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Mains Practice Question

Q. Evaluate the contributions of the Mughal Empire to the Indian history in terms of art, culture, and
architecture. (250 words)

20 Feb, 2023 GS Paper 1 Indian Heritage & Culture


Start your answer by giving a brief introduction of Mughal art, culture, and architecture.
Discuss the contributions in Indian history with examples.
Conclude accordingly.


The Mughal Empire, one of the most significant empires in Indian history, ruled over India for over
three centuries. The Mughals made a profound impact on Indian history through their
contributions to art, culture, and architecture.


The contributions of the Mughal Empire to Indian history, focusing on art, culture, and architecture.
Mughal art was characterized by a combination of Indian and Persian
elements. The Mughal emperors were great patrons of art and were responsible
for some of the finest pieces of art in Indian history.
Miniature Paintings: One of the most significant contributions of the Mughals to
Indian art is miniature painting. The Mughal miniatures were characterized by
their attention to detail, delicate brushwork, and vivid colors.
Storytelling: These paintings were primarily used to illustrate manuscripts and
were an important medium for storytelling.
Some of the most significant examples of Mughal miniature paintings
include the Baburnama and the Akbarnama.
The Mughals were responsible for the development of a distinct culture that was a
blend of Indian, Persian, and Islamic traditions. The Mughals were great
patrons of literature and poetry, and their court was a center of learning and
Urdu Language: One of the most significant contributions of the Mughals to Indian
culture is the Urdu language. Urdu is a blend of Indian and Persian languages
and was developed during the Mughal era.
Persian became the language of the court and was used in poetry,
literature, and other forms of artistic expression.
Music Forms: The Mughals also made significant contributions to music. The
Mughal court was a center of music, and the Mughal emperors were great patrons
of music.
The Mughals were responsible for the development of new musical
forms, including the Qawwali and the Ghazal.
The Mughals were responsible for the development of a distinct architectural style
that was characterized by its grandeur, symmetry, and use of elaborate
One of the most significant contributions of the Mughals to Indian architecture is
the Taj Mahal.
The Taj Mahal is one of the most iconic buildings in the world and is a
testament to the Mughal architectural style. The Taj Mahal was built by
Emperor Shah Jahan as a memorial to his wife Mumtaz Mahal and is a
symbol of love and devotion.
The Red Fort is another significant example of Mughal architecture. The
Red Fort was built by Emperor Shah Jahan and is a symbol of Mughal
The Red Fort is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the
most important historical monuments in India.


The Mughal Empire made significant contributions to Indian history in terms of art, culture, and
architecture. The Mughals were responsible for some of the finest pieces of art in Indian history,
including miniature paintings, and were great patrons of literature and poetry.
The Mughals were also responsible for some of the most iconic buildings in Indian history,
including the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort. The Mughals developed a distinct culture that
was a blend of Indian, Persian, and Islamic traditions, and their contributions to Indian

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