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seminars in CANCER BIOLOGY, Vol 8, 1997: pp 37–44

The genetic analysis of prostate carcinoma

Rebecca Roylance, Nigel Spurr* and Denise Sheer

The molecular events underlying prostatic tumorigenesis disease in individual patients and no consensus on the
remain incompletely understood. The application of most appropriate means of treating localized disease.
cytogenetic, molecular genetic and molecular cytogenetic Surgery, radical radiotherapy and observation of
techniques have led to the identification of consistent genetic localized disease all result in the same 10-year survival
changes. This paper will discuss these techniques, review the rates. Genetic markers of prognosis that will allow
genetic aberrations discovered, and consider how these specific targeting and evaluation of therapy, are
aberrations contribute to our knowledge of the initiation, urgently needed. Patients with potentially aggressive
progression, metastatic spread and resistance to hormonal localized disease could be offered more intensive
therapy of prostate cancer. therapy with the hope of increasing survival. For
patients with metastatic disease, however, hormonal
Key words: comparative genomic hybridization / manipulation by androgen blockade is the preferred
cytogenetics / fluorescence in-situ hybridization / loss of treatment. Although 80% of patients initially respond,
heterozygosity / prostate cancer the tumour eventually becomes hormonally unre-
©1997 Academic Press Ltd sponsive and the average time to death is then six
PROSTATE CANCER REPRESENTS a significant worldwide Cytogenetic, molecular genetic and molecular cyto-
health problem. The increasing incidence has led to genetic techniques have been applied to prostate
predictions that it will be the most common cause of cancer. This review is divided into two sections. In the
male cancer death by the year 2010. Yet only recently first, we describe these techniques in relation to the
have research efforts focused attention upon it. Over study of prostate cancer. In the second section we will
the past two decades there has been a rapid expansion consider in detail the consistent genetic changes that
in the understanding of the basic molecular events have been identified and their potential role in
underlying tumorigenesis. A useful working model is prostate cancer initiation, progression, metastasis and
the hypothesis that cancer results from an accumula- response to hormonal therapy.
tion of genetic changes that affect the expression of
certain critical genes.1 Most genetic changes occur in
somatic cells, but some occur as germline defects that Techniques
can result in an inherited predisposition to cancer
development. Familial prostate cancer accounts for Cytogenetic analysis
approximately 9% of all prostate cancers. The region
of the genome thought to contain a gene responsible Cytogenetic analysis has been applied, to date, to
for about one third of these hereditary cancers has approximately 350 prostatic tumours.4-12 However, no
recently been identified on 1q24–252 (see chapter by specific cytogenetic abnormalities have been identi-
Bishop and Kiemeney, this issue). fied. Most tumours (75%) have revealed a normal
Prostate cancer is a biologically variable disease. male diploid karyotype (46,XY). This contrasts with
Fifty percent of patients will present with localized the cytogenetic analysis of haematological and mesen-
disease, but there is considerable heterogeneity in chymal malignancies, which has found abnormalities
biological aggressiveness and prognosis.3 There is resulting in the identification of specific genes and
presently no accurate way to predict the course of the pathways for malignant transformation.
The limited information yielded by karyotypic
analysis reflects two factors: the inherent difficulties of
From the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 44 Lincoln’s Inn
the technique, and those difficulties specifically
Fields, London WC2A 3PX, and *SmithKline Beecham Pharma-
ceuticals, Third Avenue, Harlow, Essex CM19 5BR, UK related to prostate cancer. Prostate tumours are a
©1997 Academic Press Ltd heterogeneous mixture of epithelial cells and sur-
1044-579X/97/010037 + 08$25.00/0/se970051 rounding stroma and also show focal heterogeneity.13

