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Engexirnent 1
cumoso TNTERUASL eLl wou
uuplas utleus
To 3tud The Stages Mitsis
Conatun Chumatun Acods
DLpuca.bed PROHASE t is he estina pnaso.
- Centholes Cenbyovne1e
maYin par
LATE and thna
Nuslear PDPHASE Nutleav he cendrisles sho movwhg apaat Ound tas opposite9olas
memevone disoppeov mOVe dusogpeav chromosomus beLsm dishnct
Asle Spvdle ores dupliuate os paired dartnnatds nd the Ssta
Spindle ibres
chvormaids a ottadhed e.ach o-th at a small nkyal 4ion
METARHA callud t centrbmera
Chvomosoves hromDSbrnes
e alo Ane Lie albn the Spindla Alores appeaA oetwen dananten centiolus, forming
ao ane toytal planc and nudeclus
Ahe spindl
athromabic sqind and n wudlian mumoto.n
o4Me spindle,
AREY ANAPRRSt disaqyea
Sste pxowakds
epayate ard moye se 0ayae and move
DLLt paLes opposLLL noLes .METAPHASE
du tb (mtiout0 duusu conAvaulon
SpindLe tihrc) spindie fbC) Eadh tha spundla uits etromere.
chromosome qesatached
LATE ANAPHASEL The dhromosomas in up in on plane a equatoY

daualev . ANAPHASE
cearome attadhina th tuuo dromatids sputs Ond th Hwo
TELOPHASE Sistt hromatids ea.c dhromosoma
ptote sepanatt and 0 dvaun
eiSaad.soppssitepolas shovteuning spind filoras
A furo SAaAS Fu in he l membi an ak th mddla
Gutokmesas keains in Amal call Cel plate Pormation beins in th olant wll

Two sets u
dauanker daYtmos omes eadw appusite pcasand Hna
Spindla lbes disappea
Chromatids in out o form hromahn fibits 0nd nular
Mambxan 0nd nudaaus tapea
CloaxOO fwuaw dunens in aumal cell

Leavao f e dupans totall separates ito tuwo n dauke
Eperinment 2

The Strudue b A Neuvon

To Studu

The s ma parts a the elL bodu

dandrites and a n a n
1THE CELL BODY CPeikasuon ox uon)
nuulus SuYOundid X O l a n

Contains well dafmud

Has aL celL ovganlks Lik othe cells exapt
NucleuAS because thuLannot divid
NisL oNonus Lentyosom is alos ent

Pewkasyon|Cutov DENDRITES
Dendrtet pxojecions t h e ull bed
Ihse aL branchad ytoplaswmic
uive impulses ell oodn
Tu LOmdudt

Nucteus 3AXON:
NeuilLmma t is a lon YOLSo ull voduy
he aO in ot neLUbns S S Noundad bu a

Nodt Ronve
sheatw alled t muelin shath oY e udullar
Muelin Shtaah sheate
outevmost thin shsatn
Ihe muelin shegth is LOved by an

Lalhsd nudlanwmma Ox u r olArMma.

he myelin shLatn has n oetneew Lalled Hh Nodss

A non endns
Som axo have Side oxanchu cald collaterals
end porthon d h axos have Swolen ends üke bulbs

wid Lomtain thamicals alled nuxabyansmttevs.

Axon keninals axt tlos elupatked neaA he dandrites aunuther
Ohe but a not LOcktd \hasa betwun an Lalud
aps n
Synaphc clu{ts
Epaiment 3

The Intemal Stvutuas of Th duman brain

To Studu

Th byain is dulica OYqan wellpxotected outhe


It is protected bu3 mLmoY anbusLOVULmas callud_muninas

Duxa matter the ouiermosttoug ibrosLauA

Avadanoid menbran Hhun dalitate middla Lau

3 fia matter innunmoSA
A Yastulau lauu
The spa betwn O v A n a mLmbrauns isfilld
Fvotol obe of
Luros pinal ud
evek 97
oveto Lobe o The byaun ha mmu pats

Octipita Lobe tisthe Larakst part he bYaun divided
Cor)us Calosu Cebva t and a
Lebra huwusphus 1t haS An

T.areU.S ineol aland inL udulla

Lontains ell bo eies callad Hh axcuu
TLoy lond
Te outer portion
mortteA tae innun poxion consists mainl axons
Hupotnaiorns Cexeellum alld wite aattun
Corpus allosum is a shut ivsComnLcina
Ltbra hemiShinus H rass infomaRon
wamisph to thn h ebum IS ne seat

intelüqenu Mmb et
t is h small pat bYai situated at H

bas Huuubrum ts main Hnchom is t o mautain

balan and LOOYdinoate musul

3. Mdulla oblanoaka
Lontyols the atiuhes inteunal OYawS.
As taltic muvenent Aeaanuntax Canal
beatna ne heart andd othe
nas w pamayX2aionns
atHans T s brain
Consists ha ebrum and dianepnalon.
thal ams Crelaus pain
T daanaphalon Lonsis t Hhe
pYessu impulses) and upothalamus requlatts

bodux dampeatua)
. Midhrain
A Small ubwlar pat
3. Hindbrain
Consists H webellana pOns and Hh medulla

