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-means to shine brightly with flashes of light

SENTENCE- He has sparkling blue eyes.

UAE: Hospitals record
increase in waterborne
diseases spread by
mosquitoes after rains
Hospitals and clinics in the UAE have been dealing with a surge
in waterborne diseases as the heaviest rainfall on record left
some neighbourhoods flooded. The most common cases
include typhoid, dengue, respiratory infections and skin
infections caused by prolonged exposure to water and other
damp surroundings.
Literary Criticism:
Evaluating Sources
Group 2: Borja, Waung,
Brigido, Perez, Gempesaw,
De Leon
Understanding the
Importance of Evaluating
1 Trustworthiness 2 Depth of Understanding
Evaluating sources helps Evaluating sources helps
ensure the information you use ensure the information you use
is accurate, reliable, and from is accurate, reliable, and from
credible authorities in the field. credible authorities in the field.

3 Persuasive Arguments

Citing well-evaluated sources strengthens the

credibility and persuasiveness of your literary critical
Identifying Reliable and Authoritative
Academic Journals Books by Experts Reputable Websites
Scholarly, peer-reviewed Monographs and edited Online resources from
publications featuring the volumes written by academic institutions, literary
latest research and renowned literary organizations, and trusted
critical discourse. scholars and theorists. reference sites.
Evaluating the Credibility of Sources
Author Credentials Publication Details
Consider the author's expertise, Assess the prestige and editorial standards
qualifications, and reputation in the field. of the publisher or journal.

Currency and Relevance Objectivity and Bias

Ensure the source is up-to-date and relevant Identify potential biases or agendas that may
to your research topic. influence the source's perspective.
Analyzing the Objectivity
and Bias of Sources
1 Identify Potential Biases
Look for the author's personal, political, or ideological
leanings that may shape their perspective.

2 Assess Tone and Language

Note the use of emotive or loaded language
that could indicate a lack of objectivity.

3 Cross-Check Information
Compare sources to identify any
discrepancies or conflicting viewpoints.
Assessing the Importance
and Relevance of Sources

Relevance Significance Citations Timeliness

Ensure the source Prioritize sources Look for sources Consider how
is directly relevant that offer that are frequently recent the source
to your research significant insights, cited by other is and whether it
question or literary new perspectives, scholars, indicating reflects the current
analysis. or influential their importance. state of literary
arguments. criticism.
Combining Information from
Multiple Sources
Synthesize Perspectives
1 Integrate insights from various sources to develop a
well-rounded, nuanced understanding.

Identify Patterns

Look for common themes, arguments, or conclusions

2 across multiple reliable sources.

Resolve Contradictions

Reconcile any conflicting information by evaluating the

3 credibility of each source.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
Evaluating Sources Establishing credibility, objectivity,
and relevance of sources is crucial
for informed literary analysis.

Identifying Reliable Sources Academic journals, expert-authored

books, and reputable websites are
valuable, authoritative sources.

Analyzing Biases Examining potential biases and

cross-checking information helps
ensure objectivity.
Combining Multiple Perspectives Synthesizing insights from various
sources leads to a well-rounded,
nuanced understanding.

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