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OSE Encounter Activities – Octopus, Giant (d100)

1 Adhering to the underside of a passing Ship to hitch a ride 51 Jetting a plume of Ink in the eyes of a Sea Troll
2 Altering the texture of their surface to perfectly match a Reef 52 Juggling a wailing Buccaneer from arm to arm
3 Angrily wresting an Oar from a Smuggler's Dinghy 53 Looming as a dark blot, just below the sea surface
4 Attacking a group of Pearl Divers who disturbed their rest 54 Lovingly tending dangling strings of Halfling-sized Eggs
5 Battering a Longship, as Berserkers try to haul it ashore 55 Lugging a barnacle encrusted Magic Anchor wherever it goes
6 Biting an Anchor Chain clean in half with its powerful Beak 56 Luring a Sloop onto a sandbar for easy pickings
7 Breaking the surface to peer dully at a passing Pirate Ship 57 Lurking inside the bleached shell of a once enormous Sea Turtle
8 Burrowing in bone-white sands, to ambush prey 58 Marooned in a very large Tidal Pool during a Hurricane
9 Camouflaging itself as Kelp with beguiling Chromatophores 59 Menacing a coastal community by sinking Trading Ships
10 Carefully clamping a tremendous Dire Urchin 60 Mimicking a small, Rocky Island among the waves
11 Changing direction suddenly with powerful jets of water 61 Moving massive Boulders into an eldritch arrangement
12 Choking four helpless Crew Members simultaneously 62 Opening Lobster pots and dining casually on the contents
13 Churning up massive amounts of seafoam as they surface 63 Outflanking the four heads of a Sea Hydra
14 Clinging to the starboard side of a Schooner 64 Overturning a lifeboat full of starving, sea-mad Sailors
15 Clouding a stretch of Sea with tenebrous Ink 65 Playfully grappling with a Storm Giant companion
16 Clutching a Statue of a Minotaur, gilt and inset with Gems 66 Plucking tasty Water Termites from their maze-like nest
17 Coiling an arm around the Mast of a makeshift Raft 67 Pounding an intrusive Pier to smithereens
18 Completely capsizing a storm wracked Cutter 68 Pouring forth out of a surprisingly small crevasse in the seabed
19 Consuming a struggling Seal 69 Protecting a stone-strewn shoal, where Nixies dwell
20 Contracting after being shot with a Flaming Arrow 70 Prying open a Pirate's sunken Treasure Chest
21 Cracking open the shell of a massive Giant Crab 71 Pulling on Fishing Lines out of curiosity
22 Crawling rhythmically along the Sea floor 72 Quietly seizing single Sailors as they serve a sting on Watch
23 Crushing a Clam, the size of a Pony 73 Recoiling as a Dwarf's powerful Axe swing severs an arm
24 Decorated with vibrant blue, bioluminescent Rings 74 Releasing their grasp on an Acolyte after a Magic Missile strike
25 Devouring a Mutineer, tossed overboard by vote 75 Restraining a Tiger Shark with five arms still free
26 Drowning a Dolphin in its writhing clutches 76 Shooting through the brine with breakneck speed
27 Dwelling in an ornate Shrine, sunken by ancient cataclysm 77 Snatching a screeching Harpy out of the air
28 Eating constantly, barely any life remains on a barren seabed 78 Splintering floating wooden crates in search of an Evil Idol
29 Embracing a sunken Shipwreck sullenly 79 Sprawling in the shallow surf, soaking in the warm seawater
30 Emerging from a massive undersea Cavern to hunt 80 Squeezing and snapping the ribs of a small Pilot Whale
31 Ensnaring a sinking Scow to tow toward the shore 81 Squirming its way around a school of frightened Fish
32 Escaping from the jaws of a slavering Sea Serpent 82 Squirting ink ashore, barreled an enterprising Alchemist
33 Evicting Fishermen from their Lagoon by tossing boats ashore 83 Staring balefully with an eye the size of a Buckler
34 Extending an arm onto shore to shake fruit from a Tree 84 Strangling a seven-foot Sea Snake, a mass of knots
35 Feeding on Shield-sized Scallops 85 Submerging suddenly after being struck by a Lightning Spell
36 Ferociously thrashing after being stung by a Giant Rockfish 86 Tearing apart a helpless Sea Turtle
37 Floating lazily in the shallows, digesting a large lunch 87 Throttling members of an aquatic Ghoul pack
38 Forcing an arm through a porthole, shattering the thick glass 88 Toppling the timbered masts of a Reef-bound boat
39 Gouging huge holes in a hull with their bird-like Beak 89 Tossing a hogtied Wave Druid back aboard a Ship
40 Grabbing Goblins from the deck of an ill-built Barque 90 Undulating rhythmically in response to distant Whale song
41 Gracefully swimming among a colorful kingdom of Corals 91 Unfurling suddenly to corral a clumped-up Cod
42 Guarding an atoll, inhabited by a Cyclops Sage 92 Utterly enveloping a frenzied Bull Shark
43 Hauling long lost treasures from the deep to its den 93 Violently constricting a Veteran who will sink like a stone
44 Heaving itself over a stone strewn skerries 94 Waving their Arms frantically above the water
45 Hiding among thick Corals from a hungry Sea Dragon 95 Wearing a Magical Coral crown that endows Telepathy
46 Holding a Magic Trident in one of its arms 96 Worshipped by strange Eelfolk and their Undersea Clerics
47 Hunting a migrating pod of Orca 97 Wrapping their arms around a wooden bridge, tearing it asunder
48 Impatiently waiting for a seasonal Sacrifice 98 Wrestling with a Giant Squid as awed Sailors make wagers
49 Inadvertently summoned by a very scared Sorcerer 99 Writhing their way ashore after a nearly drowned Ogre
50 Inhabiting an Abandoned Merfolk Shell Keep 100 Yanking down the rigging of a foundering Cog

Draft Version 06.11.2020 (RIP G+).

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