Yos a u implu fom on hams plhn
Epeiumat 4

The Human
To Studa Te Stuctuw tf Eye
Th wall Hh ueball is tompogad. t
. The Sclotte Lau
IE is the outuumbst oua a mada o oug
abrcLLs issesand uolnite An COlcur

paat Has slaotic

LCInLa bulued transpant
Lat)beLcL_cpaquus i ecomus nbn-unchonal and

Reung Can be rcplauud danated cOXnLOa

2.Thechuxe Lauy
I i s ridhu supplied utn bload vLSsels_fax pxov diuna
orurA noishnLnt the

wutains dark blauk. P g r t called ulanin widh

PrevtnsLiguk aus xeflucina and sattaina

h the his ED for m Ehe

hatte u Lauu expands
uliaru boduy wase smoo th muscls allter shape

Ih i i is also an eutension dtn daorod pakally

Loveuna th is and a i x u l a r apenida in Hhe
nidd -Xh pupil.
:Te atra:
I t i sh e inmelmask Lau ad 1s Sensitie

I t conkaiw uo ps Sense ulls

sensituve ko di ighk buut Ao not espond
to olow.

*Contauns t h piamank vnodLopsin visua puple and

a distxlbuled almesk tmcughuut thu 1eina
C) Conss
* Sersitive to brigwt liaht and a esponsibla x

Colou vision
Contais th pigmewt Lodopsin and a conAned mainl

yulow spol HL asoa est vision)

Blind spotThe aea no

ee contains o hambes
Vitrous dhamb t - IE Contaiws vitreou humouY a n hilps

Kapind a sha b eebal

dhambes IE Lovntai ns gLbWs wumouY and kups
uas mbist and xfraues iaht.
Epeimewt 5

SemicitcuLas Laynols esbloar haibun To Study The Sbuttu o Te E a

Havmnex CothleAY parbhon d The hwuman ea has haL main divisios
mambranous Labyrinth h a s
EarCanal The imne ea
Ricno pavts
a) CochlaLa
E is spivall shaped Ond has woand a hal turws
divided intb paralll
h nne winding Lauity

*The vestbulav Canal-Lontainina PAilumpn

eandolmph This egian
*Th median Lanal Lontainina
Oxgan Covti fox
AAAAAAU poSseSS es 3&nsory clls Ad Aan
basila membYane
hiaunq e S ensoxuy cells on he
* LOntaining pei Lymph
The tympana canal
) Semicivcular canals
Thre SemitixLular anals aYNanaedd at
riawk angs
o eauh othua
the semicYlar

The short stem joinina the bases

Lanals to tu ochlka snouuS 0 payts
w i ulus and Salculus
Eo:c dxur
M i d d l e eax : The middleea Lonsists Haxa Elnubones
Eustachien ube A ammec Anvil and
malleus 1nus and SLapeS also knoww
2DundVONL stiup Lolucivclu knoww s C5Sicls
Tu is a eustadnian uoe whda Lonnects th cavVity
khe middle a with the threat
Lhe stirYup its mto the oval window a
The flatpa
o h nn a
membr aY coV Ld)openinq ading
tha Und windem 1S also Loveed by a tnin
3eond optninq
enabrane t a t Lonnecks th middle and the
2.OutereaY The oute eas consists tapaectina Paxt
to u eardYum
pinna H alsa Lonsists passaae Leading
audiitoyy Coma
Expeiment 6

RED LLCOL CELLS ToStudy Th Structuve ODifexnt Tupes Btod
Rad Blood Cells (R8c):
Minute, bi-concavedist-like struutuxes
FLat and thick and Yo un cdlad at thu pevphexy
in h _centye
Vevu smal aloauk 1 miurons in diametea
Concavitits o p1esent on either sida
Chemical tonstituent i s haamo.aLobin.
Does not Lontain nucous mto dhondvia Ox endeplasmic tticulum

2.Whitt Blood Cells CWG)

Have a mdleus
NEUTRDHIL BASORH Do not Lontain hacmd qlobin
Amuebaid in shape
Hos psendu podia with which t can SqLeze thrcuugh tn Nalls
ctheLapillaries mto the tissuus
Can eithar Lontain YanuuleLs not

t s nuulLus LCAn itha be LOMstrcted no Lobes ox be a

Sinale aat nudeus

Minute ONaloY Gund sbutuxes
3PLATELETS Non- nuuleated.

