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Synopsis of Independent Research Project

Cohort 3_Strategy and Leadership

Broad Guidance
Word Limit 2500 -3000 words
Pages 8
Size of Page A4
Font Times New Roman
Spacing 1.15
Cover Page Topic, Name of Learner, Student ID
Last Date to Submit 22nd April, 24
Timings 10.00 A.M.
Non Submission Will be awarded zero
Late Submission Not Allowed
Mode of Submission UMS
Submission on E-Mails No
Feedback Will be given during the Live Session of 28th April 2024
Coverage and Broad Rubrics Attached/Plagiarism as per University guidelines


1. Title: (Should answer the questions) (25 Words) (Identify two variables)
1.1. Does it clearly answer the proposed project work's topic/area/domain/objectives?
1.2. Does it reveal the critical variable/concept around which the research is planned?
1.3. Is the title successful in setting the context on which the project is based?
1.4. Is the title intriguing and exciting?

2. Extended Abstract

(Should answer the questions) (250-300 Words)

2.1. Does it discuss the topic, novelty, relevance, scope, context, and gap in existing research
that the current study intends to fill?
2.2. Does it give a brief introduction to the business problem, the significance of doing
research in this area, the impact of this research on business and society, the research
questions that are intended to be the lighthouse of the project, and the expected outcome
one can look at from the project work?

3. Introduction/Background/Context: (Should answer the questions) (350 Words)

3.1. How has the business problem evolved to its present form within the business
environment? (Grey + Academic literature)

4. Problem Statement: (Should answer the questions) (100 Words) (Objective of study)
4.1. What is the specific business problem that the project intends to solve?

5. Research Question: (Should answer the questions) (250 Words)-100 words

5.1. To solve the business problem, what are a few of the specific research questions that I
wish to address?

6. Objectives of the Study: (Should answer the questions) (100 Words)

6.1. What is the research trying to achieve? Is the purpose clearly defined? Is it in agreement
with the research problem and questions? Can the objective be measured and checked
from the outcome in terms of its achievement? Is it achievable?

7. Novelty/Significance/Impact/Responsiveness of the Research: (Should answer the

questions) (250 Words) (Introduction)
7.1. How do you think the research is novel or is being done for the first time? How have you
ensured or will ensure that a similar work has not been done before?
7.2. How do you think the research is related to something of current times? Is the topic
discussed in recent business magazines, newspapers, industry reports, etc.?
7.3. What do you think is the impact of the business problem you wish to research?
7.4. What do you think would be the impact of the research that you wish to undertake?
7.5. Does the project define the key stakeholders around whom the work is planned?
7.6. How will the research contribute to the well-being (positive outcomes) of the
stakeholders/society in general?

8. Contribution: (Should answer the questions) (250 Words) (Potential contribution)

8.1. What are some of the expected outcomes of the research you have chosen to undertake?
(Will it contribute to a new way of looking at the problem? Is it going to provide a solution
to the problem? Will it inform the reader about an aspect of the topic/area researched?
Is it going to contribute to a conceptual framework in the area of research? Is it expected
to be published as a teaching case? Is it going to be used by policymakers in crafting
public policy? Is it expected to be used by decision-makers to look at the problem from
new lenses? Etc.)

9. Literature Review and Gap: (Should answer the questions) (500-

1000 Words) (Rear view)
9.1. What have you found when you have reviewed the
existing academic/business literature on the problem? What
models, theories, paradigms, understanding, and premises
are used in the current literature? Is the existing
statement/research/content conclusive, or is there a
research gap (something left to future researchers to study)
mentioned in the current research? What do we know, what
do we not know, and what will we know from the proposed
10. Research Design, Methodology, Data Collection & Analysis Plan: (Should answer the questions) (350 Words) (For 3rd Submission)
Address partially in Synopsis
10.1. From where do you think you will collect the data? Do you plan to undertake primary research (Interviews, surveys,
observations, etc.) or secondary research (from databases, magazines, industry reports, journal articles, etc.)
10.2. Will you undertake a data analysis? If yes, which software/method/tools will you use?
10.3. Which conceptual framework/model/theoretical framework/theory would you use to process the data/information and
arrive at the conclusion in your research work?

11. Timelines: (Should answer the questions) (100 Words)

11.1. What are the week-wise milestones of the project you wish to undertake?
12. References: (Should answer the questions) (Outside the Word Limit)
12.1. List down the documents, reports, secondary sources, magazines, videos, websites, etc.. used or planned to be used in
undertaking the project (use APA 7 referencing style)

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