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1 false: After a review into servicies for children with speech problems, led by the Tory MP
John Bercow, an ambitious nationwide programme for two-year-olds is being considered to
tackle the problem which, experts say, is now more prevalent than dyslexia or autism.
2 False: Tests could be carried out by health visitors similar to those used to check eyesight,
hearing and general development.
3 True: The decline of the traditional family meal time, the long-hours culture in the parents'
workplaces, poor childcare with little stimulation and social deprivation are also being
4 True: Mr Bercow has said that speech and language problems have simply been under-
recognised for too long.

1. Elementary: basic
2. To deal with or try to solve: is being considered to tackle the problem
3. Common: is now more prevalent than dyslexia or autism
4. Most important, highest: television was a very important factor in delaying speech

nod your head
bite your nails
shake hands
blow your nose

Doctor: Good morning. What can I do for you?
Patient: __ Good morning, doctor I don´t feel well..
Doctor: _ What´s the matter ?
Patient: Well, my stomach hurts and I feel hot.
Doctor: Have you got temperature ?
Patient: Yes, I took it this morning and it was 37.5º
Doctor: Please lie down and let me check your stomach.
Patient: Ow! That´s where it hurts.
Doctor: I think you might have appendicitis. You should go straight to hospital.
Patient: Can I drink anything?
Doctor: No, you mustn´t have any food or drink until you have been to the hospital.
Patient: Alright. Thank you very much

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