Individual Assignment Food Safety25

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Samara university

College Of Dray Land Agriculture Department Of Horticulture

Indvidual Assignment

Course Title;Food Safety And Proceessing Of Horticultural Crop

Course Code ; HORT482

Instructor Name ; Melese E..MSC

Student Name ID

Dereje Erkihun 1302291

submission date April 7,2016

1. Food safety versus food suitability; give a brief discussion for both.?

Food safety: Assurance that food will not cause adverse health effects to the consumer when it
is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use.but

Food suitability; assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption according to its
intended use. Primary production - those steps in the food chain up to and including, for
example, harvesting, slaughter, milking, fishing.

2. List and discuss the classification of quality attributes of fresh fruits and vegetables according
to the occurrence of product characteristics when they are encountered or consumed.?

1.Intrinsic Attributes: Intrinsic attributes refer to the inherent characteristics of fresh fruits and
vegetables that are present at the time of purchase or consumption. These attributes include:
- Appearance: This includes factors such as color, shape, size, and surface blemishes.
Consumers often use visual cues to assess the freshness and ripeness of fruits and vegetables.
- Texture: Texture refers to the firmness, crispness, juiciness, and tenderness of the product.
The texture can influence the overall eating experience and consumer acceptance.
- Flavor: Flavor is a combination of taste and aroma perceived when consuming fruits and
vegetables. It includes sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and other taste sensations.
- Nutritional Content: Nutritional attributes such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and
antioxidants are important indicators of the health benefits of fresh produce.
2. Extrinsic Attributes: Extrinsic attributes are external factors that can affect the quality of
fresh fruits and vegetables during handling, storage, and transportation. These attributes include:
- Packaging: Packaging plays a crucial role in protecting fresh produce from physical damage,
moisture loss, and contamination. Proper packaging can help extend the shelf life and maintain
product quality.
Temperature: Temperature control is essential to prevent post-harvest losses and maintain the
freshness of fruits and vegetables. Cold storage or refrigeration helps slow down the ripening
process and preserve quality.

Handling Practices: Proper handling practices, such as gentle harvesting, sorting, washing, and
storage, are important to prevent bruising, microbial contamination, and other quality defects.
3. Contextual Attributes: Contextual attributes refer to factors that influence consumer
perception and satisfaction with fresh fruits and vegetables. These attributes include:
- Origin: Consumers may prefer locally grown or organic produce due to perceived freshness,
sustainability, and health benefits.
- Brand Reputation: Brand reputation and labeling information can influence consumer trust
and willingness to purchase certain fruits and vegetables.
- Price: Price is an important factor that can affect consumer choices and perceptions of
quality. Higher prices may be associated with premium quality or specialty varieties.
3.What is Preservation of horticultural produces and why is food preserved? briefly explain.
Preservation - “the techniques of extending the storage life of the produce without deteriorating
its edible quality for further use”. Horticultural produce is biological entity with various
physiological activities like transpiration and respiration continuing even after harvesting.This
process leads to the bio-chemical breakdown and cause spoilage of the produce.Spoilage is
initiated by enzymes present inside produce,involvement of microorganism,infestation of insect-
pest and invasion of pathogens. By taking care of these factors, food products can be stored for
Food preservation can be defined as the process in which we treat and handle the food to slow or stop the
spoilage, its loss of nutritional value, quantity, and edibility of food items. Food preservation allows us to
store food for a longer time. Preservation usually involves the prevention of the growth of fungi (such as
yeasts), bacteria, and other microorganisms. This food preservation is used for various food products such
as fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish by applying methods of salting, drying, etc.

Importance of Food Preservation

There is numerous importance of food preservation few of them are:
It increases the food shelf life
It allows us to taste a variety of food products in any season and in any area
It reduced the wastage of food items.
In food preservation, there is no change in the taste, color, and nutritional value of food.

Objectives of Food Preservation

 To prevent the growth of micro-organisms.

