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1he nexL 8lghL SLep

l'm noL sure why flndlng Lhe wlll of Cod ls so dlfflculL 8uL lL ls lL's as complex aL elghLeen as lL ls aL flfLy
one or sevenLyLhree years of age ?ou would Lhlnk LhaL lL would be only a colossal Lask for Leenagers
maklng Lhelr [ourney ln llfe l guess LhaL unvells Lhe secreL rlghL Lhere lL ls summed up ln Lhe word
[ourney" 1oo ofLen we focus on Lhe wlll of Cod as Lhe desLlnaLlon Lhe compleLed [ourney Lhe poL of
gold aL Lhe end of Lhe ralnbow Cur focus ls faulLy 1he [ourney ls never over as long as we have breaLh
Lo breaLhe and a hearL Lo do someLhlng for Cod and Pls people We mlsLakenly focus on Lhe road ln Lhe
dlsLance and bypass waLchlng Lhe slngle sLeps
1he [ourneyLhe ChrlsLlan walkhas always been abouL Lravellng from one place Lo anoLher Llke any
[ourney lL Lakes Llme a long Llme 1he road ls eLched wlLh ups and downs Cccaslonal Lough Llmes meeL
our movlng onward and upward 1here are mounLalns and valleys SomeLlmes we falLer SomeLlmes we
fall 8uL we geL up and keep on golng
Llke kaLhryn ScoLL beauLlfully penned We sLlll belleve and Lhough Lhe [ourney has been hard we wlll
confess your goodness" l love lL when she slngs from soarlng wlngs Lo Lhe shaLLered dream" l'd quoLe
Lhe whole song here buL lL's really noL Lhe Lord's wlll Lo break copyrlghL laws
So whaL ls Lhe wlll of Cod? lL's noL so much abouL Lhe desLlnaLlon as lL ls abouL Lhe [ourney Amazlngly
8y falLh Abraham obeyed when he was called Lo go ouL Lo a place LhaL he was Lo recelve as an
lnherlLance And he wenL ouL noL knowlng where he was golng" (Pebrews 118 LSv) Was lL some sorL
of bllnd falLh or ruLhless rlsky abandonmenL? robably noL! Pe [usL Look Lhe nexL rlghL sLep 1he wlll of
Cod ls all abouL Laklng Lhe nexL rlghL sLep We don'L have Lo know LwenLy sLeps or Len mlles down Lhe
road !usL geL a grlp on Lhe nexL sLep Cod Lold Abram Co" And he wenL Pe [ourneyed one sLep aL a
Llke Lhe heroes of Pebrews 11 we are all pllgrlms on Lhls planeL 1hey belleved 1hey had falLh 1hey
LrusLed ln Cod's promlses 1hey obeyed Pls Word Lhe road map ln llfe So lL ls wlLh us We are noL
movlng almlessly or llvlng wlLhouL dlrecLlon walklng around ln clrcles Cur sLeps are ordered 1hey are
esLabllshed 8emember 1he sLeps of a good man are ordered by Lhe Lord And Pe dellghLs ln hls way"
(salms 3723 nk!v) We are walklng ln sLep wlLh Cod Pe blazes Lhe Lrall lL sounds so easy lL ls
Powever we make lL dlfflculL Pow? 8y Lrylng Lo see Lhe whole Lrlp lnsLead of Loday's lnsLrucLlons
Abraham's servanL LesLlfled As for me Lhe Lord has led me on Lhe [ourney" (Cenesls 2427 nlv) Pow
dld LhaL happen? 1he answer ls slmple Pe heard from Lhe masLer Pe embarked on a [ourney Pe
belleved he would accompllsh hls purpose Pe found Lhe wlll of Cod one sLep aL a Llme
Seeklng Cod's wlll for your llfe? !usL concenLraLe on Laklng Lhe nexL rlghL sLep

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