Awaji Youth Federation Idea Proposal

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Awaji Youth Federation Idea Proposal

International island business ventures

Submitted by: submitted to:

ASAWERA MAHAM Santiago Martinez Program Facilitator

south Asia Awaji Youth Federation

Pasona Group Inc

Executive Summary:
We are pleased to present this proposal for an international island business venture. The objective of this
project is to establish a thriving business ecosystem on a strategically located island, leveraging its unique
geographical advantages and attractive environment to attract international businesses and investors.

Problem Identification:
The problem is the lack of economic diversification and sustainable growth on Awaji Island. Currently, the
island heavily relies on agriculture and tourism as its primary economic drivers. This limited focus makes it
vulnerable to economic fluctuations and hinders long-term development opportunities. Additionally, the
island may face challenges in attracting businesses and investments due to competition from other
established business hubs.

Proposed Solution:
The proposed solution is to establish an international island business venture on Awaji Island, focusing on
creating a diverse and sustainable business ecosystem. This initiative aims to attract businesses from various
sectors, such as finance, technology, manufacturing, and tourism, to foster economic growth and job creation
on the island.

The key components of the proposed solution include:

Business Attraction and Incentives:

Implement attractive incentives, such as tax breaks, streamlined regulations, and investment promotion
programs, to attract businesses to set up operations on Awaji Island. This will encourage both domestic and
international companies to consider the island as a favorable destination for business expansion.

Infrastructure Development:
Invest in infrastructure development to support the needs of businesses, including transportation networks,
power supply, telecommunications, and research and development facilities. This will create an enabling
environment for companies to thrive and innovate.

Collaboration and Partnerships:

Forge collaborations and partnerships with industry associations, universities, research institutions, and
technology companies. These partnerships will foster knowledge exchange, research and development
activities, and entrepreneurship, leading to the growth of innovative and competitive businesses on the

Sustainable Practices:
Promote sustainable practices and environmental conservation within the business ecosystem. Encourage
companies to adopt eco-friendly operations, renewable energy solutions, and responsible resource
management. This approach will position Awaji Island as a leader in sustainable development and attract
environmentally conscious businesses.

Marketing and Promotion:

Implement a comprehensive marketing and promotion strategy to raise awareness about Awaji Island as a
business destination. This includes targeted advertising campaigns, participation in industry events and
exhibitions, and leveraging digital marketing channels to reach potential investors and businesses.

By establishing an international island business venture, Awaji Island can diversify its economy, create
employment opportunities, and foster sustainable growth. The proposed solution addresses the current
limitations and presents a pathway to transform Awaji Island into a thriving business hub.

1.1 Island Selection:
The first step is to identify an island with favorable geographic features, such as proximity to major trade
routes, political stability, infrastructure availability, and a hospitable climate. Conducting thorough research
and feasibility studies will be crucial in selecting the ideal island.

1.2 Business Ecosystem:

The proposed business ecosystem will aim to provide a range of services, including but not limited to financial
services, corporate headquarters, research and development facilities, manufacturing centers, and tourism
and hospitality industries.

2.1 Strategic Location:
The island's strategic location will offer advantages such as reduced shipping costs, easy access to global
markets, and potential tax benefits through favorable international trade agreements.
2.2 Pro-Business Environment:
The establishment of a pro-business environment will involve streamlined regulations, investor-friendly
policies, and attractive tax incentives to encourage foreign direct investment and promote business growth.

2.3 Sustainable Infrastructure:

Developing sustainable infrastructure, including reliable power supply, efficient transportation systems, and
advanced telecommunication networks, will be vital to support the island's business ecosystem and attract
international businesses.

Target Industries:
3.1 Finance and Banking:
Promoting the island as a financial hub by attracting international banks, investment firms, and other financial

3.2 Technology and Innovation:

Fostering a culture of innovation by providing state-of-the-art research and development facilities, attracting
technology companies, and nurturing startups.

3.3 Manufacturing and Trade:

Encouraging manufacturing companies to establish their production facilities on the island, leveraging its
strategic location for trade and distribution purposes.

