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ce s9-ane-9 ‘ha, owen (MN Cause No. CC-19-02768-D JERRY 8, STOCKTON, Plaintiff, IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW § 5 5 v 5 § cOURTNO.4 SUN HOLDINGS, INC; POP RESTAURANTS, § LLC; POP INVESTMENTS, LP; DFW POP 5 RESTAURANTS, LLC; OKLAHOMA POP 5 RESTAURANTS, LLC; TULSA POP, LLC; 5 FLORIDA POP, LIC; SOONER RESTAURANT § MANAGEMENT, LLC; and GUILLERMO 5 PERALES, individually, 5 Defendants 5 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS JURY TRIAL DEMANDED FINALJUDGMENT On February 6, 2024, this case was called for tial. Plaintiff Jerry S. Stockton (“Stockton”) appeared in person and by and through his counsel of record and announced ready for trial. Defendant Guillermo Perales, individually, appeared in person and by and through his counsel of record and announced ready for tral. Defendants Sun Holdings, Inc., Pop Restaurants, LLC, Pop Investments, LP, DEW Pop Restaurants, LLC, Oklahoma Pop Restaurants, LLC, Tulsa Pop, LLC, Florida Pop, LLC, and Sooner Restaurant Management, LLC (together with Defendant Perales, the “Defendants”) appeared by and through their counsel of record and announced ready for trial. After a jury was impaneled and sworn, it heard the evidence and arguments of counsel. In response to the jury charge, the jury made findings that the Court received, filed, and entered of record. ‘The Charge of the Court and the verdict of the jury are attached as ExhibitA and are incorporated by reference for all purposes. Pursuant to the Court's February 2, 2024 Order for a bifurcated trial on exemplary damages, and in accordance with the findings of the jury, che jury, still sworn, heard the evidence and arguments of counsel regarding exemplary damages. In response to the jury charge on exemplary damages, the jury made findings that the Court received, filed, and entered of record. The Charge of the Court and the verdict of the jury on exemplary damages are attached as Exhibit B and are incorporated by reference for all purposes. ‘The Court has determined that Judgment should be rendered in favor of Stockton and against Defendants on the terms stated herein. Ivis, therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that: 1. Stockton shall have and recover actual damages from Defendants, jointly and severally, in the amount of $15,618,873.47. 2. Stockton shall have and recover exemplary damages from each Defendant in the following amounts a. Guillermo Perales ‘$12,000,000 b, Sun Holdings, Inc. $2,000,000 . Pop Restaurants, LLC. ‘$100,000 d. Pop Investments, LP $500,000 ¢. DFW Pop Restaurants, LLC ‘$100,000 £ Oklahoma Pop Restaurants, LLC $100,000 Tulsa Pop, LLC $100,000 h. Florida Pop, LLC $100,000 Sooner Restaurant Managemen LLC $100,000 Stockton shall have and recover pre-judgment interest against Defendants, jointly and. severally, ata rate of 8.5%, simple interest, from May 8, 2019 through March 17, 2024, in the amount of $6,459,791.52, and in the amount of $3,637.27 per day thereafter ‘until the day before this judgment is signed. Stockton shall have and recover taxable const costs under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 131 from Defendants, jointly and severally, in the amount taxed by the Clerk. ‘Stockton shall have and recover post-judgment interest on all amounts awarded herein Gncluding actual damages, exemplary damages, prejudgment interest, and costs) at the rate of 8.5%, compounded annually, from the date this judgment is signed until it is paid in full ‘The Court DENIES all relief sought by Defendants and ORDERS that Defendants TAKE NOTHING from this action. ‘This judgment disposes of all claims and all partes, is final, and is appealable. All relief not expressly granted herein is denied. All writs and processes necessary ot appropriate for the enforcement or collection of this judgment sine tis heA ey ot A O a EXHIBIT A

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