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COMPUTER AWARENESS Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

GENERATION OF COMPUTERS major input, output, and secondary storage

medium for large computer installations.
It is important to realize that major changes and
trends in computer systems have occurred COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY EXAMS
during the major stages-or generations-of
computing, and will continue into the future. Application: Application is another term for
The first generation of computers developed in software program; basically a program you use
the early 1950s, the second generation on a computer, like Word, TurboTax, Outlook,
blossomed during the late 1960s, the third etc.
generation took computing into the 1970s, and Bandwidth: A measurement of a data line's
the fourth generation has been the computer transmission speed, or the amount of data a
technology of the 1980s and 1990s. A fifth network can transfer from one computer to
generation of computers that accelerates the another in a given amount of time.
trends of the previous generations is expected BIOS: Basic Input/Output System. This term is
to evolve as we enter the 21st century. Notice used to refer to ROM BIOS chip inside the
that computers continue to become smaller, computer. This chip starts and manages the
faster, more reliable, less costly to purchase and computer bootup process.
maintain, and more interconnected within Bootstrap Loader: A small program that
computer networks. manages a computer boot up process until the
operating system can take over. The bootstrap
First-generation computing involved massive loader’s only job is to load other software,
computers using hundreds or thousands of usually in a sort of sequential chain up to the
vacuum tubes for their processing and memory point when the operating system can get
circuitry. These large computers generated loaded into memory and start. The name
enormous amounts of heat; their vacuum tubes "bootstrap loader" comes from the idea that
had to be replaced frequently. Thus, they had the computer is pulling itself up by its
large electrical power, air conditioning, and "bootstraps".
maintenance requirements. First-generation Broadband: A bandwidth term that means a
computers had main memories of only a few data line that will allow large amounts of data
thousand characters and millisecond processing to be transferred very quickly. Basically a
speeds. They used magnetic drums or tape for broadband line will be much, much faster than
secondary storage and punched cards or paper an old dial-up line.
tape as input and output media. Burn: To “burn” a CD or DVD means to write
data files to it using a special piece of hardware.
Second-generation computing used transistors Bus: A collection of (usually copper) wires
and other solid-state, semiconductor devices through which data is transmitted from one
that were wired to circuit boards in the part of a computer to another. You can think of
computers. Transistorized circuits were much a bus as a "highway" on which data travels
smaller and much more reliable, generated little within a computer.
heat, were less expensive, and required less Cable vs DSL: Cable and DSL are types of
power than vacuum tubes. Tiny magnetic cores broadband data lines. Cable internet access
were used for the computer’s memory, or uses the same lines that bring cable television
internal storage. Many second-generation cable to your house, and DSL (Which stands for
computers had main memory capacities of less Digital Subscriber Line) is a type of high speed
than 100 kilobytes and microsecond processing, data compression which runs over plain old
speeds. Removable magnetic disk packs were telephone service (POTS) lines.
introduced, and magnetic tape merged as the CMOS: A type of computer chip which is able to 2 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

operate with a very small amount of electricity

from a battery. The term also refers to the ISP: Internet Service Provider: This would be the
contents of a CMOS chip within the computer, company that provides your internet access.
which holds information about the computer Malware: a general term for any malicious
boot devices, the date and time and its piece of software, such as a virus, worm, or
peripherals even while the system is turned off. trojan.
Computer Resource: This is a general computer Mother Board: The green board inside of a
terminology for the components that comprise computer that allows all of the internal
the processing flow of a computer, including the computer components to interact. Some would
memory, CPU, etc. You might hear someone say call it the "heart" of the computer. It routes
"this program is a resource hog", meaning it data to and from all the other parts, including
takes up a lot of the computer processing the CPU chip, the RAM, the power supply, etc.
ability, and might make the computer run Network Interface Card (NIC): This is a part of
slower overall. the computer that allows it to talk to other
CPU: This stands for Central Processing Unit, computers (aka, a network) via a network
and it can mean the box that holds the guts of “protocol” or language like TCP/IP.
the computer, or the processor “brain” of the Operating system: This is the basic software
computer. The CPU is the place where all the that a computer runs on. Windows 98,
computer calculations happen. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Unix, and
CPU Sink: CPUs heat up as they work. A CPU Apple’s Mac OS X Leopard are all operating
sink is a mechanism to keep the CPU cool while systems.
it does its calculations. It usually consists of a Peripherals: This is a general term for computer
cooling fan and an aluminum heat sink which add-ons like printers, mice, keyboards,
draws the heat away the CPU chip. scanners, monitor, etc..
Defrag: Computers write information to a hard POST: This stands for Power On Self Test. When
drive by filling in open places on the drive. They you first turn on a computer, it checks to make
don’t write files all in one big block, which sure all its parts are working; it makes sure a
means your Word document might be spread keyboard is attached, that memory loads, and
out all over your hard drive. that in general, its hardware is working and
To defrag your computer means to basically ready to load the operating system. This test is
rearrange the files on your computer’s hard called the POST.
drive so that file parts are closer together. Once Processor chip (or just processor): This is the
rearranged, the computer will take less time to brain of the computer. You’ve probably heard
access the files. Defragging is usually the commercials for the "Intel" chip or the
recommended to speed up a slow computer. "Xeon" chip. They are talking about the "brain"
Hard Drive: This is the central storage space for of the computer, which does all the calculations
your computer. Almost always, the hard drive is and task processing.
designated as C: drive. If the drive is partitioned RAM: this stands for Random Access Memory
(i.e., split up into different sections), there and is used generically as “memory”. This is the
might also be a D: drive. memory on a computer that allows you to hold
IP address: IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are and run a program so that you work with it on
assigned to each and every computer on a the monitor. More RAM is better.
TCP/IP network. They work like your home At the risk of repeating myself, RAM is
address. Mail or any other package could not dependent on electricity, meaning it is cleared
get to you if you had no address. or reset when the computer's power is turned
IP addresses basically insure that data on a off.
network goes where it is supposed to go. IP So when your computer loses power or freezes
addresses look something like this: up while you are writing an unsaved document, 3 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

the document is lost. Train yourself to COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY

remember to press Control + S to save your
documents when you are working on them.
Saving them writes them to the hard drive Application Files
where they will stay when the computer is Program files environment where you can
turned off. create and edit the kind of document that
ROM: Read Only Memory. Usually seen in application makes.
conjunction with BIOS, as in ROM BIOS. Usually Click
a chip onto which the information is To select an object by pressing the mouse
permanently burned. Also denotes memory button when the cursor is pointing to the
that can be accessed and read, but not written required menu option, icon or hypertext link.
to. Close
Routine: A series of instructions written to To close a window that has been opened for
complete a specific but limited computing task. viewing and / or editing.
TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol and Computer
Internet Protocol. These are the basic data A general-purpose machine that processes data
transmission protocols on which the internet according to a set of instructions that are stored
and most commercial networks run. internally either temporarily or permanently.
Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS): A Central Processor Unit (CPU)
constantly charging battery which will act as a This term has two meanings (just to confound
fail safe if the electricity shuts down while you beginners, you understand)
are using your computer. 1) Central Processor Unit--the main chip on the
In the event of a total power failure, a UPS computer that makes everything go.
usually has just enough charge to power your 2) The box that holds the guts of the computer.
computer for the time it takes you to save your A faster CPU is always better than a slower one.
work and shut down safely. You can never have too fast of a CPU.
URL: Universal Resource Locater. The address of Crash
any website on the internet. For instance, my Your computer or application no longer works
website home page has a URL of correctly and so you "loose" all the work you've done since the last time you saved.
Worm: A worm is a virus that does not infect Creating A File
other programs. It makes copies of itself, and Storing data as a file with an assigned file name
infects additional computers, usually via that is unique within the directory it resides in.
network connection. It does not attach itself to Delete
other programs, but it might alter, install, or To remove an item of data from a file or to
destroy files and programs. It's also used in remove a file from the disk.
computer terminology as a short word any Desktop
malware in general. An on-screen representation of a desktop such
as used in the Macintosh and Windows
operating systems.
Dialog Boxes
Takes over your screen and allows you to
"dialog" with the computer.
Directory (AKA Folder, sub-directory)
Allows you to organize files and other folders.
Disk Space
This is the place where your files live. The 4 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

