslat, stejné jako byste to ud&lali pri skutetné zkousce, a automaticky dostanete hodnocenf a vysvétlujict komentar. Mazete se kdykoliv pfihlésit znovu a kteroukoliv 4st testu znovu vyzkouset. Pri vaSem druhém a kazdém dalgim pokusu. miZete dvakrat kliknout na kterykoliv vjraz v textu cvizent a objevi se definice z oxfordského slovniku, Doufame, Ze se vam s kurzem Oxford Maturita Excellence bude dobre pracovat a Ze s jeho pomoci kate jistotu ve v3ech dovednostech, které budete potfebovat k tispéSnému slozent zkousky! Hodné dsp&chd pfeje Oxford University Press INTRODUCTION. 7 MATURITNi ZKOUSKA Z ANGLICKEHO JAZYKA ~ ZAKLADN/ UROVEN OBTIZNOSTI ‘Matutitnt zkou3ka z anglického jazyka zakladni tirovné obtiZnosti zahrnuje tri diléi zkouSky: © pisemnou praci (60 min.) © Gstni zkousku (45 min.) Poslech, étenf a jazykova kompetence, pisemné prace i Gstni zkouSka majf stejnou vahu. \V didaktickém testu nejsou povoleny Zadné pomiicky. V pisemné praci je povoleno pouzivat slovniky, pokud neobsahujf pfilohu vénovanou pisemnému projevu. Béhem pfipravy na Gstni zkousku je povoleno pouzivat slovniky. jidakticky test, jehoz soucasti jsou dva subtesty: poslech (30 min.), étenf a jazykova kompetence (60 min.) Potet East! ‘Typy dtoh/Altivita KliZové dovednosti Poslech 4 Gomin) 1atomicke (orave * se struénou odpovee 7 pochopit lava myllenku a zimir/nzor mniwelno + postnnout hive body a specie informace 1 Borozumt orentaerim pokyndm ajednaduchy fechnlckym informactn, které se eal pledmeth Kezdodenn potfeby tent 4 Ss vjbétem edpoved! dichotomické (pravda x nepravda) piitazovact * pochopit hlaynt mySlenku/zémér * porozumét pFinim, pocitim, popisu udélost, ‘stv tent jednoducy nam] pledoisim/népisim/polyntim apod. ¢ foepoznat avn’ myslenky ‘+ Whledat a shromazditinformace * odhadnout vjznam neznémého virazu Jarykova a Kompetence o min) * s vybérem odpovédi Bulvat eka protec ayo funk poutivat gramatické prostedky * poudivat ziklacnt pravidla 0 stavbé slov, vata nhadvétnjch celki [Pisemna 2 prace (6omin) * Glohy se Bioko odpovédi vrozsahu 420-150 slova 60-70 slov (Glohové dtvary: dopis, charakteristika, wpraveni,élanek, zprava, popis, vzk32, Instrukce/névod) * popsat sebe/druhé, misto, cestu, véc, zazitek, Lgalost, 2kuSenost, dj, pocity a reakce, pfekvapeni, obavu apod. + Wwiadtit né20r/posto|/stanovisko, viastat myslenky, myst, prant, édost, prosbu, nabidku, pozvari, doporuéent apod. + Zdtivodnit uréité Cinnost/skutetnosti * wysvtlit problém, navrhnoutFe¥ent problému = Wyevstlita/nebo adraznit, co povauje za dilezite * SeBlit/overt st informace & zprévy, poZadat 0 informace + shmout a/nebo wut pfedlozené informace # zeptat se na nézor, posto pocity, problém apod. Gstnt 4 zkouska G5 min.) * reakce na 3-5 otézek pools obrézku * porovndnt 2 obrézki ‘+ samastatny dstn{ projev na dané téma + interakce na dané téma Zadéinf stot 2kouSky je zpracovéno formou pracovniho list, ~ popsal sebe/druhé, misto/cestu/véc, Einnost/ Ludalost apod.. + porovnat rizné altemativy + wait mylenio,ptesvedzen, pacity, sn nade, nazor + WyladFit souhlas/nesoublas s jedninim apod. + wyavetit sve nazory/reakce/ plany/jednént a struéné je 2ddvodnit «+ wysvétit co pavazuje za dlezi6/prot néco PFedstavule problem «+ Bistit, preaat, oveit sia potvrditinformace * zahajit/udrZovat/ukonéit jednoduchy rozhovor a {o ureité miy se chopit vrozhovory iniciativy * ynatpameravkomghac, a) wfc zy «= struzné komentovat nzor, reagovat na vyjadrené pocity apod. + Zodpavedet bBEné otdzky tykalfe se podrobnosti * Zopakovat Cast toho, co partner v komunlkaci Tek, aby se uistil 26 sI vzdjemné rozumt + poFadat o ujstani, 2 waz ktery ull, e sprévng * pozadat o zopakovént/objasnéni/rozvedeni {oho, co byiofeteno Maturitné zkouSkou 2 anglického jazyka na 2ékladni Grovni obtiZnosti jsou ovétovana veobecné témata a dovednost Zaka reagovat v béznfch situacich: © Osobni charakteristika ® Rodina * Domov a bydlent © KaZdodennf Zivot # Vedélavani * Volnj gas a zébava « Mezilidské vztahy » Cestovani a doprava * Zdravi a hygiena * Stravovant « Nakupovant ® Prace 2 povoldnt SluZby » Spoletnost Zemépis a priroda Nad rdmec vseobecnych témat a béinych situact je v jedné 2 GAstf dstn{ zkousky ponechén prostor pro ‘specifickd/odbornd témata a specifické situace a dovednosti, které si 3kola stanovuje same. ITRODUCTION cIAAII KS Work in pairs. Answer these questions. 1 What is your moming routine? 2 What do you enjoy most and least about your morning routine? ‘Complete the questions and answer them. Compare your answers with a partner. 