Eah a the vlood platelets AX SAYYUunded

with a wMembyane
Epeimet t

To Shoo That Roots Absorb Water

Taka a test tube filled with wate. Pul out aung Leafy
with i Y GDts intaut.
plant From theSoil
in the tesE ube icky
Insertthe ooEs
he test tube to pxeven any
Pu f drops oil in

Loss wate bhvough evapoYaHon.

Mark Hhe uve 4 wattr

Test Tubt
Tak a simiLa test tube wibhowt aplanE.

n a damM Y it is Seen thak th level

attr Falls but natE
wat in thn tesE ube Lontaining- h plant

onluy watu And na plawt.

in he ust ube containung
Eue abs or be d
This shows that lantin lrst test
Hh watu by the xaoks
Experimlnt 3
o Demons bxate Teanspivation

Axrange hre setups A B and C

Condensed W ood e stiok

watey Vapbuy
Setup A
Take a nall w l - wakeyedA potted plant with broad
Coball hl ovide
Leaves. Enclose Me pet LOmplettlu within a paluy thene bag
PptY pirk)
Tie the mouth a poly thene hag rmly a s ound he
loase he stem. Ihis prevens Hhe 5e.ape woter vapou
om this pot. Cov Hh enhve plant undsr a bell jo

sct-up B
AYrangeanothey Similar plant and LoVe itwith abelu

jar exacty Same asset-up A a L p t _ i n his set-up

CONTROL by h e side of
apicce dvy Leloalk chlor1de paper
the plan insidethe bell ja
The Looalt -calovidepaper inda.cates tha pXes ence maisHna
maistu the papes is b
theL S moistu thu papen is pink

Cobalt chlevide Set-wp

PApeY vémains
ak a thixd bull ja without te plant and only th
colbalt-dhlorida Pap.e Now p all three bell ias inHa

Aft alecuk half an
hou it isstn hak th xst bell jay
LOntainS wakeu vap0uY Londensinq on ts inner wallsThe
Secondbel jar Shws SLmila Lon.densaion n d the aleax
o he b u e L o a l t daloride paper daanqes o intinditatng

th presence maistu he third bell jar IS A LOnwol

wmh Hnat thue Was no moistu in th dsue

Ho tvans pIYation betase thea uas neplant in it

Expeiment 1

Show That Photosynthesis Needs (hlorephyll

Take a plant witha vaaitgak ed LeaveS. g Geranium

Destach e Loaves by kping t plant in d a r k room

Place the plant Hhe Sun

Afte a fuw hours pLmck on fromth plant

Pape and mark Hhe 9Yn und
Make its OutlintL
aYLas outune
Bluc non-g1n
Grttn »

\ack stauch
Ony e grt pau the L uun bush showing
he pY es ena stand

tpeiiment 0

oShew Ihat Sunlight Is Netded Fox Photosuihesis

aka a plant with dastandnud leaves.

Coveon its leaves with black pApe uich Some

dusigni uut
Pla Hheplant in Sun
ALer a few hours test H LOVLALd oy black pa
It is abseAved Hhat H ony p.a H Leap
C5uld aet the ight thvough was the park w h n
design was and the paut Left unLaveud by
lue - Hh
hese aLas H u n bluu - blade saowing pYLSenu d


lo Show That (O Is Necessavy For hotosynthesis

Tak a plank wth dest axchud luav
Insat half on its Leaves through a
spliE covk

int a Conital flask containung petassium nydrozide which

Twis Cintaut wilh he plon alosorbs Cavobndionide Cco,)

PlaLe h plant i n th sun

After a few houvs test the Leaf fov stavc

avt Hh lea wiw ws euposed auY

becomesbuL-black and the part t h e Leof inside he

Flask LOntaiing potassium hydro xide does not UYn bue

black shawing Hhat O is necessay phetosynthesis

>No Cov bon

dioiAe The par thu Luat ouksids the LOnLa Plask betomes

Contvol peiment..

Potassiuw Hydvodi WAlL

Experimeni 12
To Show hat Oxugen Is Produud Juing l'hakosynthesis

Sunught ona
PlaLe water pl.ant Leg: Hydvilla) in
beaker Lontaining
waten and LOVELit by a short- stemmed funnel.

Ha stem Hhe
Place n test Aube full dwatr
049 en9A
Luvl wate in the heake is ala.ove Hhne
Ensuu hat Hhe
Luvel A he stem cthe invuted funnel.

fond woltY Plac appanats in he Sun FoY a fw hcuYSBubblu

dthe 9as Lallutedl on tn tust tube

Tst h gas in h e test tuueA glowinq splunteybursts

in fame, inducatng hepYesene 0ygen-


Suppovt o p he unnel off

the oohom
Expeimént 13

To Studu The Intevnal stuctue 0 The Kidneuy

Ihe kid.nuy has tab main Yeg1ons

An oubY dayk LOYte
An inner Lignt meduAla

The medulla consists ineystiped Substances avY anged

in seVual Conical Py Yamids .