greater the disk space the more files you can Macintosh
keep. (See also Megabytes) The brand name of a family of personal
More disk space is always better than less. You computers (hardware) and an operating system
can never have much disk space. (software) from Apple, introduced in 1984.
Documents Megabytes (Mb)
Files you create and edit. Mega = million so Mb is 1,000,000 bytes. It's
Document Files enough information for the computer to store
Files we care about (memos, letters, pictures, one character (e.g. "h"), so 1mb text file =
etc.) 1,000,000 keystrokes in that file. Just to
Double Click confound the masses, although RAM and Disk
To press the mouse button twice in rapid Space do something completely different we
succession without moving the mouse between measure both in megabytes. This leads to
clicks. confusion.
Drag MegaHertz (Mhz)
To move an object on screen in which its This stands for MegaHertz. A hertz is an
complete movement is visible from starting electronics term. 1 hz = one cycle (or
location to destination. wavelength) per second. 1 megahertz =
Edit 1,000,000 cycles per second.
To make a change to existing data. In computer jargon, Mhz measures how *fast*
File Cabinet your CPU chip runs. Although it's more
Metaphorically, the hard drive (and other kinds important to know the chip than the speed, if
of storage media like floppy disks) which store you're comparing the same kind of CPU chip
files and folders. then a higher / faster CPU speed (measured in
Folder (AKA Directory, Sub-Directory) MHz) is better than a slower speed.
Allows you to organize files and other folders. Menu
Folder Icons Displays a list of commands, some with images
Collections of documents and other folders. next to them.
Icons Modifier Keys
In a graphical user interface (GUI), a small, Keys that change the meaning of what you type.
pictorial, on screen representation of an object, Mouse
such as a document, program, folder or disk Pointing device that allows you to tell the
drive. computer what to do.
Icon View Operating System (OS)
Allows you to see icons of folders and files System software that allows your computer to
primarily as icons with little information. work.
Keyboard Pointer (AKA Cursor)
This if the primary text input device. It also The name of the arrow (or other shape) that
contains certain standard function keys, such as tracks across the screen as you move the mouse
the Escape key, tab, and arrow keys, shift and (or other pointing device) around.
control keys, and sometimes other Random Access Memory (RAM)
manufacturer-customized keys. This stands for Random Access Memory. You
Kilo (K) can think of this as the "space" where you
This is a unit of measure = 1,000. So 1,000 computer does its processing. The more space
bytes is a KiloByte. you have the more processes you can run at the
List View same time. More RAM is always better than
Shows the icons but also orders the icons (often less. You can never have much RAM.
by name, but can sort the list in other ways) and Recycle Bin
shows more information about them. Place where you put files and folders that you 5 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

may later want to delete or get rid of. Compare COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY
Resize Box Access time - The performance of a hard drive
Allows you to change the size and shape of a or other storage device - how long it takes to
window. locate a file.
Right click active program or window - The application or
To press the right button on the mouse. (This is window at the front (foreground) on the
Windows specific. On a Mac running System 8 monitor.
or higher, you hold down the Control key and alert (alert box) - a message that appears on
then click to get the same effect.) screen, usually to tell you something went
Save wrong.
Tell the computer to create a file on disk that alias - an icon that points to a file, folder or
has the information you've put into the application (System 7).
document (usually typing). apple menu - on the left side of the screen
Save As header. System 6 = desk accessories System 7 =
Give the file a name and/or store the file in a up to 50 items.
certain place. application - a program in which you do your
Scroll bar work.
Allows you to move around through your application menu - on the right side of the
document. screen header. Lists running applications.
Shut down ASCII (pronounced ask-key ) - American
To quit all applications and turn off the Standard Code for Information Interchange. a
computer. commonly used data format for exchanging
Software information between computers or programs.
Instructions that tell the computer what to do. background - part of the multitasking capability.
System files A program can run and perform tasks in the
Allows our computer to work. background while another program is being
Trash used in the foreground.
Place where you put files and folders that you bit - the smallest piece of information used by
want to delete or get rid of. the computer. Derived from "binary digit". In
Volume Icons computer language, either a one (1) or a zero
Devices that hold files and folders. (0).
Windows backup - a copy of a file or disk you make for
1) The most widely used operating system for archiving purposes.
personal computers from Microsoft. (Software boot - to start up a computer.
only. Other companies manufacture the bug - a programming error that causes a
hardware that runs the Windows Operating program to behave in an unexpected way.
System.) Compare Macintosh. (Windows with a bus - an electronic pathway through which data
large "W".) is transmitted between components in a
2) The thing you see on screen that contains a computer.
directory listing or the contents of a document. byte - a piece of computer information made up
(Window with a small "w".) of eight bits.
card - a printed circuit board that adds some
feature to a computer.
cartridge drive - a storage device, like a hard
drive, in which the medium is a cartridge that
can be removed. 6 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

CD-ROM - an acronym for Compact Disc Read- backdrop of the screen.

Only Memory. desktop file - an invisible file in which the
Chooser - A desk accessory used to select a Finder stores a database of information about
printer, or other external device, or to log onto files and icons.
a network. dialog box - an on-screen message box that
Clipboard - A portion of memory where the appears when the Mac requires additional
Mac temporarily stores information. Called a information before completing a command.
Copy Buffer in many PC applications because it digitize - to convert linear, or analog, data into
is used to hold information which is to be digital data which can be used by the computer.
moved, as in word processing where text is disk - a spinning platter made of magnetic or
"cut" and then "pasted". optically etched material on which data can be
Clock Rate (MHz) - The instruction processing stored.
speed of a computer measured in millions of disk drive - the machinery that writes the data
cycles per second (i.e., 200 MHz). from a disk and/or writes data to a disk.
command - the act of giving an instruction to disk window - the window that displays the
your Mac either by menu choice or keystroke. contents or directory of a disk.
command (apple) key - a modifier key, the document - a file you create, as opposed to the
Command key used in conjunction with another application which created it.
keystroke to active some function on the Mac. DOS - acronym for Disk Operating System - used
compiler - a program the converts in IBM PCs.
programming code into a form that can be used DPI - acronym for Dots Per Inch - a gauge of
by a computer. visual clarity on the printed page or on the
compression - a technique that reduces the size computer screen.
of a saved file by elimination or encoding download - to transfer data from one computer
redundancies (i.e., JPEG, MPEG, LZW, etc.) to another. (If you are on the receiving end, you
control key - seldom used modifier key on the are downloading. If you are on the sending end,
Mac. you are uploading ).
control panel - a program that allows you to drag - to move the mouse while its button is
change settings in a program or change the way being depressed.
a Mac looks and/or behaves. drag and drop - a feature on the Mac which
CPU - the Central Processing Unit. The allows one to drag the icon for a document on
processing chip that is the "brains" of a top of the icon for an application, thereby
computer. launching the application and opening the
crash - a system malfunction in which the document.
computer stops working and has to be driver - a file on a computer which tells it how
restarted. to communicate with an add-on piece of
cursor - The pointer, usually arrow or cross equipment (like a printer).
shaped, which is controlled by the mouse. Ethernet - a protocol for fast communication
daisy chaining - the act of stringing devices and file transfer across a network.
together in a series (such as SCSI). expansion slot - a connector inside the
database - an electronic list of information that computer which allows one to plug in a printed
can be sorted and/or searched. circuit board that provides new or enhanced
data - (the plural of datum) information features.
processed by a computer. extension - a startup program that runs when
defragment - (also - optimize) to concatenate you start the Mac and then enhances its
fragments of data into contiguous blocks in function.
memory or on a hard drive. fibre channel - as applied to data storage and
desktop - 1. the finder. 2. the shaded or colored network topology 7 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