11 What time do you | 5 How long does it take usually ___up in the you to dressed in morning? the morning? 2:Do you prefer to 6 Do you always a shower or a bath? breakfast on weekdays? | your hair | | 7 What time do you __ the house for school/work? your teeth for more than three 8 How do you usually minutes? to school/work Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 2. Take notes and write your partner's answers. Read what these people said about their Saturday routine. Choose the correct verb. H usually "stay / have /do in bed © all Saturday ‘on Saturdays so morning. Then, Tear oer |?get/ take / ieee kano ea makea big Roary eaiciilc breakfast and eat Tempe wees itat around midday. After that |Shave / Cone ‘make / do the washing and then | “get / go / Groeten ic! leave into town and meet my friends. We go shopping and sometimes we Shave /do/ ‘goa cup of coffee in our favourite café. In the evenings, | usually °go / meet / visit out with my boufriend, ‘Write a short paragraph describing your usual routine on Saturdays. ‘smart answer key on page 164 FAMILY LIFE 9 Reading 6 Read the article in exercise 8 quickly. Then put the following headings that summarize each paragraph in the correct order. ‘A Modern families B_ What we mean when we talk about family The way families lived in the past —— a — : 7 Read the article in exercise 8 again quickly, and answer ‘the questions. 1 How did the father spend a typical day fifty years ago? 2. How did the mother spend a typical day fifty ‘years ago? 3. Why are some people worried about society today? 4 Do couples that live together always get married? 'S_ Are modern families normally larger or smaller than those fifty years ago? ‘Now find evidence for your answers in the text, uziTeCny TIP Nejdivesi petite ndzev lank a potom si ychle prottéte text, abyste siutvoilcelkovou predstavy, o Zem ‘linek pojednavs. Potom si prottéte twrzeni za texter a ulstte se, Fe jim rozumite. hiedite vtexu pase, iteré se vatahuf kjednotivgm ‘wzenim. Pokud se informace vtextu shoduje sobsahem tvzeni,oznatte ‘zen pismenem P (pravdivé). Jest informace vtextu nesouhlast sobsahem tween, oznatte toto ‘wzen pismener N(nepravivé). 10 FAMILY LIFE feinseud 8 Preététe si kricky éldnek o britskjch a americkjch rodinach. Potom si pieététe tvrzeni pod elinkem a rozhodnéte, ktera znich jsou pravdiva (P) a kterd nepravdiva (N). FAMILY When British and American people use the word family they ‘often mean only the mother, father and their children. n a ‘general social context, ‘the family’ is usually taken to mean. ‘this nuclear family. Society in Britain and the US is traditionally based on a nuclear family living in the same house and closely involved in each other's lives. Fifty years ago, the typical family was a husband and a wife, ‘and two or three children. The father spent all day at work ‘and made most of the decisions about how the money he ‘earned was spent. The mother stayed at home to manage the house and look after the children. Children were expected to ‘obey their parents. ‘Many modern families live rather differently, and because of ‘this some people think that the family unit is dying and. society is being weakened. Many couples stil get married, but others live together without getting married. A few years ago, couples living together usually got married when they wanted tosstart a family, but this happens less now. Another trend is for people to get married later in life and to have fewer, children, so the size of the average family is shrinking, 1. The expression ‘nuclear family’ means two parents and their children. P/N 2 People in America and Britain have always had a similar understanding of what ‘family’ is. P/N 3. In the past it was the mother who usually made financial decisions. P/N 4 Getting married is less common now. P / N 5 Couples get married when they want to have children. P/N 6 Modern families are bigger than they were. P/N Listening ~ 9 Read the instructions to exercise 11 and answer the following questions. 1. Who will you be listening to in the recording? 