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Advent Of
European Modern History
Top MCQs Theory
• Vasco-da-Gama – Calicut (1498)
• French 1 st Factory – Surat
• First Ambassador Of EIC – Hawkins
• Dutch 1st Fact – Masulipatnam
• Printing Press In IND – Portuguese

•Vasco-da-Gama reached the port of Calicut in 1498 during the reign

of King Zamorin (Hindu ruler of Calicut).

•Settlements Daman, Salsette, Chaul, and Bombay (West coast), San

Thome (near Madras) and at Hooghly.

•Alfonso de Albuquerque, the second Governor of India (first being

Fransisco de Almeida) arrived in 1509 and captured Goa in AD 1510.
• Dutch East India Company was formed in AD 1602.

• Dutch were defeated by English at the Battle of Bedara in AD 1759 and as per
the agreement, the Dutch gained the control over Indonesia and the British over
India, Sri Lanka and Malaya.

• Settlements They set-up their first factory at Masulipatnam in 1605. Their other
factories were at Pulicat, Chinsura, Patna, Balasore, Naga pattanam, Cochin,
Surat, Karikal, and Kasimbazar

• The Danish East India Company was formed in 1616.

• The Danish colony 'Tranquebar' was established on Southern Coromandel coast

of India.

• Settlements Serampur (Bengal) and Tranquebar (Tamil Nadu) sold their

settlements to the English in 1845.

• The French East India Company was formed by Colbert under state patronage
in 1664.

• The First French factory was established at Surat by Francois Caron in 1668. A
factory at Masulipatnam was set-up in 1669.

• French were defeated by English in Battle of Wandiwash (1760).


• The English East India Company was formed in 1599 under a charter granted
by Queen Elizabeth in 1600.

• Jahangir granted a farman to Captain William Hawkins permitting the English

to erect a factory at Surat (1613).

• In 1615, Sir Thomas Roe succeeded in getting an Imperial farman to trade and
establish the factory in all parts of the Mughal Empire by ruler Jahangir.
• In 1717, John Surman obtained a farman from Farrukhsiyar, which gave large
concessions to the company.
• This Farman has been called the Magna Carta of the Company.

• Battle of Plassey (1757) English defeated Sirajuddaula, the Nawab of Bengal.

• Battle of Buxar (1764) Captain Munro defeated joint forces of Mir Qasim
(Bengal), Shujauddaula (Awadh) and Shah Alam II (Mughal).
वास्को-डि-गामा भारत के पश्चिमी तट में कालीकट कब पहुंिा?
When did Vasco-da-Gama reach Calicut in the Western coast of India?
A. 1489
B. 1498
C. 1398
D. 1589 The Portuguese were the first to discover
a direct sea route to India. It was on May
20, 1498, that Portuguese sailor, Vasco da
Gama arrived at Calicut.
Ans :B

कालीकट में वास्को-डि-गामा का स्वागत ककस भारतीय शासक ने ककया था?
Vasco-Da-Gama was welcomed in Calicut by which Indian ruler?
A: Zamorin
B: Chandragupta
C: Kanishka
D: Alauddin Khalji
King Zamorin, the local ruler welcomed him and
gave him a lot of higher privileges.
On 27th May 1498, a Portuguese sailor, Vasco da
Gama crossed the Cape of Good Hope and reached
Calicut in India. He was given a warm reception by
Ans :A the Hindu ruler, King Zamorin of Calicut.

हगली को बुंगाल की खाडी में समद्री िकैती के ललए ठिकाने के रूप में ककसने
इस्तेमाल ककया?
Who used Hooghly as a base for piracy in the Bay of Bengal ? [Bihar PCS
(a) The Dutch
(b) The French
(c) The Portuguese
(d) The British
Hooghly was used as a base for piracy
in the Bay of Bengal by the
Ans :C


भारत के पहले पततगाली गवनतर कौन थे??

Who was the first Portuguese Governor of India?
A: Robert Clive
B: Munro
C: F.D Alamida
D: MintoWhich In 1505 CE, Francisco de Almeida was sent to India
as the first governor of Portuguese possesions in

Ans :C


भारत के दमन और दीव द्वीप पर ककस पततगाली गवनतर ने अरबों

और लमलियों को हराया?
Which Portuguese Governor defeated Arabs and Egyptians at
Daman and Due island of India?
A: F.D Almaida
B: Clive
C: Lord Hesting
D: Adam Fransisco
Ans :A

भारत में प्रुंठटुंग रेस लाने वाला पहला यरू ोपीय देश कौन सा था??
Which European nation was first in bringing printing press to India?
[Odisha PCS 2018]
(a) England The Portuguese were the first Europeans,
(b) France who brought a printing press to India.
(c) Portugal Portugal was the European nation to
(d) Holland bring printing press-to India. The art of
printing entered India through Goa in
Ans :C


उस व्यश्तत का नाम श्िसने भारत में पततगाललयों की नीुंव रखी??

