3rd Periodical Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Schools Division of Tacloban City
District Learning Center IX
Tacloban City
School I.D. 124230



DIRECTION: Write the letter that corresponds to the BEST answer before each number.

1. What is the traditional Japanese method of preserving and enhancing wood called?
A. Decoupage
B. Ikebana
C. Shou Sugi Ban
D. Quilling

2. Which technique involves heating metal until it reaches a red-hot temperature and then rapidly cooling it to
alter its properties?
A. Pyrography
B. Engraving
C. Tempering
D. Etching

3. Bamboo can be adorned using a method that involves intricate patterns created by dye-resistant wax. What is
this technique commonly known as?
A. Batik
B. Origami
C. Marquetry
D. Inlay

4. What technique involves burning designs onto the surface of wood or bamboo using heated metal tools?
A. Wood carving
B. Pyrography
C. Metal embossing
D. Etching

5. Which of the following techniques involves weaving thin strips of bamboo or wood together to create
patterns or designs?
A. Pyrography
B. Marquetry
C. Basket weaving
D. Metal embossing

6. What technique involves burning designs onto the surface of wood or bamboo using heated metal tools?
A. Wood carving
B. Pyrography
C. Metal embossing
D. Etching

7. Which of the following techniques involves weaving thin strips of bamboo or wood together to create patterns
or designs?
A. Pyrography
B. Marquetry
C. Basket weaving
D. Metal embossing

8. What method of enhancing metal involves hammering or pressing a design into the surface from the reverse
A. Metal etching
B. Metal embossing
C. Metal engraving
D. Metal painting

9. What impact might the rise of online shopping have on traditional brick – and – mortar stores?
A. Metal etching
B. Metal embossing
C. Metal engraving
D. Metal painting

10. Which of the following steps would you take to conduct a simple survey using technology and other data-
gathering methods to determine the most preferred type of mobile phone among your classmates?
A. Designing a questionnaire using Google Forms and distributing it to your classmates.
B. Asking your classmates individually about their preferred type of mobile phone.
C. Conducting a group discussion to determine the most preferred type of mobile phone.
D. Observing the types of mobile phones your classmates use during breaks.

11. Which of the following best describes how innovative finishing materials contribute to the
marketability of a product?
A. They enhance the product's appearance and appeal to potential buyers.
B. They increase the manufacturing cost without affecting consumer interest.
C. They decrease the durability of the product but attract niche markets.
D. They simplify the production process but diminish the product's uniqueness.

12. How do innovative finishing materials contribute to the marketability of a product?

A. They enhance durability and functionality.
B. They reduce production costs.
C. They attract attention and differentiate the product from competitors.
D. They simplify manufacturing processes.

13. Suppose you are tasked with designing a new line of accessories for smartphones using creative
designs. How would you ensure that your designs positively impact the marketability of the product?
A. By incorporating trendy colors and patterns that appeal to the target audience.
B. By increasing the complexity of the designs to showcase advanced craftsmanship.
C. By reducing the variety of accessories to maintain exclusivity.
D. By utilizing traditional designs to cater to a wider demographic range.
14. Which techniques can be used to enhance bamboo and other materials in a project?
A. Sketching
B. Shading
C. Outlining
D. All of the above

15. What are the primary methods utilized to improve the appearance of bamboo and transform it into finished
A. Sketching
B. Shading
C. Outlining
D. Metalwork

16. Which of the following best describes the purpose of a project plan?
A. To create a detailed timeline of project tasks.
B. To outline the budget for purchasing project materials.
C. To identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.
D. To showcase the final outcome of the project to stakeholders.

17. How does breaking down tasks into smaller steps help in constructing a project plan?
A. It allows for easier delegation of tasks
B. It helps in estimating time and resources required for each task
C. It ensures that each aspect of the project is thoroughly considered
D. All of the above

18. Why is it important to identify key stakeholders when constructing a project plan?
A. To allocate resources efficiently
B. To manage conflicts effectively
C. To create a timeline
D. To develop a project scope

19. Why is it important to allocate specific timeframes for each task in a project plan?
A. To ensure that tasks are completed on time
B. To make the project plan look organized
C. To impress the project supervisor
D. To have extra time for breaks during work

20. Create a project plan. (1pt)

Project Title:_Candle___
Working Drawing:

21. Which of the following calculations represents the correct method for determining income from sales?
A. Subtracting expenses from the total revenue
B. Adding expenses to the total revenue
C. Multiplying expenses by the total revenue
D. Dividing expenses by the total revenue

22. Why is it important for a business to accurately compute its income from sales?
A. To determine how much money needs to be invested
B. To assess the success and profitability of the business
C. To calculate the number of products available for sale
D. To decide which marketing strategies to implement

