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eee eNOS SEIT ESET EEE EESTI MMA A RAN-4434 LL.B. (Sem. V) Examination November / December - 2019 Legal Language (English) Time: 3 Hours | { Total Marks: 70 ‘4A: / Instructions @ Ala caliare Randall Bard Grad aaa awed. Fill up strictly the details of « signs on your answer book Name ofthe Examination: = |LL.B. (Sem. V) Name ofthe Subject: «= |Legal Language (English) subject Cove No: [4 JL [3 IL Seat No.: ‘Student's Signature (2) Figures to right indicate marks. (3) Write proper question number against your answer. Q.1 Write any one Essay from the following. (10) a) Child Labour b) Human Rights c) Right to Education d) Uniform Civil Code e) Rule of Law RAN-4434 | fay [PT.O.] SE EE SS SS SEES ES EEE ESE EEE EES EEE EEE ESET EEESL Q.2 Explain any Four terms from the following. (10) a) Abetment b) Consideration ©) Non Cognizable offence d) Motive e) Homicide f) Damages g) Amicus Curiae h) Pro Bono Publico Q.3 Explain any two Maxims from the following. (ao) Delegatus non protest Delegare Ex dolo malo non oritur action Ignoratia juris non excusat, ignoratia facit excusat Res ipsa loquitur veer Qui facit per alium facit per se Q.4 Read the following Pa The most important role of a Governor is to advise his ministers and to wam them of the possible consequences of any policy they may wish to initiate or any legislative measure they may decide to place on the statute book. In order to carry out this duty properly the Governor, even though he belong to a party, must look upon himself as above parties and as a representative of all sections of the state. For this purpose, it is equally necessary that the ministers must be in constant contact with him, and must place all the relevant material and information before him. so that he is kept in a position to offer proper advice. The Governor must not be looked upon as being apart and aloof, sitting in isolated glory in Raj Bhavan, and only required to put his signature on various documents which the constitution requires should bear his signature, or for the purpose of perusing flies dealing with matters which have already been disposed of and which are of no interest to anyone except to history. - M.C. Chagla “Roses In December’* and answer the questions given below: (10) RAN-4434 ] [2] [ Contd. Questions’. 1. According to author what is the most important role of the Governor? 2. How the Governor should impart his duties? What role the ministers should play for the smooth functioning of the govt.? 4. What are the myths attached with the designated post of Governor? Give suitable title to the Para. Q.5 Translate Para given under Q.4 either in to Gujrati or Hindi (10) OR Make Precise writing of the Para given under Q.4 and reduce to 1/3 without losing substance. Q. 6 Draft any 2 from the following. 20) 1. Draft a Complaint U/S 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. 2. Draft a Divorce Deed assuming necessary facts. 3. Draft an adoption Deed, for taking child in adoption from the family relations. 4. Draft a Bail Application U/S 439 of CrP.C. RAN-4434 ] [3] [1430]

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