file - the generic word for an application, keystrokes that performs some function
document, control panel or other computer otherwise found in a pulldown menu.
data. kilobyte - 1024 bytes.
finder - The cornerstone or home-base landscape - in printing from a computer, to
application in the Mac environment. The finder print sideways on the page.
regulates the file management functions of the launch - start an application.
Mac (copying, renaming, deleting...) Measurements (summary) -
floppy - a 3.5 inch square rigid disk which holds *a bit = one binary digit (1 or 0) *"bit" is derived
data. (so named for the earlier 5.25 and 8 inch from the contraction b'it (binary digit) -> 8 bits =
disks that were flexible). one byte
folder - an electronic subdirectory which *1024 bytes = one kilobyte
contains files. *K = kilobyte
font - a typeface that contains the characters of *Kb = kilobit
an alphabet or some other letterforms. *MB = megabyte
footprint - The surface area of a desk or table *Mb = megabit
which is occupied by a piece of equipment. *MB/s = megabytes per second
fragmentation - The breaking up of a file into *Mb/s = megabits per second
many separate locations in memory or on a *bps = bits per second
disk. i.e., 155 Mb/s = 19.38 MB/s
freeze - a system error which causes the cursor
to lock in place. MB - short for megabyte.
get info - a Finder File menu command that megabyte - 1024 kilobytes.
presents an information window for a selected memory - the temporary holding area where
file icon. data is stored while it is being used or changed;
gig - a gigabyte = 1024 megabytes. the amount of RAM a computer has installed.
hard drive - a large capacity storage device menu - a list of program commands listed by
made of multiple disks housed in a rigid case. topic.
head crash - a hard disk crash caused by the menu bar - the horizontal bar across the top of
heads coming in contact with the spinning the Mac¹s screen that lists the menus.
disk(s). multi finder - a component of System 6 that
high density disk - a 1.4 MB floppy disk. allows the Mac to multi task.
highlight - to select by clicking once on an icon multi tasking - running more than one
or by highlighting text in a document. application in memory at the same time.
icon - a graphic symbol for an application, file or nanosecond - one billionth of a second. ( or, the
folder. time between the theatrical release of a Dudley
initialize - to format a disk for use in the Moore film and the moment it begins to play on
computer; creates a new directory and arranges airplanes).
the tracks for the recording of data. native mode - using the computers original
insertion point - in word processing, the short operating system; most commonly used when
flashing marker which indicates where your talking about the PowerPC can run software
next typing will begin. written for either the 80x0 systems, or the
installer - software used to install a program on PowerPC¹s RISC code.
your hard drive. NuBus - expansion slots on the Mac which
interrupt button - a tool used by programmers accept intelligent, self-configuring boards.
to enter the debugging mode. The button is NuBus is a different bus achitecture than the
usually next to the reset button. newer PCI bus and the boards are not
K - short for kilobyte. interchangable.
keyboard shortcut - a combination of operating system - the system software that 8 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

controls the computer. saved file in a new location and/or with a new
optical disk - a high-capacity storage medium name.
that is read by a laser light. scroll - to shift the contents of a window to
palette - a small floating window that contains bring hidden items into view.
tools used in a given application. scroll bar - a bar at the bottom or right side of a
partition - a subdivision of a hard drives surface window that contains the scroll box and allows
that is defined and used as a separate drive. scrolling.
paste - to insert text, or other material, from scroll box - the box in a scroll bar that is used to
the clipboard or copy buffer. navigate through a window.
PC - acronym for personal computer, commonly SCSI - acronym for Small Computer System
used to refer to an IBM or IBM clone computer Interface.
which uses DOS. SCSI address - a number between zero and
PCI - acronym for Peripheral Component seven that must be unique to each device in a
Interchange - the newer, faster bus achitecture. SCSI chain. Fast and Wide SCSI devices will allow
peripheral - an add-on component to your up to 15 SCSI Ids (hexidecimal); however, the
computer. length restriction (3 meters) is such that it is
point - (1/72") 12 points = one pica in printing. virtually impossible to link 15 devices together.
pop-up menu - any menu that does not appear SCSI port - a 25 pin connector on the back of a
at the top of the screen in the menu bar. (may Mac (native SCSI port); used to connect SCSI
pop up or down) devices to the CPU. Some SCSI cards (like the
port - a connection socket, or jack on the Mac. ATTO) have a 68 pin connector.
Power PC - a processing chip designed by Apple, SCSI terminator - a device placed at the end of
IBM and Motorola (RISC based). a SCSI chain to complete the circuit. (some SCSI
Power Mac - a family of Macs built around the devices are self-terminating, or have active
PowerPC chip. termination and do not require this plug).
print spooler - a program that stores serial port - a port that allows data to be
documents to be printed on the hard drive, transmitted in a series (one after the other),
thereby freeing the memory up and allowing such as the printer and modem ports on a Mac.
other functions to be performed while printing server - a central computer dedicated to
goes on in the background. sending and receiving data from other
QuickTime - the Apple system extension that computers (on a network).
gives one the ability to compress, edit and play shut down - the command from the Special
animation, movies and sound on the Mac. menu that shuts down the Mac safely.
RAM - acronym for Random-Access Memory. software - files on disk that contain instructions
reset switch - a switch on the Mac that restarts for a computer.
the computer in the event of a crash or freeze. spreadsheet - a program designed to look like
resize box - the small square at the lower right an electronic ledger.
corner of a window which, when dragged, start up disk - the disk containing system
resizes the window. software and is designated to be used to start
RISC - acronym for Reduced Instruction Set the computer.
Computing; the smaller set of commands used surge suppressor - a power strip that has
by the PowerPC and Power Mac. circuits designed to reduce the effects of surge
ROM - acronym for Read Only Memory; in electrical power. (not the same as a UPS)
memory that can only be read from and not System file - a file in the System folder that
written to. allows your Mac to start and run.
root directory - the main hard drive window. System folder - an all-important folder that
save - to write a file onto a disk. contains at least the System file and the Finder.
save as - (a File menu item) to save a previously 32 bit addressing - a feature that allows the 9 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

Mac to recognize and use more than 8MB of ABBREVIATIONS -1

title bar - the horizontal bar at the top of a
window which has the name of the file or folder File Name and Extension
it represents. API - Application Program Interface.
upload - to send a file from one computer to ART - Clipart.
another through a network. ASC - ASCII text file.
Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS)- a ASM - Assembler code.
constantly charging battery pack which powers ASP - Microsoft Active Server Page.
the computer. A UPS should have enough AVI - Audio/Video Interleaved used for
charge to power your computer for several Windows based movies.
minutes in the event of a total power failure, BAK - Backup Files.
giving you time to save your work and safely BAS - BASIC programming language sourcecode.
shut down. BAT - MS-DOS batch file.
UPS - acronym for Uninterruptible Power BFC - Briefcase document used in Windows.
Source. BIN - Binary File.
vaporware - "software" advertised, and BIN - MacBinary-encoded files.
sometimes sold, that does not yet exist in a BMP - Bitmap format.
releasable for. C - C source file.
virtual memory - using part of your hard drive CBL - Cobol code.
as though it were "RAM". CBT - Computer Based Training.
WORM - acronym for Write Once-Read Many; CDA - Compact Disc Audio Track.
an optical disk that can only be written to once CGI - Common Gateway Interface. Web based
(like a CD-ROM). programs and scripts.
zoom box - a small square in the upper right CHM - Compiled HTML Help files used by
corner of a window which, when clicked, will Windows.
expand the window to fill the whole screen. CLASS - Javascript Class file.
CMD - Dos Command File.
COM - Command File.
CPL - Control panel item - The settings in
Control Panels represent
CPP - C++ programming language source code.
CSS - Cascading Style Sheet. Creates a common
style reference for a set of web pages.
CSV - Comma Separated Values format.
CUR - Cursor in Microsoft Windows.
DAT - Data file.
DD - Compressed Archive by Macintosh
DEB - Debian packages.
DEV - Device Driver.
DIC - Dictionary file.
DIR - Macromedia Director file.
DLL - Dynamic Linked Library. Microsoft
application file. 10 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

ABBREVIATIONS -2 DAT - Digital Audio Tape.

