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ng stories into learning

Beatriz Pena Lima

Stories, a key part of children's world,
Leonor Corradi

constitute an extremely powerful tool for

promoting language development. Storyline,
a unique Three-level series, will lead children
into learning through memorable stories
alongside activities which pose a challenge a
to their intelligence and creativity. Lim
r iz Pen
& B

Pupil's Book
orra di
Leonor C
Pupil's Book

• Pupil's Book
MP3 Songs files
Encuentros Escuela + Hogar


• Teacher's Companion
NAPs (Normativa Curricular)
• Online teacher support
• Posters
. t .
• CLIL pages
- Teacher Training Video
• Further
- MP3 Audio files
- Editable Assessment pages
- New Resources

- Encuentros Escuela + Hogar para padres

Illustrated by Fabián Zaccaria & Carlos Bulzomí

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Datos de catalogación bibliográfica

Corradi, María Leonor

Storyline Pupil’s Book 2 / María Leonor Corradi y Beatriz Pena Lima.
3a ed. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Pearson Education, 2019. 2017
152 p.; 26x23 cm.

ISBN 978-987-615-511-3
1. Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras. 2. Educación Primaria. 3. Inglés.
I. Pena Lima, Beatriz II. Título CDD 372.6044

Pearson Education S.A. The Publisher and the authors would like to give special thanks to Mercedes
Humboldt 1509 Piso 6º Pérez Berbain and Lina Casuscelli for contributing to the soul of Storyline with
C1414CTM Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Ai res, Argentina. the writing of Encuentros Escuela + Hogar. We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright

© Pearson Education S.A., 2009
© Shutterstock Images LLC for pages 14, 21, 24, 31, 41, 65, 67, 73, 74 and 77.
2ª edición © Pearson Education S.A., 2015
3ª edición © Pearson Education S.A., 2019 The photograph on page 41 has been kindly supplied by Guadalupe
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
La presente publicación se ajusta a la cartografía oficial establecida por el Poder
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Printed inenArgentina
Impreso Argentinabypor

ISBN: 978-987-615-511-3 Pupil’s Book 2 Second Edition

This edition published by

Pearson Education S.A., 2019

Publisher Silvia Kosaruk

Freelance Editorial Work Elena R. Orta
Design Eclipse Gráfica Creativa, Españoleto EG
Illustrations Carlos Bulzomí, Carlos Gallego, Fabián Zaccaria
Cover Design Elena Jaramillo
Production Damián Marrapodi
Manuel Alejandro López

Este logo alerta al lector sobre la amenaza que fotocopiar libros

libros provoca una disminución tan importante de la venta de libros,

que atenta contra la posibilidad de los autores de crear nuevas
obras y de las editoriales de publicarlas.

A01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_FM.indd 2 20/5/15 13:09

r iz
ra di & B
Leonor C
Pupil's Book

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SB WB CLIL Further
Hello! 6
Characters • Personal descriptions • Nature vocabulary • Wild animals

1 I like basketball 10 112 104 136

Revision: I like / don’t like • I love • This / That • Sports • Toys • Animals
Family members • Pronouns (I, he, she, it, they) • Colours • School objects

Integration Photos for homework 16

2 The shadow has a big head 20 115 105 138

He / She / It has / doesn’t have • Parts of the body • Descriptive adjectives
Possessive adjectives (his / her) • Man, woman, boy, girl, children • But

Integration Mr Treeman's letter 26

3 Is Mr Treeman under Alex's desk? 30 118 106 140

Prepositions of place • The house: rooms and furniture • Scared, angry
They have / don’t have • Greta’s (net) • Where… ?

Integration Hello Mr Treeman! 36

4 Alex isn't working! 40 121 107 142

I’m / He’s / She’s / They’re (eating) • I’m not / He isn’t / She isn’t /
They aren’t (writing) • Fruits and vegetables

Integration Mr Treeman's birds 46

Mag 50

4 four

A01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_FM.indd 4 20/5/15 13:09

r SB WB CLIL Further
e Practice

5 There's a note in my copybook 52 124 108 144

There is / are • We have / are • The time • Clothes

Integration An excursion to Mr Treeman's house 58

6 Bats sleep all day 62 127 109 146

I / We / They (live) • I / We / They don’t (sleep) • The time (at)
Frequent activities and skills • Breakfast / lunch / dinner

Integration Mr Treeman's birthday party 68

7 Miss Green talks and talks 72 130 110 148

He / She / It (jumps) • He / She / It doesn’t (swim) • Professions

Integration Is Mr Treeman a person? 78

8 There's a fire in the jungle 82 133 111 150

Do you …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. • Does he / she …? Yes, he / she does. /
No, he / she doesn’t. • Does (this planet…)? Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.
Do (firefighters …)? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

Integration A medal for Mr Treeman! 88

Mag 92

Play Treeman and the Giant 94

Play Noises at Night 96

Test your memory! 100

Students in 3A 102
five 5

A01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_FM.indd 5 20/5/15 13:09


1 Read and write the name

1 Hi! My name's Greta. I'm 10. I have 2 My name's Mr Clark, Tom Clark.
long hair and green eyes. I'm short. Hi! I'm the teacher.

6 six

A02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_PREF.indd 6 13/4/15 9:22

Hi, there! I'm Alex. I'm 9. I'm tall! My eyes?
3 Hello! I'm Lucy. I'm 9. 4 Yes, they're small, very small. Look! That's my
My hair's brown and short. brother, John. He's 16. He's tall, too.

seven 7

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small bird
8 eight

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2 Look and tick



3 a) Read and tick

trees puma

toucan leaves jaguar

plants elephant

flowers toucan

river parrot

waterfall bird

snow lion

monkey giraffe

b) Listen and check



nine 9

A02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_PREF.indd 9 13/4/15 9:22

1 I like basketball
1 Look and listen
Back at school! I love basketball.
Great! Me too. And football.

Come! Let's play. I like computer

I… don't like school. games, music and…

The ball, Lucy, please!

OK. Here's a goal!

Is that an …
A jaguar?
Let's call
the teacher.

Oh, look!
Four baby birds…

10 ten

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 10 13/4/15 9:28

2 Listen and point. Then, match 1

that bird
this butterfly that butterfly this bird

3 Listen and tick


computer board
hockey football dolls parrots jaguars
games games

4 Memory game
I like jaguars and music,
I like jaguars. I like jaguars and music. but I don't like football.

eleven 11

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 11 13/4/15 9:28

5 Look and listen
Remember the noise? And the father?


And the mother?

Listen! She's
over there.
He's here.

No, not a jaguar. They're OK. Let's go.

6 Match


father sister

12 twelve

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 12 13/4/15 9:28

7 a) Listen and write the name 1


b) Listen again and complete

Mel is my . is my brother.
is my . Roger is my .

8 Match
mother glue
a tree
Mr Clark
SHE HE teachers


IT THEY father

a jaguar parrots
Greta sister
thirteen 13

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 13 13/4/15 9:28

9 Look and listen
Hello! I'm your friend… A black
head and a grey body. Beautiful!

Wow! A big family!

Mum! Dad! Come!

10 Match

Birds and colours

red 6
brown white
green blue

2 4

14 fourteen

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 14 13/4/15 9:28

11 Listen and circle 1

12 Read and circle

1 Elephants / Giraffes are grey. 4 Snow / A river is white.
2 Parrots are purple / green and yellow. 5 Monkeys / Leaves are green.
3 Toucans / Jaguars are brown. 6 Flowers / Lions are red and pink.

13 Memory game

fifteen 15

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 15 13/4/15 9:28

Photos for homework
Here's my Thank you,
camera. John.

5 photos of different trees (big, small, etc.)

You need:

a camera

poster paper



coloured pencils

Take a photo, Greta. And look
I like this big tree. at that small tree! It's beautiful!

I have eleven photos.

They're all different.

16 sixteen

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 16 13/4/15 9:28

Or is it a monkey?

Look at this
photo! A person!

And a small body!

Look! A big head.
Remember the noise?

The End
seventeen 17

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 17 13/4/15 9:28

1 Listen and tick

2 Find and say

A monkey!

18 eighteen

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 18 13/4/15 9:28

a) Look and complete

and .

and .

and .

A and .

The jungle is beautiful!

I like it, too.
It's full of colours!

, , and too.

b) Listen and check

c) Sing!

nineteen 19

M01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U01.indd 19 13/4/15 9:28

2 The shadow has a big head
1 Look and listen
Look, Mr Clark. He's a
person. He has a big head.

No, Alex, it's a monkey. It Look! Alex is a monkey. And she's a giraffe.
has long arms and short legs. He has a small head. She has long legs.

No. Monkeys
have small heads.
That's not nice!
Sorry, Alex.

I have an idea. Let's send the

I'm sorry, Lucy. photo to the newspaper.

20 twenty

M02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U02.indd 20 13/4/15 9:36

2 Match 12

3 a) Listen and draw

M y fa v o u r i t e c a r t o o n

b) Now, read and circle

1 Lola has long / short hair. 5 She has a long / small nose.
2 She has brown / black hair. 6 She has small / big ears.
3 She has big / fat eyes. 7 She has a big / small mouth.
4 She has blue / black eyes. 8 She is big / beautiful.
twenty one 21

M02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U02.indd 21 13/4/15 9:36

4 Read April 10

l e N e w s
n g
The Ju
The S h a d o w
th is p h o to. The ch
k at
Please, loo Is ‘the sha
dow’ a
s c a re d .
at school o n k e y s have small
? M
r a person
monkey o a s a h u ge head.
’ h
e shadow
heads. ‘Th n g a rm s. Monkey
ut it has
isn't tall, b h e s h a d ow’ is not
arms, too.
have long
very old.
young, it's n to the ed
fo rm a ti o
d in
Please, sen

5 Match

big huge small fat thin young old short tall

22 twenty two

M02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U02.indd 22 13/4/15 9:36

6 a) Read and tick 12
1 A jaguar is a huge animal. 4 A condor is a small bird.

2 A jaguar is thin, too. 5 A lion has a big head.

3 A bird has fat legs. 6 A giraffe is tall.

b) Now, listen and check

7 Read

The Jungle Ne
April 17

Letters to Dear Editor,

the editor ‘The shadow’ is a m
onster. It has a huge
have a mouth. The gir head, but it doesn'
ls at school are scared t
Brenda Smith , an d th e bo ys, too!

Dear Editor,
‘The shadow’ isn't a m
onster. He's an old m
but his legs are very an. His arms are long
short and thin. ,
Emily Harris

Dear Editor,
I'm ‘the shadow’, bu
t I'm not a monster.
My house is the jungle My name's Treeman
. I have a friend: a pa .
she's two. Her name rro t. She's very young,
is Miss Green. She's
my best friend.

8 Listen and draw in your copybook

twenty three 23

M02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U02.indd 23 13/4/15 9:36

9 Listen and point. Then, match

1 2 3 4 5

man girl woman boy children

10 a) Read and tick 1

Emily Harris is a young girl. She's fourteen. She 2

has long hair and big green eyes. She's tall. That's
her table. She has two black pencils and twelve
coloured pencils, but she doesn't have markers.
Her copybooks are pink, her favourite colour.
And look at her rubber. It's huge!

3 4

b) Now, read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)

1 Emily is young. 4 She has markers.

2 Her hair is long. 5 She has a huge rubber.

3 She has small eyes. 6 Her copybooks are pink.

24 twenty four

M02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U02.indd 24 13/4/15 9:36

11 Look and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false) 12
1 Sam has a brown bed.

2 He has a huge ball.

3 He doesn't have robots.

4 His school bag is blue and white.

5 He has two board games.

6 He doesn't have a table.

7 His chair is grey.

8 He doesn't have books.

12 Read and circle

1 Sam has a brown bed and / but he doesn't have a brown chair.
2 He has a ball and / but three robots.
3 The ball is huge and / but the robots aren't huge.
4 He doesn't have an electronic game, and / but he has two board games.
5 He has a blue table and / but a green chair.

13 Listen and guess! He's a boy. He has

magic powers.
He doesn't have …
Harry Potter!

twenty five 25

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Mr Treeman’s letter
Look! Three letters
about ‘the shadow’! Let's see...