2 Who is the advice aimed at? 10 Read the statements in exercise 11 and decide which of the possible titles below might best summarize the text you are going to hear. A How can we ensure our children's safety when they're at home alone? B The dangers that children have to face in their everyday lives C How to train our children to be independent when they grow up ‘Smart answer key on page 164 JAK STUDOVAT Use of English Pokud mate moznostsledovat anglickérozhlasove nebo televiznt vila, sledujte programy, které by vas mohly 12 Put the correct form of the verb clean in each zajimat. Neivice nomah, kéyz je sledujet pravidelné, pokud gap. ‘moino alespoh 15 minut denné, Sledovani anglickjch ees 1 Tenjoy the house every Monday ‘programii vim pomiiZe vypéstovat si cit pro jazyk. pee y y 2 It's Monday lunchtime and I the 3. I think most of the houses in my street 11 01 Uslysite psychologa, ktery bude radit at least once a week. rodidiim. Pied poslechem si pieététe nize 4 My mother says my father thinks the house uvedené véty 1-10. Béhem poslechu véty by magic! dopliite. 5. My friends arrived while|___ my room. 1 Your decision should be based on the 6 In the future, houses by robots. children’s 2 Chikienstpuld == ———-=parenceanecon, 13 Put the correct noun form of the underlined See tone verb in the gap to complete the sentences. 3 Children should not open the door to 1 Ifyou invent something important, this 2 eee _—________ may become famous. 4 First, they should be home alone for no 2 Something that arrives, such as a plane longer than _________ minutes. flight, is an’ 5 They should keep the house key in their 3 You can say you improve something, or that lasts you makean___toit. 6 Ifa long ___is attached, the children 4 Something you publish, such as a book or a will easily find it. magazine, isa_—___. 7 Leave snacks that the children don’t have to 5. If you explain something clearly, then you are giving a clear 8 Teach your children how to use the medical 6 Someone who trains people to do something kit and the __ extinguisher. isa ‘ eee or pear chiens °F 14 Wiite similar sentences to the ones in {eee eran age exercise 13 to explain the following verbs Eth thpren and nouns. Fsvcrsen pase ts | 1. believe and belief TIP KE 2KOUSCE Nesnaite se porozumét kaddému stovu, které ust. 2 depart and departure Soustiedte se hlavné na informace, které pottebujete kzodpovézentotézek. 3. perform and performance JAK STUDOVAT Slovnt zésobu si mbZeteroz3fit,kdyz si ke kazdému slow piifaditepiibuznd stovajiného slovniho druhu. Nap. ke slovesu expect e pifbuzné podstatné jméno expectation a pfidavna iména expected a unexpected. Vedte si mal slovnigek a zaznamendvejt sido néjrizné slovnt druty. ‘Smart answer key on page 164 FAMILY UFE 11 (estes 45 Vyberte sprivny vfraz. Houseworshistory If you stop to think about it, the history of housework is the history of everything. Housework lchanges / as changed | is chariging an amazing amount in only the last hundred years or so. The? inventing / inventor | invention of electricity was very ‘important, and it led to the arrival | arriving arrived of the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, the dishwasher and so on. Housework + been / were | ons much harder ‘without them fifty years ago. I's not just technology that’s different - these days, most husbands are expecting / are expected | rave expected by their wives to share the housework. Overall, then, we can see a great 6 improved | insproving | improvement in relation to housework, especially for women - although the environmental cost of modem Writing Email 16 Read the task and the advertisement in exercise 18 carefully. Then read the message below, and decide if the writer has included all the requested information. Tick the appropriate box. 1 who/you? 4 when/eat? 0 2 where/from?0) 5 when/study? 3 when/sleep?( 6 what/else? I'm David. | sleep like a log from 10 p.m. until the alerm goes off at 7 a.m. | have breakfast at 730 a.m., lunch at midday ‘and thon dinner at 6 p.m. | really don’t like doing homework. | try to play football as often as possible, and usually manage to every day. 12 FAMILY LIFE 17 Rewrite David’s message, adding the information he’s missed out. Winkscun 18 Na internetovém féru jste nasli nasledujiei inzerdt. Odpovézte na néj e-mailem v rozsahu 60-70 slov. WeRLD DAILY LIVES E8746 Ronee erewmncass Wire aelenuea Help us find out! Send us an email eI Ies SPN ECM CN oC * when you sleep, eat and study © what else you do ina typical day. TIP KE ZKOUSCE ly piBete rth text typu e-mail, struény vakaz apod.,. nezapomefite pokeZdé zkontrolovat, Ze jste v ném obs vSechny body uvedené v zadént. Informal letter 419 Are these statements about writing informal letters true or false? 