Name of the person who laid foundation for Portuguese in India?
A: Albuquerque
B: F.D Almaida
C: Lord Minto
D: R.s Ridique Alfonso de Albuquerque laid the foundation of
Portuguese power in India.
He defeated King Zamorin and conquered Calicut.
He captured Goa from the Sultan of Bijapur.
He was credited with being the real founder of
Ans :A Portuguese power in India


ककस वर्त पततगाललयों ने गोवा पर कब्िा ककया था??

In which year Portuguese captured Goa?
A: 1560
B: 1510
C: 1540
D: 1522 The Portuguese conquest of Goa
occurred when the governor Afonso de
Albuquerque captured the city in 1510
Ans :B from Adil Shahis.


भारत में व्यापार के ललए पततगाललयों का मख्यालय कहााँ श्स्थत था??

The H.Q of Portuguese in India for trade was located at?
A: Mumbai
B: Delhi
C: Goa
D: Daman & Diu
Goa subsequently became the headquarters of
the Portuguese settlements in India. Portuguese
hold over the coastal areas and superiority in
naval power helped them significantly.
Ans :C


भारत में िि ईस्ट इुंडिया कुंपनी की स्थापना ककस वर्त हई थी??

In which year the Dutch East India Company established in India?
A: 1600
B: 1602
C: 1602
D: 1608
In India, they established the first factory in
Masulipattanam in 1605, followed by Pulicat in
1610, Surat in 1616, Bimilipatam in 1641 and
Chinsura in 1653.
Ans :B In Bengal, they established a factory in Pipli, but
it was abandoned later.
Pulicat was the first headquarters of Dutch in

भारत में िि ईस्ट इुंडिया कुंपनी का पहला व्यापाररक केंद्र ककस स्थान पर स्थाप्पत
ककया गया था?
The first trading center of Dutch East India Company in India was
established at which place?
A: Chennai
B: Goo
C: Machilipatnam
D: Surat The Dutch founded their first factory in
Masaulipatam in Andhra Pradesh in 1605.
Subsequently they also established trading
centres in various parts of India.
Ans :C


भारत में फ्ाुंसीसी मख्यालय ककस शहर में श्स्थत था?

The French head quarter in India was situated in which city?
A: Chandigarh
B: Bombay In February, 1701, Pondicherry was made
C: Pondicherry the capital of the French settlements in
D: Due India.
The French settlement in India began in
Ans :C 1673 with the purchase of land at
Chandernagore from the Mughal
Governor of Bengal.


भारत में वास्को-डि-गामा की मत्ृ य हो गई। उस शहर का तया नाम था?

Vasco-Da-Gama died in India. What was the name of that city?
A: Due
B: Daman
C: Surat
D: Cochin
Da Gama arrived in Goa with the task of
combating the growing corruption that
had tainted the Portuguese government
in India. He soon fell ill, and in December
1524 he died in Cochin.
Ans :D

भारत आने वाले ईस्ट इुंडिया कुंपनी के पहले रािदत

ू कौन थे?
Who was the first ambassador of East India Company who
visited India?
A: Captain Michelson
B: Captain Hawkins William Hawkins was a representative of
C: Captain James the English East India Company. He was the
D: None of these commander of Hector, the first company
ship to anchor at Surat in India on 24 August

Ans :B

सर थॉमस रो को िहाुंगीर दरबार में ककस वर्त भेिा गया था?

Sir Thomas Roe was sent to Jahangir court in which year?
A: 1600
B: 1623
C: 1602
D: 1615

An English Diplomat, Sir Thomas Roe

represented England in the Mughal Empire. On
18 September 1615, he arrived at the Surat port
Ans :D as the ambassador of the English King, James I to
Mughal Emperor Jahangir's court.

Homework Question-
कालीकट में वास्को-डि-गामा का स्वागत ककस भारतीय शासक ने ककया था?
Vasco-Da-Gama was welcomed in Calicut by which Indian ruler?
A: Zamorin
B: Chandragupta
C: Kanishka
D: Alauddin Khalji

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