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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


MFG 0424.1-1

A Reflection Paper Presented

to The Undergraduate Program
College of Engineering
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree BS Manufacturing Engineering


VARGAS, Shane Isaac

Submitted to
Engr. Rene D. Olamit, REE, MSMEng

23 April 2024
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

The series of Arduino-based tutorials constituted a comprehensive

introduction to embedded systems within the realm of mechatronics, blending
mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering principles in practical, hands-on
applications. Reflecting on these experiments, it becomes apparent how crucial
such integrative technical education is to fostering adept future engineers capable
of navigating and innovating in a technology-driven world.One of the key aspects
of Arduino that I found intriguing is its accessibility. The Arduino ecosystem
includes a wide range of boards, shields, sensors, and actuators that can be easily
connected and programmed using a simple integrated development environment
(IDE). This accessibility lowers the barrier to entry for beginners and enthusiasts
alike, allowing anyone with an interest in electronics to start experimenting and
creating projects without extensive prior knowledge.

One of the most significant reflections from conducting these tutorials is

the observation of student engagement and development. Initially, many students
displayed basic or no prior knowledge of Arduino and its capabilities. However,
as the tutorials progressed, there was a visible increase in confidence and
competence. This was particularly evident in Tutorial 2, where students first
tackled the task of wiring an LED array. The excitement and satisfaction that
came from successfully lighting up an LED using Arduino code were palpable
and served as a motivational boost for many students.

This engagement was further enhanced by the project-based learning

approach adopted in the tutorials. For instance, in Tutorial 4’s LED game,
students not only learned to manage digital input and output but also engaged in
critical thinking about user interaction and game design. This practical application
of knowledge, combined with a bit of creativity, helped students to see beyond the
circuit boards and understand the potential of embedded systems in everyday

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

Throughout the tutorials, students encountered various challenges ranging

from troubleshooting hardware connections to debugging software code. One
common issue was in Tutorial 6, where students had to ensure precise timing to
generate correct sound frequencies using a buzzer. Many initially struggled with
the syntax and logic of the code but eventually overcame these hurdles through
trial and error and peer collaboration.

This iterative problem-solving process was crucial in teaching students

resilience and persistence in the face of engineering challenges. It also highlighted
the importance of attention to detail and the often underappreciated aspect of
testing and iterative design in engineering disciplines. Students learned not only
to apply theoretical knowledge but also to adapt and refine their approaches based
on real-world feedback from their circuits and programs.

A key takeaway from these experiments was the effective integration of

theoretical knowledge with practical application. The tutorials were structured in
such a way that each built upon the last, gradually increasing in complexity and
requiring students to apply all they had learned previously. For instance, the
concepts of voltage division taught in Tutorial 5 were crucial for understanding
how to manipulate and measure analog signals in real-time applications.

Moreover, the reflection discussions held after each tutorial provided

students with the opportunity to verbalize their understanding and to link practical
results back to theoretical foundations. These discussions were invaluable for
reinforcing learning and ensuring that students could articulate what they had
done and why it mattered.

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

Reflecting on the entirety of the Arduino-based laboratory experiments,

the success of these tutorials can be attributed to their ability to blend detailed
technical education with engaging, hands-on projects that mirror real-world
engineering tasks. Students not only learned the mechanics of programming and
electronics but also appreciated the broader implications of their work in terms of
potential applications in automation, robotics, and beyond.

In conclusion, this educational journey through Arduino-based tutorials

not only met the intended educational objectives but also ignited a passion for
learning and innovation among the students. It equipped them with a toolkit of
skills and knowledge applicable in numerous facets of technology and
engineering, laying a solid foundation for their future careers. This reflection not
only underscores the successes but also serves as a guide for future
improvements, ensuring that the curriculum remains relevant and impactful in the
fast-evolving field of technology and engineering education.

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