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Fouzia Salahuddin Ahmed though i don't have a background in art

Prof. Mehwish Abid CND the course has given adequate context
106-SI through the slides and videos that along
with the readings i feel like i have grasp
Reflective Analysis on "Forms of on the particular topic.
So far, the assignments given to
Inquiry" Course
us have been very unique for me. The
workshop/presentation really had
The forms of inquiry course has a collaboration at its core, and I learned a
very dense and comprehensive syllabus lot from the experience. In order to
that covers a huge amount of conduct the workshop about the
information. I appreciated that the reading I had to understand the text and
modules are clearly defined and distinct read more closely than I usually would. I
from each other, that makes it more also feel like that particular reading (The
approachable. The syllabus can Big Picture) will help me in the future
sometimes feel too dense and too even outside the course or just writing
expansive for me, but that's only about art. Keeping a journal for the class
because I am taking the course as an has been very unusual for me but having
elective, the course load can feel like a my notes in the journal throughout the
lot to keep track of at times but I think It weeks has really helped me remember
is incredible that we can learn so much
in just a 15 week course. I think forms of
inquiry is one of the courses where I can
say I feel like I actually learned
something i.e. art history, analysis,

the syllabus from one week to another lectures and workshops in sequential
and create a database I can refer back to. order and kept it consistent.
I feel that there is a lot more I could do if The texts presented in the course
I could take these notes digitally, e.g. I were always unique and interesting to
could have a direct link or write notes read, from my SDP background reading
from screenshots of actual paintings, the manifestos that started particular
but the journal has been great so far to art movements was fascinating and I
keep track of everything. I am a very
could better understand that particular
straightforward person and so is my
framework when the manifesto clearly
note-taking, it's very to the point with defined its objectives and gave me the
only a heading or two to distinguish the necessary context. But other readings
text, I'm not sure how that will reflect in like the paper by Stoyan was very dense
the grade I'll eventually get for the and difficult to understand, the lecture
journal/zine assignment but that's the
was very helpful for that module. The
way the journal works for me, adding a
readings for Bauhaus were again difficult
lot of different colors and headings and
for me to understand but the ones for
inserts would only distract me and keep
futurism were very interesting. All in all,
me from actually making notes. i think all the readings gave me a good
However I do think that as per the rubric base to start from and the lectures
of the assignment I have kept it would fill in any of the holes.
organized with notes on all readings,
In terms of the skills I've
context for all kinds of art i see etc. The
developed thanks to the forms of
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
inquiry course I've gained a lot of
mentions that it should help Identify the knowledge and information about art
complex interchanges between and art history that I can apply to the
artworks and their art I see all around me all the time. Its
historical/geographical contexts, even helped me with analysis and
introduced a lot of different
frameworks I could employ moving
forward. In terms of challenges I've
faced, this course has been very far
outside my comfort zone in every way
but it's also teaching me to do things
differently than I usually would.

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