DOS - Disk Operating System.
GUI -Graphical User Interface.
VIRUS - Vital Information Resource
HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
IP - Internet Protocol.
3G -3rd Generation.
ISP - Internet Service Provider.
GSM - Global System for Mobile
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol.
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply.
CDMA - Code Divison Multiple Access.
HSDPA - High Speed Downlink Packet Access.
UMTS – Universal MobileTelecommunication
EDGE - Enhanced Data Rate for
GSM – Global System for Mobile
SIM - Subscriber Identity Module .
Communication] Evolution.
AVI = Audio Video Interleave
VHF - Very High Frequency.
RTS = Real Time Streaming
UHF - Ultra High Frequency.
SIS = Symbian OS Installer File
GPRS - General Packet Radio Service.
AMR = Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec
WAP - Wireless Application Protocol.
JAD = Java Application Descriptor
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
JAR = Java Archive
ARPANET – Advanced Research Project Agency
JAD = Java Application Descriptor
3GPP = 3rd Generation Partnership Project
IBM - International Business Machines.
3GP = 3rd Generation Project
HP - Hewlett Packard
MP3 = MPEG player lll
AM/FM - Amplitude/ Frequency Modulation.
MP4 = MPEG-4 video file
WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network
AAC = Advanced Audio Coding
GIF= Graphic Interchangeable Format
JPEG = Joint Photographic Expert Group
BMP = Bitmap
SWF = Shock Wave Flash
WMV = Windows Media Video
WMA = Windows Media Audio
WAV = Waveform Audio
PNG = Portable Network Graphics
DOC = Document (MicrosoftCorporation)
PDF = Portable Document Format
M3G = Mobile 3D Graphics
M4A = MPEG-4 Audio File
NTH = Nokia Theme (series 40)
THM = Themes (Sony Ericsson)
MMF = Synthetic Music Mobile Application File
NRT = Nokia Ringtone
XMF = Extensible Music File
WBMP = Wireless Bitmap Image
DVX = DivX Video
HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language
WML = Wireless Markup Language
CD -Compact Disk.
DVD - Digital Versatile Disk.
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube. 11 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

MICROSOFT EXCEL SHORTCUT KEYS Ctrl + Page Move between Excel work sheets
down in the same Excel document.
F2 Edit the selected cell. Move between Two or more open
Ctrl + Tab
Go to a specific cell. For example, Excel files.
C6. Create a formula to sum all of the
Alt + =
Spell check selected text or
above cells
document. Insert the value of the above cell
Ctrl + '
F11 Create chart. into cell currently selected.

Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + Shift

Enter the current time. Format number in comma format.
+; +!

Ctrl + ; Enter the current date. Ctrl + Shift Format number in currency
+$ format.
Alt + Shift
Insert New Worksheet. Ctrl + Shift
+ F1 Format number in date format.
Shift + F3 Open the Excel formula window.
Ctrl + Shift Format number in percentage
Shift + F5 Bring up search box. +% format.

Ctrl + A Select all contents of the worksheet. Ctrl + Shift Format number in scientific
+^ format.
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + Shift
Ctrl + I Italic highlighted selection. Format number in time format.
Ctrl + K Insert link. Ctrl +
Move to next section of text.
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection. Arrow key

Strikethrough highlighted Ctrl +

Ctrl + 5 Select entire column.
selection. Space

Bring up the print dialog box to Shift +

Ctrl + P Select entire row.
begin printing. Space

Ctrl + Z Undo last action.

Ctrl + F9 Minimize current window.

Maximize currently selected

Ctrl + F10

Switch between open workbooks /

Ctrl + F6

Ctrl + Page Move between Excel work sheets

up in the same Excel document. 12 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

MICROSOFT WORD SHORTCUT KEYS Ctrl + ] Increase selected font +1pts.

Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt

Adds or removes 6pts of spacing Ctrl + Shift
Ctrl + 0 or lower, if above 12 decreases
before a paragraph. +<
font by +2pt.
Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page. Ctrl + [ Decrease selected font -1pts.
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + / + c Insert a cent sign (¢).
Ctrl + C Copy selected text.
Insert a character with an accent
Aligns the line or selected text to (grave) mark, where is the
Ctrl + E character you want. For example, if
the center of the screen.
you wanted an accented è you
Ctrl + ' +
Ctrl + F Open find box. would use Ctrl + ' + e as your
shortcut key. To reverse the accent
Ctrl + I Italic highlighted selection. mark use the opposite accent
Aligns the selected text or line to mark, often on the tilde key.
Ctrl + J
justify the screen. Ctrl + Shift View or hide non printing
Ctrl + K Insert link. +* characters.

Aligns the line or selected text to Ctrl + Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl + L
the left of the screen. Ctrl + Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph. Moves to the beginning of the line
Ctrl +
Ctrl + P Open the print window. or paragraph.

Aligns the line or selected text to Ctrl + Moves to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl + R
the right of the screen. Ctrl + Del Deletes word to right of cursor.
Ctrl + T Create a hanging indent. Ctrl +
Deletes word to left of cursor.
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection. Backspace

Ctrl + V Paste.
Moves the cursor to the end of the
Ctrl + End
Ctrl + X Cut selected text.
Ctrl + Moves the cursor to the beginning
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed. Home of the document.

Ctrl + Z Undo last action. Ctrl + Reset highlighted text to the default
Spacebar font.
Ctrl + Shift
Quickly create a bullet point. Ctrl + 1 Single-space lines.

Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + 2 Double-space lines.

Change the font.
Ctrl + 5 1.5-line spacing.
Ctrl + Shift Increase selected font +1pts up to
+> 12pt and then increases font +2pts. Ctrl + Alt +
Changes text to heading 1.
1 13 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Alt

Changes text to heading 2. Insert the current date.
2 +D

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Alt

Changes text to heading 3. Insert the current time.
3 +T

Alt + Ctrl +
Open new document.
Ctrl + F1 Open the Task Pane.

Ctrl + F2 Display the print preview. F1 : Almost always used as the help key, almost
every program will open the help screen when
Ctrl + Shift Increases the highlighted text size this key is pressed.
+> by one. Windows Key + F1 would open the Microsoft
Windows help and support center.
Ctrl + Shift Decreases the highlighted text size Open the Task Pane.
+< by one. F2 : In Windows commonly used to rename a
highlighted icon or file.
Ctrl + Shift Opens to another open Microsoft
Alt + Ctrl + F2 opens a new document in
+ F6 Word document.
Microsoft Word.
Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + F2 displays the print preview window in
Prints the document. Microsoft Word.
+ F12
F3 : Often opens a search feature for many
F1 Open Help. programs including Micr osoft Windows.
Shift + F3 will change the text in Microsoft Word
Repeat the last action performed
F4 from upper to lower case or a capital letter at
(Word 2000+)
the beginning of every word.
Open the find, replace, and go to F4 : Open find window.
F5 Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)
window in Microsoft Word.
Alt + F4 will close the program currently active
Spellcheck and grammar check in Microsoft Windows.
selected text or document. Ctrl + F4 will close the open window within the
current active window in Microsoft Windows.
F12 Save as.
F5 : In all modern Internet browsers pressing F5
Change the text in Microsoft Word will refresh or reload the page or document
from uppercase to lowercase or a window.
Shift + F3 Open the find, replace, and go to window in
capital letter at the beginning of
every word. Microsoft Word.
Starts a slideshow in PowerPoint.
Runs a Thesaurus check on the F6 : Move the cursor to the Address bar in
Shift + F7
word highlighted. Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
Ctrl + Shift + F6 opens to another open
Shift + F12 Save. Microsoft Word document.
Shift + Create a soft break instead of a new F7 : Commonly used to spell check and
Enter paragraph. grammar check a document in Microsoft
programs such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, etc.
Shift + Shift + F7 runs a Thesaurus check on the word
Insert highlighted. 14 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

