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1 Anything but Snakes: Dormant within Bowshot of Serpents 51 Nibbles lightly on Things from Time to Time: Often learns

s from Time to Time: Often learns who made them

2 Acrophobic: Functionless unless Owner's feet are firmly planted on the ground 52 On every Sundown, it Sings a Soft Lullaby that lasts about 3 Turns

3 Barks vehemently at Felines, sometimes knows where Things are Buried 53 Once used consistently for a Month, needs to be submerged in Seawater

4 Bathe it with Strong Drink/Alcohol every Month to stop it from Buzzing 54 Owner must eat a Spoonful of Honey once a Week for it to work

5 Bearer's mouth filled with an unpleasant Salty Taste around Counterfeit Art 55 Petrifies Bearer for 2 Hours/Week, Bearer chooses when

6 Buzzards and Crows tend to flock near the Bearer. Sometimes bring "gifts" 56 Powerless under Moonlight, unless rubbed with Ivory

7 Can't stand it's own Reflection: Sulks/Mopes Unfunctional for a Day and Night 57 Prescence of Undead induces the Sound of Chanting that grows in Volume

8 Children's Toys inevitably Break in it's Presence 58 Produces Heat with each Use, warming to a Burning Scald if not Cooled

9 Collects Gossip and repeats it at very Inconvenient Times 59 Proximity to Coins changes them to a different Region's Currency over a week

10 Contains portions of a Relic, prized by a very covetous Religion 60 Quarter Power if ever doused in Water until thoroughly Dried

11 Cries Salty liquid if un-held/worn for a Day 61 Quiescent Completely when exposed to Strong Smells

12 Disapproves of Gambling: Coins turn to sludge if used to Wager 62 Reeks of Rancid Fish when Owner is Running Late for something

13 Dissolves Bone on Contact, should be kept clear of Teeth 63 Remembers everything Owner Eats/Drinks: Often swaps Flavors

14 Disturbing/Grisly process: Eats Mice. Feed 1/month or it falls Dormant 64 Requires Verbal Encouragement from User after Nightfall

15 Doesn't do well with Enclosed Spaces (smaller than a Barn) 65 Saturates Owner/Area in Stale Beer once a Month: Ages Cheese twice as Fast

16 Doubles in Strength if at least 50' in the Air, Inert around Holy Symbols 66 Seeds touched by this will delay Germination for a Decade

17 Dyes the backs of Cowards Yellow if they Flee in it's presence 67 Sends a jolt of Minor Pain, Daily, unless sung a Sad Song

18 Eating Meat in it's presence (within 20 feet) causes it to Squeal and Grunt 68 Share a Secret with someone at least once a Month to keep it Happy

19 Every evening, without fail: Exudes the Odor of Fresh Baked Bread 69 Shoes and Boots sure seem to wear out faster nowadays

20 Excessive Hair/Fingernail Growth each time Powers are used 70 Should be blown over with Tobacco Smoke at least Weekly

21 Exposed to the Sound of Church Bells: It will loudly replay a cacophony later 71 Shrieks Telepathically whenever a Spell is Cast in it's Presence

22 Extremely squicked by Vermin/Insects, flatly refuses to function 72 Silk rapidly Rots away near this, but Wool changes to vibrant colors

23 Exudes powerful Ethereal Pheromones that tend to attract Lovesick Ghosts 73 Skittish around Thunder: Might behave randomly, or simply cease function

24 Fills the air with the Scent of Roses when Cleric Spells are Cast 74 Sleeps for 8 hours a day, but at least the Owner gets to choose the snooze

25 Fires are much harder to Ignite in It's presence 75 Small Volumes of Hot Liquids become Tepid when near

26 Fishermen's Catches always manage to somehow escape in it's presence 76 Smells very strongly of Cut Onions on Holy Days

27 Friendly to Spiders: Owner will sometimes wake up covered in Cobwebs 77 Solar-Powered: Needs a Full Day in Bright Sun or stains what it touches Red

28 Fruit Trees drop all their Fruit, regardless of Ripeness 78 Somehow, a Different Cat must be cajoled into Sleeping on it every Month

29 Function impaired significantly unless caked in Salt once a Month 79 Sometimes mockingly imitates Owner, sometimes speaks Command Words

30 Gems/Jewelry stored near it for a Week become Colored Glass 80 Squawks triumphantly when Used in the Morning or Evening

31 Glows a sickly Green if owner utters a Falsehood 81 Steals your Sense of Smell for a Day in exchange for it's Use

32 Grapefruit Juice is the only liquid that tastes "Right" to the Owner 82 Stored in Utter Darkness for a Night, once a Week, it'll work as expected

33 Greedy: Must be placed on a pile of Treasure once a Month 83 Suppresses the sound of Rustling Leaves, but occasionally Illuminates Tracks

34 Has to be kept Warm, if exposed to Frigid Cold, goes Inert until Next Summer 84 Sympathy Pains: When owner is Hurt "wounds" appear on item

35 Holy Water becomes fouled and teeming with Mosquito Larvae at Night 85 Tendency to Rust/Mildew, must be carefully Cleaned Daily

36 Hydrates the Bearer, but drinking Water results in Stomach Aches 86 Tetchy about being touched with Bare Skin, discharges a small Shock

37 If not kept Immaculately Clean: Begins to Echo Noises rather annoyingly 87 Tinkles with Laughter when Owner falls for a Ruse

38 Increases to Appropriate Size in the presence of Giants 88 Tsk Tsk! Disapproving Sounds when Owner Imbibes or Indulges in Vice

39 Inserts mostly unhelpful Commentary on Maps in Dwarf Slang 89 Turns into 3 Blue Pinecones if it's Rained upon, after at least 1 hour can revert

40 Intoxicants/Poisons effect it and not the Owner: even Fatally 90 Unable to be Submerged, sometimes frustratingly Floats on Surfaces

41 Jealously compares Itself to other Items: Sometimes revealing their Powers 91 Uncannily Desirable to Merchants: Offer exorbitant Prices/Trades

42 Keens a low Dirge when within Bowshot of Mummies and Ghouls 92 Unravels Ropes or Unties Knots at least once a Week. Whistles while doing it

43 Knows a lot about Mushrooms: Will tell you a fact if fed a Tooth 93 Used to cause a Creature's Death: Adopts Personality, knows their Secrets

44 Lamp Oil within twenty feet turns to Milk occasionally 94 Very Loud Noises make it produce the Opposite Effect temporarily

45 Let's out a barely audible Sigh when Scrying Magic is employed on/by Owner 95 Vinegar will completely neutralize it's powers for a full Day

46 Loudly Laments and Mourns any Death that occurs near it 96 Vision during the Day and Night are reversed for the Bearer

47 Loves to have itself Drawn or Painted at least Annually, pouts if it's been long 97 Wakes Owner up with Bawdy Sea Shanties, somewhat Trainable

48 Makes the Sound of Jingling Coins at Inopportune Times 98 When used it sounds like Fingernails on a Chalkboard to non-User & Friends

49 Must be exposed to Birdsong once a Week for at least three Hours 99 Whispered Blasphemies at odd times might make the Pious uncomfortable

50 Needs to be rubbed with Garlic once a Week or function halves 100 Wielder should abstain from eating Fish, lest they grow Gills for a Week

Draft Version (06.03.2022) |

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