Speaking 5

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1. Which country are you from?

 I come from Vietnam, where 54 ethnic groups live with diverse languages and cultures.
Vietnam is also known as a country with many famous landscapes in the world.
2. Where is this country located?
 Vietnam belongs to the Indochina peninsula located in Southeast Asia
located in the Western Pacific Ocean.
3. Which part of the country do most people live in?
 People live the most in Ho Chi Minh City, it's the most developed place in the country and
it's one of the largest economic centers in Vietnam. There, people's income and living
conditions are considered to be of the highest quality.
4. What are the main industries in your country?
Vietnam has traditionally been an agricultural country, but currently, Vietnam is also developing
industrial and service sectors to suit the world market.
5. What kind of weather do you dislike?
 Well, I live in a tropical country but I hate hot weather. Because it makes me uncomfortable
all the time and affects my skin a lot. And in hot weather, water shortages can easily occur,
making all activities more inconvenient.
6. Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold country?
 I would rather live in a cold country than a country with hot weather. It will be a pleasant
thing to enjoy hot dishes and enjoy the warmth of the house.
7. What is the best/worst weather for traveling in?
The most suitable weather to travel is in the summer. That's when people can enjoy all the best
travel activities without fear of storms. Stormy weather is when you should not travel, because
it will greatly limit outdoor fun activities. And most likely tourists can only stay in hotels.

Part 2.

Currently, deforestation is happening in Vietnam a lot

I can say that greed for money is the main cause of this problem. Many people want to gain financial
benefits by deforestation. They cut down trees to get wood to sell illegally, or they grow crops on the
land because it brings economic profit. Second, deforestation is also used to expand infrastructure.
Population growth makes it necessary to expand urban centers to accommodate all the inhabitants of
the territory. This activity is one of the causes of deforestation, because many companies cut down
forests to build new infrastructure there…

And deforestation has serious consequences for the country. Climate change is increasing. When forests
are cut down, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air will increase, causing climate change and unusual
weather phenomena such as droughts, floods, global warming and rising sea levels. And that also causes
Biodiversity Loss. When forests are destroyed, many species of animals and plants lose their natural
habitat, which can cause their extinction. Loss of biodiversity not only reduces the natural and cultural
value of forests, but also affects economic sectors related to tourism, health and scientific research.
With these reasons and consequences of deforestation, the government needs to raise people's
awareness and promulgate laws to deal with deforestation. It is necessary to call on people to join hands
in protecting forests and planting forests.

Protecting forests is important because forests are the "lungs" of humans. Forests help people have a
better quality of life, protect them from natural disasters, and biological diversity is preserved.

Part 3.
1. i think protecting the environment is the responsibility of both individuals and the government.
Because this is a shared living environment. Protecting the environment is the same as
protecting ourselves. The government will have more global measures for everyone, while for
us there will be smaller measures that still contribute effectively to protecting the environment.
2. . On an individual level, people can do things like conserve energy, reduce consumption, and
recycle. Use natural energy, minimize travel by car and instead use public transport or walking
or cycling.
3. I think there are still some businesses that are causing negative impacts on the environment.
Businesses need to develop and need high profits, but they should not harm the environment.
because that will have big consequences in the future, causing many consequences for
everyone as well as that company. Therefore, companies need to come up with solutions to not
affect the environment

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