Turns on Caret browsing in Mozilla Firefox. TCS:- Tata Consultancy Services

F8 : Function key used to enter the Windows AOL:- American Online
startup menu, commonly use to get into BPL:- British Process Laboratory
Windows Safe Mode. INTEL:- Integrated Electronics
F9 : Opens the Measurements toolbar in Quark CISCO:- Computer Information System
5.0. Company
F10 : In Microsoft Windows activates the menu DELL:- michael DELL
bar of an open application. SONY:-Sound Of New York
Shift + F10 is the same as right-clicking on a AMD:- Advance micro devices
highlighted icon, file, or Internet link. LENOVO:- LE(Legend),NOVO (New)
F11 : Full-screen mode in all modern Internet COMPAQ:- Compatibility And Quality
F12 : Open the Save as window in Microsoft
Shift + F12 save the Microsoft Word document. NETWORK HARDWARE
Ctrl + Shift + F12 prints a document in Microsoft
Word. Network Interface Cards
A network card, network adapter or NIC
(network interface card) is a piece of computer
INTERNET ERROR CODES...!!! hardware designed to allow computers to
communicate over a computer network. It
Error 400 - Bad request. provides physical access to a networking
Error 401 - unauthorized request. medium and often provides a low-level
Error 403 - forbidden. addressing system through the use of MAC
Error 404 - Not found. addresses. It allows users to connect to each
Error 500 -Internal error. other either by using cables or wirelessly.
Error 501 - Not Implemented Repeaters
Error 502 - Bad Gateway A repeater is an electronic device that receives
Error 503 -Service unavailable. a signal and re- transmits it at a higher level or
Error 504 - Gateway Time-Out higher power, or onto the other side of an
Error 505 - HTTP Version not supported/ DNS obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer
Lookup Fail/unknown host distances without degradation
Error 500-599 - Server Errors. Hubs
A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet
ABBREVIATION OF MAJOR IT arrives at one port, it is copied to all the ports of
the hub. When the packets are copied, the
COMPANIES.......!!! destination address in the frame does not
change to a broadcast address. It does this in a
GOOGLE :- Global Organisation Of Oriented rudimentary way, it simply copies the data to all
Group Language of Earth of the Nodes connected to the hub.
APPLE:- Asian Passenger Payload Experiment Bridges
HP :- Hewlett-Packard A network bridge connects multiple network
IBM:- International Business Machines segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the
Corporation OSI model. Bridges do not promiscuously copy
HCL:-Hindustan Computer Limited traffic to all ports, as hubs do, but learns which
WIPRO:- Western India Product Limited MAC addresses are reachable through specific
GE:-General Electronics ports. Once the bridge associates a port and an
INFOSYS:-Inform ation System address, it will send traffic for that address only 15 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

to that port. Bridges do send broadcasts to all Computer Awareness Questions Set- 1
ports except the one on which the broadcast
was received. 1. Information on a computer is stored as what?
Routers (A) Analog data
Routers are networking devices that forward (B) Digital data
data packets between networks using headers (C) Modem data
and forwarding tables to determine the best (D) Watts data
path to forward the packets. Routers work at (E) None of these
the network layer of the TCP/IP model or layer Ans : (B)
3 of the OSI model. Routers also provide
interconnectivity between like and unlike media 2. C, BASIC, COBOL and Java are examples of
(RFC 1812). This is accomplished by examining ……… languages.
the Header of a data packet, and making a (A) low-level
decision on the next hop to which it should be (B) computer
sent (RFC 1812) They use preconfigured static (C) system programming
routes, status of their hardware interfaces, and (D) high-level
routing protocols to select the best route (E) None of these
between any two subnets. A router is Ans : (D)
connected to at least two networks, commonly
two LANs or WANs or a LAN and its ISP's 3. Most Web sites have a main page, the ………,
network. Some DSL and cable modems, for which acts as a doorway to the rest of the Web
home use, have been integrated with routers to site pages.
allow multiple home computers to access the (A) search engine
Internet. (B) home page
(C) browser
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

4. An email account includes a storage area,

often called a(n)—
(A) attachment
(B) hyperlink
(C) mailbox
(D) IP address
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

5. The ……… is the box that houses the most

important parts of a computer system.
(A) software
(B) hardware
(C) input device
(D) system unit
(E) None of these
Ans : (D) 16 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

6. What type of computer could be found in a 11. A computer ……… consists of two or more
digital watch ? computers and other devices that are
(A) Mainframe computer connected for the purpose of sharing data and
(B) Supercomputer programs.
(C) Embedded computer (A) network
(D) Notebook computer (B) system
(E) None of these (C) workstation
Ans : (C) (D) device
(E) None of these
7. What is a modem connected to ? Ans : (A)
(A) Processor
(B) Mother board 12. The taskbar is located—
(C) Printer (A) on the Start menu
(D) Phone line (B) at the bottom of the screen
(E) None of these (C) on the Quick Launch toolbar
Ans : (D) (D) at the top of the screen
(E) None of these
8. A(n) ……… is a collection of information that Ans : (B)
determines which files you can access and
which settings you use. 13. Once information is input into a computer,
(A) network it becomes—
(B) user account (A) objects
(C) operating system (B) data
(D) file system (C) ideas
(E) None of these (D) facts
Ans : (B) (E) None of these
Ans : (B)
9. The space in your computer that loads and
works with data— 14. Generally, you access the Recycle Bin
(A) cache memory through an icon located—
(B) CPU (A) on the desktop
(C) megabyte (B) on the hard drive
(D) RAM memory (C) on the shortcut menu
(E) ROM memory (D) in the Properties dialog box
Ans : (D) (E) None of these
Ans : (A)
10. ……… hard drives are permanently located
inside the system unit and are not designed to 15. Computer programs are written in a high-
be removed, unless they need to be repaired or level programming language; however, the
replaced. humanreadable version of a program is called—
(A) Static (A) cache
(B) Internal (B) instruction set
(C) External (C) source code
(D) Remove (D) word size
(E) None of these (E) None of these
Ans : (B) Ans : (C) 17 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

16. The Recycle Bin stores discarded items (C) differential

until— (D) full
(A) another user logs on (E) None of these
(B) the computer is shut down Ans : (D)
(C) the end of the day
(D) you empty it 22. Every component of your computer is
(E) None of these either—
Ans : (D) (A) application software or system software
(B) software or CPU/RAM
17. A ……… is a collection of information saved (C) hardware or software
as a unit. (D) input devices or output devices
(A) folder (E) None of these
(B) file Ans : (C)
(C) path
(D) file extension 23. A blinking symbol on the screen that shows
(E) None of these where the next character will appear—
Ans : (B) (A) delete key
(B) arrow key
18. Input, output, and processing devices (C) cursor
grouped together represent a(n)— (D) return key
(A) mobile device (E) Esc key
(B) information processing cycle Ans : (C)
(C) circuit board
(D) computer system 24. Being ……… means being familiar enough
(E) None of these with computers that you understand their
Ans : (D) capabilities and limitations.
(A) computer literate
19. One thousand bytes is a— (B) computer competent
(A) kilobyte (C) computer savvy
(B) megabyte (D) technology literate
(C) gigabyte (E) None of these
(D) terabyte Ans : (A)
(E) None of these
Ans : (E) 25. Which of the following could you do to
remove a paragraph from a report you had
20. What part of the computer provides only written ?
temporary storage of files ? (A) Delete and edit
(A) ROM memory (B) Copy and paste
(B) RAM memory (C) Cut and paste
(C) Hard drive (D) Undo typing
(D) Mother board (E) Highlight and delete
(E) Processor Ans : (E)
Ans : (B)
26. The computer monitor is which type of
21. A(n) ……… backup contains a copy of every device ?
program, data, and system file on a computer. (A) Scanning
(A) restoration (B) Input
(B) bootstrap (C) Processor 18 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

(D) Software (A) a copy is automatically printed

(E) Output (B) file name and folder name must be the same
Ans : (E) (C) it does not need a name
(D) it only needs a name if it is not going to be
27. The arrow keys can be used to— printed
(A) delete text (E) it must be given a name to identify it
(B) move the cursor in the text that has already Ans : (E)
been entered
(C) save the document 33. Example of non-numeric data is—
(D) move the cursor while deleting text (A) Employee Name
(E) None of these (B) Test score
Ans : (B) (C) Bank Account No.
(D) All of these
28. Numbers in table columns are usually— (E) None of these
(A) right-aligned Ans : (A)
(B) left-aligned
(C) justified 34. Which type of file is created by word
(D) centered processing programs ?
(E) None of these (A) Database file
Ans : (A) (B) Storage file
(C) Worksheet file
29. To indent the first paragraph of your report, (D) Document file
you should use this key— (E) Graphical file
(A) esc Ans : (D)
(B) space bar
(C) return key 35. The information you put into the computer
(D) shift key is called—
(E) tab key (A) directory
Ans : (E) (B) facts
(C) data
30. Each box in a spreadsheet is called a— (D) files
(A) cell (E) output
(B) empty space Ans : (C)
(C) record
(D) field 36. This can be another word for program—
(E) table (A) peripheral
Ans : (A) (B) disk
(C) floppy
31. A small picture that represents something (D) hardware
on your screen…such as a(n)— (E) software
(A) table Ans : (E)
(B) application
(C) photo 37. If a previously saved file is edited—
(D) modem (A) it cannot be saved again
(E) icon (B) the changes will automatically be saved in
Ans : (E) the file
(C) the file will only have to be saved again if it
32. When a file is saved for the first time— is more than one page in length 19 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

