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Abdallah medjaheri

Groupe : 05

In the era of the internet, computers pose a significant challenge in the social upbringing of children.
While the internet serves as a crucial source of knowledge and communication, excessive reliance on it
can lead to social isolation and negative effects on the mental and physical health of children. Therefore,
should there be leniency or strictness in computer usage?

*Strictness in usage may reduce opportunities for social interaction and engagement with the external
world. On the other hand, excessive leniency may lead to neglect of social and educational

The optimal solution lies in achieving a balance between strictness and leniency. Children can benefit
from the advantages of computers and the internet, provided that they are supervised and guided by
parents and caregivers. Clear rules for computer usage should be established, such as setting limits on
internet usage time and continuous monitoring of browsing content. Additionally, open discussion and
guidance towards useful and purposeful online content should be encouraged. By achieving the right
balance, social development in children can be enhanced, and technology can be used positively in their

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