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lecture 1

Usage of plants
1. Plants give us oxygen to breathe, fuel to burn for warmth, and medicine to keep us

2. They are diverse and unique.

plants are an extraordinary group of organisms.

They grow to enormous sizes and reproduce in great

numbers using:
1. water from the ground 3. energy from the sun

1. carbon dioxide from the air 4. minerals from soil

plants are important ‫الايرادات‬

sources of revenue

Photosynthesis initially produces most of the food in an


lecture 1 1
convert carbon dioxide into sugar for food thats why plants are producers due
to photosynthesis

Plants belong to a group of Are structurally complex

organisms called organisms, which means
eukaryotes. →→→ that several functions take
place within organelles of
include all animals, fungi, algae,
and protists
the cell, particularly the
nucleus and by cytoskeleton

Prokaryotes: which include bacteria and archaea

(microorganisms that lives in extreme environment)

Seed plants:
1. produce seeds 2. tiny, protected units with dormant, baby
plants inside of them.
3. seeds of arctic lupine (Lupinus
arcticus) found in Alaska were 4. Seeds can disperse great distances and can
germinated after an estimated survive for a long period of time
dormancy of 10,000 years!
5. The first seed plants appear in the fossil
record around 365
million years ago.

There are two classes of living seed plants: 1) Gymnosperms 2)

Gymnosperms Angiosperms

whose name means “naked seed,” have been the flowering plants of Earth. The oldest fossil of
around an angiosperm is only about 135 million years old.
much longer than angiosperms It is estimated that there are about 235,000

lecture 1 2
Gymnosperms Angiosperms
flowering species in the world today.

There are two major types of angiosperms:

(monocots) an
d dicotyledons (eudicots).

monocotyledons (monocots) dicotyledons (eudicots)

True dicots, such as cucumbers (Cucumis

as corn (Zea mays) sativus)‫ مثل الخيار‬،‫ثنائيات الفلقة الحقيقية‬
)‫(كوكوميس ساتيفوس‬

Viruses are excluded from this working definition of life

because they require a host cell to replicate; without cells,
viruses would cease to exist.

📍What Are Cells?

1. Robert Hooke first coined the term “cell” in 1665.

2. Cells are the fundamental building blocks of all plants and animals.

3. No cell has ever been observed to be created from its raw components; instead, cells are
produced by pre-existing cells alone.

Each successively higher level of complexity brings with it

the advantage of each of its components working together

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‫عمل كل مكون من مكوناته معا‬

lecture 1 3
The cell contents are surrounded
by a plasma membrane called the
plasmalemma and are enclosed
by a cell wall.

The cell contains organelles, each

with its own characteristic shape,
which divide the cell into various
compartments (subcellular

The largest organelle, the vacuole,

usually fills about 80% of the
total cell volume.

Chloroplasts represent the

next largest compartment,
and the rest of the cell
volume is filled with
1. mitochondria

2. peroxisomes

3. the nucleus

4. the endoplasmic reticulum

5. the Golgi bodies

6. outside these organelles, the cell

plasma ,called cytosol

lecture 1 4
lecture 1 5

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