The Aikido Way Reflection

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Arizona State University

OGL 340: The Aikido Way to Conflict Transformation

Professor Erwin
Fall 2022

By Cynthia M. Gonzalez
Module #1:

I really enjoyed the clips we watched in Module 1. I think when I reflect back on Gandhi,
Mandela, and the 60 minute segment I was reminded that conflict is not a bad or negative thing.
There is an idea around conflict that it is a bit taboo and negative and should be avoided. In the
segment they talked about being present and in the moment and how often we may physically be
somewhere but in actuality our mind is not present. The clip of Gandhi really talked about how
to be centered and how to forgive and be forgiven. That holding onto the hurt and hate from the
past does nothing but continue to hold us in the hurt. It tied in well with Invictus and how we
saw this great leader not let hate be the leader in his heart and how he forgave and overcame so
much because of it. The Module set the foundation for me for the rest of the course with it
talking about being present, centered, and not thinking conflict is a bad or negative thing.

Module #2

I remember in the clip talking about Aikido and how it uses the opponents energy almost against
them with the principle of not just protecting themselves but the opponent as well. I found this
really interesting not in just a fighting style but in a way to view conflict. Conflict especially in
the workplace can feel like being in trouble or causing trouble. And the only way to resolve
conflict is for one person or another to get their way. Looking at it from the Aikido perspective
conflict can be fluid like water, and we must learn to listen to others and not let ourselves be off
center but remain centered. Not only for our benefit but the benefit of others and the workplace.

Module #3

I think I did a pretty good job at learning how to “Spit Out the Hook” it’s something I have
somewhat been learning since being in therapy. I have been more intentional about using it at
work especially with aggressive customers. There tends to be a lot of fraud and scams during the
holiday season and upset customers come in and place the blame on whoever they speak to at the
bank. I’ve been practicing not letting their upset emotions and mean remarks “hook” me. The
quizzes I felt were very fair and did pretty well on them. It incorporated enough from the videos,
and text to tie it all together for each Module.

Module #4

I use H.E.A.R often in my job with customers, as I said right now we have a lot of upset
customers coming into the branch and being a banker I have to sit with most of them. I feel like
H.E.A.R helps me gain control of the situation by helping my customers gain control of their
emotions. I did feel it was a little redundant since it was something I have been practicing for
years. However, I did not know there was a name or actually steps for it. It has really helped me
be more intentional when having these types of conversations with customers and co-workers.
Module #5

I believe I have a pretty good handle on BURN CLEAN although it is much easier to do when I
am emotionally in control. I think it ties together with “Spitting Out the Hook”, there are times
when I find it easy to “Spit Out the Hook”. At those times “Burn Clean” is much easier for me. If
I am having a hard time staying centered, or “Spitting Out the Hook” then it feels almost
impossible to “Burn Clean”.

Module #6

I cannot say I have learned the skill of “SAY YES” I understand it in theory and how to practice
it. I do not feel 100% comfortable mediating the six steps in a professional setting. I do think the
more I practice it in my personal life and feel comfortable I will be able to start doing it in a
professional setting.

Module #7

I really enjoyed all the Modules for this course, I think the workload was both fair and
manageable. Even with watching a whole movie for the writing assignment, I found I was
watching the movie more attentively than I normally would. The Aikido fighting style is
something I was somewhat familiar with. There is a show where the main character fights the
same way and even mentions things like flowing like water and using the opponents energy
instead of your own. So I found it very interesting taking those same skills and implementing
them in a different way. I think for myself personally I would have liked “Spitting Out the Hook”
and “H.E.A.R” to be combined into one Module and have had a little more time practicing “SAY
YES”, as I don’t feel super confident with that method yet. Overall I really enjoyed this course
my advisor recommended it as he heard other students really enjoyed it.

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