1. I's normal to use contractions, like they're for they are, in informal letters. T / F 2 You don't need to use paragraphs in informal letters. T / F 3. Planning what to write is less important for informal letters than for formal letters. T / F 4 You should try to make informal letters as interesting as possible, for example by using a range of verbs and adjectives. T/ F 5S. The most common tense used in informal letters is the present continuous. T / F 6 Informal letters tend to be shorter than formal letters. T / F 7 You should think carefully about the reader of informal letters. T / F Smart answer key on page 165 20 Read this extract from a letter. It contains eight grammar mistakes. Can you find them and correct them? Everybody think my sister is very good-looking. She has a huge wardrobe full with clothes and she always well dressed — but I think she wears too many make-up! She seems she’s quite popular, why she has a wide circle of friends. She's always either out with friends and at home talking with the phone to them. Troneaeae 21 Pieététe si uryvek z dopisu od kamarida ze zahraniéi a odpovézte na néj y rozsahu 120-150 slov. my uncle. So I'd really like +o know about your Favourite Family member. Who is i+? Way do you like him or her So much? What does he or she look like? Wnat does he or she do? TIP KE ZKOUSCE Pani si védy dobre rozvrhnéte. Petlivé proététe tema nebo zadni a promysiete si, o Cem budete psat. Potom popiemYsleite o co nejvhodnéjsim uspoFédant jednotlivjch mySlenek. Napiste si ke kaZdé mySlence nékolik vat a uspofddelte Je do odstavci, AZ dokon@ite prvnt hruby koncept, pedlivé ho pfeététe a odstraiite chyby. Speaking Situational role-play 22 02 Listen and read the dialogue. Answer these questions. 1 What is Mark going to do for Agneta? 2 When are they going to meet? 3. What is Agneta going to help Mark with? Smart answer key on page 165 ‘Agneta I'm really pleased you can help me, Mark. ‘Mark That's OK. I know there's too much ‘housework for one person to do. What do you want me to do? Agneta Could you clean the windows? Mark OK. But I'm quite busy right now. C do it in the evening, perhaps? Agneta I'm going to the cinema later. Are you free after school? Yes, Tl meet you at your house after school. Agneta Fantastic! And then I must return the favour, How can I help you? Could you help me with my English ‘homework? It's really difficult this week. Agneta Sure. nwe Mark Mark 23 Underline the parts of the dialogue that helped you to answer the questions in exercise 22, 24 What kinds of housework are there? How many more can you add to the list? + do the dusting + make the beds + do the washing + sweep the patio JAK STUBOVAT ‘Sprdvny mluveny projev ze nacvitt napt. tak, Ze si pFipravite rozhovor, zkontrolujete ho, odstranite chyby a pokusite se ho nacviit, nejlépe s partnerem, je-lito moZné. Pinan 25 Your friend's parents are away for a few days. You have agreed to help your friend with some housework. * find out what housework your friend needs help with + find out a time you're both free + agtee what your friend will do for you in return FAMILY LIFE 413 Picture-based speech Here are some sentences students said about families. Each sentence contains a mistake. Can you find and correct the mistakes? 1 Ifyou have older brothers and sisters, they can giving you useful advice. 2. Ina big family, never you may learn to be independent. 3. So your family is small, you'll probably have your own bedroom, 4 Your brothers and sisters can play by you when your parents are busy. Choose from the words below to complete the expressions used for giving opinions. as» in © to» on 1 ___ my experience, a small family is better. 2 According —_ a TV programme I saw, there are fewer big families now. 3. As far I'm concerned, the bigger the better. 4 It depends —_ where you live, but I prefer small families. JAK STUDOVAT ‘Az se budete pfipravovat na Gkaly takového typu, jako jsou cuitent 28-30, v2dyjeich nécvik nékolixat opakujte, Pokazdé se soustfedte na jinou problematiku, jednou na vjbér slount zasoby, podruné na wislovnost, potfti na plynulost atd Look at the two photos of families. Choose one and describe it. Look at the two photos again and compare them. The following ideas may help you: + advice and support + independence + space at home * attention from parents + other Talk about your ideal future family. How many children would you like to have? Where would you like to live? 44 FANILY UFE Vocabulary plus 1 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs from the box. brush » leave do » get hhave (x2) » go (x2) My evening routine Alier college, I sometimes ! shopping. straight a rest ~ | like to watch, with my friends, but usually 12 home. First, I ‘TV orlisten to music. Then I sit down with any family and we # times cook for my family and then my litte brother ® meal, I do my homework or [ take the dog fora walk. Tusually® around 10.30, I sometimes have a bath before bed and Lalso7 Jong time. My hair is very long, so I have to a meal. I some- the washing up. Alter our ready for bed at mny hair for quite a look after itt [like to go to bed quite early because I get up early in the morning. I often, . home at six o'clock in the morning. 