Over there!

Over there!
Over there!

It has a huge head... See? He's an old

Spooky… man, not a monster. He's thin and small.
My father is thin
and small, too.

... but it doesn't have

a mouth. How scary!

And letter number two?

And letter number three?
They read Emily's letter...

26 twenty six

M02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U02.indd 26 13/4/15 9:36

Mr Clark and the children
read letter number three...
Now it's my letter!
Letter! Letter!

It's his letter! And his

name is Treeman! His friend is a parrot.
I like parrots.

They're nice!
They're nice!

Nice? Nice?
I love parrots! The End
twenty seven 27

M02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U02.indd 27 13/4/15 9:36

1 Read the story and write. Treeman, Mr Clark or Miss Green?

He has a friend, a parrot. That's my letter!

1 2

Look at the children!

The children are nice.

I have a thin father.


2 Look and say

He has a bed.

28 twenty eight

M02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U02.indd 28 13/4/15 9:36

3 Listen and say
Mafalda She's short.

She's young.

a) Read and circle
Treeman has a nice / beautiful friend. She's a bird / parrot, oh yes!
She has a green / big head
and short white / grey legs.

Treeman doesn't have two / three eyes,

but he has a big / small mouth.
He's a thin, old / young man
and the river / jungle is his house.

Treeman! Oh, Treeman! Oh, Treeman!

b) Listen and check

c) Sing!

twenty nine 29

M02_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U02.indd 29 13/4/15 9:36

3 Is Mr Treeman under Alex’s desk?
1 Look and listen
He isn't in
the bathroom…
I'm scared… He isn't
behind the wardrobe.

… or on the
bookcase. Good!

He isn't under my desk.

Here's Treeman!
Silly! I'm very
angry with you!

I'm sorry Alex.

30 thirty

M03_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U03.indd 30 13/4/15 9:45

2 Listen and number. Then, match 13

bed bookcase desk chair wardrobe cupboard

3 a) Listen and match

1 4


2 5


3 6

b) Now, read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)

1 Miss Bank has a small bed. 3 She doesn't have a bookcase.

2 She has a wardrobe. 4 She has a desk in the living room.

thirty one 31

M03_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U03.indd 31 13/4/15 9:45

4 Memory game They have 4 chairs.

5 Listen and point. Then, match

on the school bag under the school bag

1 2 3 4

behind the school bag in the school bag

6 Read and draw in your copybook

Alex is terrible! Look at the living room! His favourite ball is on the big table.

His board game is on the cupboard, his copybooks are under the bookcase, his

electronic game is behind the chair, and his robot is under the small table.

32 thirty two

M03_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U03.indd 32 13/4/15 9:45

7 Guess! Is my book under
my pencil case?
Yes, it is.

8 a) Look and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)

1 Her school bag is in the bed.

2 Her doll is on the desk.
3 Her yellow books are
under the bed.
4 Her pink books are
in the wardrobe.
5 Her red books are in
the wardrobe.
6 Her blue books are on
the desk.
7 Her two balls are under
the black table.
8 Her pencil case is on
the chair.

b) Memory game
Her pink ball is
under the bed.


thirty three 33

M03_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U03.indd 33 13/4/15 9:45

9 Look and listen
That's not nice!
Look! The children That's not nice!
are next to that tree. Look at that old man!

They have a net.

That's not nice! Where is he?

He's behind that tree.

He's Treeman! Let's send John Come

And he has my net… a message. q
Treem uickly! me!
an ha a i t for gle is
Greta s W jun ce.
’s net. The ary pla d
a sc the ol a
And ? Is he
man ster?

10 Match
Where's Treeman? He's…

2 3

… behind the tree. … next to the tree. … in the tree.

34 thirty four

M03_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U03.indd 34 13/4/15 9:45

11 a) Listen and match 13
M ax


Z oe

b) Now read and complete

1 school bag is on the wardrobe.
2 school bag is in the wardrobe.
3 school bag is next to the wardrobe.
4 school bag is under the wardrobe.
5 school bag is behind the wardrobe.

12 Guess!
Where's the parrot? On the table.

thirty five 35

M03_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U03.indd 35 13/4/15 9:45

Hello Mr Treeman!
Where is he? He's behind that tree.

Look! The parrot!

It's next to Treeman.

Come with me! He has Greta's net. Hello Mr Treeman.

Where's Greta's net? Over there, on that tree.
But, look! No butterflies.

No butterflies.

I'm scared!

I'm not. I'm a boy!

Remember the poor butterflies.

Thank you,
Mr Treeman.

36 thirty six

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Ouch! My leg...
Are you OK, Alex?

Your poor leg!

This plant is very good.

Very good,
very good.

Thank you, Mr Treeman.

Look! Greta's net

is under the tree.

No problem. She doesn't have The End

a net now, and she's happy.

thirty seven 37

M03_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U03.indd 37 13/4/15 9:45

1 Read the story and write the name
1 has a net. 4 is not OK.
2 is behind a tree. 5 has Greta's net.
3 is scared. 6 is happy.

2 a) Listen and number

b) Read and complete

1 Greta's net is 4 Her net is
the bookcase. the bookcase.

2 Her net is 5 Her net is

the bookcase. the bookcase.

3 Her net is
the bookcase.

38 thirty eight

M03_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U03.indd 38 13/4/15 9:45

a) Look and complete

Monkeys the wardrobe. Birds the chair.

Butterflies the bed. Leaves the bed.
Parrots the cupboard. John's bedroom's a disaster!
Flowers the desk. Where is he? What a mess!

b) Listen and check

c) Sing!

thirty nine 39

M03_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U03.indd 39 13/4/15 9:45

4 Alex isn't working!
1 Look and listen
What are you doing?
Alex, where are you?

I'm in my bedroom, mum. I'm listening to music…

and doing my homework.

Listening to music and Oh, Alex!

doing your homework?
Tom, come
here, quickly.

I'm colouring
a map, mum. My leg's fine, mum…
Don't worry.

Oh! What happened, Alex? …but Mr Treeman has very

special plants and I'm OK now!

Alex! You're joking!

No, Mary, he's right.

It's a long story, dad. Greta and I… They are medicinal leaves.

40 forty

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 40 13/4/15 9:48

2 Listen and match. Then, write the name 14

1 3

2 4
I'm doing my homework. I'm having water.

I'm colouring a map. I'm playing tennis.

3 Read and circle

She is / isn’t He is / isn’t doing He is / isn’t

drawing a picture. his homework. having milk.
1 2 3

She is / isn’t writing She is / isn’t She is / isn’t

an email. making a fruit salad. reading a book.
4 5 6
forty one 41

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 41 13/4/15 9:48

4 Look and listen
Mr Clark and the children are in the kitchen garden. They're planting seeds.

Mr Clark, Alex isn't working.


Alex, are you eating
strawberries? Two heads of lettuce
Three tomatoes
Oil and lemon juice
Cut the tomatoes and the
cheese into cubes, and put all
Sorry… I'm hungry the ingredients in a bowl.
and they're super!
Now, they're making a salad. And my strawberries?

Strawberries? They're
for the fruit salad!

42 forty two

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 42 13/4/15 9:48

5 Listen and number. Then, match 14
apple lettuce

banana orange

carrot strawberry

lemon tomato

6 a) Listen and match

b) Read and complete

1 and are eating lettuce.
2 and are eating tomatoes.
3 and are eating carrots.
4 and are eating strawberries.

forty three 43

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 43 13/4/15 9:48

7 Mime
Are you eating a banana?
Yes, I am.

8 Look and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)

1 Sam's father is 5 Sam is writing.

making a salad.
6 He isn't watching TV.
2 His brother isn't
listening to music. 7 His sister is drawing
a picture.
3 He's reading a novel.
8 His mother is working
4 He isn't doing his in the living room.

44 forty four

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 44 13/4/15 9:48

9 a) Read and complete 14



1 Susy the butterflies. 4 Peter is in the living room, but he

She lettuce and having TV. He's drawing and
water. listening to music. He
2 Eric the butterflies. He some milk.
to the birds. 5 Mike is in the living room, too.
3 Pam and Julia an He isn't writing an email.
email. They to music. He his homework.
They're eating biscuits and having a He a sandwich and
soda. having milk.

b) Who is it?

I'm not watching TV.

I'm drawing.


forty five 45

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 45 13/4/15 9:49

Mr Treeman’s birds
The children are making a scarecrow.

Here are his

two eyes.
And I have his arms.

That scarecrow
is spooky!

Yes, it's scary.

And I'm hungry.

The birds are listening to Treeman.

Mr Clark, my birds don't
like your scarecrow.

But they're eating

the strawberries!

I have an idea…

46 forty six

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 46 13/4/15 9:49

The three plants over there are for my
birds and the rest are for your children.
Is that OK?
Yes, poor birds.

Mr Clark, I don't like

your scarecrow. I'm scared. No problem!

Bravo! The End

forty seven 47

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 47 13/4/15 9:49

1 Read the story and circle
1 I'm listening to Mr Treeman. 4 I don't like the scarecrow.

A bird or Alex? Miss Green or Mr Treeman?

2 I have two eyes for the scarecrow.

5 I'm eating the fruit.
Greta or Mr Clark?
A bird or Mr Treeman?

3 I'm spooky!
6 I'm scared!
Miss Green or the scarecrow?
Miss Green or the scarecrow?

2 Find 4 differences
In picture A, Sam …


48 forty eight

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 48 13/4/15 9:49

a) Look and complete

is writing,
is making a cake,
are listening to music
and two children are playing a game.

Oh, what a crazy day!
Oh, what a crazy day!

is playing on a tree
and is watching TV.
Oh no, a spooky !
Come and help me, please!


b) Listen and check

c) Sing!

forty nine 49

M04A_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U04A.indd 49 13/4/15 9:49

3 qualities
3 jungle words R R L I N O S E R

3 colours 3 parts of the body 3 pieces of furniture


Roger is next to Marion. Marion

is behind Ricky and Roger is behin
Lara. Zoe is next to Lara, her
sister, and Max is behind his sis
and next to his father.

50 fifty

M04B_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_REV.indd 50 13/4/15 9:59


The crazy Qualities and people and family.

dice game My father is tall.

Colours and school objects

Parts of the body
Furniture and parts of the house
People and family

fifty one 51

M04B_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_REV.indd 51 13/4/15 9:59

5 There's a note in my copybook
1 Look and listen
There's a note in my copybook. It's Mr Clark's note!

An excursion to
Now? Look at the clock. It's 7.30! Mr Treeman's house?

Who's Treeman? Where's Please, Mum, sign it!

Treeman's house?

There's a pen next

What's an excursion? to the phone.

It's Mr Treeman's invitation.

It's his birthday.

I like birthday parties.

Me too.

And Treeman's present?

It's eight o'clock. Let's go!

52 fifty two

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 52 13/4/15 10:03

2 Listen and number. Then, match 15
There's a pen
the pencil ca

There's a pen in
pencil case. There's a pen nex
t to
the pencil case.

e table.
There's a pen on th
There's a pen u
the table.

3 Look at frame 1 on page 52 and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)

1 This is a picture of a living room. 4 There's a pen behind the apple.

2 There's a big table in the picture. 5 There's a clock on the wall.

3 There's an apple on the table. 6 It's nine o'clock.

4 Memory game
There's a phone on the
small table in frame 1.


fifty three 53

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 53 13/4/15 10:03

5 a) Read

June 23
Dear families,
We have an excursion to Mr Treeman's house tomorrow. His house is
in the jungle, in a very rainy area.
Your kid needs:
• A raincoat • Boots • Trainers • Socks • A cap • Long pants • A T-shir
(There are a lot of mosquitoes in the jungle.)
Food and drinks
• Four sandwiches • Biscuits • Three sodas
(No fruit, please. There are banana plants in the area.)
Warm regards,
Mr Clark

b) Read again and tick. Then, match

pants trainers cap socks boots raincoat T-shirt

54 fifty four

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 54 13/4/15 10:03

6 a) Listen and complete 15


This is bedroom. This is bedroom.



