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Fatality Risk Management

- Speaking Notes
Key Messages


 Eliminating fatalities from our workplace is one of the key objectives of Newmont.

 Since 1990, Newmont has had 78 fatalities involving employees and business partners. Although we
have improved our injury rates by over 85% over the last 12 years, we have experienced on average two
fatal injuries every year

 To reverse this trend, we have introduced a new global approach to Fatality Risk Management

 Many fatality risks are common across the business and in the global mining industry, giving us the
opportunity to understand and manage them in a consistent way

Site Leader driven fatality risk management

 Last year, we identified the top 16 fatality risks that are common across our business and each Mine
General Manager (GM) has been made a Sponsor of one of the 16 fatality risks

 The GMs have each led a team with representatives from all Newmont operations to identify the critical
controls that need to be in place to manage their assigned fatality risk. Forty critical controls have been
identified and nine Fatality Risk Standards developed

About Fatality Risk Management & what next

 Fatality Risk Management focuses on the 16 most common risks that cause fatalities and near misses in
the global mining industry and the critical controls that will help prevent them.

 Fatality Risk Management makes it possible for us to verify that critical controls are well designed,
understood, in place and working every time we undertake a task involving a fatality risk.

 The vision of Fatality Risk Management for zero fatalities to become an expectation, not a goal.

 Fatality Risk Management involves:

- Every Newmont operation
- Every fatal risk
- Every operational person (GM, managers, supervisors and employees / business partners)

 Our target is for every operational person across the business to:
- Be able to clearly and consistently describe the fatality risks and critical controls relating to the work
being undertaken, and their role in ensuring they are effective and deficiencies are proactively

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- Take steps to confirm that the relevant critical controls for each work area are in place and effective
before work begins.

Roll out of fatality risk management approach

 This year, the company rolled out the critical controls and performance criteria for each risk across our
operations. Part of this process involved sharing the introductory video from our Chief Operating Officer,
Tom Palmer, developing online resources and setting up site steering committees

 As part of our next set of actions in the process of embedding Fatality Risk Management in our
operations, we will hold further discussions on the subject during our upcoming safety and other
employee meetings, roll out visual messaging across the region, and conduct verification assessments
and address the gaps identified

Key Fatality Risk Management roll out action

 Key Measures
- On site, you will begin to see visual messaging such as signage, posters, banners and videos on
Fatality Risk Management. These are to help you learn more about the global fatality risks, their
icons, and associated critical controls
- Each month, our leadership will focus on one global fatality risk at our safety meetings for operational
staff and business partners
- There will be videos and other materials on the monthly themes to provide you with practical
information on your role in ensuring that critical controls are in place for each task so that they
become a natural part of how you conduct your duties
- Throughout the year, our leaders will continue to conduct verification assessments to confirm whether
the appropriate critical controls are in place and understood
- Four sites, including Akyem, will be audited in the second half of 2017 by a team of operational and
functional personnel from across the globe
- We will continue to work on addressing the gaps identified as the updated fatality risk standards are
- We will provide further information on these measures in due course

 Eliminating fatalities and improving our safety performance is a significant undertaking that requires our
full commitment.

 I am counting on your support to help integrate safer behaviours into our operations and ultimately create
a workplace free of fatalities, where everyone comes to work and returns home safe.
- Take the time to understand the 16 global fatality risks, particularly the ones that apply to the work
that you and your colleagues carry out. Know the icons and critical controls.
- Ensure that the appropriate critical controls are always in place for each task. If you cannot put the
critical control in place then stop – or do not start – the job until it can be put in place and raise the
matter with your supervisor.
- Speak up if you see that a critical control is not in place for a particular task regardless of your job
within the company.

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 Learn more about Fatality Risk Management through H&S or by visiting the page on Prospector where all
the Standards, Verification Sheets with critical controls, and other related documents can be located.

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