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Eisert 1

Andres Eisert

Professor Hana Jabr

English 2010

17 March 2024

Coversheet/ Reflection

I chose to explain in more depth the growing obesity problem in the United States. I chose this

topic because there was a point in time where I experienced what it was like being overweight. I

never reached the obesity category, but during the period I was overweight I experienced many

negative effects on my health. To support my arguments, I plan to use trustworthy sources

(ethos). To explain this topic, I chose to create a website because it is easier to reach different

kinds of people anywhere at any time. There are few rules for this genre. Because a web page is

different from an essay it is important to make sure the ideas presented are clear and shorter. It is

not recommended to write long paragraphs. Academic tone is usually preferred. Subheadings are

helpful to readers to identify main ideas and the use of images, links, and videos make the

website more appealing. The main audience I want to target with this webpage is legislators and

all adults, my secondary audience is parents and the youth. I plan to connect with them by

explaining why addressing this issue is important not just for adults, but also for the health and

well-being of our children and future generations (pathos). A good way of reaching my target

audience would be by publishing my project on social media platforms.

The purpose of my project is to provide more information to people about obesity. I want to

explain more about the causes and consequences of this issue on our health and society. I also
Eisert 2

think it is important to know about the resources we have available and study the projections

presented if we don’t do anything to improve our health now (Kairos).

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