This is bedroom. This is bedroom.

b) Read and circle 6 differences

In Rod's bedroom there's a raincoat on the bed and there's a school bag next to the
raincoat. There are boots next to the bed and trainers next to a chair. There's a cap on a
chair and a sweater under the chair. There are three T-shirts in the wardrobe. And there's
an umbrella behind the chair.
In Brenda's bedroom there's a raincoat on the bed and there's a school bag behind the
raincoat. There are trainers under the bed and boots next to a chair. There are socks on
a chair and a sweater under the chair. There are two T-shirts and a dress in the wardrobe.
And there's an umbrella behind the chair.
In Hans's bedroom there's a raincoat on the bed and there's an umbrella next to the
raincoat. There are trainers under the bed and boots next to a chair. There's a cap on a
chair and a sweater under the chair. There are two T-shirts and two pairs of pants in the
wardrobe. And there are socks on the chair, next to the sweater.

fifty five 55

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 55 13/4/15 10:03

7 Guess!

There are socks

on the bed.

And there's a T-shirt

next to the socks.

8 Look and listen

Put your boots on.

It's raining! No problem! We're Lucy's wearing pink boots.

wearing raincoats.
Here are two umbrellas.
It's raining a lot now.
Thank you, Mrs Lima.

Yuk! Pink
is for girls. Please, give me
the pink umbrella!

56 fifty six

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 56 13/4/15 10:03

9 a) Listen and number 15

b) Read and write the number

s and a T-shirt. H She isn't wearing a dress. She's we
He's wearing pant aring a
nd his trainers are skirt and a T-shirt. She's wearing tra
socks are white, a a iners
e has a cap and but she isn't wearing socks. She has
white and red. H a
't have a sweater. sweater and a cap. She doesn't hav
raincoat. He doesn ea

fifty seven 57

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 57 13/4/15 10:03

An excursion to Mr Treeman’s house
It's sunny now. Good! No raincoats, then.

Where's Mr Treeman's Look! There's a blue

present? butterfly over there.


And there are two

monkeys in that tree.

I like that tree.

It has pink flowers!

Listen to the birds. The jungle is beautiful.

58 fifty eight

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 58 13/4/15 10:03

And now what?
Look! There's a tree
trunk over there.

It's a small river.

Are you OK?

Look! There's a man

next to the waterfall.

Good idea,
Look at me.

It's Mr Treeman!
I'm fine.
Greta, where's No problem!
Mr Treeman's present? No problem!

Thank you,
Miss Green.

Oh, no! It's on

the tree trunk! The End
fifty nine 59

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 59 13/4/15 10:03

1 Read the story and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)
1 The children are working. 5 There are birds in the trees.

2 It's sunny. 6 There's a present in the river.

3 There are butterflies next 7 There's a small house

to a tree. next to the waterfall.

4 There's a monkey next 8 There's a small river in

to Mr Clark. the jungle.

2 Find 7 differences
In picture A,…


60 sixty

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 60 13/4/15 10:03

3 Find it! There are two boys
and a girl in the kitchen. Page 52, frame 3!

a) Read and circle
There's a huge, blue / white waterfall,
there are very small / tall trees,
there are big and small parrots / birds,
they are yellow, grey / red and green.

There are lots of children drawing / playing,

they're wearing T-shirts and caps / pants.
We all love the jungle!
When it's rainy / sunny, we have fun!

b) Listen and check

c) Sing!

sixty one 61

M05_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U05.indd 61 13/4/15 10:03

6 Bats sleep all day
1 Look and listen
Hello, Mr Treeman! Hi! Welcome
to my house! Is this your house?

My house!
My house!

Yes, I live in a cave.

Please, come in.

I'm scared!
Wow! Look at the walls! Bats are bad…
Don't worry! They're
my bats. They live here.

No, they're very good

animals. They eat insects.

Are they sleeping now?

Here! I'm a bat, too.

Yes, they sleep all day. And where's Miss Green?

62 sixty two

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 62 13/4/15 10:08

2 Match. Then, listen and check 16

3 a) Read and circle

1 Pandas live in Asia / Europe. 6 Penguins live in Europe / Antarctica.
2 Lions live in Africa / America. 7 Pumas live in America / Australia.
3 Tigers live in Africa / Asia. 8 Gorillas live in Australia / Africa.
4 Jaguars live in America / Europe. 9 Zebras live in Asia / Africa.
5 Kangaroos live in Africa / Australia. 10 Koalas live in Australia / Africa.

b) Now, listen and check

sixty three 63

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 63 13/4/15 10:08

4 Listen and write the time. Then, complete

1 I get up
at .

2 I visit my grandma
at .

3 I play football
at .

4 I go to bed
at .

5 Look and listen

Alex: Miss Green! You're a Alex: OK! We go to school Lucy: We have dinner at
parrot not a bat! in the morning and we eight, but we don't
Treeman: Now you know about study a lot! eat insects.
bats, but I don’t know Mr Clark: Mmm… Greta: We love hamburgers
about you! and ice cream!
Treeman: No fruit?
Alex: I like strawberries!

64 sixty four

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 64 13/4/15 10:08

6 Listen and match 16

dinner breakfast lunch

7 a) Listen and tick

b) Read and circle

1 I get up / don't get up at six. 4 I watch / don't watch TV in the afternoon.
2 I have / don't have breakfast at school. 5 I listen / don't listen to music.
3 I do / don't do homework at school. 6 I have / don't have dinner at nine.

sixty five 65

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 65 13/4/15 10:08

8 Read and circle
1 Gorillas eat / don't eat chicken. 4 Babies read / don't read books.
2 We have / don't have lunch at school. 5 Boys and girls play / don't play on the computer.
3 Babies drink / don't drink milk. 6 Boys and girls listen / don't listen to music.

9 Who?

Get up Read Play Make

Drink milk Cook
at 7 books football a cake
Alex and
John ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Greta and
Brenda ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗
brothers ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗
Lucy and
Penny ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓

They get up at seven,

they don't read books,
they don't cook, Alex and John!
they don't drink milk.

10 True or false?
I don't eat chicken.

66 sixty six

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 66 13/4/15 10:08

11 a) Read and complete the fact files 16
Big cats
ar s ar e m em be rs of the feline family. Description:
Jagu d States
e in th e ce nt re an d west of the Unite
liv a big
ica. Jaguars have
and in South Amer s, Diet:
ith sh ar p te et h. Th ey eat other animal
head w and Life span:
am pl e ro de nt s, reptiles, birds, fish
for ex swim
ke ys . Th ey cl im b trees, jump and
m on
about 15 years.
very well. They live
s of
liv e in A sia . Th ere are eight type
Tigers ey are Animal:
er s, bu t th re e ty pes are extinct. Th
tig ception: Habitat:
but there is one ex
yellow or orange, a big head and Description:
tig er . Th ey ha ve
the white imb
te et h. Th ey ea t bi g animals. They cl
sharp live 10
es , ju m p an d sw im very well. They Diet:
tre Life span:
to 15 years.
ca, but
ns ar e re al ly bi g cats. They live in Afri
Lio during
sia, too. They sleep
there are lions in A ey
y, bu t th ey ar e active at night. Th Habitat:
the da eat
a hu ge he ad w ith sharp teeth. They Description:
have buffalos,
imals, for example
zebras and big an s. They
d young elephant
giraffes, hippos an rds, Diet:
al l an im al s as w ell, for example bi
eat sm n't eat Life span:
ile s, fi sh an d in sects, but they do
LIONS rept
15 years.
cats. They live 12 to

b) Read again and write the name of the animal

1 They don't have a small head. 5 They eat insects.

2 They don't eat fish. 6 They climb and swim.

3 They live ten years. 7 They don't eat reptiles.

4 They don't have a huge head. 8 They don't live in Africa.

sixty seven 67

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 67 13/4/15 10:08

Mr Treeman’s birthday party
And your birthday party?
It's in my garden.
Let's go outside.

Look! The birds are coming to the party.

And the Dear friends! Welcome! Don't be

butterflies too! scared. They're good friends!

We love your jungle, too. Are you

Mr Treeman's friends?

Yes, and we live

in the jungle.

68 sixty eight

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 68 13/4/15 10:08

Come! There's a
Here's a present
for you Mr Treeman. 16
fruit salad for you.

And strawberries It's a birthday cake!

for the birds!

I love cakes!

How old are you, I have… … thirty candles!

Mr Treeman?

No problem!
I'm a hundred and ten. I don't like candles.

No candles then.
Let's sing!

Happy birthday
to you….

The End
sixty nine 69

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 69 13/4/15 10:08

1 a) Read, guess and tick
1 Treeman's friends live in a big house.

2 They don't have breakfast.

3 They drink milk.

4 They watch TV.

5 They listen to music.

6 They don't eat tomatoes.

7 They swim in the river.

8 They visit Mr Treeman.

9 They cook.

10 They work.

b) Now, listen and check

2 Memory game
I don't like candles. Mr Treeman!

70 seventy

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 70 13/4/15 10:08

a) Look and complete
We 1 in the morning,
We 2 and 3 .
We study, we 4 , we 5 ,
And we 6 a lot of books.
We have fun,
We are happy,
We all play 5
with our friends.
2 At home we 7
And then we 8 .
We don't play in the garden
When it's a rainy day. 6

3 8

b) Listen and check
c) Sing!

seventy one 71

M06_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U06.indd 71 13/4/15 10:08

7 Miss Green talks and talks
1 Look and listen
Thank you for the delicious cake. Come please!
I need your help.

Look! The forest ranger!

What a beautiful jaguar! He drinks water, but eats nothing!

No chicken, no beef, nothing!

He's sleeping.

Yes, he sleeps all

day now. He's very ill.

Later... He's opening his eyes!

I know! He has a
bullet in his leg.
Mr Treeman's a vet!

Hunters are terrible!

No, he's a magician!

72 seventy two

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 72 30/4/15 19:57

2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false) 17
1 Treeman likes cake. 3 The jaguar eats fruit and chicken.

2 The forest ranger wears 4 Treeman puts his hands on

a uniform. the jaguar's leg.

3 a) Read and tick

Forest Rangers around the World

Hi, there! I'm Muriel and I'm a forest ranger. I work in Costa Rica.
There are huge trees in the jungle here, exotic birds and
magnificent butterflies. The leaves of the plants are enormous!
I don't have a car or a truck. They aren't necessary here. I use a bike
(my favourite). I swim in the rivers and visit other forest rangers.


My name's Robert and I work in the jungle in the north east of

Argentina. It's a magnificent place with a huge waterfall, a lot
of birds and big trees and plants. I walk a lot, and I use a bike
and a truck. I don't have a car, impossible in the jungle! In this
picture I'm next to my bike and my truck is behind me.

b) Read and circle

1 Robert / Muriel uses a truck. 3 Robert / Muriel walks a lot every day.
2 Robert / Muriel swims in the rivers. 4 Robert / Muriel visits forest rangers.
seventy three 73

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 73 30/4/15 19:57

4 a) Match. Then, listen and number

vet forest ranger student magician doctor teacher

b) Read and complete

1 A does homework. 3 A works at birthday parties.
2 A lives and works 4 A wears a uniform and
in the jungle. works in a clinic.

5 Look and listen

Alex: Miss Green doesn't like John: And she doesn't play Mum: You talk a lot too!
jaguars. with the bats… Dad: Ha! Ha! It's time to go
Mum: Of course! Jaguars eat Alex: No, bats sleep all day to bed.
small animals. and she talks and talks...

74 seventy four

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 74 30/4/15 19:57

6 a) Listen and circle 17

b) Read and circle

1 Robert gets up / doesn't get up early. 5 He eats / doesn't eat hamburgers.
2 He drinks / doesn't drink orange juice. 6 He watches / doesn't watch TV.
3 He wears / doesn't wear trainers. 7 He listens / doesn't listen to music.
4 He rides / doesn't ride his bike. 8 He cooks / doesn't cook dinner.