3.4 Tourism and Hospitality:

Developing a vibrant tourism sector by creating luxurious resorts, offering world-class services, and
showcasing the island's natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Legal and Regulatory Framework:

4.1 Favorable Business Laws:

Developing a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework that supports international businesses, protects
intellectual property rights, and facilitates ease of doing business.
4.2 Investor Protection:
Ensuring robust investor protection mechanisms, including transparent dispute resolution processes and
safeguards against political risks.

Marketing and Promotion:

5.1 Global Marketing Campaign:

Implementing a targeted marketing campaign to promote the island as an ideal destination for international
businesses, highlighting its unique advantages and business-friendly environment.

5.2 International Trade Missions:

Organizing trade missions and participating in global business conferences and exhibitions to attract foreign
investors and forge strategic partnerships

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility:

6.1 Environmental Conservation:

Committing to sustainable practices and environmental conservation to preserve the island's natural
resources and attract environmentally conscious businesses.

6.2 Social and Community Development:

Investing in education, healthcare, and infrastructure development to improve the quality of life for the local
community and create a skilled workforce.

The proposed international island business venture presents a unique opportunity to create a thriving
business ecosystem on a strategically located island. By capitalizing on its geographical advantages,
establishing a pro-business environment, and targeting key industries, the project aims to attract international
businesses, drive economic growth, and foster sustainable development. We believe that with the right
planning, investment, and execution, this venture has the potential to become a globally recognized hub for
business and innovation.
Resource Requirements for the International Island Business Venture:
Land and Infrastructure:
Adequate land for the development of business facilities, including office spaces, manufacturing units,
research and development centers, and tourism infrastructure. Construction and development of sustainable
infrastructure, including roads, ports, airports, power supply, water management systems, and
telecommunication networks.

Human Resources:
Skilled workforce in various sectors, such as finance, technology, manufacturing, hospitality, and
administration. Hiring professionals in legal, regulatory, and compliance roles to ensure adherence to
international standards and business laws. Training and development programs to enhance the skills of the
local workforce and attract international talent.

Investment and Financing:

Capital investment for land acquisition, infrastructure development, and initial setup costs. Access to funding
sources, such as international investors, venture capital firms, and financial institutions, to attract foreign
direct investment and support the growth of businesses on the island.

Regulatory and Legal Support:

Expertise in legal and regulatory matters to establish a favorable business environment, including drafting
business-friendly legislation, intellectual property protection, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Engaging
legal and consulting firms with experience in international business and investment laws.

Marketing and Promotion:

Marketing budget for global marketing campaigns, trade missions, participation in business conferences, and
exhibitions to promote the island as an attractive destination for international businesses. Creation of
marketing materials, websites, and online platforms to showcase the advantages and opportunities available
on the island.

Environmental Sustainability:
Environmental impact assessment studies and sustainable development plans to ensure responsible use of
natural resources. Implementation of eco-friendly practices, renewable energy solutions, waste management
systems, and conservation initiatives.

Government Support:
Collaboration with the local government to establish supportive policies, tax incentives, and streamlined
regulations for businesses operating on the island. Engagement with government agencies for permits,
licenses, and necessary approvals.
Community Development:
Investment in social infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, community centers, and housing, to improve
the quality of life for the local community. Programs to promote entrepreneurship, vocational training, and
employment opportunities for the local population. It is important to note that the specific resource
requirements will depend on the size of the island, the targeted industries, and the scale of the proposed
business ecosystem. A comprehensive feasibility study and business plan will provide more accurate resource
estimations for the project.

Revenue Model:
The revenue model for the international island business venture can be based on various sources, including:

and Licensing

Real Estate

ourism and Taxation and

Hospitality Incentives

ourism and

Business Registration and Licensing:

Generating revenue through fees and charges for registering businesses, issuing licenses, and providing
regulatory services to companies operating on the island.
Real Estate Development:
Generating income through the sale or lease of land and properties to businesses and investors for their
operations, including office spaces, manufacturing facilities, and tourism infrastructure.

Taxation and Incentives:

Implementing a tax framework that attracts businesses and investors while generating sustainable revenue
for the government. Tax incentives can be provided to encourage foreign direct investment and stimulate
economic growth.

Business Support Services:

Offering a range of support services to businesses, such as consulting, legal assistance, accounting, and
administrative services, generating revenue through service fees or partnerships.