(D) its name must be changed

(E) the file must be saved again to store the 2. A ……… is the term used when a search
changes engine returns a Web page that matches the
Ans : (E) search criteria.
(A) blog
38. Mr. XYZ wants to send an electronic (B) hit
message to a friend. He should use this type of (C) link
application— (D) view
(A) word processing (E) success
(B) email Ans : (C)
(C) spreadsheet
(D) paper and pencil 3. The ……… is the term used to describe the
(E) None of these window that is currently being used.
Ans : (B) (A) Web Window
(B) display area
39. To print a document— (C) WordPad Window
(A) select the Print command and then select (D) active window
OK (E) monitor
(B) select the Ready Printer command then Ans : (D)
select OK
(C) type PRINT and then press Enter 4. CPU is an abbreviation for—
(D) close the document, select the Print (A) central programming unit
command, then select OK (B) central processing unit
(E) None of these (C) computer processing unit
Ans : (A) (D) computer protocol unit
(E) central protocol unit
40. Each ……… on a menu performs a specific Ans : (B)
(A) client 5. A microprocessor is the brain of the
(B) server computer and is also called a(n)—
(C) node (A) microchip
(D) command (B) macrochip
(E) folder (C) macroprocessor
Ans : (D) (D) calculator
(E) software
Computer Awareness Questions Set -2 Ans : (A)

1. Which of the following are advantages of CD- 6. Storage and memory differ with respect to
ROM as a storage media ? which of the following characteristics ?
(A) CD-ROM is an inexpensive way to store large (A) Price
amount of data and information (B) Reliability
(B) CD-ROM disks retrieve data and information (C) Speed
more quickly than magnetic disks do (D) All of these
(C) CD-ROMs make less errors than magnetic (E) None of these
media Ans : (D)
(D) All of these
(E) None of these 7. What are two examples of freeware ?
Ans : (D) (A) WinZip and Linux 20 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

(B) Shareware and file sharing 12. Which media have the ability to have
(C) Microsoft Word and the Google toolbar data/information stored (written) on them by
(D) Instant messaging and the Google toolbar users more than once ?
(E) Microsoft Power Point and Microsoft Excel (A) CD-R disks
Ans : (D) (B) CD-RW disks
(C) Zip disks
8. If a disk drive fails but the computer (D) OptiDisks
application running and using it can continue (E) Both CD-RW disks and Zip disks
processing, this application is said to have been Ans : (A)
designed with this feature—
(A) 100 per cent uptime 13. The process of transferring files from a
(B) fault tolerance computer on the Internet to your computer is
(C) high reliability called—
(D) All of these (A) downloading
(E) None of these (B) uploading
Ans : (B) (C) FTP
9. What is e-commerce ? (E) downsizing
(A) Buying and selling international goods Ans : (C)
(B) Buying and selling products and services
over the Internet 14. The………controls a client computer’s
(C) Buying and selling products and services not resources.
found in stores (A) application program
(D) Buying and selling products having to do (B) instruction set
with computers (C) operating system
(E) Buying and selling of electronic goods (D) server application
Ans : (B) (E) compiler
Ans : (D)
10. What are the four things needed to connect
to the Internet ? 15. To reload a Web page, press the ………
(A) Telephone line, modem, computer, and an button.
ISP (A) Redo
(B) Modem, computer, PDA and ISP (B) Reload
(C) Telephone line, PDA, modem and computer (C) Restore
(D) Computer, ISP, modem and communication (D) Ctrl
software (E) Refresh
(E) Monitor, keyboard, mouse, modem Ans : (E)
Ans : (A)
16. Which of the following could be digital input
11. Which of the following functions devices for computers ?
are not performed by servers ? (A) Digital camcorder
(A) Email processing (B) Microphone
(B) Database sharing (C) Scanner
(C) Processing Web sites (D) All of the above
(D) Storage (E) None of these
(E) Word processing Ans : (D)
Ans : (E) 21 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

17. The………enables you to simultaneously keep 22. The collection of links throughout the
multiple Web pages open in one browser Internet creates an interconnected network
window. called the—
(A) tab box (A) WWW
(B) pop-up helper (B) Web
(C) tab row (C) World Wide Web
(D) address bar (D) All of the above
(E) Esc key (E) Wide Area Web
Ans : (A) Ans : (D)

18. You can use the………bar to type a URL and 23. Every computer has a(n) ………;
display a Web page, or type a keyword to many also have.
display a list of related Web pages. (A) operating system, a client system
(A) menu (B) operating system; instruction sets
(B) Title (C) application programs; an operating system
(C) Search (D) application programs; a client system
(D) Web (E) operating system; application programs
(E) Address Ans : (E)
Ans : (E)
24. Main memory works in conjunction with—
19. Storage media such as a CD read and write (A) special function cards
information using— (B) RAM
(A) a laser beam of red light (C) CPU
(B) magnetic dots (D) Intel
(C) magnetic strips (E) All of these
(D) All of these Ans : (C)
(E) None of these
Ans : (D) 25. A sales clerk at a checkout counter scanning
a tag on an item rather than keying it into the
20. Vendor-created program modifications are system, is using—
called— (A) input automation
(A) patches (B) item data automation
(B) antiviruses (C) scanning automation
(C) holes (D) source data automation
(D) fixes (E) None of these
(E) overlaps Ans : (C)
Ans : (D)
26. A(n)……is composed of several computers
21. Cache and main memory will lose their connected together to share resources and
contents when the power is off. They are— data.
(A) dynamic (A) Internet
(B) static (B) network
(C) volatile (C) backbone
(D) non-volatile (D) hyperlink
(E) faulty (E) protocol
Ans : (C) Ans : (B) 22 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

27. Which of the following is a storage device send.

that uses rigid, permanently installed magnetic (A) Inbox
disks to store data/information— (B) Outbox
(A) floppy diskette (C) Drafts
(B) hard disk (D) Sent Items
(C) permanent disk (E) Address Book
(D) optical disk Ans : (C)
(E) None of these
Ans : (B) 33. Which of the following is an example of an
optical disk ?
28. Microsoft Office is an example of a— (A) Digital versatile disks
(A) closed-source software (B) Magnetic disks
(B) open-source software (C) Memory disks
(C) horizontal-market software (D) Data bus disks
(D) vertical-market software (E) None of these
(E) compiler Ans : (A)
Ans : (A)
34. The main job of a CPU is to—
29. A popular way to learn about computers (A) carry out program instructions
without ever going to a classroom is called— (B) store data/information for future use
(A) i-learning (C) process data and information
(B) isolated learning (D) Both (A) and (C)
(C) e-learning (E) None of these
(D) close learning Ans : (D)
(E) Distance Learning
Ans : (C) 35. ……are attempts by individuals to obtain
confidential information from you by falsifying
30. A person who used his or her expertise to their identity.
gain access to other people’s computers to get (A) Phishing trips
information illegally or do damage is a— (B) Computer viruses
(A) spammer (C) Spyware scams
(B) hacker (D) Viruses
(C) instant messenger (E) Phishing scams
(D) programmer Ans : (E)
(E) analyst
Ans : (B) 36. An example of a processing device would
31. Which of the following is an example of (A) a magnetic ink reader
storage devices ? (B) a tablet PC
(A) Magnetic disks (C) special function cards
(B) Tapes (D) scanners
(C) DVDs (E) keyboards
(D) All of these Ans : (B)
(E) None of these
Ans : (D) 37. Which of the following is not a type of
computer software which can be bought ?
32. The………folder retains copies of messages (A) Off-the-shelf
that you have started but are not yet ready to (B) Tailor-made 23 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