7 Read and tick

The Jungle Ne
Facts about the jaguar
Jaguars are an endang eats
Mr Treeman,
ly four
species. There are on
jaguars in this area. walks
the fantastic vet sleeps at night
lle nt runs
M r Tr ee m an is an ex ce
no w.
ve t. Th e ja gu ar is O K plays with animals
le an d
He w al ks in th e ju ng
ra ng er. jumps
pl ay s w ith th e fo re st
da y,
He do es n’ t sle ep al l swims
he on ly sle ep s at ni gh plays with the
ru ns
He ea ts , ju m ps an d r and Robert, the forest ranger
to o. At Look! Here’s the jagua
w ith ot he r an im al s, forest ranger. They’re
pp y!
sc ho ol w e’ re ve ry ha
seventy five 75

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 75 30/4/15 19:57

8 Who?

Rides a Wears Listens to Swims in Watches Does

bike boots music the river TV homework
John ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Hans ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗
Alex ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗
Rod ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓

He rides a bike, he
doesn't listen to music,
he doesn't watch TV. John!

9 Look and say

76 seventy six

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 76 30/4/15 19:57

10 a) Read and say 17

It doesn't sleep at night. It isn't a
bird. It doesn't eat fish.
It lives in Africa and Asia. It doesn't
sleep at night. It eats big and small
animals, but it doesn't eat cats.
It lives in Asia. It eats big animals. It
doesn't eat fruit or insects.
It lives in trees. It eats fruit, eggs
and insects. It doesn't eat fish.
It is a big cat. It's a solitary animal.
It lives in Mexico, Central and South
America. It eats small animals. It
doesn't eat insects.
It's red, blue and yellow. It eats
seeds and fruit. It talks. It doesn't
run. It doesn't swim.
Answers on page 152

b) Now, write your riddles! Use eat, run, live, jump and swim

seventy seven 77

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 77 30/4/15 19:57

Is Mr Treeman a person?
Look! Mr Treeman And the
lives in a cave. forest ranger?

No, he doesn't. He has a house.

No, bats don't talk!

Parrots talk.

The bats are talking

with Miss Green.

Where's Treeman? Here we're

eating the cake.

And the candles?

Mr Treeman doesn't
Wait, Brenda, please. like candles.

78 seventy eight

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 78 30/4/15 19:57

Ah, here is He has leaves in his hands… 17

Ha, ha! Trees don't walk.

I know… He's a tree!

No, he's a person.

He talks, he walks, he eats…

He's a grandpa. Look at this photo! I know! He's a

magic tree!
Grandpas don't
live 110 years!

The End
seventy nine 79

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 79 30/4/15 19:57

1 Read and complete

Mr Treeman!

Hi, Penny
How are you? I love the jungle and Mr Treeman. He’s a very special person.
He 1 in a cave with a parrot and a lot of bats.
His routine? He 2 at 5 every day. He 3 fruit and
milk for breakfast, but he 5 orange juice.
He 6 books but he 7 TV. He 8
to music. Well, he listens to birds. He 9 birds! J J J
He’s fantastic!
Write to me,

2 Memory game
Mr Treeman
gets up at 6. No!

80 eighty

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 80 30/4/15 19:57

3 True or false?
Mr Clark doesn't
get up at 8.

 visit Roger and Bruce

 school
ad)  club (swim - football)
 lunch (chicken and sal
 cook
 write emails
 dinner
 read homework
 music
 TV

a) Read and circle
We love / like Mr Treeman.
He's a very special vet / doctor.
He lives with his animals / friends He doesn’t go / goes to school,
and he's always ready to play / help. and he watches / doesn’t watch TV,
but he listens / reads to music,
when a lot of bats / birds sing.
Mr Treeman is a man / boy.
He's not a special / tall tree.
He's very, very tall / old.
And he plays / lives with Miss Green.

b) Listen and check

c) Sing!

eighty one 81

M07_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U07.indd 81 30/4/15 19:57

8 There's a fire in the jungle
1 Look and listen
Look! There's a fire Does Mr Treeman
in the jungle. live in that area?
Yes, he does.

Poor Mr Treeman!

Fire! Fire! Horrible!

Does he have a fire extinguisher?

Do firefighters use planes?

Do you need help?

Please let me think! Please! Please!

Look! Her friends are Look! Two planes are going

leaving the jungle. to the jungle. Let's go!

Don't worry! I'm No, fire is very

calling the forest ranger! dangerous. I'm going!

82 eighty two

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 82 26/5/15 16:50

2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false) 18
1 Mr Treeman lives in the fire area. 4 Miss Green and Mr Treeman
need help.
2 Mr Treeman is leaving the jungle.
5 The children are going to
3 The fire is dangerous. the fire area with Mr Clark.

3 a) Read and tick

File Edit View Favourites Tools Help


DOWNLOADS Are you an expert on emergencies in the jungle?
CONTACTS Yes, they do. No, they don't.

1 Do firefighters wear a red uniform?

2 Do they wear a raincoat?
3 Do they have special equipment for the jungle?
4 Do they use a radio?
5 Do forest rangers have fire equipment?
6 Do they use a radio?
7 Do they work with firefighters?
8 Do they use planes?

b) Now, listen and check

eighty three 83

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 83 26/5/15 16:50

4 Read and write the number

The Green World

the planet . They
Forests and jungles cover 1/3 of
of trees, plants and
are the home of a great variety
est [2] in four or five
animals. But a fire destroys a for
days! It destroys all the flora and
accident. The two
Fires start by lightning or by

gles are cigarettes

great enemies of forests and jun
and campfires .

important role. They

Forests and jungles have a ver y
lungs of the planet.
produce oxygen . They're the

Protect forests and jungles!

5 Read and match

1 Does a jungle produce oxygen?
2 Does a penguin live in the jungle?
3 Does a fire produce oxygen? Yes, it does.
4 Does a campfire start a fire in the jungle?
5 Does the rain destroy the jungle? No, it doesn't.
6 Does this planet need jungles?

84 eighty four

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 84 26/5/15 16:50

6 Read and answer 18
There's a lot of work in the jungle. Muriel is tired. She's in her
bedroom now. It's nice. There's a TV on the desk, and there's a
computer next to the TV. There isn't a bookcase, but there are
five books in the wardrobe. There are skirts, pants and T-shirts
in the wardrobe too, but there aren't any dresses. There's a
raincoat next to the skirts. There's an umbrella under the bed.
There's a small table and there are biscuits on the table. There's
orange juice, too.
1 Does Muriel watch TV in her bedroom? 5 Does she have dresses?
2 Does she read in her bedroom? 6 Does she eat biscuits?
3 Does she wear skirts? 7 Does she drink orange juice?
4 Does she listen to music in her 8 Does she have a raincoat and an
bedroom? umbrella?

7 Memory game
Does Muriel Yes, she does!
like T-shirts?

8 Ask and answer questions


15 Does Robert write in

9 the afternoon?

No, he doesn't.

eighty five 85

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 85 26/5/15 16:50

9 Read and circle

1 2 3

He teaches the children At 5 he waters the plants

Mr Clark's coming! in the morning. in the kitchen garden.
He's a very good In the afternoon he A lot of work! And now
friend! prepares his lessons. he's helping me!

1 Mr Clark's watering the plants. 2 Mr Clark's walking. 3 Mr Clark's working.

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

10 Who?

Saturdays and Sundays

Do they cook?

Cook Get up Play Walk Read

Study No, they don't.
at 8 volleyball a lot books
John Do they
and Alex ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ read books?

Hans Yes, they do.

and Rod ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗
Lucy John and Alex?
and Penny ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓
Greta and
Brenda ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓

86 eighty six

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 86 26/5/15 16:50

11 a) Read and answer 18
The Jungle News

The jungle game!

1 Does Mr Treeman listen to music? 6 Do giraffes eat leaves?

2 Does Miss Green like candles? 7 Does a zebra drink juice?
3 Do birds like candles? 8 Do koalas live in the jungle?
4 Do Mr Treeman's old friends like candles? 9 Does a gorilla eat fruit?
5 Does Mr Treeman like cake? 10 Do pandas live in the desert?

Your answers
1 6

2 7

3 8

4 9

5 10

Write your questions and send them to

b) Now, listen and check

c) Write your questions

eighty seven 87

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 87 26/5/15 16:50

A medal for Mr Treeman!
The planes are
going to the river.

Yes, they don't have water.

Mr Clark is with Mr Treeman.

Is that Mr Clark?
He's black.

He's coming with

Mr Treeman.

Yes, he's helping Mr Treeman.

I'm OK children. The problem is the jungle!

We need water, we need rain!

88 eighty eight

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 88 26/5/15 16:50

Amazing! It's raining!

And it's a beautiful day!

Two days later...

Medals for the firefighters! And this

medal is for you, Mr Clark. You're a hero.

This is for Mr Treeman. And the protector of the jungle.

He's the real hero.

Hip, hip hooray!

The End
eighty nine 89

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 89 26/5/15 16:50

1 Read and complete

Re: Mr Treeman!

Hi, Lucy

Amazing! What an adventure! I have a lot of questions! Mr Treeman is very special!

Does he 1 pants and T-shirts? Does he 2 a car?

Does he 3 on the computer? And Miss Green, does she 4

insects and fruit? Does she 5 in Mr Treeman’s cave?

Now tell me about you. Do you 6 your teacher? J

Do you 7 your homework every day?

I have three great friends. We 8 football at school. Do you and your friends
football too?



2 Guess!
Do you read a
book every day?
Every day.

No, I don't.

90 ninety

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 90 26/5/15 16:50

a) Look and complete
My memory's good.
I don’t know, let me check! 1
Do the children 1 Treeman?
Yes, they do. Yes, they do.
Does Greta 2 a sister?
Yes, she does. Yes, she does.
Does the teacher 3 at 8?
No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't.
Do the children 4 every day?
No, they don't. No, they don't. 2

There, there, you're wrong!

They play football every day!
OK, OK, you're right.
No more questions. Now you try! 3

b) Listen and check

c) Sing!

ninety one 91

M08_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_U08.indd 91 26/5/15 16:51

In picture A, ...



Class Survey NAME

Do you get up at 7?
Do you have breakfast in the kitchen?
Do you…

92 ninety two

M08B_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_REV.indd 92 13/4/15 10:43


O ne happy boy is with

a pen.

T wo happy boys are

lunch at ten.

T hree happy boys are


F our happy boys are

next to a tree.

F ive happy boys are

blue pants.

S ix happy boys are

flowers and plants.

S even happy boys are

in the afternoon.

E ight happy boys are

in the living room.

N ine happy boys are

to you.

T en unhappy boys with

nothing else to do.

ng having
using writing drawing sleepi
playing wearing g watching
e n i n g
ninety three 93

M08B_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_REV.indd 93 13/4/15 10:43


and the
People in the play
Alex Treeman
Lucy Castle guards
Mr Clark
Greta The parents
The Giant
S ce ne I
Narrator: Mr Treeman and all the children are
in the school playground.
Alex: The school play is this afternoon. Scene II
Treeman: What's a play?
Greta: It's a story with actors and Narrator: The children and Mr Clark are on
actresses. stage, ready for the play. Parents
are sitting at one corner of the
Lucy: The name of the play is The Very
Bad Giant.
Mr Clark: Are you ready? Your mums and
Treeman: What's a giant?
your dads are here.
Alex: A very, very tall person.
Alex: Look! Mr Treeman is over there!
Treeman: Where does the giant live?
Lucy: And look! That's mum and there's
Greta: He lives in a castle. your dad!
Lucy: A castle is a very big house. Parents: Hi!
Treeman: Is the giant nice? (Mr Treeman is sitting next to them.)
Greta: No, he isn't. He's a spooky giant. Greta: I'm nervous. I don't remember
Lucy: Please Mr Treeman. Come to the my lines.
play! Alex: Don't look at the people. Look
Greta: Please, come! at me.
Alex: We're the actors! Lucy: I'm not nervous! I'm a good
Treeman: I don't like spooky giants! actress.
Alex: Mr Clark is the giant. It's only a Mr Clark: Lucy… That's not nice. I'm nervous
story! too! Let's start!

