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I. Find at least TWO words which have the final consonant clusters as follows.
a) Nasal + stop – E.g: camp, .. etc
b) Nasal + fricative –
c) Stop + stop –
d) Stop + nasal –
e) Stop + lateral –
f) Nasal + affricate –
g) Fricative + stop –
h) Lateral + fricative –
II. Choose which consonant cluster of the four given does NOT form a real word.
Ex: _____am --> dr (tr, sl, dr, tr)

III. How many final consonant sounds (1, 2, 3 or 4) do the words in the box have when
they are spoken slowly and carefully? Write the words in the appropriate row.
accents against aspects attempts axe catch contexts diamonds ears
earth grasped laughed ledge next risked sculpts stamps tempts touched

1 final consonant sound

2 final consonant sounds
3 final consonant sounds accents,
4 final consonant sounds

IV. Underline the MEDIAL consonant clusters in the text below:

V. Solve the crossword.

VI. Choose the ODD ONE OUT consonant clusters.

1. limp – temp – camp – lymph
2. homes – storms – stops – times
3. kings – lungs – thinks – tongues
4. limped – camped – stamped – glimpse
5. words - forced – divorced – burst
6. managed – arranged – paged - rouged
7. bathed – breathed – clothed – earthed
8. sniffed – ploughed – coughed – cuffed
9. jungle – uncle – ankle – twinkle
10. rinse – since – lens – wince

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