Th apex otath Pyramid callua Papilla pYDjeuks into he

pelvis the kidne

The kid nuy Lonsis manu minute ubules calld nephYons,

Renal axte vy
Kidnuy ules uxiniferous tuules OY Yenal tubulus.
>Renal vein
heu aL struttural and unional umis




Expeiment 14

lo Study he Shructuve 0f A Nephron

Each nephyon LonsISS

azunal (oyvolute l Tubule O Bowmans Capule A Ain-wallud singlu-cellud epitlnelium Lup

RCT) Its hollow intunal Spa Continues int Hh u b u
owmanS capsuo
hyom YtMAl avteyy
Glomex ulus The outex LOMLaviy Hhe bowrmans Lapsule
Afeunt avteole
Lodges inid a knot - Like
mass blood capillavies allud.
glomerulus Tue Bousman s Lapsula and. the alumeru uus tagether
l orneyulus
av La Ued he Malpighian apsule xenal capsul.
Distal tonvoluted
Turule DeT)
Proinmal Lonvoluted Tubule CRUT) : The staating Lonvouttd vegion
he ubule
Lop Henle The middle U-shaped part is nat tonvoluttd .

tYunS inl he medulla to. UYn

buk into thu Loxtex
and Coninues next Lonvoluted eian d Hhe tubule

Ascending timb 6Distal Convolutedl Tubule (T) The end part Hhe kidney
tue ule

Callecting Dutt : The DLT opens into th celuLhng dutt uhh

titves the Lbntents many nephr.ons and paYS as
-Loop lernle uYine into the pelv is d Hae kidnty
apiUayy neiwovk

Deendavng umb
Expeviment 1S

lo Skud The Locaion And Fun thon of The Endotrine qlands

OAdyenal Gland
Lotation Caps on tbp ca df kidny
Funution-Advenal medulla secvetes advenaline and_ adrunal

tovtex sevttes LOYtison e

PanuY Cas
ulory glond h ahd.omen hehind the stomach
Locahon AcYoSsHhe oatk

Funchion - StLvebes insulin gluaganand somatosAain om beta,

Thyoid oland al pha and delta Lells Yespeckivly

LoLation- In fvont h utk just below h aryu
Funthon - Secxetes thyroxine and calutunin

Stoma uh mulosa Loc.aHon- Hangs rom the base He midbrain, below hypothalamus

Funtkion- Contvols prauicalluy all the othey endocrine glands and

Pancyeas Secxttes YDwHhoxmone, hyroid shmula tina hovavne and
Smal ivdestivne muosa
gonado bopic and adyundtoYticobropic hovm ones ham anteviov
Lobe and anti- Aiuvekia hormone an d oytocin fromm pas Leria
Ovavy in emale )

Tutu n male)

Adrenal gland
lo Skudy The Strutkure 0f The Male Repxoduchve Sustem

The male epocucdive SustemConsisb d

ignt kidn u Testes One paiy, to pradue SpamsS

The tesbes Lontains seminifexous tuoules, whih pxoduu
peYms and intersitial
cells whita pradue tistosterone
Spernm dmut Evas defexens)It joinsh urethra a t tha
bauk o Ha uxinary bladder

AcLessoxu glands Such as semina yessicles which_prodaute

aSecrchon foY branspoxt spem rostate gland wlaich
9oUYS alkaline Solution and the oullbo- uYethval gland
Urirary blad Aev
which SeYves M a Lubricaut
Openin bloddev and spevvn duet into uvtthYa Penis FOY tansfuin9 Sperms into me Vagina
rostate gland VYethra Contáined inside the penis
einol vLssicle
Sper dutt
Eperimnt H

Io Studu The Sbucure 0 The Female RepYoduchve Susbem

Ihe female 1epxoduchve sustena coMsists df

OA Paiv dovaAits
Uttine uning A pair oviduc ox H Falopian tuhe OY utexine tuts
whidh_ has a Punnel shaped 0pening Called Hhe oviduLaL
Fallopiondube Funne neay eaw LOYYES pondan gOVavy
UbYus-A hsllo pear- shaped musuular ovgan which has an
Funnel o wppex wider pordon
Oviducts tmat yeuievesHhe two oviduli aud a
sma lbwe cOnstridked povion Lallud the ceYvix
Vagina- A nmustular ube Om h twus o he oukside

Vulva - External female genitalia

CUitbris A smal evectile Hssuein the
front uvethral


Lgam ent

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