94 ninety four

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 94 20/5/15 15:50

S c e n e II I (Mr Treeman climbs onto the stage.)
Treeman: That's not nice! You're a
bad giant. The children are
Dear family, my friends!
We invite you to our play: Giant: They aren't my friends. There
are no children in my castle.
THE VERY BAD GIAN I like silence.
Child 1: We like games and music and
Treeman: The children are good
The Giant: teachers. Now I like games,
Mr Clark and I listen to music and I
The children:
Greta, Lucy, Alex Giant: Do you like stories?
Treeman: Yes, a lot.
Castle guards:
Child 2: We tell him stories. He loves
Three children
mystery stories!
Giant: Well… this is a mystery
story… Who am I?
Narrator: Welcome to the play!
Treeman: You're the bad giant!
Child 3: Please giant! Show him your
Narrator: We are in the Giant's garden. The face.
guards see some children playing in
the garden. They take them to see the Chorus: Show him! Show him!
Giant. (Giant removes his mask.)
Giant: What are you doing in my garden? Treeman: Oh! Mr Clark! You're a
Child 1: We… we're playing. wonderful actor and the
children too! I'm very, very
Giant: Playing in my garden? sorry…
Child 2: We… we like your garden. It's big. Mr Clark: No problem!
Child 3: We don't have a big garden! (Mr Clark speaks to the audience.)
Giant: This is my garden and I don't like Mr Clark: Did you like the story of The
children. Very Bad Giant?
Child 1: Look! Here's my football. Come Audience: Yes! Super! Great! Three
and play! cheers for the actors and
Giant: I don't like football. Games are silly. actresses!
No children in my garden! Out! Out!
Chorus: Yes! Out! Out!
The End
ninety five 95

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 95 20/5/15 15:50

People in the
PLAY play

Pat and
brother anMike,
d sister Ben,
a friend

Pat and Mikand Mrs Jones,
e's father a The gerbil
nd mother

Scene II
Saturday night in Mike's room.
Ben: I also hear noises!
Pat: Let's look under the beds
Scene I and behind the wardrobe.
Ben: It's an old house. Perhaps
At school.
there's a ghost…
Ben: Do you like your new house? Mike: Perhaps… Listen! (tap, tap, tap) The
Pat: Yes, I do! It has a garden and three ghost is making a noise! Now he's
bedrooms: one for Mum and Dad, one running!
for Mike and one for me. Pat: Ghosts don't exist but… I also hear a
Ben: And you, Mike? strange noise…
Mike: I like the garden but I don't like the Mike: There are lots of stories of ghosts in
house. There are strange noises at night. old houses… I'm reading a story of two
Clank! Clank! Clank! I'm scared… ghosts…
Ben: Do you hear noises, Pat? Pat: They exist in stories but… (thump,
Pat: No, I don't. I sleep well all night. Mike's thump, thump) How spooky!… Now,
inventing things! he's jumping! Look! Over there, next to
Mike: No, I'm not! (to Ben) Ben, tomorrow is the desk!
Saturday. Please, come home. There are Mike: It's a small brown thing and ghosts are
two beds in my bedroom. big. They're grey or white.

96 ninety six

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 96 20/5/15 15:50

Ben: Let's call your mum and dad!
Pat: Wait! I think it's an animal. A rat?
Let's see…
Mike: I don't like rats! They're horrible.
Use my hockey stick!
Ben: It's a gerbil! It's a very nice animal!
Gerbils are children's pets.
Pat: How sweet! It has beautiful eyes…

Scene III
(Pat and Mike's father and mother in Mike's room.)
Dad: What's the matter here? It's one o'clock Ben: Yes, Mrs Jones, gerbils are rodents but
in the morning! they're very nice! They're sociable, like
Mum: You're making a lot of noise. hamsters.
Pat: Mum, look behind Mike's desk. There's Pat: Please, let's keep it. I have a big box for
a gerbil in the room. him.
Mum: A what? It's a rat! Yuck… Dad: Let me see. What do gerbils eat?
Mike: (reading from a cell phone) Insects,
fruit, leaves…
Pat: There are many insects in the garden.
Please, mum…
Mum: Mm… OK, but he lives in your box.
Mike: And plays in the garden!

Scene IV
(The gerbil's house.)
Gerbil: I have a new house. There's a huge living
room and a bedroom. No kitchen, but
it's OK. Look! Carrots, lettuce, biscuits… The End
There are deliveries here!

ninety seven 97

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 97 20/5/15 15:50

1 Read and complete
1 is scared. Is it Ben or Mike?

2 lives in a new house. Is it Ben or Pat?

3 There are two beds in bedroom. Is it Mike's or Ben's?

4 doesn't like the house. Is it Pat or Mike?

5 is reading a story about ghosts. Is it Ben or Mike?

6 doesn't like rats. Is it Mike or Pat?

7 plays hockey. Is it Mike or Pat?

8 house doesn't have a kitchen. Is it Gerbil's or Dad's?

2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)

1 Pat, Mike and Ben go to different schools.

2 It's Friday in Scene I.
3 There's a wardrobe in Mike's bedroom.
4 The ghost is sleeping.
5 Pat likes the gerbil.
6 Mum and Dad hear a strange noise in Scene III.
7 Mike doesn't like the gerbil.
8 The gerbil is sad in Scene IV.

98 ninety eight

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 98 20/5/15 15:50

3 Read and complete GE
Use the words in the box. There are extra words.

body ears eyes head legs

drink drinks eats is live sleep sleeps

A gerbil is a rodent. It a nice animal. It has a big and

a small, fat . It has big and small .
The gerbil's are short.
A gerbil water and apples, oranges, lettuce and seeds.
Gerbils are quiet animals. They at night. They 3 to 5 years.

4 Write
A menu


Fruit PRICE Vegetables PRICE Snacks PRICE

ninety nine 99

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 99 20/5/15 15:50

Test your memory!
1 Read and tick
1 How old is Greta? 9 10
2 Does Mr Treeman live in a cave? Yes No
3 Does Alex have a camera? Yes No
4 Does Lucy have short legs? Yes No
5 How many beds are there in John's bedroom? 1 2
6 Are the bats eating in Mr Treeman's cave? Yes No
7 Is Greta wearing a grey raincoat? Yes No
8 Does Alex like strawberries? Yes No
9 Does Greta have brothers and sisters? Yes No
10 Are three planes going to the jungle? Yes No

2 Read and circle

1 Look! I'm a bat!
I have eleven photos for the project.
Alex or Miss Green?
Alex or Lucy? Mr Treeman has my net!

Greta or Lucy? 7
2 Thank you for
the delicious cake.
Let's send the photo to the newspaper!

Mr Clark or Mr Treeman?
Mr Clark or Greta? 5
My birds don't like
your scarecrow! 8
3 Fire is very dangerous!
I'm scared… Where's the shadow? Mr Clark or Mr Treeman? I'm going to the jungle.

John or Alex? Mr Clark or Mr Treeman?

100 one hundred

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 100 20/5/15 15:50

3 Read and complete. There’s an extra verb.
Use these verbs in the affirmative or negative. Remember! He, she…
do get up go have like listen live play
read study there is/are walk watch water work
Hi! I'm Mr Treeman. I in a house. My house is a cave. a
bedroom with a bed and lots of plants. Do you plants?
They're beautiful!

Hello. I'm Greta, I'm Mr Clark's student. He's a great teacher. He early
every day and to school. He very hard. In the afternoon,
he TV, on the computer and to music. Ah!
He the kitchen garden. He's great!

Hi, I'm Alex. I a brother, John. John isn't a good student, he

and he his homework. But he stories and novels.

4 Look and match

Mr Clark is
Greta is wearing working in the
boots and a raincoat. kitchen garden.

I don't have The children

Mr Treeman's are celebrating
present! Mr Treeman's
I have a plant for
Alex's leg. The puma's
leg is not OK.
Miss Green has
Greta's net. There's a note
for you, Mum.

one hundred and one 101

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 101 20/5/15 15:50

Students in 3A
1 Read and write the name

Alex John

Greta Mr Clark

Hello! I'm in 4A. I'm tall and I have long legs. I have a mum. She's great! She has short brown
hair and small brown eyes. We live in a small house. There are two bedrooms, a small living
room, a bathroom and a small kitchen. We don't have a pet. At home I watch TV, listen to
music and do my homework. My mum works and makes breakfast, lunch and dinner.
We like fish and salad. My name's .
Hi! I'm in 4A, too. I'm ten. I have two brothers and a sister. We live in a big house with my
mum. There are three bedrooms in my house, a big living room, two bathrooms and a
kitchen. I go to school with my friends, Lucy and Alex. They are good friends. We study at
school and work in the kitchen garden. In the afternoon, we go to the jungle and visit Mr
Treeman and Miss Green. I'm .
Hello! I'm not in 4A. I'm fifteen. I don't have a sister, but I have a brother, a mum and
a dad. Mum has long black hair and my dad's hair is brown. My hair is black, and
my brother's hair is black, too. We live in a house with two bedrooms, a big
living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. We have a nice bedroom. There
are two beds in the bedroom, and a big wardrobe. I go to school, but
not to primary school. I go to secondary school. My brother goes to primary
school. He watches TV and does his homework in the bedroom. I do my
homework and listen to music. I don't watch TV.
My name's .

102 one hundred and two

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 102 20/5/15 15:50

2 Read and write
Write Alex's, Mr Treeman's and Mr Clark's presentations. Use the information in the file.

NAME Alex Hello! I'm in 4A. I'm

FAMILY Brother, mum and dad.
No pets
HOUSE 2 bedrooms, big living
room, 1 bathroom, kitchen
EVERY DAY School, games with
friends, homework, TV
My name's Alex.

NAME Mr Treeman Hi! I'm not in 4A. I'm

AGE 110
FAMILY Miss Green
HOUSE A cave: a bedroom and
a kitchen
EVERY DAY Get up, water plants, cure
animals, help children .
and people
I'm Mr Treeman.

NAME Mr Clark Hi! I'm in 4A, but I'm not a student.

AGE 27
FAMILY Father and mother
HOUSE 1 bedroom, a living room,
bathroom and kitchen
EVERY DAY Work at school, read, make
lunch and dinner, tennis, .
TV, computer
I'm Mr Clark.

one hundred and three 103

M09_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_OT.indd 103 20/5/15 15:50

1 Games at school
1 Look and write
a) Games in the past (P), games today (T) or games in the past and today (PT)?
b) Games for boys (B), for girls (G) or for boys and girls (BG)?

104 one hundred and four

M10_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_CL.indd 104 26/5/15 16:45

2 Generalisations
1 Read and answer
Some generalisations are OK, but others are not.

1 Children are short. Is it OK?

2 Teachers are young. Is it OK?
3 Girls are intelligent. Is it OK?
4 Fish have ears. Is it OK?
5 Monkeys have long arms. Is it OK?
6 Lions have small ears. Is it OK?
7 Plants are green. Is it OK?
8 Rivers are blue. Is it OK?
9 Toucans are birds. Is it OK?
10 Flowers are pink and red. Is it OK?

2 Write
Now write three correct generalisations.

one hundred and five 105

M10_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_CL.indd 105 26/5/15 16:45

3 A house is a house
Read and number
Inside a house
Houses have a living room, a kitchen, one or two bathrooms
and one, two or three bedrooms. Is this correct?
Well, 1houses have a living room and a kitchen, but some A house is a house
houses have one room and it's the living room and the
kitchen. Big or small
Houses have bedrooms, but 2in some houses, the bedroom is New or old
also the living room. My house is special:
In small flats, the kitchen is in a wardrobe in the living room. It is my home.
Houses have a bathroom. 4In some houses, the bathroom is
not in the house.
Some very big houses are similar to hotels: they have a lot of
bedrooms for families, but only one kitchen and one living
room for all the families.



