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Past simple worksheet 2 (1/3)

She did her homework

Khẳ ng định S + V2/ed + O
We cooked our dinner

S + didn’t + V + O I didn’t have any cats

Phủ định
S + was/were + not + N/Adj/O They weren’t at her party

Did + S + V + O? Did you finish your task?

Nghi vấ n
Was/Were + S + N/Adj/O? Was she a singer?

What did you say?

Câu hỏ i - WH WH-question + did + S + V + O?
Where did you arrive?

Past simple: exercises 1

Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets
a) My sister ___________ (cook) dinner last night.
b) I __________ (walk) to school this morning.
c) Josie ___________ (carry) her mum’s bag for her.
d) We _________ (tidy) our rooms yesterday.
e) They ________ (study) hard, but they ________ (not pass) the exam.
f) Your grandparents ________ (be) delighted when they saw you last week.
g) We ____________ (not spend) all our money at the shops.
h) You ___________ (buy) a really nice dress for the party.
i) I was relieved when I ____________ (not drop) that beautiful vase.
j) The teacher _________ (begin) the class at 8.00 a.m. this morning.
Past simple: exercises 2
Affirmative, negative, questions

She see / saw a lion.

She didn't see / saw a tiger.

What did she saw / see ?

The owl caught / catch a mouse.

The owl didn't caught / catch a lizard.

Did it catch / caught a snake?

The police come / came for him.

The police didn't come / came quickly.

Did the police came / come too late?

My father find / found his keys.

He didn't find / found his wallet.

Did he found / find his glasses?

Jim went / go on a trip.

He didn't go / went to Thailand.

Did he went / go to Peru?

Past simple: exercises 3

Affirmative, negative, questions
He written / wrote / writes a letter to her.
He doesn't wrote / didn't wrote / didn't write a letter.
Did he wrote / Did he writes / Did he write a letter?

We waited / wait for you.

You don't waited / didn't wait / didn't waited for us.
Did he waits / Did he waited / Did he wait for you?

I bought / buy / buyed new glasses.

I didn't buy / didn't bought / don't bought a watch.
Where did I bought / did I buy / do I bought my glasses?

My friends close / closed their eyes.

She didn't close / didn't closes / didn't closed her eyes.
Why did they close / did they closed / do they closed their eyes?

They wore / wear helmets.

They didn't wear / didn't wore / don't wore shoes.
Do they wore / Did they wear / Did they wore socks?

They boy cried / cries / cry a lot.

The girl didn't cries / didn't cried / didn't cry.
Why did the boy cried / does the boy cried / did the boy cry?
Past simple: exercises 4
Affirmative, negative, questions
A man be / was / were at the door.
It wasn't / weren't / didn't be a big surprise.
Was / Be / Were the children with you?

The boy begans / began / begun to laugh.

The burglars didn't broke / don't broke / didn't break anything.
Built they / Did they build / Did they built a new house?

The waiter brought / bring / broughts us a drink.

I didn't buy / don't bought / didn't bought a gift for my mum.
Came they / Did they come / Did the came to school by bus?

You cutted / cut / cuts the onions with a knife.

The girl didn't do / didn't did / didn't does it alone.
Did the dress costs / Did the dress cost / Cost the dress ten euros?

The teacher drawn / drew / draw a circle on the board.

The tourists don't drank / didn't drink / didn't drank anything.
Drove the man / Did the man drive / Did the man drove you to the
Past simple: exercises 5
Write the past simple forms of the regular verbs in brackets to complete these
a) I (study) __________ all night yesterday.
b) We (play) ____________ poker after dinner.
c) After escaping from prison, he (rob) __________ a bank.
d) He (start) __________ playing chess at the age of 7.
e) We (arrive) __________ home very late.
f) We (visit) _________ the Louvre while we were in Paris.
g) He (try) ___________ to escape.
h) I (stop) ___________ smoking when I was 30.
i) When I was a child, I (hate) _________ fish.
j) We really (enjoy) ____________ the concert.
k) I (find) ___________ my true love when I was 50.
l) We (buy) _______ this sofa in the shop at the end of the street.
m) We never (wear) __________ uniforms in school.
n) I (forget) _________ to tell you something important.
o) I (see) __________ Peter at the theater last week.
p) After the meeting, I _________ (speak) with my boss.
q) Yesterday I __________ (drive) to work.
r) She (run) _________ her first marathon when she was 18.
s) I (make) __________ a lot of mistakes during the match.
t) Somebody (eat) ________ my biscuits without telling me.

Past simple: exercises 6

Write the past simple and present simple forms of the regular verbs in
brackets to complete these sentences.
a) She (go) ____________ to Australia in 1994 and she liked it very much.

My father usually (like) ___________ his steak well-done.

The dog (eat) _____________ its toy last night.

The policeman (talk) _________ to the burglar yesterday.

(you /have) ________________ a test last week?

I often see her mother but she never (speak) _________ to me.

The man (speak) _________ to his servant 2 hours ago.

The kangaroo always (carry) ___________ its baby.

b) My friend (talk) ___________ a lot every day.

The man (drive) _________ to the supermarket last weekend.

My brothers (leave) _________ for England last week.

My sisters (leave) _________ for England every year in June.

I don't like that man because he often (laugh) ________ at me.

Her sister never (smoke)___________.

The cat usually (leave) __________ its basket when it is hungry.

Past simple: exercises 7

Write the past simple and present simple forms of the regular verbs in
brackets to complete these sentences.
a) They ___________ to Italy last summer. (to go)
b) I always __________ ketchup with my spaghetti. (to have)
c) She ___________ her uncle yesterday. (to visit)
d) Ben often ____________ to Tim. (to talk)
e) They __________ in front of the computer every evening. (to sit)
f) She __________ tea at 5 o'clock on Saturdays. (to have)
g) They __________ their holidays two weeks ago. (to like)
h) Toby never ____________ his room. (to clean)
i) Sidney _________ a famous YouTuber in 2020. (to meet)
j) I sometimes ____________ to the office. (to walk)

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