IMC Quiz 1

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1) In recent years, the nature of the job of account executive has changed due to new
pressures in the area of accountability. T/F

2) Communication is defined as transmitting, receiving, and processing information. T/F

3) The large number of marketing messages consumers are exposed to daily is an example
of noise and is also called clutter. T/F

4) The budget preparation stage of a marketing analysis focuses on finding company

strengths and weaknesses and environmental opportunities and threats. T/F

5) In today’s marketplace, advertising alone is often enough to sustain sales. T/F

6) In the turbulent new marketing environment, _____ has become a primary concern to
advertising agencies and companies hiring those agencies.
a) Accountability
b) Representation
c) Pricing
d) Control

7) The individuals who develop the actual advertisements for promotional campaigns are
called _____.
a) Account executives
b) Brand managers
c) Creatives
d) Receivers

8) Which would be a sender?

a) a company seeking to sell a product
b) a television set
c) sales data following a campaign
d) a consumer ignoring an ad in a newspaper

9) Preparing ad copy is _____ .

a) Decoding
b) Situational analysis
c) Encoding
d) Filtering out noise

10) The items that carry the message from the sender to the receiver are _____ .
a) Encoding processes
b) Decoding processes
c) Transmission devices
d) Feedback devices

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