106 one hundred and six

M10_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_CL.indd 106 26/5/15 16:45

4 Healthy lives
Read and circle
Are you healthy? Let's see… Look at the diagram and select your answer.

1 You are not doing gym. You 4 You are playing tennis. You
are eating a hamburger with are eating an egg and cheese
chips and drinking a soda. Is sandwich, a tomato, lettuce
this healthy? and carrot salad and you're
Yes No drinking orange juice. Is this
2 You are not doing gym. Yes No
You are drinking milk and
you are eating a banana 5 You are playing on the
and strawberry salad and computer. You are eating a
chicken. Is this healthy? hot dog, a chocolate cake and
Yes No you're drinking a soda. Is
this healthy?
3 You are doing gym. You Yes No
aren't eating. You're
drinking water. Is this
healthy? Fruit and
Bread, rice,
Yes No
fish, eggs, Dairy
Not healthy! Are you OK?
1 point:
Physical exercise
terrible. You can do better.
3-2 points: Not very healthy but not 2, 4. Yes: 1 point No: 0 point
5-4 points: You're healthy! Fantastic! 1, 3, 5. Yes: 0 points No: 1 point
Results Anwers

one hundred and seven 107

M10_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_CL.indd 107 26/5/15 16:45

5 Skirts
1 Read and answer
Skirts are for girls. Is this correct? Well, read and check.

In western cultures, skirts are for girls. This is typical in Europe,

and many countries in South, Central and North America.
But kilts are for boys in Scotland.

What about other places in the world? Different

types of skirts are common in some places in the
world. Look at the following:
a man wearing a sarong, typical in South-east Asia
and some islands in the Pacific.

A man wearing a mundu or lungi in India, Asia.

A man wearing a lava lava,

a typical skirt in Polynesia
and Oceanic cultures.

Skirts are for girls. Is this correct?

2 Read and write

Typical clothes …

For children in your culture

For adults in your culture

For children in an indigenous community

108 one hundred and eight

M10_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_CL.indd 108 26/5/15 16:45

6 Birthday celebrations
around the world A
1 Read and number B
In Argentina, a lot of children have a birthday party
at school or at home. Young children wear 1party hats,
there are 2balloons and maybe 3party favours. There is a
cake with 4candles on top. They sing the Happy Birthday
song and they play. Children and families are happy at
birthday parties. D
There is another tradition: friends and family pull on the
birthday boy's or girl's ears, one for each year.
What about other places?

2 Read and write the name of the country

In England, birthday cakes are very special. In the cake, there are small toys for the
children. Is it your birthday? Your friends give you the ‘bumps’, one bump for each year.
In Canada, at a birthday party there are cakes decorated with coloured sprinkles.
There are party favours for all the children, but they are not bags. They're crackers, and
there's a small object in the cracker.
In Egypt a lot of friends and family go to the birthday party, and there are two
cakes, but only one with candles. They also eat cookies, individual cakes and small
sandwiches. There are special decorations: zeena.
In Panama, there's a piñata at a birthday party. There is cake and children sing the
Happy Birthday song in English and in Spanish. They eat cake and ice cream.
In India, birthday children wear new clothes. The family go to the temple and
then they eat a special dinner. At school, the birthday boy or girl and a friend give
chocolates to all the friends.
What's the tradition in your culture?

1 2 3 4 5

one hundred and nine 109

M10_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_CL.indd 109 26/5/15 16:45

7 Life in a city and life in a rural area
1 Read and tick
What's your idea?
City Rural area
Children get up early.
Children walk to school.
Children do homework.
Children watch TV.
Children listen to music.
Children play with electronic games.
Children use a computer.
Children play with friends.

2 Read and tick again. Use a different colour

Maria gets up very early, at 5.30 in the morning, has breakfast and is ready for school. She
wears a uniform: a white overall. Her father takes her to school in his truck, she doesn't
walk to school. After 1 hour, she is at school. There are twelve children at school: two in
grade 1, one in grade 2, four in grade 4, three in grade 5 and two in grade 6 but there's
only one teacher. At school, children have Spanish, Social Studies, Natural Sciences,
Physical Education and Music. On Tuesdays, they have English.
In the afternoon, Maria is at home. She does her homework, listens to music and plays on
the computer. There's a computer in the living room in her house.
Maria plays with Carolina, one of her friends. They climb trees and pick up strawberries in
the kitchen garden.
Maria has dinner with her family at 7 in the evening and goes to sleep at 8 or 8.30.

3 Read and say

What are the similarities and differences?

110 one hundred and ten

M10_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_CL.indd 110 26/5/15 16:45

8 Natural Sciences
1 Read and tick
What is a good title for this article?

Rainforests Pharmacy Rain

There are different types of forests on planet Earth. One is the tropical rainforest,
or jungle. In a rainforest, there is a lot of rain. There are millions of different
species of plants, insects and other very small organisms. A frequent name for
the tropical rainforest is ‘a huge pharmacy’: lots of natural medicines come from
rainforests. Rainforests also transform toxic gases into oxygen.
There are tropical rainforests in Asia, Africa, Central and South America and on
islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Tick two good illustrations for this article.

one hundred and eleven 111

M10_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_CL.indd 111 26/5/15 16:45

1 Write this or that
Look at…






school bag

electronic game


2 Write


112 one hundred and twelve

M11_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB1.indd 112 13/4/15 11:02

3 Read and complete. She’s, He’s, It’s or They’re?
1 Look at my mum. beautiful.

2 That's my brother. short.

3 My copybook? green.

4 Look at my parrots. fantastic.

5 My books? over there.

6 Look at that monkey. very small.

7 Dad? Look! there.

8 Maggie is my dog. adorable.

4 Write the colour and colour the pictures

1 elephants 3 A bird

2 parrots 4 A tree

one hundred and thirteen 113

M11_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB1.indd 113 13/4/15 11:15

5 Read and circle
1 My mum's beautiful. She's / He's thirty-two.

2 My brothers are twins. He's / They're thirteen.

3 Look at my books. It's / They're blue.

4 That's Laura. She's / He's the music teacher.

5 Susan and Fred? He's / They're my friends.

6 My brother? She's / He's over there.

7 Look at this / that bird over there. It's / They're yellow.

8 Here! This / That is my pencil case.

6 Draw and write

My name's years old.
I like .

I don't like .

I love .

114 one hundred and fourteen

M11_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB1.indd 114 13/4/15 11:15

1 a) Look and complete. He has or She has?
1 brown hair.

2 long hair.

3 a big mouth.

4 a small nose.

5 a big head.

b) Look again and complete. His or Her?

1 hair is short. 4 eyes are big.

2 nose is big. 5 mouth is small.

3 head is small.

2 Read and complete. Old, young, huge, thin, short or long?

The man is 1 .
The woman is 2 , too.

The girl is 3 and her

arms are 4 .
She has 5 hair.

The boy is 6 and

his head is 7 !

one hundred and fifteen 115

M12_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB2.indd 115 13/4/15 11:21

3 Read and complete. Has or doesn’t have?
1 A fish arms. It two eyes.
It hair.
2 A lion a big head. It four legs.
It arms.
3 A bird a big head. It arms,
but it two legs.
4 A monkey a big head. It long arms and short legs.
It a big nose.
5 A butterfly a big head. It a thin body. It
six legs, but it arms.

4 Read and circle

I love tennis! My gym teacher is Miss Bank. 1She’s / He’s twenty-

seven. She's young 2and / but beautiful. She 3is / has long brown
hair and 4big / fat eyes. 5Her / His nose is small 6and / but her ears
are small, too. She 7is / has a small family: a mother, a father and a
brother. She 8has / doesn’t have a sister. 9His / Her brother is a young
boy / man. He's ten.
She has a dog 11and / but a cat, but she 12has / doesn’t have a parrot.


116 one hundred and sixteen

M12_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB2.indd 116 13/4/15 11:21

5 Read and match. There is one extra ending
Mr Clark are long.

He has have green eyes.

is my teacher.
He doesn't
are green.
He is
is big.
His legs short hair.
His nose tall and thin.

6 Draw and write

My favourite characters in stories

Her name’s

She has

She doesn’t have

one hundred and seventeen 117

M12_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB2.indd 117 13/4/15 11:21

1 Look and write

2 Read and draw

Jeremy is Mr Clark's student.
Look at his bedroom! His four
books are under the chair,
his big ball is on the bed and his
school bag is on the desk.
His pencils? They're on the chair.
And his robot? It's behind the
bed. Look! His electronic games
are in the wardrobe, and his blue
pencil case is in the bookcase.

118 one hundred and eighteen

M13_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB3.indd 118 13/4/15 11:53

3 Read and circle Amy’s toys and school objects
Amy has a nice doll. It's on
the big table. She has
a robot, too. It's under
the small table. She doesn't
have a ball. She has a pencil
case. It's in the cupboard.
She doesn't have books. But
she has copybooks. They're
behind the bookcase. What's
that next to the bookcase?
Her electronic game.

4 Look and circle

This is 1Miss Bank / Miss Bank's house.

It’s / She’s a nice house. It has a
living room, a kitchen, a bedroom,
a big bathroom and a garden.
This / That is her bedroom. She has
a big 4bed / cupboard, but she doesn't
have a 5desk / wardrobe. Her school bag
is 6on / in the bed, and her pencil case
is 7next to / in her school bag. Where
is / are her pen? It's 9in / under the
pencil case. Where are her copybooks?
They're 10behind / on the school bag.

one hundred and nineteen 119

M13_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB3.indd 119 13/4/15 11:53

5 Read and match. There is one extra answer
Where's Jeremy? Yes, they are.

No, he isn't.
Is his sister in the bedroom?

No, it isn't.
Where are his pencils?
No, she isn't.
Is his school bag on the table?
They're in his school bag.
Are his books next to
the school bag? He's in the living room.

6 Draw and describe your bedroom.

Use in, on, under, next to or behind

My bedroom is nice. I have…

My bed
My toys and my school objects?
My school bag is
My favourite board game is
My books are
My pencil case is
My English copybook is

120 one hundred and twenty

M13_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB3.indd 120 13/4/15 11:53

1 Complete the email

Hello from my new house

Hi, Ruby
How are you? I'm in my new house. Look! I have some photos. In photo 1,
in the garden with my dog. In photo 2, .
And look at photo 3, and .
I love photo 4, here .
What about you? Write to me.

1 2 3 4

2 Read and answer

1 Jeremy is doing his homework. Is he in the bathroom
or in the living room?

2 His mother is watching TV. Is she in the bedroom or in the garden?

3 His father is reading a book. Is he in the kitchen or in the bedroom?

4 His dog is playing with a ball. Is he in the classroom or in the garden?

5 His friend Ruby is drawing. Is she in the bathroom or in the bedroom?

one hundred and twenty one 121

M14_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB4.indd 121 13/4/15 11:57

3 Look and write
1 2 3 4 5 6

4 Write the captions

1 3 5

2 4

5 Read and circle

Jeremy is in 1his / her house. He's watching 2music / TV and doing 3a salad / his homework.
His / Her dad is in the kitchen. He's 5colouring / making a salad with lettuce, two
tomatoes and two 6carrots / cheese. His mum? 7He’s / She’s in the living room.
She's 8working / listening.

122 one hundred and twenty two

M14_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB4.indd 122 13/4/15 11:57

6 Read and match. There is one extra answer
Is Jeremy working? Yes, they are.

No, I'm not.

Is Sharon doing her homework?

No, it isn't.
Where is Sharon?
She's in the garden.

Are you eating strawberries?

Yes, she is.

Are Jeremy and Sharon playing? No, he isn't.

7 Describe your photos

............. Here ........................................................................
In this photo, ......................................................
............ ......................................................

one hundred and twenty three 123

M14_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB4.indd 123 13/4/15 11:57

1 Read and draw in your copyboook
Re: Hello from my new house

Great photos, Jeremy! How are you? I'm in my bedroom. It's small and beautiful. There's a small
bed. It's brown, and there's a blue table with a blue chair. There's a computer on the table, and
there's a big pencil case next to the computer. It's green and blue. There's a wardrobe and a
small bookcase next to the wardrobe. I love my bedroom!
What about your bedroom? Tell me.

2 Read and write the time

It's five o'clock in the afternoon in Argentina.
What's the time in ….

... New Zealand? It's eight o'clock in the morning.

… Peru? It's three o'clock in the afternoon.

… Hong Kong? It's four o'clock in the morning.

… Australia? It's six-thirty in the morning.

… Nepal? It's one-fi fteen in the morning.