(C) Custom-developed (B) retrieval of data or information that has

(D) Off-the-shelf with alterations been input into the computer
(E) All of these can be purchased (C) data or information that has been entered
Ans : (D) into the computer
(D) the transmission of data that has been input
38. You can use………to copy selected text, and into the computer
……… to paste it in a document. (E) Both (C) and (D) above
(A) CTRL + C, CTRL + V Ans : (E)
(B) CTRL + C, CTRL + P
(C) CTRL + S, CTRL + S 43. A ……… is a set of rules.
(D) SHIFT + C, ALT + P (A) resource locator
(E) CTRL + D, CTRL + A (B) domain
Ans : (A) (C) hypertext
39. Video processors consist of ……… and ……, (E) protocol
which store and process images. Ans : (E)
(A) CPU and VGA
(B) CPU and memory 44. The connection between your computer at
(C) VGA and memory home and your local ISP is called—
(D) VGI and DVI (A) the last mile
(E) VGA and VGI (B) the home stretch
Ans : (C) (C) the home page
(D) the backbone
40. The main memory of a computer can also (E) the vital mile
be called— Ans : (C)
(A) primary storage
(B) internal memory 45. All of the logic and mathematical
(C) primary memory calculations done by the computer happen
(D) All of these in/on the—
(E) None of these (A) system board
Ans : (C) (B) central control unit
(C) central processing unit
41. Computer software can be defined as— (D) mother board
(A) the computer and its associated equipment (E) memory
(B) the instructions that tell the computer what Ans : (C)
to do
(C) computer components that act to 46. There are several primary categories of
accomplish a goal procedures. Which of the following is not a
(D) an interface between the computer and the primary category of procedures ?
network (A) Testing
(E) the interaction between the computer and (B) Backup and recovery
its database (C) Firewall development
Ans : (B) (D) Design
(E) None of these
42. When speaking of computer input and Ans : (C)
output, input refers to—
(A) any data processing that occurs from new
data input into the computer 24 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

47. The operating system called UNIX is typically Computer Awareness Questions Set - 3
used for—
(A) desktop computers 1. All of the following are examples of
(B) laptop computers real security and privacy risks EXCEPT:
(C) supercomputers A. hackers.
(D) Web servers B. spam.
(E) All of these C. viruses.
Ans : (E) D. identity theft.
Answer: B
48. The………file format is a method of encoding
pictures on a computer. 2. A process known as ____________ is used by
(A) HTML large retailers to study trends.
(B) JPEG A. data mining
(C) FTP B. data selection
(E) DOC D. data conversion
Ans : (B) Answer: A

49. Press………to move the insertion point to the 3. ____________terminals (formerly known as
Address box, or to highlight the URL in the cash registers) are often connected to complex
Address box. inventory and sales computer systems.
(A) ALT + D A. Data
(B) ALT + A B. Point-of-sale (POS)
(C) SHIFT + TAB C. Sales
(D) TAB + CTRL D. Query
(E) CTRL + S Answer: B
Ans : (A)
4. A(n) ____________ system is a small,
50. Computer systems are comprised of— wireless handheld computer that scans an
(A) hardware, programs, information, people item’s tag and pulls up the current price
and networks (and any special offers) as you shop.
(B) hardware, software, procedures, networks A. PSS
and people B. POS
(C) hardware, programs, information, people C. inventory
and procedures D. data mining
(D) hardware, programs, processors, Answer: A
procedures, networks and people
(E) hardware, programs, processors, procedures 5. The ability to recover and read deleted or
and people damaged files from a criminal’s computer is
Ans : (A) an example of a law enforcement specialty
A. robotics.
B. simulation.
C. computer forensics.
D. animation.
Answer: C 25 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

6. Which of the following is NOT one of the four B. Nanotechnology

major data processing functions of a computer? C. Simulation
A. gathering data D. Artificial intelligence (AI)
B. processing data into information Answer: D
C. analyzing the data or information
D. storing the data or information 12. ____________ is data that has been
Answer: C organized or presented in a meaningful fashion.
A. A process
7. ____________ tags, when placed on an B. Software
animal, can be used to record and track in a C. Storage
database all of the animal’s movements. D. Information
A. POS Answer: D
C. PPS 13. The name for the way that computers
D. GPS manipulate data into information is called:
Answer: B A. programming.
B. processing.
8. Surgeons can perform delicate operations by C. storing.
manipulating devices through computers D. organizing.
instead ofmanually. This technology is known Answer: B
A. robotics. 14. Computers gather data, which means that
B. computer forensics. they allow users to ____________ data.
C. simulation. A. present
D. forecasting. B. input
Answer: A C. output
D. store
9. Technology no longer protected by copyright, Answer: B
available to everyone, is considered to be:
A. proprietary. 15. After a picture has been taken with a digital
B. open. camera and processed appropriately, the actual
C. experimental. print of the picture is considered:
D. in the public domain. A. data.
Answer: A B. output.
C. input.
10. ____________ is the study of molecules and D. the process.
structures whose size ranges from 1 to 100 Answer: B
A. Nanoscience 16. Computers use the ____________ language
B. Microelectrodes to process data.
C. Computer forensics A. processing
D. Artificial intelligence B. kilobyte
Answer: A C. binary
D. representational
11. ____________ is the science that attempts Answer: C
to produce machines that display the same type
of intelligence that humans do. 17. Computers process data into information by
A. Nanoscience working exclusively with: 26 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

A. multimedia. B. A device
B. words. C. A peripheral
C. characters. D. An application
D. numbers. Answer: A
Answer: D 24. The components that process data are
18. In the binary language each letter of the located in the:
alphabet, each number and each special A. input devices.
character is made up of a unique combination B. output devices.
of: C. system unit.
A. eight bytes. D. storage component.
B. eight kilobytes. Answer: C
C. eight characters.
D. eight bits. 25. All of the following are examples of input
Answer: D devices EXCEPT a:
A. scanner.
19. The term bit is short for: B. mouse.
A. megabyte. C. keyboard.
B. binary language. D. printer.
C. binary digit. Answer: D
D. binary number.
Answer: C 26. Which of the following is an example of an
input device?
20. A string of eight 0s and 1s is called a: A. scanner
A. megabyte. B. speaker
B. byte. C. CD
C. kilobyte. D. printer
D. gigabyte. Answer: A
Answer: B
27. All of the following are examples of storage
21. A ____________ is approximately one devices EXCEPT:
billion bytes. A. hard disk drives.
A. kilobyte B. printers.
B. bit C. floppy disk drives.
C. gigabyte D. CD drives.
D. megabyte Answer: B
Answer: C
28. The ____________, also called the
22. A ____________ is approximately a million “brains― of the computer, is responsible
bytes. for processing data.
A. gigabyte A. motherboard
B. kilobyte B. memory
C. megabyte C. RAM
D. terabyte D. central processing unit (CPU)
Answer: C Answer: D

23. ____________ is any part of the 29. The CPU and memory are located on the:
computer that you can physically touch. A. expansion board.
A. Hardware B. motherboard. 27 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

C. storage device. 35. Servers are computers that provide

D. output device. resources to other computers connected to a:
Answer: B A. network.
B. mainframe.
30. Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo- C. supercomputer.
editing are examples of: D. client.
A. application software. Answer: A
B. system software.
C. operating system software. 36. Smaller and less expensive PC-based servers
D. platform software. are replacing ____________ in many
Answer: A businesses.
A. supercomputers
31. ____________ is a set of computer B. clients
programs used on a computer to help perform C. laptops
tasks. D. mainframes
A. An instruction Answer: D
B. Software
C. Memory 37. ____________ are specially designed
D. A processor computers that perform complex calculations
Answer: B extremely rapidly.
A. Servers
32. System software is the set of programs that B. Supercomputers
enables your computers hardware devices and C. Laptops
____________ software to work together. D. Mainframes
A. management Answer: B
B. processing
C. utility 38. DSL is an example of a(n) ____________
D. application connection.
Answer: D A. network
B. wireless
33. The PC (personal computer) and the Apple C. slow
Macintosh are examples of two different: D. broadband
A. platforms. Answer: D
B. applications.
C. programs. 39. The difference between people with access
D. storage devices. to computers and the Internet and those
Answer: A without this access is known as the:
A. digital divide.
34. Apple Macintoshes (Macs) and PCs use B. Internet divide.
different ____________ to process data and C. Web divide.
different operating systems. D. broadband divide.
A. languages Answer: A
B. methods
C. CPUs 40. ____________ is the science revolving
D. storage devices around the use of nano structures to build
Answer: C devices on an extremely small scale.
A. Nanotechnology
B. Micro-technology 28 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