Tourism and Hospitality:

Generating revenue from tourism-related activities, including hotel accommodations, resorts, restaurants,
and recreational facilities, by attracting visitors to experience the island's natural beauty and cultural

Financial Services:
Promoting the island as a financial hub, attracting international banks, investment firms, and financial
institutions that generate revenue through financial transactions, asset management, and other financial

Technology and Innovation:

Generating revenue through technology transfer, licensing agreements, and partnerships with companies in
the technology and innovation sector. This can include research and development collaborations, intellectual
property monetization, and startup incubation programs.

Barriers to Entry:

Regulatory Challenges:
The project may face regulatory challenges in terms of establishing a favorable legal and regulatory
framework. It is crucial to engage with local and national government bodies to ensure supportive policies,
streamlined regulations, and attractive incentives for businesses.

Infrastructure Development:
Developing sustainable infrastructure on the island, including transportation networks, power supply, and
telecommunication systems, can be a significant challenge. Adequate planning, investment, and collaboration
with infrastructure development agencies will be necessary to overcome these barriers.

Talent Acquisition and Development:

Attracting and retaining a skilled workforce in various industries can be a challenge, especially in the early
stages of the project. Implementing training and development programs, partnering with educational
institutions, and offering competitive employment packages can help overcome this barrier.

Market Competition:
The project may face competition from established business hubs and other international islands. Conducting
thorough market research, offering unique value propositions, and continuously innovating and improving the
business ecosystem will be crucial to staying competitive.

Promotion Tactics:

Global Marketing Campaign:

Implementing a comprehensive global marketing campaign to raise awareness of the island as an attractive
destination for businesses and investors. This can include online and offline advertising, participation in
international conferences and exhibitions, and targeted digital marketing strategies.

Stakeholder Engagement:
Maintaining regular communication and engagement with stakeholders, including businesses, investors,
government entities, and the local community. This can involve hosting networking events, industry
conferences, and workshops to keep stakeholders informed and involved in the project's progress.

Collaboration and Partnerships:

Establishing strategic partnerships with industry associations, chambers of commerce, and business
organizations to promote the project and engage with key stakeholders. Collaborating with universities,
research institutions, and technology companies can also help drive innovation and attract investment.
Continuous Improvement and Adaptation:
Staying relevant with stakeholders by continuously monitoring market trends, identifying emerging industries,
and adapting the business ecosystem accordingly. This can involve regular assessments, feedback collection,
and implementing improvements based on stakeholder needs and industry demands.

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility:

Promoting the project's commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility to attract
environmentally conscious businesses and investors. This can be achieved through eco-friendly practices,
community development initiatives, and active participation in sustainability networks and initiatives.

Rough Budget for Prototype:

The budget for the prototype phase of the international island business venture, in Japanese yen, will depend
on the specific requirements of the project. Here is a rough breakdown of potential budget allocations:

1. Feasibility Study and Planning: ¥5,000,000 - ¥10,000,000

2. Market Research and Analysis: ¥3,000,000 - ¥5,000,000
3. Legal and Regulatory Support: ¥2,000,000 - ¥4,000,000
4. Infrastructure Development (Initial Phase): ¥50,000,000 - ¥100,000,000
5. Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships: ¥2,000,000 - ¥4,000,000
6. Prototype Implementation and Testing: ¥20,000,000 - ¥50,000,000

Please note that these figures are rough estimates and can vary based on the specific project requirements,
location, exchange rates, and other factors. The actual budget for the prototype phase should be determined
through a detailed analysis and cost estimation.

Rough Budget for Full Project:

The budget for the full implementation of the international island business venture, in Japanese yen, will
depend on the scale, duration, and specific requirements of the project. Here is a rough breakdown of
potential budget allocations:

1. Land Acquisition and Infrastructure Development: ¥1,000,000,000 - ¥5,000,000,000

2. Construction and Building Costs: ¥5,000,000,000 - ¥20,000,000,000
3. Legal and Regulatory Support: ¥100,000,000 - ¥500,000,000
4. Marketing and Promotion: ¥500,000,000 - ¥2,000,000,000
5. Human Resources and Workforce Development: ¥200,000,000 - ¥1,000,000,000
6. Technology and IT Infrastructure: ¥500,000,000 - ¥2,000,000,000
7. Research and Development Facilities: ¥1,000,000,000 - ¥5,000,000,000
8. Sustainability Initiatives and Environmental Conservation: ¥200,000,000 - ¥1,000,000,000

