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Verbs : Finite and Non-finite

In a sentence a finite verb shows tense. Its form also depends on the
person and number of the subject.

finite verb,
present tense non-finite
verb, no tense

I want to go home.
Tina wants to go home.
Tina wanted to go home.

Practice - Read the following groups of sentences and see how non- How will you recognize a non-
finite verbs do not change though the subject and time referred to finite verb? Very simple, ask
are different. Can you find the finite and non-finite verbs in the yourself, ‘Does this verb indicate
sentences? Can you tell the person and number of the subjects? the time of action in the
sentence?’ Yes? It is a finite
We like flying in an airplane. verb. No? It’s a non-finite verb.
Tina likes flying in an airplane.
They will like flying in an airplane.

I see her leaving early.

My mother sees her leaving early.
You will see him leaving early.

A clause is a unit of sentence which has a subject and at least one
finite verb. A sentence can have one or more clause.

Practice - Find clauses.

1. Tom and Jerry

2. She is lovely.
3. playing in the rain
4. Raghu likes sweets.
5. They will come in the evening.
6. I saw him post the letter.
7. He stopped to buy a newspaper.
8. Do you mind waiting a moment?
9. If it is a holiday, we will play.
10. We eat to live.
11. This is the house that my grandfather built.
12. I have come to see you.
13. We love those who love us.
14. The girls are eager to learn.

Non-finite verbs come in three flavours - infinitive , gerund and participle.

An infinitive is the base form of the verb, with or without ‘to’.
1. We hope to see her soon.
2. I heard someone knock on the door.
3. I told you not to go.
4. Shall I help you carry the luggage?
5. She makes me laugh a lot.

A gerund ends in -ing . It is a verbal noun, but it has some features of a verb.
1. I like reading comics.
2. He is fond of swimming.
3. My father likes getting up early.
4. Children learn reading and writing at school.
5. We stopped talking.
6. Lila is very good at cooking.
7. You are very clever at making excuses.

A participle is a form of non-finite verb which ends in -ing or is the past participle form of a verb. It is like
a verbal adjective. Like an adjective, a participle modifies a noun, but can also have an object like a

1. Hearing the noise, the boy woke up.

2. The rising sun is beautiful to see.
3. She kept me waiting.
4. I found the child sitting outside.
5. The book lying on the table is mine.
6. Seeing the lion, the man ran.
7. I found him tired.
8. Learned men will not talk much.
9. Beaten by the enemy, the soldiers fled.
10. The man wanted by the police is here.
11. The man seems worried.

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