 To minimize the spoilage of food items.
 To protect the taste, color, and nutritional value of food products.
4.Mention main sources of soil-associated contamination with prior use of land
Among the most common causes of soil contamination caused by human activity, the FAO
highlights industry, mining, military activities, waste — which includes technological waste —
and wastewater management, farming, stock breeding the building of urban and transport

5.What are the two treatments that may be used for the reduction of pathogen loads in organic
materials and briefly explain them?
Two common treatments used for the reduction of pathogen loads in organic materials are
composting and solarization:
1. Composting: Composting is a natural process that involves the decomposition of organic
materials, such as manure, food scraps, and yard waste, into a nutrient-rich soil amendment
known as compost. During the composting process, microorganisms break down organic matter,
generating heat that can reach temperatures high enough to kill pathogens, weed seeds, and other
harmful organisms. Properly managed composting, which includes maintaining the right balance
of carbon and nitrogen, adequate moisture levels, and regular turning of the pile to aerate it, can
effectively reduce pathogen loads in organic materials.
2. Solarization: Solarization is a technique that uses solar energy to heat and sterilize soil or
organic materials to eliminate pathogens, pests, and weed seeds. This method involves covering
the soil or organic material with a transparent plastic sheet to trap sunlight and raise the
temperature of the top layer of soil. The heat generated under the plastic sheet can reach levels
high enough to kill pathogens and other harmful organisms present in the organic material.
Solarization is particularly effective in warm and sunny climates and can be used to treat.soil.

6.How organic fertilizers are contaminate/affect the fresh produces?

1.Microbial Contamination: Organic fertilizers, especially those derived from animal manure,
can contain harmful bacteria, such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria. If fresh produce comes
into contact with contaminated organic fertilizers during application or irrigation, these
pathogens can transfer to the plants and cause foodborne illnesses when consumed.
2. Chemical Residues: Some organic fertilizers may contain chemical residues from pesticides,
herbicides, or other contaminants that were present in the original material. These residues can
accumulate in the soil and be taken up by plants, leading to potential contamination of fresh
produce with harmful chemicals.
3. Heavy Metals: Organic fertilizers derived from industrial byproducts or contaminated sources
may contain heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, and mercury. When applied to soil, these
heavy metals can accumulate in plants and contaminate fresh produce, posing health risks to co.
4.Nitrate Accumulation: Organic fertilizers rich in nitrogen, such as manure or compost, can
contribute to high levels of nitrates in the soil. Excessive nitrate accumulation in plants,
particularly leafy greens and root vegetables, can lead to nitrate toxicity in humans if consumed
7.Organic fertilizers contamination vs inorganic fertilizer contamination.?
Inorganic fertilizers can lead to nutrient imbalances, groundwater contamination, and greenhouse
gas emissions. but, organic fertilizers contribute to improved soil health, reduced nutrient
leaching, and minimized environmental pollution.

8.Write the basic step-approach of integrated pest management (IPM) which is an effective and
environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-
sense practices.
1.Identification of Pests: The first step in IPM is to accurately identify the pests present in the
area. This includes determining the type of pest, the extent of the infestation, and any conditions
that may be contributing to the pest problem.
2. Monitoring and Assessment: Regular monitoring of pest populations and their impact on the
environment is crucial in IPM. This involves tracking pest activity, assessing damage levels, and
identifying factors that may be contributing to pest outbreaks.
3. Setting Action Thresholds: Action thresholds are predetermined levels of pest activity that
indicate when control measures should be implemented. By setting action thresholds, you can
determine when and how to intervene to prevent pests from causing significant damage.
4. Prevention: The primary focus of IPM is on preventing pest problems before they occur. This
can be achieved through practices such as proper sanitation, exclusion techniques, and
maintaining a healthy environment that is less hospitable to pests.
5. Control Strategies: When pest populations exceed action thresholds, control measures may
be necessary. In IPM, control strategies prioritize the use of non-chemical methods such as
biological controls, cultural practices, mechanical controls, and physical barriers.
6. Evaluation: After implementing control measures, it is important to evaluate their
effectiveness. Monitoring pest populations and assessing damage levels will help determine if
further action is needed or if adjustments to the IPM plan are required.
7. Record Keeping: Keeping detailed records of pest monitoring, control measures
implemented, and their outcomes is essential for successful IPM implementation.

