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Shilat ayash

I was asked to write about a place I volunteer at.

This year, because we are in the 10th grade, we must do "Mecuyavut aishit" ("personal
commitment"). We must contribute to the community in order to get committed hours that
will earn you a "Te'udat Bagrut" (matriculation certificate).

I am currently volunteering at "Nachshon" in "Bnei Akiva", which is actually the technical

team of the " Snife" (branch), we mostly do the "behind the scenes" stuff, such as going to
the "Malash" (meals for Shabbat Kodesh), cleaning the branch, and once a week, on
Saturday, our team meets, and holds a group to discuss on religious and social issues, what
can be improved and added, and how can we volunteer more.

For example, about one month ago we went with all the Nachshon teams in Israel to an olive
grove and prepared olive oil for those in need.

In addition, we also built things for the branch, such as a swing, sofas, a cooking pit, and
more, and now we are working hard on Shabbat Airgon!!

In conclusion, I really like volunteering there, I met a lot of both male and female friends,
and we have a lot of fun together.
take a stand!
Rakik Getahon

I was invited to the party when I came I saw everyone drinking alcohol , one of the kids told
me I would join them too I laughed and kept walking, he pulled my shirt and yelled"hey, I
was serious!", Everyone just looked at me and it seemed they were in favor of him... I don't
care for peer pressure, I simply answered that I don't drink and that will be the last time he
even touches me!, He of course said" you're not cool! "why can't you drink with us?" and I
answer him that after this party they will all realize that the one who's not cool is them! you
think that being drunk like that is cool?! it's really not! In the end you will get addicted to it
remember my word, I don't think they understood everything I saying because they were
!really drunk, but I tried

In conclusion, I think alcohol is a hazard for our health and I will never fall for peer pressure
.from that kind
Hello everyone my names shilat and today we'll talk about the, hunger games by the
amazing Susan colling

so I actually, do not have the book with me right now, but.. I do have some points and
..thoughts that I'd like to share with you all

The book is a host apocalyptic story set in what once was North America

The book's universe is in a parallel world, which is split up into twelve districts, and it is
ruled by a ruthless Capitol, as a punishment for once rebelling against the Capitol now,
every year, each district must send two kids (between the ages of 12 and 18) to compete in
.what is known as the "hunger games" and only one will survive

The story is following the events of the protagonist's character Katniss Everdeen, 16 years
old who lived her whole life on the Seam in District 12 where the primary industry is coal
mining. after her father died in the mines, she became the sole caretaker for her mother
and little sister, Prim. She is skilled with a bow and has managed to survive by hunting
.illegally outside the district fence

After seeing her sister Prim being chosen for the Hunger game, she just can't let it be so
…volunteering instead of her

I absolutely adored the Hunger games when I first read it in the 6th grade of elementary, but I wasn’t super into the movies, they weren’t really the best

When you gave us the assignment this book was the first on my mind, and I really did forget
just how good the books were. So, I was really excited to re-read this, especially because
.reading this in English, although it was frustrating, was also super fun

This is the kind of book you're just sucked into the world immediately, and I feel like I really
sympathize with Katniss, and now that I'm older I see Katniss in a much different light, and I
see her as somebody who is a survivor, and you may think that on the surface she doesn't
really care about anybody else, I think she actually has a lot of compassion for other

To conclude, I think, the Hunger Games was an extremely well-written book. Honestly, I
didn't even realize until I was several chapters into the book that it was written in the
.present tense

,It was very well done, and I thought it gave the story a greater sense of urgency

And I really felt like I was there with Katniss as she embarks on this fight for survival. I loved
!the characters. And I had such a great time reading it

Well, the last part is Author’s Purpose, so after short research I did, I found out that the
author, Suzanne Collins, "" wanted to show the negative things in today's society and
"" portray them all in this book

So im going to give this book 4 out of 4 starts. Must read.

⭐⭐⭐⭐Fantastic! You have to read it!!.

Book Talk

You will be giving a one-minute book talk. How? You will make a video of
yourself and send it to your teacher’s whatsapp. Book talks are like movie
trailers. Their purpose is to sell the book. Give enough plot information to make
us want to read the book.

1. Start with a hook.

2. Short Summary
 Name of the book, author and genre
 Give a brief summary of the plot without telling too much.
 No spoilers!
3. Additional Information-Give some additional information so your
audience can better understand your recommendation. Choose one of
the following:
 Favorite scene-Something that was really funny, moving, suspenseful
or exciting.
 Favorite character-Describe your favorite character using quotes,
thoughts, or their actions in the story.
 Author’s Purpose-Why do you think the author wrote the book? What’s
the theme and/or author’s message?
4. Rating-Tell us how you rated this book and why.

 ⭐ I didn’t like this book.

 ⭐⭐This book was okay.

 ⭐⭐⭐ This was a good book.

 ⭐⭐⭐⭐Fantastic! You have to read it!!

.Watch the clip to get some ideas on how to do a good book talk

Due date: Thursday, December 29th

Book Talk
__________________________________ Name
________________________________________ Name of Book

points 10 Title, Author, Genre

points 20 Hook

points 20 Short Summary

points 20 Additional

points 20 Rating

points 10 Speaking

_____________ Final Grade

Teacher’s Comments

Book Talk
__________________________________ Name
________________________________________ Name of Book
points 10 Title, Author, Genre

points 20 Hook

points 20 Short Summary

points 20 Additional

points 20 Rating

points 10 Speaking

_____________ Final Grade

Teacher’s Comments

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