Ca2 Even km055

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Lovely Professional University

Academic Task Type: CA-2

Course Code: INT233 Course Name: Data Visualization
Section: km055 even Max Marks: 30
(Attempt all Questions, Captions with valid explanations/analysis will carry marks)

Q1. Perform the following operations on “sample data insurance”

1. Display the bar graph for % of Total Insured Value (sum of the insured
value)for each Business Type. Color shows details about ‘Location’.5
2. Display Sum of Insured Value broken down by Region and Business Type.
The view is filtered on Business Type and it should be an multiple
value(drop down) type interactive filter (5 marks)
3. Display the table of Sum of Insured Value broken down by Region and
State.also add subtotal and the grand totals in the same(5 marks)
4. Display the bottom N business types based on the sum of the insured value
using parameter. Use different Colors to show details about Construction(5
5. Use the above visualizations to create a dashboard and do the necessary

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