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Joel Biju

Lia Haddadian


15 January 2024

Assignment 1

Survey Results:

1. My honest self- assessment on my ability to succeed in an online course is that I

have the potential to do very well. In the past I have taken numerous online

courses and achieved outstanding grades. Having past experience in online

courses, I also know about certain hindrances that can hold me back.

Procrastination is one bad habit that I always seem to face. Having faced this

issue so many times in the past, I also know some ways to counter this problem.

One way is to set strict schedules that I force myself to follow. This way I give

myself no other option other than to focus on the course. Another issue I face that

also contributes to the procrastination problem is how easily I get distracted. The

smallest events or activities demand my attention which can lead to straying away

from the course. To remedy this, I usually have to isolate myself in a library or

someplace with limited technology. Although these issues could give me a little

trouble, ultimately I have enough experience to know what to do in different

situations and stay on track with my online courses. I am determined to work my

hardest and come out of the course with the best grade I can which is why I will

succeed in the online course.

2. -First step in the action plan is to establish the ideal learning environment. The

best places for me are quiet places with limited distractions. I usually do well in

libraries but if that is not possible, the guest room in our house is also an ideal

environment with minimal distractions.

- I should also ensure my computer is up to date and make sure I have a secure

and consistent connection to the internet. I use both a desktop and laptop so I

should make sure both of them work properly In order to complete tasks on time.

- Next I would set a strict schedule that would help me stay on track and complete

assignments on time. I have in person courses on Mondays and Wednesdays, so

these days I would devote myself to completing assignments for these courses.

This means I can set times on Tuesdays and Thursdays to complete assignments

for my online courses.

- Then, reaching out to peers is an important step to ensure success in an online

course. People with similar goals enable each other to stay on track. Peers are also

a great source of help if you are ever confused.

- Establishing a consistent communication method with the instructor is also

helpful in course completion. Figuring out the best way to contact the instructor is

always helpful to reach them faster and communicate efficiently.

- I also want to find a better way to divide tasks. Sometimes when I focus on a

large assignment or project, I get stressed out looking at a whole thing. I plan to

divide large tasks to complete them one step at a time.

- Another important step in course success is self care. Having the right amount of

sleep and eating healthy may not sound cliche but, for a college student it is very

relevant. I need to ensure I am properly self-caring myself in order to take courses


- Finally I should show interest in any subject I am learning. I find that actively

showing interest in anything I am learning helps me understand it better rather

than showing disinterest. This also helps me reduce distractions and stay on track


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