23. If a store sells 50 shirts for P10 each and incurs P200 in expenses, what is the income from sales?
A. P200
B. P500
C. P300
D. P700

24. How would you explain the difference between "gross income" and "net income" from sales?
A. Gross income is the total money earned from sales before subtracting expenses, while net income is
the money earned after subtracting expenses.
B. Gross income is the money earned from sales after subtracting expenses, while net income is the total
money earned from sales.
C. Gross income is the money earned from sales after subtracting taxes, while net income is the total
money earned from sales.
D. Gross income is the total money earned from sales, while net income is the money earned from sales
before subtracting expenses.

25. Imagine a situation where a business increases its sales revenue but also incurs higher expenses. How might
this impact its income from sales?
A. The income from sales would increase
B. The income from sales would decrease
C. The income from sales would remain unchanged
D. The impact cannot be determined without specific figures

26. Why is it important to use appropriate tools when assembling electrical gadgets?
A. To make the gadget aesthetically pleasing
B. To impress others with the complexity of the gadget
C. To ensure the safety of the person assembling the gadget
D. To reduce the cost of production for the gadget

27. Which of the following materials is commonly used as a conductor in simple electrical circuits?
A. Rubber
B. Plastic
C. Copper wire
D. Glass

28. Which of the following best describes the purpose of using insulating materials in electrical
A. To enhance the conductivity of electricity
B. To prevent electric shocks and short circuits
C. To increase the voltage of the electrical current
D. To reduce the resistance in the electrical circuit

29. Compare the effectiveness of different materials and tools in constructing the gadget.
Materials: Copper wire, aluminum wire
Tools: Wire strippers, pliers
Which combination of materials and tools would result in the most efficient and durable gadget?

A. Copper wire, aluminum wire

B. Wire strippers, pliers
C. Metal
D. Wood

30. Synthesize a list of materials and tools required to construct a simple electrical gadget like a
flashlight or a small electric fan. Choose the appropriate items from the following options.
A. Battery, wire, bulb, switch, tape
B. Motor, screwdriver, paperclip, rubber band, plastic cup
C. Wood, nails, hammer, paint, ruler
D. Glass, glue, scissors, fabric, yarn

31. Which of the following best defines the term "protocol" in the context of making electrical gadgets?
A. A set of guidelines and procedures to follow during the manufacturing process
B. The physical components used in assembling electrical gadgets
C. The final product resulting from the manufacturing process
D. The tools required for testing the functionality of electrical gadgets

32. What is the primary purpose of following protocols in making electrical gadgets?
A. To increase the cost of production
B. To ensure safety and quality of the final product
C. To speed up the manufacturing process
D. To make the gadgets visually appealing

33. Which of the following steps is typically included in the protocol for assembling electrical gadgets?
A. Packing the finished product
B. Testing for functionality
C. Designing the product logo
D. Mixing raw materials

34. Which of the following items would you typically repair as part of a furniture repair project?
A. Door knobs
B. Lamp shades
C. Extension cords
D. All of the above

35. What are some examples of items that can be repaired in class?
A. Pencils and erasers
B. Broken furniture like chairs and tables
C. Musical instruments
D. Toys and games

36. Which tool is commonly used to tighten screws?

A. Hammer
B. Screwdriver
C. Pliers
D. Wrench
37. The lamp in your classroom is flickering on and off. Which of the following factors should you
analyze first to identify the root cause of the problem?
A. The condition of the light bulb
B. The stability of the lamp's power source
C. The cleanliness of the lampshade
D. The positioning of the lamp on the desk

38. You are tasked with repairing a torn chair seat in your classroom. What materials and tools would
you need for this repair, and why would you choose them? Choose the most appropriate
A. Materials: Tape and glue. Tools: Scissors and screwdriver.
B. Materials: Fabric patch and stapler. Tools: Staple remover and scissors.
C. Materials: Sandpaper and wood glue. Tools: Paintbrush and nails.
D. Materials: Rubber bands and pins. Tools: Pliers and ruler.

39. Which of the following represents the first step in the Five S methodology for workplace
A. Sort
B. Systematize
C. Shine
D. Standardize

40. Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates the principle of "Seiri" (Sort) in the context of
organizing a workspace?
A. A student arranges all their textbooks alphabetically on the shelf.
B. A student separates broken pencils from usable ones in their pencil case
C. A student cleans the classroom floor thoroughly.
D. A student categorizes their art supplies according to color and type.

