Purple Martins Project Rubric

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Monarch Mini Project

o You will need to complete this assignment at home if you do not finish in class. All parts
are due one week from today, October 26, 2015. POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED FOR

 One page fact sheet using Word. (It is encouraged to take notes in your journal in case of
computer error) Make sure you include your name and period as well.
o Common Species Name and Scientific Name (Latin name) written correctly.
o Appearance- Size and weight (numbers and units you understand), compare size and
weight to common objects, colors of body parts, males/females differences
o Range and Migration- How far north, south, east and west do they live. Describe the
location and time of the year of the migration.
o Habitat type- Describe the habitat or ecosystem they live in.
o Reproduction and Life Cycle-Times of year to produce offspring, Environment for
mating, nesting habits and a clear description of the stages, lifespan
o Diet- What does the Purple Martin eat at each stage of its life? Does it change?
o Threats-Describe at least 2 threats to the Monarch population
o RESOURCES: Include all resources you used to compile your information.
 (Website titles or book titles only. No links are needed.)
 You will need 3 resources. You will receive bonus points for using book
resources. Resources should be listed at the bottom of your fact sheet.
Wikipedia is a good place to get information but will not count as a resource.
Google is a search engine and not a resource.

 Extra Credit (replacing another low grade): Powerpoint with 9 total slides. There should be NO
transitions or animations between slides. Colorful slides/unique fonts are not necessary.
o Student name/class period will be on the first slide which has the species name
Each slide should have one school appropriate photo that is large and clear. If you need
to ask, do not use the photo.
o A slide should be created to represent all of the facts from for the fact sheet
 1.) Student name/species name, 2.) Appearance, 3.) Range and Migration,
4.)Habitat 5.)Reproduction and Life Cycle, 6.) Diet, and 7.) Threats
o NO CREDIT WITHOUT THIS SLIDE! 9.) Create a slide documenting all resources that
have been used (Website titles or book titles only. No links are needed.)
 File Saving Procedure
o File name template: First Name Last Name Purple Martin Project Period Number
o Files should be saved in the Small (S:) drive and to your Student (H:) drive
 Your Student (H:) drive is labeled with your student number (ex. s1234567)
 File, Save As, scroll on the left to your H: drive and click Save
 Follow these steps to get to the Purple Martin folder in the Small (S:) drive
 File, Save As, scroll on the left to your Small (S:) drive, Shared,
Students, Rosenberg, NPA Purple Martin Project Fall 2015, find your
period number, and click Save.

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