Revisao Aula Pre Intermediate Units 1-3

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Verb tense When to use

Present simple Facts, things that are always true, states of

Present continuous (for present) Things that are happening while the person
is talking, temporary events that take place
“at the moment”.
Past simple Punctual actions in the past, to emphasize
that the action is finished.
Past continuous Continuous actions that started and ended
in the past, or that took place over a period
of time
Future (will) A spontaneous decision that took place at
the moment of the speech, promises,
offerings, when talking about the weather,
uncertain decisions.
Future (going to) THE TO BE VERB IS MANDATORY, predictions
that are more certain, usually the moment
appears, such as “this weekend”, “next
Future (present continuous) Events that are certain and close in time
(today, tomorrow, in two hours)

Preposition of time When to use

In Years, months, seasons, periods of the day
(except fot night).
On Days of the week, holidays ended in “day”
(e.g.: St. Patrick’s day).
At Time (hour: minute), night, the weekend,
the moment.

Preposition of place When to use

In Countries, states, cities; when “inside” of a
3D space, such as bag, room or fridge;
private ways of transportation (car and van).
On Surfaces, floors, public transportations (bus,
train, plane), right/left.
At A specific point (the door, the traffic light) or
place (school, home, university), shops and

Word order in questions

Wh- word Auxiliary Subject Main verb Object ?
Where do you live ?
When is your ?
What do you do ?
How can you do that ?
How long is the trip going to take ?
*When the “to be” verb is the main verb, it is also its own auxiliary, so you just need to use it

* The “wh- word” might have a complement, as in the case of “how long”, “what kind”. Every
part of the sentence that complements the sense of the “wh- question” is a part of it. That is
why you ask, “What kind of music do you like?” and not “what do you like kind of music?”

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