… Venezuela? It's three-thirty in the afternoon.

… Spain? It's ten o'clock in the evening.

124 one hundred and twenty four

M15_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB5.indd 124 13/4/15 12:02

3 a) Write. Jeremy's or Ruby's?

Jeremy's: Ruby's:

b) Write in your copybook

Boy Girl Boy or Girl

4 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)

1 There are boys in my class. 4 There's a pen in my pencil case.

2 There are five books on my desk. 5 There is a tree in the classroom.

3 There are coloured pencils 6 There are two tables for the
in my pencil case. teacher in the classroom.

one hundred and twenty five 125

M15_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB5.indd 125 13/4/15 12:02

5 Read and circle

Look at Ruby's wardrobe! There 1is / are two

dresses / skirts! There's a 3T-shirt / cap
on the chair and there's 4a / an umbrella
behind / under the chair. There 6is / are

boots under the chair.

6 Read and match. There is one extra ending

a small parrot.
We are in
tree in the garden.
We have
and thin.
We are short
There's a
flowers next to the tree.
There are
the garden.

7 Draw and write. Use There is or There are

126 one hundred and twenty six

M15_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB5.indd 126 13/4/15 12:02

1 Read and match
There are big deserts in the world, and there are small deserts too. There is no water in
deserts, but animals live there. For example, hyenas live in the Arabian, Kalahari and
Sahara deserts. Dromedaries live in the Arabian desert too. Kangaroos live in the desert in
Australia, and coyotes and tarantulas live in the North American desert, in the USA and
Mexico. What about deserts in South America? There are two big deserts, Atacama and
Patagonian. Llamas live in Atacama, and guanacos and armadillos live in Patagonia.

hyenas llamas armadillos dromedaries

kangaroos tarantulas coyotes guanacos

one hundred and twenty seven 127

M16_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB6.indd 127 26/5/15 16:42

2 Look and write the activity
2 4

6 8 10

3 Write activities in the house

The kitchen The living room The bedroom The garden

4 Read and complete

17 At 7, I .
At 12 or 12.30, I .

At 5 in the afternoon, I .

At 7 in the evening, I .

At 9 in the evening, my family .

128 one hundred and twenty eight

M16_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB6.indd 128 26/5/15 16:42

5 Read and circle
Ruby and her sister Gracie 1get up / go to bed at 6.30 every day. They have 2lunch / breakfast
in the kitchen. They 3not / don’t drink soda. They 4eat / make fruit and biscuits.
At school, they 5write / watch stories and 6read / draw books. They 7have / drink chicken and
chips for lunch.
In the afternoon, they 8watch / listen to TV, play on the computer or 9visit / go to friends.
They 10don't / aren't cook. They have dinner at 8.30 and they go to bed at 10.

6 Read and match. There is one extra ending

at school.
Bats eat
for a birthday party.
Boys don't
in the kitchen.
Babies don't
on the computer.
Teachers work
TV in the living room.
We listen to
We watch
rock and pop music.
My mum and dad cook
wear skirts.
I make a cake

7 Write in your copybook

My weekend

one hundred and twenty nine 129

M16_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB6.indd 129 26/5/15 16:42

1 Read and complete. Use in, on, under, next to, behind

1 There's a
2 There are
3 There's a
4 There's a
5 There are

2 Complete with the verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs
eat drink get have listen live play read swim visit walk watch write

The school and the jungle are fantastic! And the forest ranger…
He's great! He has a friend, Muriel. She's a forest ranger, too. She
in Costa Rica. She 2 up at 6 every day
and 3 breakfast. She 4 a lot of milk.
She 5 with the animals in the jungle and 6
in the river. She 7 a salad for lunch and then she
emails or 9 a book.
She 10 TV and 11 to music. Her life is fantastic!

130 one hundred and thirty

M17_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB7.indd 130 13/4/15 12:39

3 Read and write the name. Then, complete with the profession

1 Mary wears a white, green or pink 4 Emma wears a white uniform.

uniform. She works with animals. She works in a hospital or clinic.
She's a . She's a .
2 Ross wears a brown uniform. He uses a 5 Andrew wears black. He works at a
truck or a bike. He works in the jungle. birthday party or at the theatre.
He's a . He's a .
3 Mark wears a uniform. He studies a lot. 6 Maggie works at a school.
He's a . She's a .

4 Correct the false information

1 A puma eats insects. 5 The forest ranger uses a car in the jungle.

2 Treeman lives in a big house. 6 He wears a black uniform.

3 Mr Clark works in a hospital. 7 Miss Green drinks orange juice.

4 He has a parrot. 8 She watches TV with Mr Treeman.

one hundred and thirty one 131

M17_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB7.indd 131 13/4/15 12:39

5 Read and circle
Sharon 1go / goes to school in the morning. She's a good student. She 2sings / studies
a lot. She 3doesn't / isn't have lunch at home. She has lunch at school.
The students 4eat / eats spaghetti or chicken and drink water.
There 5is / are a TV in her bedroom, and she 6watches / watch TV in the afternoon.
She 7likes / listens comedies and Ben 10, 8her / your favourite TV programme.
She 9don't / doesn't do her homework in the bedroom. In the afternoon, she
goes / is going to her friend's house and they 11study / studies together.
She and her family have 12dinner / breakfast at 9 pm.

6 Read and match. There is one extra ending

Sharon and her friends at six every day.
She listens comedies and cartoons.
She watches football at the club.
Robby doesn't go to school in the morning.
He gets up the living room.
His friends don't play live in the jungle.
to rock music.

7 Write
My friend’s day

My best friend is . He / She

132 one hundred and thirty two

M17_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB7.indd 132 13/4/15 12:39

1 Read and answer
1 Do firefighters wear trainers? 5 Do vets work with animals and plants?
. .
2 Do they use bikes? 6 Do magicians use special equipment?
. .
3 Do students wear a uniform? 7 Do doctors work at schools?
. .
4 Do teachers have special equipment? 8 Do forest rangers work in the desert?
. .

2 Complete the questionnaire

My routine
1 Do you go to school in the morning? 6 Do you listen to music?

2 Do you have breakfast at home? 7 Do you cook at home?

3 Do you have lunch at school? 8 Do you eat vegetables?

4 Do you play sports in the afternoon? 9 Do you drink water?

5 Do you watch TV in the afternoon?

one hundred and thirty three 133

M18_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB8.indd 133 13/4/15 13:03

3 Look and answer in your copybook
1 Does Mr Clark like
orange juice?
2 Does he drink water?
3 Does he cook?
4 Does he make cakes?
5 Does he read books?
6 Does he play tennis?
7 Does he play football?
8 Does he listen to music?

4 Read and tick

Does Miss Bank Does a penguin

work at school? eat chicken?
Yes, she does. Yes, it does.
Do teachers work Does a penguin
at school? eat fish?

Does Miss Bank Do your friends

wear a uniform? play football?
Yes, he does. Yes, they do.
Does Mr Clark Does your friend
wear a uniform? play football?

Do you like Do Greta's brothers

school? go to school?
Yes, we do! Yes, they do.
Do they like Does Greta's sister go
school? to school?

134 one hundred and thirty four

M18_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB8.indd 134 13/4/15 13:03

5 Read and circle
Reporter: Good morning! Thank you for your time.
Jeremy: Good morning.
Reporter: 1Do / Does you get up early every day?
Jeremy: Yes, I 2do / get up. I 3get / gets up at 6.30 and I 4have / has breakfast.
Reporter: Do you go to school in the morning?
Jeremy: No, I 5not / don't. I do my homework in the morning. My sister 6study / studies with me.
Reporter: 7Do / Does she go to school?
Jeremy: No, she 8don't / doesn't. She 9go / goes to university. She's 10a / an architecture student.

6 Read and match. There is one extra answer

Do you like your job, Robert? No, he doesn't.
Do you wear trainers? No, I don't. I wear boots.
Does your friend Muriel work No, they don't.
in the jungle?
Yes, I do. I love it!
Does your brother visit you?
Yes, we do.
Do your mother and your
father live in the jungle? Yes, she does. In Costa Rica.

7 Write in your copybook

My photos
My routine
My bedroom In this photo I’m

one hundred and thirty five 135

M18_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_WB8.indd 135 13/4/15 13:03

Further Practice

1 Read and circle

1 this / that soft toy 5 this / that electronic game
2 this / that doll 6 this / that big board game
3 this / that white ball 7 this / that black ball
4 this / that small board game

Look at…

2 Read and tick

1 Elephants are black. 6 Butterflies are small.

2 Lions are big. 7 Birds are very big.

3 Toucans are birds. 8 Monkeys are brown.

4 Giraffes are grey. 9 Leaves are purple.

5 Zebras are black and white. 10 Flowers are green.

136 one hundred and thirty six

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 136 14/5/15 9:34


Further Practice
3 Read and circle
1 I have / like a brother. He’s / It’s twelve.

2 I have / like purple, but I don't like grey / glue.

3 My mother and my father / mum are thirty-seven. They’re / She’s tall.

4 Look at this bird. They’re / It’s orange.

5 Look at my dog's toys. It’s / They’re very small.

6 I have a / an small family: a mother, a father and a sister. They’re / She’s fi fteen.

7 I have / don’t have two teachers: Miss Kent and Mr Clark. It’s / They’re fantastic!
I like / have my teachers.

8 Look at this / that butterfly over there! It’s / He’s beautiful!!! I like / don’t like

4 Read and complete. There’s an extra word.

A rhyme

blue orange white yellow like trees two

I1 the jungle, Snow is 4

Birds and 2 . A river is 5
Look at my plants, An 6 flower,
One, 3 , three. Just for you!

one hundred and thirty seven 137

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 137 14/5/15 9:34

Further Practice

1 Read, draw and colour

Lucy's friend is a boy.

His name's Eric. He has a
small head and a big body.
His arms and legs are long.
His nose is big and his
mouth is small. He has big
eyes but his ears are small.
He has short black hair.

2 Match

HEAD huge
small BODY blue

fat MOVTH black

ARMS green
long HAIR grey

short NOSE red


138 one hundred and thirty eight

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 138 14/5/15 9:34


Further Practice
3 Read and circle
a Greta 1is / has green 2 hair / eyes and a 3small / young nose. 4His / Her hair is
short / long. She's 6young / old. 7She’s / She has ten. She 8is / isn’t fat.

b John and Alex are nice 1boys / girls. They have short black 2 hair / mouth. Alex
has / is very small eyes but he 4has / doesn’t have very small ears. His nose
doesn’t have / isn’t very small.

c Mr Clark is a 1man / boy. 2He’s / His a teacher. He has a big head 3but / and his
body / legs isn't big. He 5 has / doesn’t have brown hair 6but / and brown eyes.
He has 7long / fat legs. He's very tall.

4 Look and write


Mr Treeman is ‘the shadow’

Mr Treeman is a man. He's

Use this information: nose, mouth, ears, body, arms, legs, thin, long, old.

one hundred and thirty nine 139

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 139 14/5/15 9:34

Further Practice

1 Read and draw

Lucy's blog
Hello! Here's some information
about my friends.
This is Eric's bedroom. It's nice.
He has a bed and a table with
two chairs, but he doesn't
have a bookcase. His books?
They're on the table, next to
the TV. He has a nice board
game. It's under the bed. He
has a football, too. It's on the
wardrobe, behind his robot.
And his favourite electronic
game is in the wardrobe.

2 Read and tick

1 Eric has a bookcase in his bedroom. 4 He doesn't have a board game.

2 His books are in his bedroom. 5 His robot is behind the football.

3 His school bag is on the table. 6 His robot is on the wardrobe.

140 one hundred and forty

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 140 14/5/15 9:34


Further Practice
3 Look and write

This is Maria's bedroom.

4 Read and tick

Is his school bag next

What's this? to the bookcase?
It's Maria's No, they
book. aren't.
Where's Maria's Are his books next
book? to the bookcase?

Are the pencils in Where's the

the pencil case? wardrobe?
They're behind Yes, it is.
the pencil case.
Where are the Is that
pencils? a wardrobe?

Where's Eric's What's that?