C. Computer forensics C. system

D. Artificial intelligence D. word-processing software
Answer: A Answer: C

41. Which of the following is the correct order 47. ____________ are specially designed
of the four major functions of a computer? computer chips that reside inside other devices,
A. Process à Output à Input à Storage such as your car or your electronic thermostat.
B. Input à Outputà Process à Storage A. Servers
C. Process à Storage à Input à Output B. Embedded computers
D. Input à Process à Output à Storage C. Robotic computers
Answer: D D. Mainframes
Answer: B
42. ____________ bits equal one byte. 48. The steps and tasks needed to process data,
A. Eight such as responses to questions or clicking an
B. Two icon, are called:
C. One thousand A. instructions.
D. One million B. the operating system.
Answer: A C. application software.
D. the system unit.
43. The binary language consists of Answer: A
____________ digit(s).
A. 8 49. The two broad categories of software are:
B. 2 A. word processing and spreadsheet.
C. 1,000 B. transaction and application.
D. 1 C. Windows and Mac OS.
Answer: B D. system and application.
Answer: D
44. A byte can hold one ____________ of data.
A. bit 50. The metal or plastic case that holds all the
B. binary digit physical parts of the computer is the:
C. character A. system unit.
D. kilobyte B. CPU.
Answer: C C. mainframe.
D. platform.
45. ____________ controls the way in Answer: A
which the computer system functions and
provides a means by which users can interact
with the computer.
A. The platform
B. The operating system
C. Application software
D. The motherboard
Answer: B

46. The operating system is the most common

type of ____________ software.
A. communication
B. application 29 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

Computer Awareness Questions Set – 4 digital watch ?

(A) Mainframe computer
1. Information on a computer is stored as what? (B) Supercomputer
(A) Analog data (C) Embedded computer
(B) Digital data (D) Notebook computer
(C) Modem data (E) None of these
(D) Watts data Ans :- C
(E) None of these
Ans :- B 7. What is a modem connected to ?
(A) Processor
2. C, BASIC, COBOL and Java are examples of (B) Mother board
……… languages. (C) Printer
(A) low-level (D) Phone line
(B) computer (E) None of these
(C) system programming Ans :- D
(D) high-level
(E) None of these 8. A(n) ……… is a collection of information that
Ans :- D determines which files you can access and
which settings you use.
3. Most Web sites have a main page, the ………, (A) network
which acts as a doorway to the rest of the Web (B) user account
site pages. (C) operating system
(A) search engine (D) file system
(B) home page (E) None of these
(C) browser Ans :- B
(E) None of these 9. The space in your computer that loads and
Ans :- B works with data—
(A) cache memory
4. An email account includes a storage area, (B) CPU
often called a(n)— (C) megabyte
(A) attachment (D) RAM memory
(B) hyperlink (E) ROM memory
(C) mailbox Ans :- D
(D) IP address
(E) None of these 10. ……… hard drives are permanently located
Ans :- C inside the system unit and are not designed to
be removed, unless they need to be repaired or
5. The ……… is the box that houses the most replaced.
important parts of a computer system. (A) Static
(A) software (B) Internal
(B) hardware (C) External
(C) input device (D) Remove
(D) system unit (E) None of these
(E) None of these Ans :- B
Ans :- D
11. A computer ……… consists of two or more
6. What type of computer could be found in a computers and other devices that are 30 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

connected for the purpose of sharing data and (B) the computer is shut down
programs. (C) the end of the day
(A) network (D) you empty it
(B) system (E) None of these
(C) workstation Ans :- D
(D) device
(E) None of these
Ans :- A 17. A ……… is a collection of information saved
as a unit.
12. The taskbar is located— (A) folder
(A) on the Start menu (B) file
(B) at the bottom of the screen (C) path
(C) on the Quick Launch toolbar (D) file extension
(D) at the top of the screen (E) None of these
(E) None of these Ans :- B
Ans :- B
18. Input, output, and processing devices
13. Once information is input into a computer, grouped together represent a(n)—
it becomes— (A) mobile device
(A) objects (B) information processing cycle
(B) data (C) circuit board
(C) ideas (D) computer system
(D) facts (E) None of these
(E) None of these Ans :- D
Ans :- B
19. One thousand bytes is a—
14. Generally, you access the Recycle Bin (A) kilobyte
through an icon located— (B) megabyte
(A) on the desktop (C) gigabyte
(B) on the hard drive (D) terabyte
(C) on the shortcut menu (E) None of these
(D) in the Properties dialog box Ans :- E
(E) None of these
Ans :- A 20. What part of the computer provides only
temporary storage of files ?
15. Computer programs are written in a high- (A) ROM memory
level programming language; however, the (B) RAM memory
humanreadable version of a program is called— (C) Hard drive
(A) cache (D) Mother board
(B) instruction set (E) Processor
(C) source code Ans :- B
(D) word size
(E) None of these 21. A(n) ……… backup contains a copy of every
Ans :- C program, data, and system file on a computer.
(A) restoration
16. The Recycle Bin stores discarded items (B) bootstrap
until— (C) differential
(A) another user logs on (D) full 31 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

(E) None of these (E) Output

Ans :- D Ans :- E

27. The arrow keys can be used to—

22. Every component of your computer is (A) delete text
either— (B) move the cursor in the text that has already
(A) application software or system software been entered
(B) software or CPU/RAM (C) save the document
(C) hardware or software (D) move the cursor while deleting text
(D) input devices or output devices (E) None of these
(E) None of these Ans :- B
Ans :- C
28. Numbers in table columns are usually—
23. A blinking symbol on the screen that shows (A) right-aligned
where the next character will appear— (B) left-aligned
(A) delete key (C) justified
(B) arrow key (D) centered
(C) cursor (E) None of these
(D) return key Ans :- A
(E) Esc key
Ans :- C 29. To indent the first paragraph of your report,
you should use this key—
24. Being ……… means being familiar enough (A) esc
with computers that you understand their (B) space bar
capabilities and limitations. (C) return key
(A) computer literate (D) shift key
(B) computer competent (E) tab key
(C) computer savvy Ans :- E
(D) technology literate
(E) None of these 30. Each box in a spreadsheet is called a—
Ans :- D (A) cell
(B) empty space
25. Which of the following could you do to (C) record
remove a paragraph from a report you had (D) field
written ? (E) table
(A) Delete and edit Ans :- A
(B) Copy and paste
(C) Cut and paste 31. A small picture that represents something
(D) Undo typing on your screen…such as a(n)—
(E) Highlight and delete (A) table
Ans :- E (B) application
(C) photo
26. The computer monitor is which type of (D) modem
device ? (E) icon
(A) Scanning Ans :- E
(B) Input
(C) Processor
(D) Software 32 Computer Handbook For Bank Exam

32. When a file is saved for the first time— (C) the file will only have to be saved again if it
(A) a copy is automatically printed is more than one page in length
(B) file name and folder name must be the same (D) its name must be changed
(C) it does not need a name (E) the file must be saved again to store the
(D) it only needs a name if it is not going to be changes
printed Ans :- E
(E) it must be given a name to identify it
Ans :- E 38. Mr. XYZ wants to send an electronic
message to a friend. He should use this type of
33. Example of non-numeric data is— application—
(A) Employee Name (A) word processing
(B) Test score (B) email
(C) Bank Account No. (C) spreadsheet
(D) All of these (D) paper and pencil
(E) None of these (E) None of these
Ans :- A Ans :- B

34. Which type of file is created by word 39. To print a document—

processing programs ? (A) select the Print command and then select
(A) Database file OK
(B) Storage file (B) select the Ready Printer command then
(C) Worksheet file select OK
(D) Document file (C) type PRINT and then press Enter
(E) Graphical file (D) close the document, select the Print
Ans :- D command, then select OK
(E) None of these
35. The information you put into the computer Ans :- A
is called—
(A) directory 40. Each ……… on a menu performs a specific
(B) facts action.
(C) data (A) client
(D) files (B) server
(E) output (C) node
Ans :- C (D) command
(E) folder
36. This can be another word for program— Ans :- D
(A) peripheral Download EBook For UNION & Rail Budget 2014
(B) disk &%20Union%20Budget%202014%20.pdf
(C) floppy Download EBook For Marketing Aptitude 2014
(D) hardware e_2014.pdf
(E) software
Ans :- E

37. If a previously saved file is edited—

(A) it cannot be saved again
(B) the changes will automatically be saved in
the file 33

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