41. How would applying the principle of "Seiton" (Set in Order) contribute to the efficiency of a
A. By ensuring tools are stored randomly to encourage creativity.
B. By arranging tools and equipment in a logical sequence for easy access.
C. By keeping the workspace cluttered to inspire innovation.
D. By regularly rotating the positions of tools to prevent monotony.

42. In which of the following situations is the principle of "Seiketsu" (Standardize) being implemented
A. A student consistently organizes their desk before leaving school every day.
B. A student occasionally cleans their workspace but does not follow a specific routine.
C. A student asks their teacher to clean the classroom once a week.
D. A student rearranges their materials differently each day without any set pattern.

43. Design a flowchart depicting the step-by-step process of implementing the "Five S" principles in a
classroom setting. Choose the correct arrangement of steps from the options provided.
A. Sort → Shine → Systemize → Standardize → Sustain
B. Scrub → Sweep → Sort → Simplify → Sustain
C. Straighten → Shine → Sift → Systematize → Support
D. None of the above.

44. What are some examples of waste materials that can be recycled?
A. Aluminum cans
B. Cardboard boxes
C. Glass bottles
D. All of the above

45. Which of the following materials is not typically considered recyclable?

A. Plastic bottles
B. Glass jars
C. Styrofoam containers
D. Aluminum foil

46. What is the primary goal of recycling?

A. To reduce waste in landfills
B. To increase pollution levels
C. To deplete natural resources
D. To encourage littering

47. Why is it important to recycle materials instead of simply throwing them away?
A. To conserve energy and reduce pollution
B. To increase landfill space and decrease transportation costs
C. To encourage people to buy more products
D. To support the economy by creating more job

48. Analyze the environmental impact of using plastic containers versus paper containers for
packaging perishable goods. Consider factors such as production processes, recyclability, and
decomposition rates. Which option would be more favorable for reducing environmental harm, and
A. Plastic containers, as they are lightweight and require less energy for production.
B. Paper containers, as they are biodegradable and can be easily recycled.
C. Both options have similar environmental impacts.
D. None of the above.

49. Which of the following examples best illustrates the concept of recycling identified products/waste
materials into functional items?
A. Throwing away old newspapers in the trash bin
B. Selling used plastic bottles to a recycling center
C. Binding used paper into a notebook or memo pad
D. Buying new plastic products instead of recycling

50. What is one way to repurpose waste materials into functional items?
A. Burning them in an incinerator
B. Burying them in a landfill
C. Recycling plastic bottles into lampshades
D. Leaving them on the roadside for garbage collection


1. C. Shou Sugi Ban

2. C. Tempering
3. A. Batik
4. B. Pyrography
5. C. Basket weaving
6. B. Pyrography
7. C. Basket weaving
8. B. Metal embossing
9. D. Metal painting
10. A. Designing a questionnaire using Google Forms and distributing it to your classmates.
11. A. They enhance the product's appearance and appeal to potential buyers.
12. C. They attract attention and differentiate the product from competitors.
13. A. By incorporating trendy colors and patterns that appeal to the target audience.
14. D. All of the above
15. D. Metalwork
16. A. To create a detailed timeline of project tasks.
17. D. All of the above
18. B. To manage conflicts effectively
19. A. To ensure that tasks are completed on time
20. (Answer may vary based on the project plan created)
21. A. Subtracting expenses from the total revenue
22. B. To assess the success and profitability of the business
23. C. P300
24. A. Gross income is the total money earned from sales before subtracting expenses, while net income is
the money earned after subtracting expenses.
25. D. The impact cannot be determined without specific figures
26. C. To ensure the safety of the person assembling the gadget
27. C. Copper wire
28. B. To prevent electric shocks and short circuits
29. B. Wire strippers, pliers
30. A. Battery, wire, bulb, switch, tape
31. A. A set of guidelines and procedures to follow during the manufacturing process
32. B. To ensure safety and quality of the final product
33. B. Testing for functionality
34. D. All of the above
35. B. Broken furniture like chairs and tables
36. B. Screwdriver
37. A. The condition of the light bulb
38. B. Materials: Fabric patch and stapler. Tools: Staple remover and scissors.
39. A. Sort
40. B. A student separates broken pencils from usable ones in their pencil case
41. B. By arranging tools and equipment in a logical sequence for easy access.
42. A. A student consistently organizes their desk before leaving school every day.
43. A. Sort → Shine → Systemize → Standardize → Sustain
44. D. All of the above
45. C. Styrofoam containers
46. A. To reduce waste in landfills
47. A. To conserve energy and reduce pollution
48. B. Paper containers, as they are biodegradable and can be easily recycled.
49. C. Binding used paper into a notebook or memo pad
50. C. Recycling plastic bottles into lampshades

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