Genetic Algorithm Solution

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Genetic Algorithm Solution

y = x^2 +
Function 2*x-1

Binary Values
Chromosomes 8 01000

13 01101

19 10011

23 10111
Table Construction

Initial Value of % Expected Actual

Population X Fitness Probability Probability Count Count
String number
1 01000 8 79 5 6.345381526 0.253815261 0
2 01101 13 194 3 15.58232932 0.623293173 1
3 10011 19 398 5 31.96787149 1.278714859 1
4 10111 23 574 7 46.10441767 1.844176707 2
Sum 1245 1 100 4 4
Average 311.25 0.25 25 1 1
Maximum 574 7 46.10441767 1.844176707 2

less than 0.5 will be considered as ZERO

greater than 0.5 will round off to 1

Select Mating Pool

Cross over Cross Value of
String No Mating Pool Point over X Fitness

1 10111 4 10111 23 574 10111 Consider it twice

2 01101 4 01101 13 194

3 10111 2 10011 19 398

4 10011 2 10111 23 574

Sum 1740

Average 435

Maximum 574

Mutation Offspring
Offspring After Chromosom after Value of
String No Crossover e for flipping mutation X Fitness

1 10111 0 10111 23 574

only least value’s chromosome’s bit 3
will be changed from 1 to 0
2 01101 00100 01001 09 98

3 10011 0 10011 19 398

4 10111 0 10111 23 574

Sum 1644

Average 411

Maximum 574

Solution is diverging as the mutation is only performed on the least value chromosome and one the point 3 so it will change from one to ZERO.
The total value of SUM is decreased from the previous value.

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