Lengua Inglesa II

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Francesco Da Mosto tells the fantastic

Story of the birth of the most beautiful city in the world, Venice.

How could a city of palaces, of
Gold and jewels, of art and unrivalled treasures arise out of the swamp of a
Malaria-ridden lagoon?


How did one city come to enjoy

All the glory of a royal capital yet did away with kings and queens?

The adquiring of the a Saint Relic and building the Basilica of Saint Mark the authority of
the Doge their lawful regent received divine sanction and through this they would submit to
no one, Emmperor, King or Pope. St. Mark set the mood for Venice to be the most
sensational stage set that had ever been seen. It’s religious and political centerpieces
proclaimed the city’s independence and growing confidence.


How could a tomb violently

Robbed make an entire people rich?

By owning a holly relic, the remains of Saint Mark the apostol. This would bring huge
amounts of money from pilgrims and conferred sqcred status on the city and inspire armies
to feat of military glory.


How one man – tortured and

Blinded by his enemies – could lead Venice to a revenge so terrible that it

Would go down in history as one of the worst crimes ever?

Enrico Dandolo being wounded and blinded never abandoned the cause of the republic and
of course his desire of revenge. Constantinople had imprisoned his people, left Venice
without their primordial activity trade and commerce. Within 30 years being a master
tactician, a brilliant strategist, a consummate politician and according to Francesco, a liar,
cheater, master of deciept and double dealing politician spin. He managed to achieve his
major desire by going against all Venicians policies, joining the Crusaders by giving them
ships, money and men in exchange of that half of the territory they acquire. But in a sudden
change of plans he managed to arrive Constantinople and conquer them.

What does Da Mosto say about the
Stunning interiors of the Doge’s Palace, the Basilica of St Mark, the Ca da
Mosto, the Ca D’Oro?
As a Venetian by birth whose
Family has lived there for over a thousand years, Da Mosto also reveals secret
Venice – What does he say about it?

Why do you think this place has
Become the most romantic destination on earth.?

Complete the sentences about Francesco’s house with the words in the box.
Warehouse storeys bequeathed modest showroom rotting
1 The house is damp and in terrible condition. And the woodis ___ _2 Chiara da Mosto the
house to another family after falling out with her relatives.3 This room was a . They used it
to store goods before selling them.4 It served as a ____ . They used it to show goods to
clients.5 It used to be a more building. Not as big or beautifully decorated as now.6 The
house was two high. The living room was on the first floor.

Watch the DVD Number the scenes in the order they appear.a) Francesco stands on the
balcony and looks across the canal.b) He sails a small boat and looks at the house.c) He
walks through the house.d) He imagines his ancestors and other people inside the house.
Answer the questions.I Why does the story of his ancestors’ home break Francesco’s heart?
2 When did his ancestors build the house?3 What happened to the house in 1603?4 Apart
from living there, what did his ancestors use the house for?
Watch the DVD again to check.

I What did you think of Francesco’s house?2 What did you find interesting about his story?
3 Does your personal family history involve any particular countries or cities? Which ones

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