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Lovely Professional University

Academic Task Type: CA-2

Course Code: INT233 Course Name: Data Visualization
Section: KM055 odd Max Marks: 30
(Attempt all Questions, Captions with valid explanations/analysis will carry marks)

Q. Perform the following operations on “sampledatafoodsales”

1. Create the graph displaying Count of FoodSales for each Product broken
down by Category. The view is filtered on Category.make use of interactive
filters (5 marks)
2. Display Total Price and Unit Price broken down by Category in a table and
also do the necessary formatting. (5 marks)

3. Create bar graph to compare % of Total Total Price and % of Total Unit
Price for each Category broken down by Region .also label the respective
percentages(5 marks)

4. Display the product wise total price and the unit price in the form of a single
line chart .(using same axis show both the trend lines) (5 marks)

5. Create the dashboard using the above charts and do necessary formatting(10

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