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My Mother at Sixty Six MCQ

Questions with Answers

My Mother at Sixty Six MCQ
1. How many lines are in the poem?
A. Thirty Lines
B. Four Stanzas
C. A single line
D. Ten stanzas
Answer C

2. Why smile is used by the narrator?

A. To get happy
B. To make her daddy smile
C. Covering the pain
D. To make mummy smile
Answer C

3. What narrator said to her mother?

A. Good morning mom
B. I love you
C. See you soon, Amma
D. Miss you a lot

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Answer C

4. What is the name of this poem’s poet?

A. William Butler Yeats
B. William Wordsworth
C. Kamala Das
D. Emily Dickinson
Answer C

5. What was the destination of poet?

A. Mumbai
B. Jammu
C. Cochin
D. Amritsar
Answer C

6. What narrator means from the word “Beside”?

A. Very far
B. Distantly far
C. Near
D. In the house
Answer B

7. Who dozing in the poet’s car?

A. Herself
B. Her father
C. Her mother
D. Her sister
Answer C

8. Who ages in the poem?

A. Poet’s sister
B. Poet’s mother
C. Herself
D. Poet’s brother

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Answer B

9. What poet sees the window of her vehicle?

A. Children
B. Houses
C. Trees
D. Both A & C
Answer Both A and C

10. Where the author stands in the poet?

A. Chandigarh airport
B. Jaipur airport
C. Delhi airport
D. Cochin airport
Answer D

11. What poet feared most?

A. Losing her reputation
B. Losing her sister
C. Losing her father
D. Losing her mother
Answer A

12. What was ethnicity of poet?

A. Kashmiri
B. Punjabi
C. Marathi
D. Keralite
Answer D

13. What was the reason for sadness of poet?

A. Due to fear
B. Missing out the flight
C. Duty toward her mom and her needs
D. Due to getting late

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Answer C

14. What is quoted as metaphor in “My Mother at Sixty Six”?

A. Coming from her mother’s home
B. Driving from the office
C. “Trees Sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes
D. None of these
Answer B

15. What is the motive behind the poem?

A. Skin ageing
B. Low stamina level
C. Painful old age
D. Skin discolouration
Answer C

16. Reason of poet to look at her mother?

A. Due to her going away
B. To stay back
C. Because she was busy
D. Due to fear
Answer C

17. Why single sentence style narrative shows in poem?

A. Intert winning thoughts
B. Poet’s own feelings
C. Self-thoughts
D. Insecurities
Answer A

18. Which house left by the poet?

A. Brother’s house
B. Sister’s house
C. Parent’s house
D. D. In-law’s house

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Answer C

19. What smile and smile and smile means?

A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Repetition
D. Alteration
Answer C

20. To what poetess compared her mother to

A. Sun
B. Black clouds
C. Late winter’s moon
D. Late night winds
Answer C

21. Which word relates to personification in the poem?

A. Home to Cochin
B. Security check
C. Sprinting trees
D. None of these
Answer C

22. What is the message behind theme of this poem?

A. Life is a tough
B. Everyody needs happiness
C. Death is a truth
D. Everyone gets old
Answer C

23. What poet feels while getting away from her mother?
A. Happy
B. Motivated
C. Smiling
D. Sad

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Answer D

24. What poetess said about her mother’s condition?

A. She likes like a ghost
B. She look as pale as a corpse
C. She looks like an hungry individual
D. She looks anaemic
Answer B

25. What poetness fears most as an child?

A. Parting with her brother
B. Parting with her sister
C. Parting with her father
D. Parting with her mother
Answer D

26. Which is the main rhyming scheme of this poem?

A. Monorhyme
B. Free Verse
C. Coupled Rhyme
D. Alternate rhyme
Answer B

27. What ashen face shows?

A. Accidental Face
B. Pale & lifeless face
C. Ash on the face
D. Face’s color
Answer B

28. What means by spilling in the poem?

A. Moving out in great numbers
B. Passing through the torch
C. Shooting out of the groun
D. Lighting sleep

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Answer A

29. What is meant by wan?

A. Emotional distress
B. Extreme happiness
C. Physical pain
D. Unnaturally pale
Answer D

30. What poetness fear most about the future?

A. Losing her mother
B. Staying without her father
C. Leaving her children
D. Staying without her siblings
Answer A

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