2 Read the conversation and choose the correct verbs. A’ What do you do in your free time? Do you 1 take / play / go part in any activities at college? B_ Yeah, 1 go / play / have basketball with the college team. We usually practise on Saturday mornings. I'm also in the film club. It meets on Friday afternoons. ‘We 3 listen / do / watch one or two films and then we talk about them. ‘What do you do in the evenings? Well, I meet my friends and we # get / have / go bowling or dancing. What about music? Do you ° take / play / do the piano or anything like that? No, but I like to ® play / listen / take to music with my friends. Do you ever ” leave / go / have to concerts? Yeah, sometimes, but they can be a bit expensive. When we haven't got any money, we stay at home and ® take / ‘make | play cards. eh oe bP Smart anewer key on page 165 3 What do you call these family members? 1 Ifyou have no brothers or sisters, you are an a If your son marries, his wife is your Your grandmother's mother is your Your husband's mother is your Your brother's daughter is your If your father remarries, his new wife is your 7 Ifyou have a male child, he is your ‘ 8 Your uncle is martied to your aueer 4 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. split » made childhood brought » retirement « argument » made 1. My sister's unhappy because she has just up with her boyfriend. 2. My parents were up in the countryside. 3. Thad a very happy . We did lots of, fun things. 4 My boyfriend and I had another about money last week. 5 We friends with a lot of people on. holiday last year. 6 My sister’s very happy because she's up with her boyfriend again. 7 My dad is going to stop working when he's sixty. He’s looking forward to his 5 Match the definitions (1-8) with the words (a-h). 1 A person who is aged thirteen to nineteen is 2. A period of time when you are young is 3. A group of people of a similar age are If you stop being martied, At the very end of your life A child that’s only six months old is ‘When you are in your seventies and eighties, it's called Sous LTTE L | 8 A person that's over eighteen is, a old age. © a teenager. youth, f youdie. © you get divorced. g a generation. @ anadult. h ababy. FAMILY UFE 45 6 Choose the correct word, 1 Tusually get / have / make dressed before Ihave my breakfast. Lenjoy going out / in / after with my friends at the weekend. My uncle's son is my cousin / nephew / son-in law. My brother's being / getting / doing married next month. My brother never does / puts / makes his bed. Lusually do / make / take my homework in the evening. 2 3 Reading plus 8 Pieététe si text a rozhodnéte, na kterd mista v ném patii véty A-F. Jedna véta je navic. A In this story, Sherlock Holmes falls from a high building with his old enemy Moriarty. B The detective’s character was new and original. C Sherlock Holmes solved the murder of an old friend. ‘The Greatest Crime Writer: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle there have been many great crime writers who have created memorable and popular detectives, but Conan Doyle's character of Sherlock Holmes is probably the most memorable of them all. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859 in Edinburgh in Scotland. His father was an artist and his mother loved to tell him stories, ‘__He then worked asa doctor’ assistant and also asa ship’s doctor on a voyage to Africa. However, Conan Doyle had a strong interest in writing, too and wrote articles and stories for magazines. In 1882, Conan Doyle moved to Portsmouth in England and opened ‘a successful medical practice. He married, had two children and continued to write fiction. *__Thisis where many of the Sherlock Holmes stories are set. Sherlock Holmes first appeared in the novel A Study in Scarlet in 1887.!__ He was avery cold but 16 FAMILY LIFE 7 Write the names of the holidays and festivals. 