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 Ensuring rider safety using IOT enabled helmet to detect the person is wearing helmet
or not.
 Nowadays, the society faces more bike accidents that sometimes leads to death. Even
though the people have an awareness but they not wearing the helmet due to various
reasons. So, we introduced a smart helmet to reduce the accidents.
 This problem is addressed by IOT. The main objective of this system is to design a
helmet that provides safety to the rider.
 The helmet unit uses the human touch sensor and the microcontroller and the RF
transmitter to transfer the signal that the sensor detects whether it is worn by a human
touch or not.
 The helmet unit sends signal to the bike unit through the RF transmitter. The bike unit
uses the microcontroller and Arduino board and the RF receiver.
 The helmet unit transfer the signal to the RF receiver and the Arduino checks the
signal based on the conditions provided. If the human wears the helmet the bike
engine starts through the connections of Arduino board. Otherwise, the bike cannot



ACCIDENT Vibration sensor, Automatic
1 DETECTION 2023 S. Chandran, microcontroller, crash detection, Potential for false
USING SMART E. Elizabeth GSM module, GPS reduced accidental
HELMET module, IOT response time. detection.
Thakare Reduced drunk Environmental
2 ALCOHOL Bhagyashri S, MQ3 alcohol sensor, and riding and factors may affect
DETECTION IN 2022 Joshi Rupwate microcontroller, IOT improved safety the accuracy of the
SMART HELMET suvana P. implementation. culture. alcohol sensor.
Jennifer Not accurate for all
3 SMART HELMET William, GPS module, IOT Controls rider the locations.
WITH SPEED 2022 Nexon Samuel, implementation. speed based on This approach
LIMIT Akshay the Map data. requires internet
Bawkar. connection.
HEALTH Monitoring the
4 MONITORING K.M. Mehata, Heart beat sensors, heart rate and
USING SMART Arnab kumar temperature sensors, temperature Sometimes sensors
HELMET 2022 saha IOT implementation. rate and gives may give false
alert to the rider detection.
by indication.
SMART HELMET RF transmitter and Monitor the
5 FOR MEASURING Manish receiver, speed Network
SPEED 2021 Uniyalet microcontroller, GPS measurements connectivity must
Nitin Agarwal module, IOT and stores the for data viewing
implementation. speed data.
FUEL Fuzzy logic
6 DETECTION BY Arif Rahman. technique using Alert the riders Sensors may detect
SMART HELMET 2021 N. Fathima microcontroller, fuel in case of low false accuracy.
buffers, fuel fuel.
channels, IOT
2021 Ajay Singh, Bluetooth, speakers, safety through Can distract riders
K. Sudhaman microphone, IOT handsfree if not used
implementation. communication. properly.
SAFETY Accelerometer,
8 FOCUSED 2020 Prashan, magnetometer, GPS
Improved Network
SMART HELMET Ahujaet module, IOT safety through connectivity
wireless required.
ALCOHOL Reduced drunk
9 DETECTION IN 2020 AbimanyuYadv MOS alcohol sensor, and riding, Environmental
SMART HELMET Kabilan M microcontroller, IOT improved safety factors may affect
implementation. culture the accuracy.
MULTIFUNCTION Accident detection Increase safety
10 SMART HELMET 2019 Mingi jeong sensor, GPS module, and Cost is high.
IOT implementation. communication

Existing System
 In existing system smart helmets have sensors to detect impacts, collisions, triggering
alerts or emergency response system in case of an accident .
 It includes anti-theft measures such as GPS tracking, remote locking mechanism or
alarm systems to detect theft.
 It also includes transparent display that provides information like turning indicators,
braking indicators.

 Limited awareness about the life-saving benefits of wearing helmets
 It does not give solution to reduce the number of deaths in accidents.
 And it may give false alarms or malfunctions in the sensors which could lead to
failure to detect the accidents.
 The transparent display that provides brake and turning indicators that may distract
the riders.

 In Proposed system the methodology of the proposed IoT based Smart Helmet system
contains two interconnected units that is separated using wireless communication
between the Helmet Unit (Arduino UNO) act as transmitter and the Bike Unit
(Arduino MEGA) act as receiver.
 The touch sensor is placed inside the helmet unit to sense the human touch whether
the person is wearing the helmet or not and the message is send to the bike unit to
start the bike.
 So, the rider should wear the helmet before staring the bike.

 By implementing this system, the rider should wear the helmet to start the bike it
ensures riders wears the helmet.
 Reduce the two-wheeler deaths so that it ensures the riders safety.

 Human touch sensor
 RF Transmitter
 RF receiver
 Microcontroller
 Power supply


 A human touch sensor primarily works when an object or individual gets in physical
contact with it.
 The touch sensor is placed inside the helmet unit.
 The human touch sensor is used here for sense the touch of humans by wearing
helmet or not.
 Integrating an RF (Radio Frequency) transmitter into a smart helmet can provide
various functionalities, enhancing communication, safety, and monitoring capabilities.
 The touch sensor and the transmitter are interconnected.
 Here main purpose of the Radio frequency transmitter is to transfer the message that
the rider wears the helmet or not which is message is fetched by the touch sensor to
the bike unit.

 Integrating an RF (Radio Frequency) receiver into a smart helmet complements the
functionalities of an RF transmitter, providing various applications for
communication, safety, and enhanced user experience.
 In the receiver part for getting the messages used RF receiver for transmitting the
message of whether the rider wearing the helmet or not.
 The receiver sends the message to the arduino board which is connected the engine to
start the bike.


 A smart helmet's microcontroller integration gives it the intelligence to regulate and
control its many features and operations. The helmet's microcontroller serves as its
central processing unit, processing data from sensors, facilitating communication with
other devices, and carrying out particular functions.
 Arduino uno is used here for main processing like data processing and write the
coding and get the message.

 The power supply in a smart helmet is a critical component that ensures the helmet's
various electronic features and functions operate reliably.
 Here use the 12V for starting the Arduino and need 12 v adapter for starting the circuit
and main supply of voltage is used for starting our embedded.

Helmet Module Bike Module


Helmet Unit Bike Unit
[1] S. Chandran, E. Elizabeth, S. Chandrashekar, An Internet of Things (IOT) based on
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[2] S. Thakare Bhagyashri , V. Joshi, P. Rupwate suvana, IOT based Alcohol detection in
smart helmet 2022, International Journal for Research in Science and Engineering
Technology (IJRSET).
[3] Jennifer william, Nexon samuel, Akshaybawkar, An Internet of things(IOT) based on
smart helmet for speed limit, 2022, International Conference(IC).
[4] K.M. Mehata, Arnab kumar saha, An Internet of things(IOT) based on Health
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electronics communication, computer and optimization technology (ICEECCOT).
[5] Nitin Agarwal, Manish Uniyalet, Smart helmet for measuring speed in Internet of
Things (IOT), 2021, International Research journal of Engineering and Technology
[6] Arif Rahman, N. Fathima, Fuel detection by smart helmet using Internet of things
(IOT), 2021 International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer
[7]Ajay Singh, K. Sudhaman, An Internet of Things(IOT) based on Smart Helmet, 2021,
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[8] Prashan, Aujhat, Safety focused smart helmet using Internet of things (IOT), 2020,
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[9] Abimanyuyadv, Kabilan M, Alcohol detection in smart helmet using Internet of things
(IOT), 2020, International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration
[10] Mingi Jeong, Multifunctional smart helmet using Internet of Things (IOT), 2019,
International Conference (IC).

Project Guide Project Coordinator Year Incharge HOD-CSE

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