R. Roylance et al

Different malignant foci can show varying degrees of advantage that culturing of the tumour is unnecessary,
differentiation, and are interspersed with both benign eliminating the problems discussed above. FISH can
tissue and premalignant areas of prostatic intra- be performed on archival paraffin-embedded sam-
epithelial neoplasia (PIN). Such diversity can lead to a ples. Tumour architecture is maintained, allowing
selection bias when using small amounts of tissue or examination of intratumour heterogeneity and evalu-
pieces of tissue selected at random, and has implica- ation of premalignant lesions. However, it is still
tions not only for cytogenetic analysis, but for all important to ensure that the tissue being studied has
genetic analysis (see later). Cytogenetic analysis uses a high proportion of malignant cells and that con-
metaphases from cells prepared either by direct taminating normal tissue is kept to a minimum. Other
preparation or by short-term culture.14 Direct prepa- tissue samples which can be examined include frozen
rations, made shortly after removal of the tumour, and touch preparations and isolated nuclei. The study
although thought to be representative of the in-vivo of isolated nuclei obviously means that tumour
situation, are of limited usefulness as they contain architecture is not maintained, but there are other
only a few metaphases that tend to be poor in quality. advantages; principally the absence of sectioning
There is a further selection bias in that only those cells artefact.17 The limitations of most studies using FISH
about to divide immediately before removal of the is that only centromeric probes have been used and
tumour are subject to analysis. Short-term culture not all chromosomes have been investigated. The
yields more metaphases that are of higher quality than information gained using centromeric probes is
direct preparations. However it too has several limita- extrapolated to the whole chromosome, an assump-
tions, principally the difficulty of identifying which tion which may not be accurate. The use of region-
cells are actually under study. Whilst it is possible to specific probes has been limited, mainly due to
immunostain cells in culture to determine whether technical difficulties as centromeric probes give far
they are epithelial in origin,15 at present the differ- brighter and clearer signals than single copy probes.
entiation between benign and malignant epithelium
is not possible. The predominantly normal karyotype
seen in prostate tumours may be due to the resolution Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH)
limits of karyotyping, with any changes present being
submicroscopic.14 Alternatively there may be over- CGH is a relatively new technique.18 Tumour DNA is
growth of normal cells or selection in vitro against fluorescently labelled and competitively hybridized
aneuploid cells. The evidence for the latter comes with fluorescently labelled normal DNA (ideally from
from two studies15,16 where FISH performed on direct the same person) onto metaphase spreads. Use of
preparations revealed clonal aberrations and aneu- different fluorescent labels for tumour and normal
ploidy which were subsequently lost following culture. DNA results in differential labelling of the metaphase
This selection against aneuploid cells may be a result spreads that can be used to characterize gains and
of the methods used in preparation of the tissue. It losses of genomic material. As CGH can be used to
has been shown that collagenase, used to disrupt the examine the entire genome it is a rapid screening
tumour prior to culture, results in loss of the technique. Changes identified can be confirmed
aneuploid population that is not seen when mechan- using other methods. For differences to be seen it is
ical disruption alone is used.15 important that the tumour DNA has minimal normal
Despite the difficulties of cytogenetic analysis dis- contamination.19 Microdissection of the tumour is
cussed above, it nevertheless has an important role to usually necessary, especially for prostate tumours. The
play in the understanding of prostate cancer. It is sensitivity of CGH is currently limited to the detection
important to emphasize, for example, that cytogenetic of deletions > 10–20 Mb and amplifications, if the
analysis is the only technique among those reviewed total amount of amplified DNA is > 2 Mb.19 There are
here that has the ability to identify novel chromoso- five published studies using CGH to investigate
mal translocations. prostate cancer,20-24 revealing more aberrations than
the other techniques reviewed here, see Figure 1.
Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) They have shown that losses of genetic material are
much more common than gains of genetic material.23
FISH has revealed more clonal aberrations than This suggests that in prostate cancer the most
conventional cytogenetic analysis. It can be per- important changes are loss of tumour suppressor
formed on interphase nuclei and therefore has the genes rather than oncogene amplification.

Genetic analysis of prostate carcinoma

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies has been mapped to 8p21.1.26 Loss of 8p has been
confirmed by classical cytogenetics,7,11 FISH,27-30
Only a limited number of LOH studies have been LOH31,32 and CGH.21,23 Whilst LOH studies have
conducted using prostate tumours. The studies have defined a region of minimal loss at 8p12–21,32 FISH
revealed a number of abnormalities but they, like studies have found deletion of 8p12,27 8p2227-30 and
FISH, are limited to analysing specific regions of the 8p23.30 It is thought that 8p loss may be an early event
genome, for example, detecting loss of part of a in prostate tumour formation,27 and this is supported
chromosome arm in a set of tumours. They are also by the finding of loss in PIN lesions.27,33 It has been
limited, as discussed above, by the need to have suggested that as well as being lost early, loss of genes
malignant tissue with minimal normal contaminating at band 8p23 may contribute to evolution from a well
tissue and normal tissue from the same patient to to a moderately differentiated tumour.30
serve as a control.
Gain of 8q
Gain of 8q has been found in other malignancies
Genetic aberrations including ALL, malignant melanoma, squamous cell
carcinoma, and gastric carcinoma.34 Evidence for
Chromosome 8 amplification of the band 8q24.1–8q24.2 has been
found in two cultured prostate cancer samples35 and
Loss of 8p gain of the whole arm has also been seen.11 Amplifica-
The most intensively investigated region in prostate tion of the whole of 8q has been found to be one of
cancer to date has been 8p. Several regions on 8p are the most common aberrations in CGH studies20-23
of interest as possible sites for tumour suppressor and would appear to be a late finding. In one study, it
genes, with both 8p12 and 8p21–23 found to be was seen in 89% of recurrent tumours compared to
deleted in a range of carcinomas.25 Although no 6% of primary tumours.23 Both CGH and FISH
candidate gene has yet been identified for 8p12, studies have shown that 8q gain is frequently asso-
recently cell adhesion kinase β (CAKβ), a protein- ciated with loss of 8p.20,23,29 This has lead to the
tyrosine kinase of the focal adhesion kinase subfamily, theory that 8p is lost as an early event with the

