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Lesson 1. History & development of International Trade

• Network: red/cadena • Assembled: reunirse
• Profit: beneficio • Goods: mercancias
• Supply (to): suministrar/abastecer • Abroad: del extranjero
• Manufacturer: fabricar • GDP: PIB
• Comparative advantage: ventaja competitiva • Trade: comercio
• Customer: cliente • Resources: recurso medio
• Export: exportación • Job: trabajo
• Rules: reglas • Import: importación
• Container ships: containers • Succeed (to): heredar
• Partner: socio • Cargo Planes: avion de carga
• Economy: economia • Foreign: de fuera
• Wages: salario/sueldo • Choice: elección/variedad
• Seller: vendedor • Tariffs: tarifas
• Patent: patente • Buyer: comprador
• Taxes: tasas • Skirting: rodear/ bordear

Trade routes
• Phoenician people - Silk route
• 15th Century (colonialism)
- Spain West Indies (America)
- Portugal, The Netherlands and England East Indies (South Africa)
• Sailing and steam engine new cities as Hong Kong or Panamá.
• Routes: China – Strait of Ormuz – Turkey or Siria – Europe – South Africa
- Directly to Europe or scales in Canary Islands and Azores.
- Consolidation loads area in Mexico, Canada and Venzuela Spain.
Development of the trade routes & communication networks
• Canal of the Egypt’s Pharaohs. (Suez Canal Alexandria)
• Imperial channel of China (Pekin – Shanghai)
• Via Augusta (Cadiz to Rome)
• River navigation channels in Spain and The Netherlands.
•Silver Route (Bolivia – Panama – Spain)
• East Indies (The Netherlands – Ciudad del Cabo – China)
• Maritime navigation channels (Panama, Suez, Corinto, Kiel and Mississipi))

Consulates and Trade Houses

• Aim: To control trading activities and pleople & goods transit along the harbour.
• Seville, monopoly of the Trade from other countries. “Lonja de contratación de
Indias”. - Cadiz.
• Real Compañía de Guipuzcoana de Caracas, monopoly from Venezuela to San
Sebastián and Pasajes.

Companies internalization
- Main factors:
- Economic crisis.
- Trade liberalization and elimination of customs barriers
- Wide offer of transport companies.
- Government support (ICEX, Trade Chambers, IVACE)
- Worldwide assistance to events, exhibitions, trade missions, etc.
- Improvement in communications networks.

Companies Internalization
• Looking for competitiveness: raw materials and auxiliary goods.
• Foreign suppliers: added costs & transport terms.
• Internalization means a grow in exports.
• Manufacturers Supply Chain Management.
- Stocks decrease.
- More competitive companies.
- Logistic systems.

Companies Internalization
• Subcontracting of production processes for semi-finished products.
• Relocation = movement of a productive unit to another geographical area.
• Aims:
- Improvement of labour force costs.
- Better prices in raw materials.
- Better prices in energy resources.
- Financial aids for settle in.
- Rules and regulations.
- New markets.
• Problem: A lot of suppliers
- Globalization.

• Topic: tema • Competition: competencia
• Link (to): vincular/conectar • Term: plazo
• Salaries: salarios • Influence (to): influencia
• Background: experiencia/origen • Production costs: costes de produccion
• Shadows: oponente • Country: pais
• Developments: desarrollo • Suffer: sufrir/padecer
• Globe: planeta • Local firms:
• Insurance: seguro • Home countries:
• Exchange: intercambio • Borders: frontera
• Global warming: calentamiento global

Transport networks value

• If transport did not exist, trade would not exist.
• Transportation involves the physical transfer of products from an origin to a
destination for consumption or to be incorporated into a manufacturing
• Internalization, permanent mobility of manufacturers or suppliers.

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