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C Program to Implement Direct Mapping, Associative Mapping ,Set-

Associative Mapping.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
int cacheSize, blockSize, memorySize, mappingChoice;
printf("Enter the size of cache in words: ");
scanf("%d", &cacheSize);
printf("Enter the size of each block in words: ");
scanf("%d", &blockSize);
printf("Enter the size of memory in words: ");
scanf("%d", &memorySize);
printf("Choose the mapping technique:\n");
printf("1. Direct Mapping\n");
printf("2. Associative Mapping\n");
printf("3. N-way Set Associative Mapping\n");
scanf("%d", &mappingChoice);
int indexBits, tagBits, offsetBits;
switch(mappingChoice) {
case 1:
if(cacheSize % blockSize != 0) {
printf("Error: Cache size should be divisible by block size.\n");
return 1;
indexBits = log2(cacheSize / blockSize);
offsetBits = log2(blockSize);
tagBits = log2(memorySize) - indexBits - offsetBits;
case 2:
indexBits = 0;
offsetBits = log2(blockSize);
tagBits = log2(memorySize) - offsetBits;
case 3:
printf("Enter the value of N for N-way Set Associative Mapping: ");
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
if(cacheSize % (blockSize * n) != 0) {
printf("Error: Cache size should be divisible by block size times N.\n");
return 1;
indexBits = log2(cacheSize / (blockSize * n));
offsetBits = log2(blockSize);
tagBits = log2(memorySize) - indexBits - offsetBits;
printf("Invalid choice.\n");
return 1;
printf("Index bits: %d\n", indexBits);
printf("Offset bits: %d\n", offsetBits);
printf("Tag bits: %d\n", tagBits);
return 0;

Enter the size of cache in words: 16
Enter the size of each block in words: 4
Enter the size of memory in words: 64
Choose the mapping technique:
1. Direct Mapping
2. Associative Mapping
3. N-way Set Associative Mapping
Index bits: 2
Offset bits: 2
Tag bits: 2
Enter the size of cache in words: 16
Enter the size of each block in words: 4
Enter the size of memory in words: 64
Choose the mapping technique:
1. Direct Mapping
2. Associative Mapping
3. N-way Set Associative Mapping
Index bits: 0
Offset bits: 2
Tag bits: 4
Enter the size of cache in words: 16
Enter the size of each block in words: 4
Enter the size of memory in words: 64
Choose the mapping technique:
1. Direct Mapping
2. Associative Mapping
3. N-way Set Associative Mapping
Enter the value of N for N-way Set Associative Mapping: 2
Index bits: 1
Offset bits: 2
Tag bits: 3

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