Figure 1. Partial ideogram showing a summary of the genetic changes found using cytogenetic,
molecular and molecular cytogenetic techniques. Gains are shown on the right and losses are on
the left. X represents chromosomal breakpoints. Note how CGH has revealed more abnormalities
than all the other techniques.

R. Roylance et al

formation of isochromosome i(8q) occurring later. A there is another tumour suppressor gene in this
candidate gene on 8q is c-MYC located at 8q24 and a region, and potentially another sited more distally on
recent FISH study using a probe for c-MYC has shown 13q, as from CGH studies the area of maximal loss is
amplification.36 at 13q21.1–31.23

Trisomy 8 Loss of 16q

Trisomy 8, rarely seen in culture,37 has been a
frequent finding in FISH studies.28,38-42 This has been Cytogenetic,12,51 molecular52 and CGH20-23 studies
associated with an increased gleason score40,41 and have all identified deletions of 16q, but the role that
metastatic potential.38,43 Since these findings are from these changes play in the development of prostate
FISH studies using centromeric probes, it has been cancer is uncertain. Using cosmid contigs, Cher et al51
assumed that gain of the centromere represents gain found that 50% of localized prostate carcinoma
of the whole chromosome. However, as mentioned samples had loss of 16q24, with the area of deletion
above, this may not be correct. An alternate explana- distal to 16q23.1–16q23.2. Conversely, Suzuki et al52
tion for these findings would be loss of 8p with i(8q) found loss of 16q in seven of 11 metastases but in
formation, followed by a nondisjunction event.20 none of the paired primary tumours. In support of the
hypothesis that loss of 16q is important in progres-
Chromosome 7 sion, Visakorpi et al23 found that loss of 16q was seen
in 19% of primary tumours compared to 56% of
The most common clonal aberration seen with recurrent tumours. Interestingly the gene for
conventional cytogenetics has been gain of chromo- e-cadherin, the decreased expression of which is
some 7.4,37,12 This aberration has also been seen using known to have prognostic significance,53 maps to
FISH38-47 and CGH which has found both gains of the 16q22.1. However, although loss of this region has
whole chromosome,23 and also gains of only the long been seen21,52 analysis of the gene has not shown any
arm.21,22 The biological significance of this change mutations.52
remains controversial. Not only is trisomy 7 found in
other malignancies such as gliomas and bladder Chromosome 17
carcinomas but also in benign tissues, for example
atherosclerotic plaques and rheumatoid synovitis.48 Loss of 17p
This has led some authors to suggest that it is a neutral Loss of 17p has been found predominantly by
genomic mutation.48 This is disputed by Alcarez et CGH.20,21 It has been found in 50% of metastases but
al 44 and other workers38,41,42 who have found it to be in 65% of metastases which had become androgen-
of prognostic significance and involved in the progres- resistant,21 suggesting that it may be important in
sion of prostate cancer. Bandyk et al45 in an interesting advanced disease. A candidate gene is p53 (17p13.1);
comparison of primary carcinoma with paired metas- although rarely mutated in early prostate cancer,
tases (but from only two samples), found that trisomy frequent mutations are found in advanced disease.54
7 in cells increased from 4–7% in the primary tumour
to 42–45% in the bone marrow. Candidate genes on Loss of 17q
chromosome 7 include ERBB-1, PAI and RAF. Con- Williams et al 55 has used probes on 17q, including the
versely, LOH studies have identified the region 7q31 BRCA1 gene. Mutations in this gene are responsible
to be the possible site for a tumour suppressor for an inherited predisposition to breast cancer, but
gene.49 have also been implicated in prostate cancer.56 Sev-
enty percent of the samples showed loss of at least one
Loss of 13q of the probes. However, a significant proportion of
samples had loss distal to BRCA1, suggesting the
Loss of 13q has been a frequent finding of LOH50 and possible presence of other tumour suppressor genes.
CGH studies.20,21,23 The retinoblastoma (RB1) gene Whilst CGH has confirmed these losses20,23 it has also
located at 13q14 is a tumour suppressor gene that may found gains of genetic material on 17q.21,22
be involved. However, when tumours which showed
loss in this region were examined there was no Loss of 5q
correlation between LOH at RB1 and absence of the
gene product.50 This lack of correlation suggests that Loss of 5q has been found using CGH, predominantly