ONGOING OPERATIONAL COSTS (PER YEAR): ¥1,000,000,000 - ¥5,000,000,000

These figures are rough estimates and can vary significantly depending on the specific project requirements,
infrastructure scale, industry focus, exchange rates, and other factors. It is crucial to conduct a detailed
financial analysis and feasibility study to determine the actual budget for the full implementation of the

Clear Need Connected to Awaji:

Awaji Island, located in Japan's Hyogo Prefecture, offers a unique opportunity for the international island
business venture due to the following factors:

geograpical local support and

tourisim potential
advantages infrasturucture

Geographical Advantage:
Awaji Island is strategically located between the cities of Kobe and Osaka, with easy access to major
international ports and airports. Its proximity to these economic centers makes it an ideal location for
businesses looking to tap into the vibrant Japanese market.

Tourism Potential:
Awaji Island is renowned for its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and recreational attractions. It attracts a
significant number of domestic and international tourists each year. Developing a business ecosystem on the
island would complement its tourism industry and provide additional economic opportunities.

Local Support and Infrastructure:

The local government and community on Awaji Island are eager to promote economic growth and job
creation. They recognize the potential of the island as a business hub and are likely to provide support and
assistance to initiatives that bring sustainable development and prosperity to the region.

Economic Diversification:
Awaji Island has traditionally relied on agriculture and tourism as its primary economic drivers. By introducing
an international business venture, the island can diversify its economy and create new opportunities for local
businesses and residents.

b. Unique Features of the Idea:

The international island business venture stands out due to the following unique features:

Strategic Location and Connectivity:

The project capitalizes on Awaji Island's strategic location, situated between major economic hubs in Japan.
Its connectivity to transportation networks, including ports and airports, provides easy access to global
markets, making it an attractive choice for international businesses.

Integrated Business Ecosystem:

The project aims to establish a comprehensive business ecosystem that encompasses diverse sectors,
including finance, technology, manufacturing, and tourism. This integrated approach enables synergies and
collaboration between industries, fostering innovation and growth.

Sustainability and Environmental Focus:

The project places a strong emphasis on sustainable development and environmental conservation. By
incorporating eco-friendly practices, renewable energy solutions, and responsible resource management, it
sets itself apart as a sustainable business destination.

Collaboration with Local Community:

The project recognizes the importance of engaging and collaborating with the local community. By involving
residents, providing employment opportunities, and investing in community development, it ensures a
mutually beneficial partnership and sustainable growth.

c. Starting with Limited Resources:

Starting the project with limited resources requires a strategic approach. Here's how the project can initiate
its activities:

Feasibility Study and Planning:

Conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to assess the viability of the project and identify key opportunities
and challenges. Develop a detailed business plan outlining the project's objectives, strategies, and resource

Stakeholder Engagement:
Engage with local government authorities, community leaders, and potential investors to garner support for
the project. Seek partnerships with organizations, such as universities, research institutions, and industry
associations, to leverage their expertise and resources.

Prioritize Resource Allocation:

Prioritize resource allocation based on critical needs. Focus on securing necessary permits and licenses,
establishing a project management team, and initiating activities that create immediate value, such as
marketing and promoting the island's potential.

Seek Funding and Investment:

Identify potential sources of funding, such as government grants, venture capital, and strategic partnerships.
Develop a compelling business case highlighting the economic and social benefits of the project to attract
investors and secure funding.
Leverage Technology and Collaboration:
Utilize digital platforms and technology to optimize operations and reduce costs. Collaborate with local
businesses and service providers to negotiate favorable rates or explore revenue-sharing opportunities.

Incremental Development:
Adopt an incremental approach to development, starting with key sectors or industries that offer the most
potential for early success. This allows for gradual expansion and maximizes resource utilization.

Regularly assess and evaluate the progress and performance of the international island business venture to
ensure its effectiveness and make necessary improvements. Here are some key aspects of continuous
evaluation and improvement:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define and track relevant KPIs to measure the success and impact of
the project. These can include economic indicators such as job creation, GDP growth, and investment inflows,
as well as social and environmental indicators such as community engagement, sustainability initiatives, and
carbon footprint reduction.

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