1 It’s celebrated on the last day of the year. It’s celebrated on 31" October. It’s a day when children give their mums presents and cards. It’s celebrated on 24% December. It's the party to celebrate the day you were born. It’s celebrated on 25% December, It's an American celebration that takes place in the autumn. It’s a day when people in some countries give chocolate eggs. 2 He often explained his ideas to his friend Dr Watson, who was quite slow-thinking in ‘comparison. In 1891 he moved to London with his, family. ‘When Conan Doyle was a young man, he studied medicine at Edinburgh University. {intelligent man who smoked a pipe, played the violin and lived at 221B Baker Street in London. Sherlock Holmes investigated and solved crime with his intelligent thinking. *__ Sherlock Holmes’ famous line‘Elementary, my dear Watson!” has become famous throughout the world, ‘The character of Sherlock Holmes became more and ‘mare popular with the public. However, Conan Doyle himself preferred writing novels about history. In 1893, he decided to ‘Kill his character and wrote the book The Final Problem. §__ However, because people were so desperate to read more stories about Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle had to bring him back to life and in 1902 he wrote The Hound of the Baskervilles. In total, Conan Doyle wrote fifty.six stories and four novels featuring Sherlock Holmes. Today the stories ‘have been translated into almost every language in the world. Smart answer key on page 165 Listening plus 9 Read the text about Thanksgiving. Culture Spot ees Deer opel) ber and it Americans traditionally say thank you for emacs tee neue Chea around the 10 03 Poslechnéte si rozhovor Luka a Elainy. Pfitadte véty 1-5 k pHislusnym mluvéim zatréenim spravnych poliéek. Luke Elaina 1 Whoishavingsometime [ [J off university? ‘Who is better at travelling? Who dislikes family parties? ‘Who has a job already? Who doesn't have enough time to study? anws on000 0000 Use of English plus " Vyberte spravnou piedlo#ku. 1 I'm leaving at / in / on the end of October. 2 Thanksgiving is at / in / on November. 3. Pete's birthday is at / in / on the second of July. 4 I'd like to work at / in / on weekends and maybe at / in / on Friday evenings. 5 Tusually see my friends at / in / on the weekend, 6 We often go swimming at / in / on Saturdays. 7 Inever do my homework at / in / on the moming 8 We sometimes have lunch at / in / on midday. 9. Toften watch TV at / in / on the evening. 10 My brother plays football at / in / on Saturday mornings. Smart answer key on page 166 Writing plus Informal letter 12 Read the task in exercise 12 and the sample letter. Choose the correct words to complete the letter. Dear Jessie " Thanks / Great for your email! Guess ? how / what? I'm in Scotland right now. I'm doing an English course at a language school in Edinburgh. I'm staying with a Scottish family. The parents own a bookshop and there are two teenage girls called Rosie and Liz. They're all very kind to me. ‘The language school is in a really / quite ovely old building in the centre of Edinburgh. It's quite small and everybody is very friendly. I have lessons there every day in the morning and in the afternoon, and I usually have homework to do in the evenings. In my free time, I often play tennis with Rosie. I'm getting * quite / incredibly good now, but Rosie can still beat me! I often go shopping and explore Edinburgh, too. It's a really interesting, historic city. § Look / See you soon! 6 Lots / All of love, Jo 13 Studujete anglittinu na jazykové skole -yEdinburgu a bydlite u skorské rodiny. Napise dopis svému australskému kamarédovi. V dopise: #- sdelte, kde jte a co délite + popiite rodinu, u které bydlite, aco sevam na ni libs «© popiite jazykovou skolu a co kaddy den deélire *# pojednejte 0 tom, co délée ve volném éase se vim na Edinburgu Ibi Neuvédéjte Z4dnou adresu, podepiste se jako XYZ. Napiite 120-150 slov. FAMILY UFE 47 Situational role-play You are making the arrangements for the celebration of your parents’ twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. You decide to hold the celebration in a hotel. You go to the hotel and speak to the manager. say what event you are organizing say how many people will take part ask about food ask about music and entertainment other Sustained long turn Talk about important stages in people's lives. Which of these stages are shown in pictures 1-4? ‘+ What other important events are there in people's lives? * Which of these stages of life have you completed? ‘* Which of them are you looking forward to/not looking forward to? Why? 18 FAMILY LIFE Smart answer key on page 166

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