Genetic analysis of prostate carcinoma

in recurrent tumours.21,23 The region 5q contains the highly with metastatic potential of prostate cancer,
adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene at 5q21, which unlike isolated gain of Y. However, gains of Y and
has been found to be lost in 20% of advanced prostate aneusomy Y were associated with an increased mortal-
tumours using LOH.57 Perhaps more significantly the ity rate.
α-catenin gene localizes to 5q22 and α-catenin is part
of the e-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion complex. Amplification of the androgen receptor (AR) gene
Loss of α-catenin function can result in loss of
e-cadherin function, which as discussed above plays a Amplification of the AR gene has been found in
role in the progression of prostate cancer. This would patients who initially responded to hormonal therapy
explain the loss of e-cadherin protein despite preser- and then have become hormonally resistant.24 Ini-
vation of gene function as discussed above. tially CGH demonstrated amplification of the region
Xq11–q13. This region includes the AR gene at Xq12.
Chromosome 10 Southern blot, slot blot and FISH analysis confirmed
that the AR gene was amplified. The significance of
Cytogenetic studies have shown that the most com- this finding is that it provides a hypothetical model by
mon structural aberrations have involved 10q24.4,5,7 which tumours may develop hormonal resistance.
CGH has shown 10q loss21 and LOH studies have Amplification of AR is selected for during androgen
shown regions of loss on both the short and long arm deprivation, thus enabling prostate cells to survive
of chromosome 10. 10p loss may be an early change and grow in a low androgen environment. A further
occurring in localized disease,58 whereas loss of 10q is recent study using FISH65 on hormonally-resistant
thought to be a late change, seen more commonly in prostate cancer samples, which were paired with the
metastatic58 and advanced stage tumours.59 The original tumour in almost half the cases, has repro-
region of minimal loss on 10q has been narrowed duced these results. No amplification was found in
down to 10q23–25.60 A candidate tumour suppressor any primary tumours. Amplification was correlated
gene which maps to 10q24–25 is MXI1, which clinically with an initial good response to treatment
expresses a gene product that is a negative regulator and a response which lasted more than one year. In
of the MYC oncogene, and has been found to be those tumours which had no gene amplification there
mutated in a few prostate cancer cases.61 However, was no initial response to treatment and progression
Gray et al 60 showed that MXI1 maps outside the occurred earlier.
minimal region of deletion on 10q, and in addition,
found no mutations in the gene. More significantly
another candidate tumour suppressor gene, PTEN Model for the malignant progression of
located at 10q23 has just been identified.62 It is prostate cancer
predicted that the PTEN product has a protein
tyrosine phosphatase domain and extensive homology It is apparent that although far from complete, a
to tensin, a protein which interacts with actin fila- model for the malignant progression of prostate
ments at focal adhesions. The authors suggest that cancer is beginning to emerge. This model is schemat-
PTEN may act to suppress tumour cell growth by ically represented in Figure 2. Changes important in
antagonizing protein tyrosine kinases and regulate the initiation and early stages of prostate cancer
tumour cell invasion and metastasis through an effect appear to be deletion of 8p, whilst loss of 10q, 16q, 5q,
on focal adhesion. 17p, and gains of 8q and chromosome 7 may be
important in progression and metastasis. Amplifica-
Loss of Y tion of the androgen receptor gene is important in
the development of hormone refractory disease.
Loss of Y is the other most common cytogenetic
abnormality found.4,6,7,11,12,37 Like trisomy 7 this
change arouses controversy because its biological Conclusion
significance is uncertain. It has been found in a variety
of other malignant tissues, including bladder tumours Future studies should concentrate on modifying and
where it is thought to have prognostic significance,63 extending the use of the techniques described above.
and also in the bone marrow of elderly men.64 Cytogenetic analysis with improved culture tech-
Takahashi et al 43 found that aneusomy Y correlated niques, capable of simulating the normal prostatic

R. Roylance et al

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