She's under Next to the
the bed. wardrobe.
Where are
Where's Eric? the books?

one hundred and forty one 141

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 141 14/5/15 9:34

1 Read and write
Further Practice

What's this food? Read and answer.

1 It's green.
2 It's orange. It's long and thin.
3 It's red. It's very small.
4 It's yellow. It's long and thin.
5 It's red. It's in a salad.
6 It's yellow. It isn't long or thin.

2 Read and match. There’s an extra ending

am listening to music.
are watching TV.
Her mother and her father
a picture.
Alex and John are
her homework.
to music.
Eric is colouring
is reading a story.
Lucy is having
watching TV in her bedroom.
Greta is doing
Amy is listening
working in the living room.

142 one hundred and forty two

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 142 14/5/15 9:34

3 Read and cross out

Further Practice
What's incorrect? Cross it out.

1 John is watching TV / a book / a film / the children.

2 Lucy and Greta are writing on the computer / an email / in the living room
/ carrots.
3 Mr Clark is listening to music / to the children / to a butterfly
/ to a song / to The Beatles.
4 Alex is making a salad / a chocolate cake / his homework / a poster.
5 Mr Treeman is eating a fruit salad / lettuce / a soda / strawberries.
6 Miss Green is having water / music / milk / biscuits.

4 Read and write

Hello! I'm Julia. I'm twelve. I'm tall and .

I have
. (description)
In my bedroom I have .
but I don't have .
Look! In this photo I ,
and my sister Pam .

one hundred and forty three 143

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 143 14/5/15 9:34

Further Practice

1 Read and draw

In Lucy's wardrobe there are two skirts. One
is blue and the other is purple. She has four
T-shirts, but she doesn't have a raincoat. There
are two pants and a cap. There are trainers but
there aren't boots. Dresses? Yes, there are two.
There's an umbrella on the wardrobe. Socks?
No, there aren't. They're under the bed.

In John's wardrobe there are two pants and

four sweaters. There are trainers and boots,
but there aren't socks. There's a cap but there
isn't a raincoat. Dresses? No, but there's a long
skirt. It's his mother's skirt. T-shirts? Yes, there
are five.

2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)

1 We are friends.

2 We are ten.

3 We are Mr Clark's teachers.

4 We have small eyes.

5 We have long brown hair.

6 We have a parrot.

144 one hundred and forty four

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 144 14/5/15 9:34


Further Practice
3 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)
Look around!
1 There are forty chairs in the classroom.
2 There are board games.
3 There's a table for the teacher.
4 There are tables for the students.
5 There are plants.
6 There are books.
7 There are raincoats.
8 There are schoolbags.
9 There's a pencil case on the teacher's table.
10 There's a bag on the teacher's chair.

4 Read and match. There’s an extra phrase

We are a skirt and a T-shirt.

We have an English teacher.
Eric is wearing garden.
Maria is wearing orange book on my chair.
There is an pants, a T-shirt and trainers.
rubber next to the glue.
There are
the kitchen.
There's a
twelve pencils in my pencil case.
We aren't in

one hundred and forty five 145

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 145 14/5/15 9:34

Further Practice

1 Read and complete

Use the activities in the box. There are extra activities. There are different possibilities.

do drink eat get up go have listen to live make

play read study walk watch write

Hi! I'm Megan. I'm Lucy's friend. I 1 in a house next to

Lucy's house. I 2 at 7.30 every day and I 3
breakfast. I 4 milk and I 5 an apple, biscuits
and cheese. At school, I 6 books and 7 videos.
I8 stories, too, and I 9 a lot.
In the afternoon, I 10 my homework and 11 music.
Ah! I 12 on the computer too. I 13 to bed at 9.30. Is your
day similar?

2 Read and write ✓ (true) or ✗ (false)

Are you a nature expert?

1 Koalas eat chicken. 5 Crocodiles climb trees.

2 Monkeys play with other 6 Tigers eat fruit and plants.
7 Fish live in the ocean,
3 Baby lions drink milk. rivers and lakes.

4 Kangaroos jump. 8 Hippos swim.

146 one hundred and forty six

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 146 14/5/15 9:34


Further Practice
3 Read and answer. There are two extra answers
A woman, a baby, a man, a girl or a boy?

I get up at 9 and I have milk. I don't have hot chocolate. I don't go to school. I play in
the garden or in the bedroom. I have lunch at home. I sleep in the afternoon. I don't
play on the computer. I'm a .

I get up at 6.30 and I make breakfast for the family. I work at home in the morning.
Then I go to the office. I wear a blue skirt and a white T-shirt at the office. In the
evening I go to the supermarket and I make dinner. I watch TV and then I go to bed.
I'm a .

I get up at 7 and I have breakfast. I don't go to school in the morning. I do my

homework and then I play action games with my friends. I have lunch at home and
I go to school in the afternoon. At 6 I go to the club and I swim or play football with
my friends. I have dinner at 9 and then I go to bed. I'm a .

4 Read and match. There’s an extra ending

Children go at school.
Babies biscuits and sandwiches.
Gorillas eat don't walk.
Teachers work leaves.
Secretaries lunch and dinner.
We play on the computer in the afternoon.
Lucy's father and mother cook to music.
Young boys and girls listen to school.
work in an office.

one hundred and forty seven 147

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 147 14/5/15 9:34

Further Practice

1 Look and circle

This is Maria's living room.

1 She watches / doesn’t watch TV. 5 She works / doesn’t work on a computer.
2 She listens / doesn’t listen to music. 6 She reads / doesn’t read books.
3 She drinks / doesn’t drink orange juice. 7 She wears / doesn’t wear a raincoat.
4 She eats / doesn’t eat chicken. 8 She plays / doesn’t play tennis.

2 Look and complete

What's the profession?
1 Eric works in a hospital. He wears a white uniform. He doesn't use a computer. He
uses his hands. He's a .
2 Maria gets up at 6.30 every day. She works in a school. She doesn't wear a uniform.
She reads a lot of compositions and exercises. She's a .
3 Juan loves animals. He works at the hospital in the zoo. He wears a uniform. He's
a .
4 Diana likes the jungle, plants, trees, flowers and animals. She uses a bike or a truck.
She gets up at 5 every day. She wears a green uniform. She doesn't work in an
office or in a hospital. She works in the forest. She's a .

148 one hundred and forty eight

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 148 14/5/15 9:34


Further Practice
3 Read and complete
Use the activities in the box. There are extra activities.

do drink eat go have like listen live play read sleep study swim walk watch write

My blog

Manu is my friend. He 1 in a house with a beautiful garden. He 2

a swimming pool and he 3 every day. What fun!
He's a good student. He 4 to school in the morning. In the afternoon, he 5 a lot,
he 6 his homework and 7 on the computer. Then he 8 in the garden
with his dog, Jorgito. Jorgito 9 in Manu's bedroom and he 10 TV and
to music with Manu. He 12 Dogs 101 on Animal Planet, it's his
favourite TV programme. Jorgito is very special. He 13 orange juice
and 14 chicken and salad. I love Jorgito!

4 Read and circle

My blog

Look! 1I’m / This is Maggie, she's a friend. 2Her / His house is next to my house.
That's fantastic! 3They / We play in her 4bedroom / bathroom every day.
Maggie 5doesn’t / isn’t like pants. She doesn't 6have / has pants. She 7wears / uses skirts
and dresses. 8There’s / It’s a big wardrobe in her bedroom and 9there is / there are
a lot of clothes: dresses, sweaters, skirts, T-shirts and 10carrots / socks. She has a pink
raincoat and 11a / an umbrella, too. She doesn't like it, 12but / and it's beautiful.
Maggie likes sports but she 13plays / doesn’t play volleyball at school. She is a fan
of romantic novels. She 14read / reads novels every day. She 15watches / looks TV
in the living room with her brother and her sister. 16We / They love Animal Planet,
but I 17don’t / doesn’t like it.

one hundred and forty nine 149

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 149 14/5/15 9:34

Further Practice

1 Read and match

My blog

Is your memory good? Here's a questionnaire about Eric, Megan and Manu.
1 Does Eric play board games?
2 Does he watch TV in his bedroom? Yes, he does.
3 Does he play tennis?
4 Does Megan live next to Lucy?
5 Does she drink orange juice? Yes, she does.
6 Does she play tennis at school?
7 Does she do her homework in the morning?
8 Does Manu swim in the garden? No, he doesn't.
9 Does he watch TV in the living room?
10 Does he study a lot?
No, she doesn't.
11 Does Jorgito listen to music?
12 Does he eat hamburgers?

2 Read and circle. Then complete

An animal questionnaire
1 Do gorillas sleep / work in the morning? No, .
2 Do tigers jump / climb trees? Yes, .
3 Do elephants eat / drink chicken or beef? No, .
4 Do fish drink / eat milk? No, .
5 Do giraffes live / eat leaves? Yes, .
6 Do penguins live / walk in Antarctica? Yes, .

150 one hundred and fifty

Z01_STL_PUB_02ARG_3850_EM.indd 150 14/5/15 9:34


Further Practice
3 Read and circle
This is the story about Mr Treeman and 1his / her friends: Mr Clark and his students.
Mr Clark 2work / works at a school. 3He's / His a teacher. He 4is / has nice
children / boys: Greta, Lucy and Alex. 6We / They are friends.
Alex / Alex’s brother 8is / has fi fteen. He 9doesn’t / isn’t like school, 10but / and he
likes sports.
Greta 11lives / works in a house with 12his / her big family. Her mother 13cooks / does
breakfast, lunch and 14carrots / dinner. She doesn't 15work / works in 16a / an office.
Lucy 17is / has short brown hair and small 18ears / eyes. Her 19legs / body are long.
She's 20tall / short.
Mr Treeman and Miss Green 21live / lives in a special house. 22There are / They are
a lot of bats in the house. 23There is / There are a big living room with a table and
two chairs 24next to / under the table. The bedroom is 25behind / in the living room.
The sweaters are in the 26wardrobe / bookcase in the bedroom. Pants? Boots? No, he
doesn’t have / has pants or boots. He's very special!

4 Read and match. There’s an extra answer

Does Mr Treeman live in a cave? Yes, I do.

Yes, she does.

Does Mr Clark work in an office?
No, he doesn't.
Do Greta, Lucy and Alex go to school?
Yes, he does.
Do they live next to the school?
Yes, they do.
Does Miss Green wear trainers?
No, they don't.
Do you like Mr Treeman, John?
Yes, we do.
Do you and your friends like Miss Green?
No, she doesn't.

one hundred and fifty one 151

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1 Title and credits
2 Hello song
3 Goodbye song
4 1 The jungle song 19
5 2 Treeman 29
6 3 Monkeys everywhere 39
7 4 A crazy day 49
8 5 We love the jungle 61
9 6 The routines song 71
10 7 Not a special tree 81
11 8 Let me check! 91
12 Hello song - karaoke
13 Goodbye song - karaoke
14 1 The jungle song - karaoke
15 2 Treeman - karaoke
16 3 Monkeys everywhere - karaoke
17 4 A crazy day - karaoke
18 5 We love the jungle - karaoke
19 6 The routines song - karaoke
20 7 Not a special tree - karaoke
21 8 Let me check! - karaoke

Answers to Riddles!: 1 Bat 2 Lion 3 Tiger 4 Monkey 5 Jaguar 6 Parrot

152 one hundred and fifty two

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ng stories into learning

Beatriz Pena Lima

Stories, a key part of children's world,
Leonor Corradi

constitute an extremely powerful tool for

promoting language development. Storyline,
a unique Three-level series, will lead children
into learning through memorable stories
alongside activities which pose a challenge a
to their intelligence and creativity. Lim
r iz Pen
& B

Pupil's Book
orra di
Leonor C
Pupil's Book

• Pupil's Book
MP3 Songs files
Encuentros Escuela + Hogar


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NAPs (Normativa Curricular)
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• Posters
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- Teacher Training Video
• Further
- MP3 Audio files
- Editable Assessment pages
- New Resources

- Encuentros Escuela + Hogar para padres

Illustrated by Fabián Zaccaria & Carlos Bulzomí

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