9.How can internal and hidden quality attributes affect consumer's repurchasing decision of
internal and hidden quality attributes play a critical role in shaping consumer perceptions,
satisfaction, and repurchasing decisions. By focusing on these attributes and ensuring that
products meet or exceed consumer expectations in terms of performance, safety, durability,
perceived quality, sensory appeal, innovation, and customer experience,
10 .List and discuss Key areas of consideration for Proper worker hygiene.
Hand Hygiene: Proper hand hygiene is crucial to prevent the spread of germs and reduce the
risk of contamination. Workers should wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at
least 20 seconds, especially before handling food, after using the restroom, and after touching
potentially contaminated surfaces.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Depending on the nature of the work, employees may
need to wear PPE such as gloves, masks, goggles, or aprons to protect themselves and others
from exposure to hazards or contaminants.
1.Uniform and Work wear: Clean and appropriate work wear, including uniforms, lab coats,
or protective clothing, can help prevent cross-contamination and maintain a professional appeara.

4. Hair and Nail Care: Workers should keep their hair tied back or covered to prevent it from
coming into contact with surfaces or products. Employees with long hair should use hair ties or
caps to secure their hair. Additionally, maintaining clean and trimmed nails can help prevent the
accumulation of dirt and bacteria.
5. Respiratory Hygiene: In environments where respiratory hygiene is important, such as
healthcare settings or during outbreaks of infectious diseases, workers should follow proper
respiratory etiquette.
4.Food Handling Hygiene: For workers in the food industry, proper food handling hygiene is
critical to prevent foodborne illnesses. This includes washing hands before and after handling
food, using separate cutting boards for raw and cooked foods, storing food at the correct
temperature, and avoiding cross-contamination.
7. Cleaning and Sanitization: Maintaining a clean and sanitized work environment is essential
for proper hygiene. Workers should be trained on cleaning procedures, including the use of
disinfectants and sanitizers, to ensure that surfaces, equipment, and tools are free from harmful
bacteria and contaminants.
8. Health Monitoring: Employers may implement health monitoring programs to assess
workers' health status and detect any signs of illness or infection. This can include temperature
checks, symptom screenings, and vaccination programs to protect workers and prevent the
spread of diseases.
9. Training and Education: Providing workers with training on proper hygiene practices,
including hand washing techniques, PPE usage, and sanitation protocols, is crucial for promoting
a culture of hygiene in the workplace.
10. Compliance with Regulations: It is important for employers to comply with relevant health
and safety regulations, guidelines, and industry standards related to worker hygiene. By
following regulatory requirements and best practices, businesses can create a safe and healthy
work environment for their employees.
11. What are the basic objectives of packaging of produces?
the basic objectives of packaging produce include protecting, preserving, containing, identifying,
branding, marketing, facilitating transportation, ensuring regulatory compliance, and reducing
waste. By addressing these objectives through effective packaging strategies and materials,
producers, distributors, retailers, and consumers can benefit from improved product quality,
safety, sustainability, and market performance.
12 What are the considerations should be borne in mind when selecting a sanitizer for certain
food contact surfaces?
Effectiveness: The primary consideration when selecting a sanitizer is its effectiveness in killing
or reducing harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, on food contact
Safety: Ensure that the sanitizer is safe for use on food contact surfaces and will not leave
harmful residues or pose a risk to consumers if ingested or come into contact with food.
.Compatibility: Consider the compatibility of the sanitizer with different types of food contact
surfaces, such as stainless steel, plastic, glass, and rubber.
Residual Activity:Some sanitizers have residual antimicrobial activity that continues to protect
surfaces after application, providing extended protection against contamination.
Environmental Impact: Select sanitizers that are environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and
sustainable to minimize the impact on the environment.

13 Grading vs inspection; give a brief discussion!

- Inspection involves the examination of food products, facilities, and processes to ensure
compliance with regulatory standards and requirements.
- Inspections are typically conducted by government agencies, such as the FDA (Food and Drug
Administration) or USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), as well as local health de
- Inspections focus on verifying that food establishments are following proper sanitation
practices, handling food safely, and meeting hygiene standards to prevent foodborne illnesses.
- Inspectors may issue citations or take enforcement actions if violations are found during inspec.
Grading:Grading, on the other hand, is a voluntary process that assesses the quality and
characteristics of food products based on specific criteria, such as appearance, texture, flavor,
and overall marketability.
Grading is often conducted by third-party organizations, such as the USDA Agricultural
Marketing Service, to provide an objective evaluation of food products for buyers and sellers in .
- Grading is commonly used for fresh produce, meat, poultry, dairy products, and other
agricultural commodities to determine their quality and value.
- Grading can help consumers make informed purchasing decisions and ensure consistency in
product quality across different brands and suppliers.

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